What the Hell
How did we end up here again? I don't get it. I'm appalled. I was appalled when I saw the news last night. I was stunned reading the early calls for states. I just, I am just so very, very gutted.
This is the worst. This was my absolute worst nightmare of an outcome to this election. I cannot and do not want to accept it. I can't. I don't understand how he won. I am as confused, maybe even moreso, than I was in 2016. I have been walking around in a kind of stupor all day. I simply cannot believe that some people wanted this again. This is awful. The next president is a criminal. He is a racist. He is a rapist. He is a womanizer. He is a serial cheater. He has been married three times, that we know of. He was openly fellating a microphone just the other day. He is old as dirt. He has shown signs of brain failure. He is a disaster. And somehow he managed to win this election.
I'm scared. I don't know what is going to happen starting in 2025 when he and his cronies take over office. This is dystopian. This is like the opening scene of an apocalyptic movie or show. We are in the darkness now. America had a chance and we blew it. We didn't just blow it, we fumbled and kicked it and screwed everyone in the process. America is going to be the laughing stock when all the countries meet. We are now officially a joke. No other country will take us seriously ever again. America will gain far more enemies than allies under this "administration". I'm worried about medicine and schools. You know there's going to be anti vaxxers and book banners on that staff. They're going to try and whitewash everything they can and that is worrisome. They won't ever bring up January 6th. Also, how does that horrific coup not ban this monster from office? I'll never know that and that will haunt me. People either don't care or simply forgot about that horrible day. That was one of the worst days in the history of our country, and that crook is back in office in a few months. The Christian right should shoulder a good amount of the blame for this. They picked this guy, this rapist, racist, philanderer, because he claims to be pro life. He's not, and I would bet a good large sum of money that he has paid for multiple abortions.
What worries me most is my kids in the future. They're going to have to dig us out of this massive hole that is about to happen. My kids are young, so they will bear the brunt. I also want my kids to learn about everything in school, not just what racist white men want them to learn. I want them to have real medical access. I want them to get the care they deserve. They're going to have to make that happen in the future, but it's going to be hard and it's going to take a long, long time. I also want them to know that this is not okay. That what that dictator says is not true. That he is a liar and a cheat. He is a failed businessman. He's a silver spoon kid. He never had to work to get to where he is today. My kids will know that that is not the way to live. They will be accepting, they will be allies, they will be prepared to speak up for themselves, they will be ready for anything that comes their way, unlike the monsters going back to office in 2025. This, I promise you all.
I'm gutted, upset, annoyed, scared and disgusted by what America has become. I'm ashamed to call myself an American today. A woman can be a leader. Damn that some don't accept that in 2024. This is bad and it is only going to get worse. It is a shameful, shameful day to be an American.
Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.
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