A Wrap Up on Pandemic Learning


Both my kids finished off the school year yesterday. For a while I was doing updates on how the year was going during the pandemic. Today I want to talk about this school year as a whole, and how impressed I am with how well the district handled some things. We definitely have other problems, big glaring problems that need to be addressed immediately. But I want to keep this strictly about the pandemic, and how the school was able to finish the year in person after nine weeks of virtual learning to start.

We did start virtual, and that was fine. Last year, when everything suddenly shut down, virtual learning was a mess. It was disorganized, too short, too many internet problems, just everything was sloppy. That was expected. None of us knew what in the hell we were doing. It was scary. We were all just trying to deal with our new reality. When the new school year started, virtual learning was leaps and bounds better. They had a schedule. My kids both had multiple Zoom meetings with their teachers. They were both engaged, and it worked. Those nine weeks were long, but they were, for the most part, a success.

Then both my kids went back in person. This was a struggle coming to this decision for me and my wife. We wanted them to learn, to be social, to see their friends, but so little was known about COVID. There is still so much more to learn about this virus. But we eventually decided that the pros outweigh the cons, and we sent them back. We made sure they knew the importance of masking, of personal hygiene, of social distancing. They were already well versed in it when school stopped last year, so I had some kind of comfort in sending them back. And it worked. There were moments, especially during Thanksgiving and the winter holiday season, when there were rumors of returning to all virtual for some time. The case numbers were going up, the variants started to become a thing, people were skirting the CDC guidelines, it was a mess. The kids had to bring home their computers everyday. The parents received emails letting us know that school could go all virtual at any moment, so we had to be ready. But they weathered the storm, and the kids did not miss a day of in person learning all year unless they had a cold or they got a snow day. We did have some virtual Friday's thrown in from time to time. But when they had class, my kids went. And they loved every second of it.

I was talking to both of my kids yesterday when I picked them up from school. I wanted to know what they thought about this whole pandemic school year. They were both thrilled that they got to go back in person, and they both said they were sad because they wouldn't be able to see all the friends they want to. I was pleased with this answer from them for a few reasons. First, it is clear that my kids like school and want to go. They both enjoy learning, seeing their friends, talking to their teachers, the whole experience is good for them. Second, seeing their friends was a humongous deal when they first went back, and since my kids are not old enough for a vaccine yet, and I hope one gets approved for them soon, they only have a few select friends that we feel comfortable with them seeing this summer. These select friends, I know that their folks are vaccinated, and any kid that is old enough for a vaccine has gotten at least one dose. So the fact that they could see all their friends during school, masked, was so big for them. It allowed them to talk freely to everyone they wanted to talk to. They got to be the social butterflies they both have been since they were born. Third, the teachers were absolute rock stars this year. That they were able to come together, to find a way to teach, to do it awesomely, my hat is off to them. This had to be a very, very, very hard year for them, and they nailed it. My son and daughter were both raving about how much they loved their teachers and how much they learned from them this year. Teachers are totally awesome, but they went up a whole new level after this school year. That is a damn tough job, and they knocked it out of the damn park. I'm even more impressed now than I was before. Finally, the superintendent of our school did a masterful job navigating the students, teachers and parents. He had to deal with a ton of nonsense, the stuff I talked about up top that needs to be fixed and fixed fast, and he handled it so gracefully and so properly. I wish he was not retiring. I wish he was staying on. I am so annoyed and angered at some of the parents that attacked him viciously online. Those people are cowards. They are keyboard warriors and nothing more. The superintendent doesn't deserve any of that. He handled this so well, so effectively and was a tremendous asset to our school. I am really going to miss him. And he handled this COVID school year like a champ. I am as impressed with his job performance as I am with all the teachers.

I guess I just want to say thank you to the staff and teachers of both my kids' schools. You did a wonderful job navigating a nearly impossible school year. I am forever grateful to you all, as are my wife and kids. This weird year wouldn't have happened without the wonderful work everyone involved did. My hat is off to you all. Thank you.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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