Labor Day Thrives in Spite of the Great Herbert Kornfelds of the World
/This Labor Day your not-the-office should be the lake
In honor of Labor Day I'm going to write a short ode to the one man personifies what this holiday means.
The man I speak of is the great Herbert Kornfeld. The people who know him know him as H-Dog. This is a man that loves his job so much, he doesn't understand why he has to work on a holiday he compares to Columbus Day and Memorial Day. He thinks these holidays are the "unholiest dayz of tha fiscal year". H-Dog doesn't want to miss any opportunity to work with his clients, even if it is "Labya Day". He does, "enjoy his time with his shorties", but he just doesn't think the first weekend in September deserves to be a holiday.
I get it. H-Dog wants to get paid, and I cannot argue with him on that at all. Getting a paycheck is a joy right up there with the best things in life. H-Dog despises "Labya Day" so much, he goes cruisin around town just to find businesses that might be open, just to get his fix. Luckily for him, after a long, unfulfilled search, he rolled up to his alma mater and saw some of his "A.R. homies kickin back on the lawn". Even though it was "Labya Day", they were still putting in work. They may have been relaxing a bit too much for H-Dog's liking, but at least they were doing something.
H-Dog loves his job and doesn't want to miss time. But, sometimes you have to enjoy a day off. I feel like at the end of his story, he finally realizes this, even though he isn't thrilled. Herbert Kornfeld is a man who loves work, and we should all aspire to his commitment to his work. Hell, he is the reason I'm writing on this day.
So, in honor of H-Dog and "Labya Day" go check out some of his old writings on "The Onion", and you can thank me later.(I fully understand that Herb Kornfeld is a joke, but it is a masterful one, and makes me love "The Onion" that much more)
Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He never takes off a holiday from being the internet's greatest writer. Well, if the holiday was on the weekend he would take it off. Or if it was a cool holiday like Fruitcake Toss Day.
Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.
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