Famous Fisherman and Tattoo Wearer Kevin Durant does not want to be Questioned about Basketball
/All Durant fans know he averages 5.45 pounds per catch
On the most recent episode of "Any Given Wednesday with Bill Simmons", which has gotten so much worse with each episode, Kevin Durant was on as one of his guests, along with Nas. I was kind of excited because I thought Durant would shed some light on why he chose to go to the Warriors in free agency. Everyone that reads this site knows how I feel. I was hurt, I felt like it was a cheap move to get an easy title and it seemed a little weak. After a week or so of introspection, I started to think of other reasons why he might have left OKC. Maybe he wanted a change of scenery, may be he was tired of playing with Russ, maybe he thought OKC had gone as far as they could, or maybe he wanted to play in the most free flowing offense I have ever seen. I was still upset, being a former OKC fan, but I started to think outside of me being upset, and thought about why Kevin Durant, the basketball player, would want a change of scenery.
So, with his appearance on "AGW", I thought he just may give us a little bit of an explanation as to why he left. But, and this is a very recent development in Kevin Durant the person, he was quiet, and seemed angry any time the question of him leaving was brought up. Look, I understand that it is infuriating to answer the same question over and over again, I have a 4 year old, but, in this day and age of athletes being ultra famous, I'm sorry to say Mr. Durant, but that question will be asked one million more times. Get used to it. You can be gloomy and ask people to stop talking about it, but they won't.
Then, as he went into some kind of a half answer, he said that he was hurt by all the bad press. Really?! Hurt?! Of course people are going to be mad at your decision. Sports are irrational, and fans are the most irrational. We lose our minds at the smallest possible thing. My first reaction when I heard the news that Durant was leaving was to tell my family that he broke my heart. And when I say family, I don't just mean my wife and kids, we were on vacation and I told my parents and my brother, our head editor RD, and his wife and kid that Durant broke my heart. All these people did not care about the decision, but I did, because I was not only a huge OKC fan, but I am a huge Kevin Durant fan. I was as irrational as most people. I didn't burn jerseys or make videos chastising Durant, but I did say that he broke my heart. I don't know him personally. I have never met him. I've only ever seen him play live twice, but I felt like a kid who just lost his first crush to someone who was cooler than I am. So for Durant to say that he was hurt, get over it. Being a famous athlete means stuff like this is going to happen.
Then, he went on to complain that no one cares about him as a person. First off, that is not true. I'm sure the people he lets close to him care very much about him. Simmons seemed to care, and he is more plugged in than any NBA writer, with the lone exception being Zach Lowe. I'm sure his former teammates and his new teammates care about him. But, instead of pointing all that out, he seemed to be singling people out like me, the fan, as being people that don't; care about him outside of basketball.
Well, you know what, he is right. I could care less what he does with his free time because, as I have already said, I don't know him personally, I only know him as a basketball player. I do not care if he wants to go fishing on a Tuesday, one example he pointed out on the show, or how many Tupac or Rick James tattoos he has. That stuff does not interest me. To be quite callous, I only care how he performs on the basketball court. That is the one place that I can see him do his thing. I don't want to watch him fish. I don't want to go with him to the tattoo parlor and I don't want to be around when he is playing the victim, as he has done lately. Dude, you are an uber famous basketball player that makes millions upon millions of dollars. The common fan does not care about your personal life. that comes with the territory. When you get to the level that Kevin Durant is at, people only care about your game.
When LeBron left Cleveland the first time, I don't remember him complaining about being the villain, in fact, he took it on. It was unsuccessful, be he tried to be the villain. That made me like LeBron way more because he wasn't griping and complaining that no one cared about him as a person. LeBron understands that his personal stuff is of no interest to anyone outside of his inner circle. Kevin Durant needs to grow thicker skin it seems.
Look, I still love watching him play basketball, and even though I will be rooting against him now, I hope he is still as electric as he has been his whole career, but he needs to get over his personal pity party. You made your choice and you have to live with fans being upset. That comes with the job. I'm sorry that you may feel hurt, but I say, get over it. You are a great player, and stop trying to put the blame on other people, just go out there and play basketball as great as you've always been. People will boo you and cheer against you, and I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings, because it is coming in droves this season. You are a great player Kevin Durant, but right now, you are coming off as a bit whiny.
Get over it.
Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He will one day leave SeedSing for the greener pastures of a big time sports blog, and he will be a villain to the head editor. Get over it RD. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.