Coppola and Scorsese Don't Know What Modern Film Is

This is not modern film

So now that I have done all my preseason basketball stuff, I will still write a ton about basketball, don't worry, I do want to focus on some news I read recently that has me kind of annoyed.

I like Marvel movies. I think they are fun popcorn movies, they let me escape for a few hours, sometimes three hours and most of them are well made. I cried like a baby at "Avengers: Endgame", I laughed a ton at "Ragnarok", I saw the first "Ironman" when it was in theaters. Needless to say, I have watched and liked many Marvel movies. So, I do not understand why famous directors like Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola have come out so hard against them. I read that they call them "jokes" and "not film" and a waste of time. They have said stuff akin to how pointless and mindless the movies are.

This is odd, and annoying, to me. I am a big time fan of both Scorsese and Coppola. I have enjoyed many of their movies. "Raging Bull" is a masterpiece in my opinion. "The Godfather" is a must watch in my family, even the third movie. Even Scorsese movies, the mafia ones especially, are must watch. They are some of my mom's favorite movies. But, sometimes I can find their movies to be a bit long, and kind of preachy. In fact, outside of "The Godfather" and "Apocalypse Now", Coppola's movies are boring and preachy. And while I adore "Raging Bull" and "Goodfellas" and even "The King of Comedy", I have found his newer stuff kind of dull. I am not a fan of "The Departed", I have zero interest in seeing "The Irishman" and what in the hell was up with "Hugo"? Those are not very solid movies. So, why did the 2 of these guys decide to come out and trash Marvel movies?

I don't quite know. Are they mad at the amount of money they are making? I'm sure they are. Are they upset that "Black Panther" got a ton of Oscar notice? I can assure you they are. Are they upset that my generation and younger really has no interest in watching their old, or new, stuff? Most definitely.

Look, Scorsese and Coppola have made timeless classics that will always be remembered, but so will Marvel movies. I can guarantee that I will tell my great grandkids about "Black Panther", "Endgame" and "Thor: Ragnarok", oh and both "Guardians of the Galaxy" movies, when I am older. I will also, most likely forget about the Scorsese and Coppola movies I mentioned. Everyone has different tastes, and everything hits people in different ways.

I wish that Scorsese and Coppola would just accept that fact. They have their fans, Marvel has their fans, hell, there are even people that like both, like me. Also, there are people that could care less about Scorsese and Coppola movies and Marvel movies. I know some people that only like independent movies or broad comedies or romantic comedies or documentaries. That is the good thing about movies, there is literally something for everyone. Coppola and Scorsese give off the "get off my lawn" vibes with these recent statements, and I wish they would just get over it. It is sad that they feel like they need to criticize something so popular just to keep their names out there.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. In a few years he will be saying that the movies of the 2040’s are not film. Ty is not into letting robots do all the acting.

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