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Defending the "Star Wars" Prequels Doesn't Mean You are a Nerd. It Means You have Bad Taste in Movies

If we could only throw the prequels into lava and rebuild them to be more badass

Recently I have heard from some friends, and comedians, that they did not like "The Force Awakens". I thought, that's weird because they like most of the other "Star Wars" movies, and I personally thought that "The Force Awakens" was incredible. When I asked my friends, or heard the random comedians on their podcast explain why they disliked the movie, I thought that their points were rather weak. They claimed that JJ Abrams ruined what the original trilogy did, they said that it was too similar to the original trilogy, some did not like the new characters and so on and so forth. I disagree. 

First off, JJ Abrams revived "Star Wars" after the disastrous prequels. That is a fact with no alternative version. 

Second, with all the "remakes" or "updated versions" or "prequels" being made now, I applaud the fact that "The Force Awakens" hearkened back to the greatness that was "Star Wars", "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi". Those were great movies, as is "The Force Awakens". Again, there is no alternative telling of this fact.

Third, all the new characters are great. Finn, Rey, Poe, BB-8, Kylo Ren, all of them are perfect for the "Star Wars" universe. Anyone's alternative view of this fact is just plain lying. 

What this all leads me too, I think the whole "nerd culture", that has become not only acceptable, but extremely popular, has made these people that were once picked on, but are now revered and looked upon as a popular group of people, resent the fact that they are not unique anymore. So, to combat this newfound popularity, they have tried to find ways to try and return to being a "nerd", when "nerd" was uncool.

Now, I am not popular by any means, but I do not consider myself a "nerd" either. Also, I do not care if you identify as a "nerd", but the people that are condemning "The Force Awakens" and now saying that the prequels are better, stop it with that nonsense. The prequels are an unmitigated disaster. Those movies are absolute garbage, and anyone with functioning eyes, ears and taste can accept how bad those movies are. The narratives in all three are stupid. The action scenes, which may be the only good thing in those movies, are trite and pointless. When Anakin falls into that lava pit and becomes Darth Vader, I could not roll my eyes enough at how stupid that scene was. The new characters in the prequels, save for Jango Fett, are terrible. The prequels gave us quite possibly the most racist character in movie history since the crows in "Song of the South", in Jar Jar Binks. That was such a slap in the face of whatever the hell race and culture that George Lucas and company were trying to emulate. I know that Anakin became Darth, but he was a new character, and all he did was whine and complain. He was a brat. Padme, who could have been as badass as Princess Leia was instead, a "damsel in distress". It was disrespectful. Watto was just stupid and clearly a "lets see how far we can take CGI" excuse for a character. The only cool new character was Mace Windu, which they barely used and then killed in the third prequel. The prequels are trash.

This leads me to the main point today. The people that are condemning "The Force Awakens", and defending the prequels are contradicting themselves, and just trying to regain their "nerd" status. As I have said, if you talk to anyone that does not care about their status, or how "nerdy" they can truly be, they will tell you all the same stuff I have just written, and then some. I am no "Star Wars" expert, but I do know what a good and a bad movie looks like, and "The Force Awakens" is good, and the prequels, they are a flaming pile of trash. There is plenty of other stuff that the people that want to act like "nerd" culture isn't cool anymore can glomb onto. They do not need to bash "The Force Awakens" and defend the prequels.

To help the nerds so desperate to be different, I have some things for you to consider. How about comic books? Who really reads those anymore? That could make you feel "nerdy" again, if that is what you want so badly. Or, you can memorize who is on your favorite college football team. I can name every player on Michigan's football team, their coaches and their AD. Doesn't that sound super "nerdy"? I also know as much as there is to know about the mid 90's NBA. I know this stuff is sports, but I have put in as much effort and time as "Star Wars" "nerds" have put into knowing these minute, stupid, non essential things. Doesn't that make me just as much a "nerd" as die hard "Star Wars" fans.

What it all really boils down to, you can still like "The Force Awakens" and be a "nerd". So what if the movie is widely acclaimed and loved. So were the 3 original "Star Wars" movies. You do not need to defend the prequels. I do not think defending the prequels makes you more of a "nerd", it just shows me that you have shitty choice in movies and I need to stay away from you whenever you suggest a movie you'd think I'd like. I'm sure "Star Wars" fans will come at me, but the prequels are truly awful, and there is no argument to be had otherwise. Just accept that "nerd" culture is now cool, and no matter how far away you try to get from being a "nerd", you are now the popular kids that a lot of other kids want to be like. This is a good thing. But, defending the prequels is a bad and stupid thing. Those movies are dreadful and thank goodness for "The Force Awakens". It is a great movie, and you don't have to be a "nerd" to like it.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He thinks the idea of using "alternative facts" to paint bad movies as good ones is the most dangerous lie we have going in America. Nothing else is more damaging. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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