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Politics Week: President Biden Did The Right Thing

Ty is on a court ordered vacation this week, so RD is taking over the writing duties. Due to the incredible time, we live in, RD is going to cover politics every day. The views expressed in these articles are the same as the website owners since it is RD that owns the website.

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In case you have not heard, President Joe Biden has said he will not continue his campaign to be reelected President of the United States. He intends to finish his term, but he is moving aside so a new Democrat can take on Donald Trump and his Project 2025 acolytes. I have some thoughts.

Joe Biden has been a good President in my opinion. I am not pleased with a lot of what his administration has done, and not done, but I do think in the last few years and the political climate we live in, Biden has done a better-than-expected job. If policy was the determining factor in voting for a candidate, Joe Biden would clearly be the front runner. Yet being a good President is not the main factor in the 2024 election. Age is, and President Biden really shows his age. That has been a problem since day one and it was put on full display the last few weeks. Biden showing his age gave Trump and his Project 2025 minions the opening they needed. When Biden stepped aside from the race, the Republicans lost their only advantage.

Should age have been the reason President Biden stepped aside. Yes, it should be. At the age of 81, Joe Biden was going to be the oldest person to ever run for President. In my state of Ohio, you cannot be a judge past the age of 70. I do not think anyone past seventy should be in the most stressful job in the world. Now that Biden took the age issue away, the Republicans are left with a 78-year-old Trump as their nominee. Again, way too old. I also know many may not know this, but Biden would mix up names and words a lot. Trump rambles like a conspiracy crazed lunatic. The man has observable cognitive decline. Now the age question surrounds the GOP nominee, and the country can decide if they want an old, crazed lunatic to be back in the Whitehouse, or do we want a capable non brain rotted person. I think the answer is obvious. The republicans have an age problem on their ticket. Everyone should know that.

I personally believe that Biden would have beaten Trump, and his Project 2025 supporters, in November. I think most of the United States do not want a competent Trump administration that would become more authoritarian and anti-immigrant and woman. Even though I still think Biden would have won, I still thinking stepping aside was the right move. The question is not who can win in November, the question is who can lead the next four years. It is obvious that if Trump wins the Whitehouse he will go back to golfing and grifting while autocrats like JD Vance and Project 2025 will start to strip people’s rights away. The Democratic Party can now tell the people that their nominee will be set for the next four years, and our democracy will be in good hands. Biden did the right thing by allowing the Democrats to chart a path for four years and beyond.

I admire President Biden for doing the right thing for his country. Whatever people may think of Joe Biden and his political career, history will look at this moment and reward him in its writing. I gave just a few reasons I think the President did the right thing, there are many more, and I wish him well the rest of his term. It is a new beginning thanks to President Joe Biden. It is now our turn to take advantage of this gift and to put Trump and Project 2025 on top of the dustheap of history.


RD is the creator and Head Editor of SeedSing and the host of The X Millennial Man Podcast

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