R.I.P. James Earl Jones

James Earl Jones passed away at 93 years old yesterday.

James Earl Jones is one of the most famous actors that has ever been. He is Darth Vader's voice. He was excellent in "Coming To America". He is the voice of reason in "Field of Dreams" and "Sandlot". He did so much work that was important to so many different people. Everyone is a fan of his. I have never come across anyone that doesn't like any of his work. There are two things for me that made me love him instantly as an actor. The first, "Lion King".

This is my all time favorite Disney movie. I saw it on opening day. I saw the 3-D version when they released that on its opening day. My dad and I would watch it together all the time. I adore that movie. And as I get older, and probably when I was a kid too, Mufasa was the best. I loved his wisdom. I loved his love for his kids. I felt like he was the best version of a father. My dad loved this role, and I related Mufasa to him. They were one in the same. I cried and cried and cried when Mufasa was killed. I didn't want to believe it. When he came back in Simba's dream, I wished it was real. All of that is due to James Earl Jones. His voice and line delivery were perfect. He sounded like a wise father. He sounded like he gave the best advice. His voice was comforting. It made me feel safe as a kid. I was so late to the "Star Wars" game that Mufasa was James Earl Jones, not Darth Vader. He was only Mufasa in my eyes, and I was so happy with that. Mufasa is my all time favorite Disney character and one of my all time favorite movie characters. I was instantly in love with the animation, but it was the voice that really pulled me in. For James Earl Jones to be able to pull all of that off in an animated movie, that is a true sign of his greatness.

The second thing, James Earl Jones was the voice of Michigan football. The first time I went to the Big House, and heard his voice over the loudspeaker, I was stunned. It was Mufasa, but he was talking glowingly about my favorite football team. I asked my dad, and he informed me that James Earl Jones was a Michigan alum. I did not know that until that day, and it made me like him even more. On my return trip to Ann Arbor, I anxiously awaited his voice over. When it came booming over the speakers I was transported back to the first time. His voice was so iconic and so easy to listen to, especially when talking about Michigan football. I wanted to run through a wall after hearing him speak. He had me, just a fan, pumped for the game. I cannot even fathom how the players and coaches felt hearing that. Having a legend that is an alum doing the voice over work has to feel amazing. The voice, the tambre, the way he said certain things, it will get you totally fired up to watch and play a football game in front of 100,000 plus fans every home game Saturday. I am sure, and very hopeful, that Michigan does something to honor him this Saturday. It would be perfect and fitting and deserved.

Rest In Peace James Earl Jones. I'm sure you're commanding whatever room you are in now with your powerful and iconic voice. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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