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Ty Watches "Mad Max: Fury Road" With His Son

Last weekend my son and I went to his uncle's house to watch a movie. The movie we decided upon was "Mad Max: Fury Road". Let’s discuss.

I love this movie. I have written about it. I am going to see "Furiosa" on Saturday. So is my son's uncle. We wanted to watch "Fury Road" before we saw "Furiosa", so it was a win-win for the two of us. It is no secret how much I adore "Fury Road", but I had no idea how my son would react watching this movie. He is all sports all the time. That is the only thing he truly cares about in the world at this moment. He plays and watches strictly sports. So him seeing "Fury Road" was a true toss up.

When the movie started he got quiet. That is not ordinary for my kid. He is loud. He wants to talk all the time. He is constantly asking questions. He just loves to chit chat. He would make a comment here and there, like saying how thirsty the movie was making him, but for the duration, he was silent as a street mouse. I would ask occasionally what he thought. He would shake his head and say that it is a good movie. I was beaming with pride. The action kept coming, that is what this movie does best, and I think that helped keep his attention. And when the movie would slow down, to tell more of the story, he was enrapt in what the actors were saying.

When the movie ended I had an inkling of what he would say, but I still had to ask. He told all of us there watching that he really enjoyed the movie. We were all stoked. I asked him what he liked best, and he told me when Immortan Joe got his face ripped off. He also said Immortan Joe's name correctly, which means he was really paying attention. When I asked him to elaborate more on what he liked, he was back to his normal self, talking a mile a minute. He told us that the movie looked like it was filmed on a different planet. He loved the action sequences. He liked Tom Hardy's performance as Max. He asked me a bunch if Charlize Theron was reprising her role as Furiosa. When I told him no, he said, "I hope this new person does a good job". To me, that comment means he is now invested in this world. He even liked how the movie ended. He was pleased with how they wrapped everything up. It was so cool to watch this movie through his eyes.

I have seen this movie so many times, well over a dozen by now. But watching my son watch the movie, hearing what he had to say afterward and seeing that he enjoyed it. it was like I was seeing it for the first time all over again. He has been bringing it up to me since Saturday. He has told his grandparents how much he liked it. My wife has had to hear his review a few times. And each time he brings up the movie, a big smile comes across my face.

You never know what your kid is going to like. You try to show them things that you like, but that doesn't always work. He has no interest in "The Sandlot", which bums me out. But, he is now a "Fury Road" fan, and that is pretty damn amazing. I will be curious to see if he wants to see, or would even like "Furiosa". Since "Fury Road" was such a hit, his uncle and I decided we are going to show him more movies we both enjoyed when we were younger. I'm sure they'll be hits and misses, but we hit a homerun with "Fury Road", and that makes me smile. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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