Tagalongs are the GOAT of Girl Scout Cookies
/Girl Scouts of America
The majority of my life I have enjoyed Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies. Whenever we bought them when I was growing up, I would request Thin Mints. As I got older and married, when my wife's coworkers kids would sell cookies, I always wanted Thin Mints. Hell, even with my daughter now being in Girl Scouts, when cookies were brought up, I said I would like Thin Mints. They are great. I love them even more when they are put in the freezer and given time to firm up. I can eat them by the sleeve. I know that is not good, but damn if Thin Mints are not wonderful.
Lately I have had a change of heart. I have tried all the flavors of Girl Scout cookies. I don't even like coconut, but I will eat Samoas if that is what's available. Be it Do Si Do's, Trefoils or Thin Mints, Girl Scout cookies are fantastic. But I believe, after eating far too many this past weekend, that Tagalongs are the best flavor.
For those that may not know, Tagalongs are a chocolate covered hard cookie with peanut butter in the middle. It is kind of like a thumbprint cookie, except the peanut butter is covered up. It is like eating a peanut butter cup with a delicious cookie being added. I was popping them in my mouth after basketball this weekend, and with each cookie I just kept thinking about how great they tasted. I could not get enough. I had to ask my wife to take them away from me. Had I had my way, I would have eaten the whole box. I'm not joking.
To test my new theory, I am doing some real scientific work here folks, I ate some frozen Thin Mints yesterday. My son and I shared a few in the afternoon. And they were awesome. They were super tasty and as great as I have always remembered and we each had five or six of them before I cut us off. But later in the day, again I ate way, way, way too many Girl Scout cookies this weekend, I had some more Tagalongs, and they are better. Full stop. I cannot believe my allegiance has changed so drastically like this, but here we are. I think they are easier to eat, and by easier I mean that I can pop them in my mouth and eat an entire box and not feel bad about it. At all. I love the chocolate and peanut butter combo so much, like most everyone else. My daughter is allergic to peanuts, so I guess that I am being heroic by eating them so she is not tempted. I am a saint I suppose. But in all seriousness, if I were some kind of food critic, I would rank Tagalongs at the very top of the list. I mentioned some other flavors in this piece, but Tagalongs take the cake. Thin Mints are a very, very close second. And even the new flavor, a brownie type cookie with caramel and a chocolate drizzle, is fine, but nowhere close to Tagalongs or Thin Mints. Those are the two best, with Tagalongs taking over the top spot.
I never thought this day would come. I was so loyal to Thin Mints. But this weekend has changed me, as far as cookies go. Not only do I think Tagalongs are the best Girl Scout cookies, I think they are the best mass produced cookies in the land. There are better cookies at restaurants and stores that focus on making cookies. But in a world of Oreos and Hydrox and Keebler, Tagalongs take the cake. They're the absolute best.
Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.
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