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Ty Watches "Cocaine Bear"

I finally watched "Cocaine Bear" this weekend and it was everything I wanted it to be. The movie was violent, funny, silly, ridiculous and cool to see. I did not expect to see the best movie I have ever watched. I also did not expect to see the worst movie. It is what it is.

I saw what some critics had to say about the movie, but with certain critics you do not tend to take them seriously when they are talking about a movie like "Cocaine Bear". The movie is "based on a true story". Yes, a bear did ingest cocaine in the forest in the 80's, but not much is known about how that certain bear acted after ingesting said cocaine. This movie tries to give us a glimpse into what could happen if a bear were to ingest cocaine and go on a rampage. Elizabeth Banks did an exceptional job directing this odd, B movie. She knew exactly what she wanted and she gave it to us. I could say the same for the writers. I have to imagine, when asked to write a script about a bear ingesting cocaine, you kind of know what you are getting into. This movie didn't do any cliche stuff. Sure, there were good guys and bad guys. There were monologues. There was gore. But it was all done in fun and jest. I do not think anyone involved was taking this movie seriously.

Having said all of that, the actors did a tremendous job with the material they were given. And this cast is stacked with some very, very good actors. Matthew Rhys is in the very first scene and doesn't say a thing. But you see that he is doing something wrong and he is the reason why the cocaine ends up in the forest. Keri Russell is rocking the 80's clothing and doing a very good job of playing a distressed mother worried about her daughter. Her daughter, played by Brooklyn Prince is precocious, but not in a bad way. I enjoyed her journey. Her friend, played by Christian Convery, is goofy and funny and looks to be having a blast. He also has some great line reads. Margo Martindale is crushing it again as she does in every role she takes. She is so good as the park ranger. Jesse Tyler Ferguson is barely noticeable, but he is hilarious and his death scene is gruesome. The three punks who terrorize the ranger and the park are excellently cast and nail the job. And then we have O'Shea Jackson, Alden Ehrenreich and Ray Liotta. They are the drug guys in the movie. I do not know that anyone plays a better gangster than Liotta, may he rest in peace. Jackson has proven time and again how good of an actor he is, and he is excellent here. And Ehrenreich is the funniest part of the whole thing. His backstory and relationship with Liotta, who plays his dad, was hilarious. Isiah Whitlock Jr is great at playing a cop, and when he reads the line, "an apex predator on a whole lot of cocaine", I was in tears laughing. And Ayoola Smart, who was new to me, did a good job of being a good person gone bad. And then we have the bear. I mean, you could tell it was CGI, but it didn't matter. I loved how they made it seem like the bear knew exactly what it was doing. It felt like the bear had a plan. I was in for the fact that the bear wanted to continue to eat as much cocaine as it could get its hands on. The same can be said for the bear's cubs. They found some too and couldn't get enough. And the kills in this movie were gruesome and gross and, at times, hilarious. The music and mood of this movie, it takes place in the 80's, was pretty spot on.

I couldn't be happier with my decision to watch this movie. It was so perfect for what they were trying to do. My hat is off to Elizabeth Banks because she did a hell of a job directing something this wild. I whole heartedly recommend this movie. I may watch it again this week. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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