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Ty Watches "The Umbrella Academy" Final Season

My wife and I just finished the fourth and final season of "Umbrella Academy". The final season kind of came and went with no real shock or people talking about it all that much. I had forgotten about it for a bit because my wife was watching "Love Island" and we watch "Umbrella Academy" together. She was into that show, I started a different show and just waited until it was time. That time came, and it went for me without much of a whimper as well.

The fourth season was fine. It was short, it was action packed and it had its moments. It was definitely better than the third season, which I thought was nearly unwatchable. But, that is not saying much in my opinion. The first season of the show was rad. I was all in. I wanted to know the story, I liked all the characters and it kept me fully interested. I couldn't wait to get more. My wife and I actually ripped through the first season very fast. When the second season aired, I was just as in. I was all about Klaus' story. He annoyed me in season 1, but they gave him some depth and he became my favorite character. I liked what they did with all the other characters. I like how the story progressed. I felt like they were going in a very good direction.

Then the pandemic hit. This may have been an unexpected blow to the show. I mean, the pandemic was rough for everyone. "Umbrella Academy" definitely suffered. The third season was not very good. You could tell it was filmed during a pandemic. It relied very heavily on CGI. They only really had one set that they shot the show, the hotel. I got a very bad sinus infection near the end of the third season, missed the last three episodes, and it didn't matter. I didn't care what happened. I will say, the third season had very few moments. We got a great Lila story in season 3. Eliot Page got some good stuff to work with to further his story. And 5 continued his run as a very good character on the show. But that was about it. Like I said, it had a pandemic feel to it, too much CGI and nothing really memorable. But, I was excited for this final season. I was curious to see how they wrapped everything up. I wanted to see how they closed out the characters.

With that being said, I had forgotten a bunch about what happened in season 3, so when they showed up as regular people in the final season, that was a surprise. From there, it was very hit and miss for me. Monkey Man was funny. Diego and Lila had become sad. Victor seemed kind of dour. Alison got more boring. 5 was still pretty cool, and the stuff with him and Lila was alright. But poor Klaus. They underutilized him a ton here. He wasn't himself. He was whiny and sour. I didn't like how they portrayed him in the final season. Even as it progressed, he never found his footing like he did in season 2. I'm also very tired of the whole "timeline" thing that superhero movies and shows do now. It is a catch all that is relied on far too much. Writers can make up anything they want and say it is due to a different timeline. And they used it way, way too much in this final season. I was also not overly thrilled with how wrapped up the characters. It felt rushed.

With all this being said, "Umbrella Academy" gave us four seasons of entertainment for free. The creators, writers and actors owe us nothing. I will say, while I did not enjoy the last two seasons, the first two seasons are great. If you want to watch this show, just watch the first two seasons, then catch up via the internet with what happens in the end. That's the best way to go about watching this show in my opinion. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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