Up Your Home Coffee Game with a Foamer/Frother
/seeems to be missing something
We drink a lot of coffee in my house. I have talked about it from time to time on this very site. I go out with my dad twice a week for coffee, my wife and I usually have, at least, two cups a day when we are home and I enjoy trying out all new kinds that I read about or am given recommendations. We are a coffee family.
Over the holiday my wife asked for a frother, or foamer, if you will. I had very little knowledge of this tool, but I figured it sounded cool after she told me more about it. Well I am here today to tell you all, yell at you all, that you need to get one of these if you do not have one and are a coffee drinker.
This little, fairly inexpensive tool has changed the way I do coffee at home. I love it. It is one of the best kitchen devices I have ever been an owner or co owner of in my life. This foamer rules. I remember the first time I tried it I was highly skeptical. I worked in multiple delis as a kid that had coffee machines. We used a ton of frothers and foamers. We had all the tools. But I was not a coffee drinker back then so it was of no use to me. But that first time, with all the skepticism, it totally changed my world. The way the milk got all foamy and creamy, it was delicious. I usually doctor my coffee. I like it a little bit sweet. I add some kind of sugar replacement, and I fully understand that it is bad for me. But that is the way I take it. So when I poured the milk in a little cup to foam it up, I added some stevia. This made it even better. Besides the foam and creaminess, the milk felt smoother. When I added it to my coffee that day I even tried to do art with it. It wasn't great, but I was having a blast with it. I kept going back after that day. Every morning with my coffee I frothed up some milk with splenda and added it to my morning cup. It was great.
Recently I saw a person online recreating the cold foam from Starbucks. I'm not a Starbucks guy, but I do like the foam they add to the cold brew. This person online put milk, some cream and whatever added flavoring they wanted to recreate the drink. I watched it multiple times and decided I was going to do the same. I got some milk, cream and sugar free salted caramel syrup. I frothed it all up and added it to my homemade cold brew. I have not gone back to Starbucks since to get a cold foam cold brew. I just do it at home now. It tastes nearly identical and it is way, way cheaper. I love it. Lately I skip the milk all together and just froth up some heavy cream with whatever I decide to add to it. It is my absolute favorite way to make coffee for myself now. I buy flavored ground coffee, add it to my reusable K Cup and brew the coffee. While that is working I grab the cream, the frother and get to work. It is amazing. I am fully making my own lattes at home now. I can do whatever the hell I want.
I have been experimenting a ton lately. This morning I brewed myself some toasted coconut flavored coffee and made chocolate foam to add to it. It was as simple as could be. I added a little cream, a squeeze of chocolate syrup and a little splenda. I blended it all up and added it to my brewed coffee. It tasted like a mocha mixed with coconut. It was incredible. The other day I added some cream and honey from my buddy Kirk and blended it and added it to a hazelnut brew I made. It was dynamite and there was no need to add the splenda because the honey was plenty sweet. My folks got me a grab bag of sugar free syrups over the holidays and I used those quickly with heavy cream and the frother. I was making cold foam and regular foam with flavors like salted caramel. cinnamon dolce and hazelnut, and it was all fantastic. Hell, when it was bitterly cold here a month ago I made my kids hot chocolate with homemade whip cream using the frother.
I cannot recommend this kitchen enough. This thing is amazing and helps save a ton of money. I'm sure some diehard coffee people do not like frothers, but I love them. They are an essential tool in my home kitchen now. I adore them.
Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.
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