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Ty Watches "Party Down" Season Three

My wife and I just got caught up on "Party Down". We watched the series when it first premiered and loved it. When they announced this reboot or remake or re imagining or whatever you call it, I was a little skeptical. The main characters on the show have all gone on to have pretty solid careers. They are all working in show business in some form, mostly acting. But when the crew gets back together, good things usually happen. That was what happened with "The Simpsons Movie", and while "Party Down" is no "Simpsons", it is not a bad idea to have the original cast and crew come together.

What I liked so much about the original run of the show was the slow burn comedy style they put forth. Some episodes would go almost all the way to the end before revealing the biggest joke, and it always hit. The writers of this show have an incredible hit rate when it comes to joke writing. But they did not have to hit you over the head with joke after joke after joke. Sometimes that works, "30 Rock", but sometimes I like to wait for it and be stoked when it happens. That is where "Party Down" succeeds.

Luckily they have done the same with the first three episodes of the new season so far. There are jokes, but you really have to wait. The third episode has a great joke that ends the episode, and the wait totally paid off. I was cackling when it landed. And the actors are still doing a bang up job here in the revival, or whatever. Adam Scott is perfect in his role. I cannot picture anyone else playing this character. He is so good at it and crushes when on screen. Ken Marino may be even better, returning as Ron Donald. He is so put upon and pathetic and plays it to perfection. He is the clear comic star here and he is crushing it. Megan Mullaly and Jane Lynch have been on here and there, but when they are on they are great. They have both moved on from the catering company for different reasons, but the writers have found a wonderful way to include them here. Ryan Hansen is still crushing it as the wannabe star who is a little more dopey than he realizes. His journey so far this season has been a joy to watch. Martin Starr hasn't done too much yet, but you can tell it is coming, and the stuff he has had to work with so far he has nailed. Lizzy Caplan didn't come back for this, but the people they got to replace her have been doing very good work. Tyrel Jackson Williams is great as the person trying to be the next viral video star. He is a very funny actor and is doing great work here. And Zoe Chao is excellent as the pretentious chef who makes the craziest food I have ever heard of in my life. We also have Jennifer Garner who is superb and doing some of the best work in her career in my opinion. She is excellent in this role.

The show still has the overall feel of the original, it is just updated to modern times. They have touched on the pandemic and proud boys and superhero movies, among other things, and it has all worked to this point. After we finished the third episode last night I told my wife that I was thrilled it was back on and not much has changed. She agreed and we both said that the third episode made us even excited for what is to come.

"Party Down" was a great, underrated show when it first aired. Now it is back and as good as it was before. I'm stoked and I recommend this show for anyone. It is as well written and acted as any show on TV right now. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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