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SeedSing's Advent Calendar of Awesome Holiday Television Programs: Day 12 - "Batman: The Animated Series - Christmas With the Joker"

The pre-Christmas Day season of Advent is upon us. Here at SeedSing we love the chocolaty goodness of getting a piece of candy once a day until we get to open our presents. As our gift to you we will present a new awesome holiday television program for every day of Advent. This is the greatest tv of the season. Enjoy.

Day 11: "Batman: The Animated Series - Christmas with the Joker"

Original air date - November 13th, 1992

Opened Doors: OneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEightNineTen, Eleven

We all have some familiar comforts that make the holidays a special time of the year. When it comes to pop culture, we watch many of the same movies and television shows, and listen to a lot of the same music. Charlie Brown, John McClane, and Darlene Love are the faces and voices we crave for a few weeks every December. Since many of us do not work that hard at the end of the year, having our familiar pop culture is a welcome, comforting, relaxation. We want nothing to get in the way of our decades long string of watching the same Christmas-themed program.

Batman: The Animated Series was already loved by the views and critics alike when the show aired it's first Christmas-themed episode on November 13th, 1992. "Christmas with the Joker" was like a nice little present for the viewers. The episode starts with the prisoners of Arkham Asylum singing Christmas carols and decorating a tree. The Joker is invited to place the topper, when it is discovered that the entire tree is a rocket. In grand yuletide fashion, the Joker escapes into the late December night.  

Meanwhile, deep underneath stately Wayne Manor, Robin is trying to convince Batman that they should relax and watch It's a Wonderful Life. Batman is worried about the Joker having just escaped, but Robin really wants to partake in his annual tradition of watching his favorite holiday movie. The two agree to go out on patrol, and if they do not see the Joker, then they will return to watch the classic Christmas movie.

The dynamic duo do not find the Joker, or any crime, on the night of Christmas Eve, so they head home to fulfill the Boy Wonder's wish. Unfortunately, It's A Wonderful Life has been replaced by a live show featuring Commissioner Gordon, DA Harvey Dent, Gotham Reporter Summer Gleeson, and the Joker. The clown prince of crime wants to create his own classic Christmas moment of pop culture by playing games with Batman. He uses his hostages as motivation for the Dynamic Duo to go back out conduct some sleuthing on Christmas Eve.

Since Batman is the World's Greatest Detective, and the Joker is a crazy person, the former stops the latter. When the Dark Knight final gets a hold of the Joker, he tells him "Merry Christmas". In a perfect response, The Joker looks back and says "Bah Humbug". The pop culture of holidays oozes through all of us.

In the end, Joker's hostages are saved, the Clown Prince of Crime is once again on his way back to Arkham to sing carols, and Robin gets to watch It's a Wonderful Life. The spirit of the season even fills Bruce Wayne a bit when he admits that Robin's loved movie tradition has "it's moments".

The Christmas season is a special time when it comes to our pop culture. Certain movies, television shows, and music will always have a place in our hearts no matter what. We try to put off doing anything meaningful until we get our time with these gems. Thanks to Batman: The Animated Series we can now find time to celebrate our holidays with Batman, Robin, and the good old Joker.


RD Kulik

RD is the Head Editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Up until Batman: The Animated Series we could only celebrate Christmas with the Dark Knight by singing about his body odor, car troubles, and the fact that the Joker gets away.

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