Ty Watches "Companion"

I mentioned on Wednesday how I've been catching up on movies lately. Another movie I wanted to talk about this week is "Companion". Let’s discuss.

I remember seeing a preview for this movie months ago and it blew me away. The preview was great too because it didn't reveal too much. All I saw was Jack Quaid and Sophie Thatcher sitting at a table and having a conversation. That was it. They didn't have any type of big reveals and they didn't show any other scenes or people. For all I knew, it was about a couple in trouble. The conversation the two were having seemed fraught. With all this in mind I knew I wanted to see this movie. In fact, my wife and I tried to see it on Valentines Day, but it was already out of the theaters by that point, which is another topic for another day that I have issues with at the moment. But, it was cheap to rent on Amazon last Saturday, it was my turn to pick a movie and I jumped at renting "Companion".

Right off the bat, this review will have minor spoilers. Also, I loved this movie. I was all in from the first moment until the very end. This movie is worth watching and worth talking about. The story of "Companion", in a Cliff's notes version, is about a couple that goes away for a weekend to a cabin to spend time with some friends. The couple in question is Jack Quaid and Sophie Thatcher. They are young and seem very much in love. Thatcher's character seems to be obsessed with Quaid's character. She does literally everything for him. From telling him what to do to carrying their bags, she is all in and willing to do whatever. She also has odd quirks that we notice off the jump. She likes to thank and talk to computer objects. There's an early scene when they are driving, the car is a self-driving car by the way, and when they arrive, she waits to get out until both her and Quaid have thanked the car. She never eats or drinks any food. She is quick with an answer to every question. When told to "go to sleep", she instantly stops talking and rests. It all seems a little strange. We come to realize pretty early on, after an accident at the house, that Thatcher is in fact a robot. She is a "companion" doll that people in this world can buy, program and set to be their partner. When this was revealed, it made me buy in even more. And then we have the aforementioned "incident" that changes the whole course of the movie. We see that Quaid isn't this perfect boyfriend. He's actually kind of a prick. My hat is off to Quaid for this performance. I didn't think he could play this type of character, but he nailed it. After the "incident", Thatcher  really shines. This is her movie. She is the driving force. And she is amazing. I can't wait to see more of her leading roles in upcoming movies. The friends are pretty great too. Lukas Gage and Harvey Guillen play another couple at the cabin. Guillen shines, playing what I have to imagine is a heightened version of himself. He is a star. Gage, who's character also has a secret, really shows his worth when his twist occurs. He was great. Rupert Friend is barely in the movie, but he is memorable. And Megan Suri does a whole lot that is integral to the plot and she was pretty awesome here.

I'm starting to realize that when it comes to the "horror" genre, these are the types of movies I like. This was more thriller than horror, and there were comedic elements that I really enjoyed. Those cut the tension. But, what it all boils down to was Thatcher's performance and she did a remarkable job carrying this movie. I was incredibly impressed with her performance. And, the movie is barely over 90 minutes long, which is perfect.

Seek out "Companion", it is pretty damn good. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ranking Every Episode of "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero" The Top Ten

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This article was first posted on November 27th, 2020

Recently I went back to watch all 95 episodes of the original “G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero” cartoon series from the 1980’s. In the spirit of list articles, I went out to the internet to find a ranking from worst to best of the show. I found nothing. There were plenty of top ten lists, but no in depth list of all 95 episodes. I decided to do something about it.

Want to know how I came up with the rankings? Read my introduction.

Need to catch up? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

And now, enjoy the exciting conclusion of my rankings of “G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero”.

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#10: “Once Upon a Joe”

Original Air Date: October 1st, 1986

“I don’t know any kids’ stories.”


In battle with Cobra to get the McGuffin Device, the Joes inadvertently destroy an orphanage. No orphans were destroyed, just their house.

While rebuilding the orphanage, Shipwreck gets roped into telling a few of the foundlings a story. His story is a fairytale featuring a few of the Joes, Shipshape (Shipwreck), Leatherhead (Leatherneck), Frogface (Wetsuit), and DaDuke (Duke). The story is imagined with a different looking animation style than the regular GI Joe shows. A few Cobra’s along with Scarlett and Cover Girl also make an appearance in Shipwreck’s story.

While Cobra, in the real world, is trying to get the McGuffin Device back, Leatherneck has to take over the story. He is terrible at telling stories. Shipwreck, out to check on something for Beachhead, is knocked out by Zartan, and the Cobra master of disguise makes himself up as the Joe Sailor. The kids find Zartan/Shipwreck and ask him to continue the story. Zartan/Shipwreck’s story is all about the bad guys winning. The kids are suspicious and venture out to find the real Shipwreck.

The kids succeed and real Shipwreck, in his underwear, uses the McGuffin Device. The characters from Shipwreck’s story come into reality and defeat the Cobras. We learn that the McGuffin Device changes reality based on the mind of the user.

The orphanage gets rebuilt, and Shipwreck stays to give the story a happy ending.

 The Good:

An awesome Shipwreck episode. The episode is also kind of emotionally touching. The McGuffin Device, genius writing.

The Bad:

Shipwreck in his underwear around kids. Not a comfortable situation.


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#9: “The Traitor”

Original Air Date: November 25th and 26th, 1985

“I may be hard up, but I’m no traitor.”


This is an incredible two-part story about family, and heroism, centered on one of my favorite G.I. Joes ever.

The GI Joe team has a new armor treatment impervious to Cobra lasers. Cobra Commander wants this armor treatment, and he sends out the Crimson twins to find a way to get the formula.

At the same time, we learn Dusty’s mom is sick and her bills are piling up. Coincidently, Extensive Enterprises owns the debt of Dusty’s mom. They offer Dusty a trade; the armor treatment and they will forgive the debt. Dusty is against it at first, in fact he causes a redneck bar brawl when the Crimson Twins first offer him the deal, but he later agrees to give Cobra info on the Joe’s operations in exchange for money to pay down the debt.

After a few times of Cobra stopping the Joes, Duke tells Flint that Dusty is a traitor and the Joes are going to trap him. The trap plan goes south when Duke is knocked out and hospitalized and in a coma. Dusty is court-martialed, and on the way to prison when Cobra saves the fallen Joe.

To be continued.

Part two starts with Hector Ramirez of “Twenty Questions” recapping episode one. It is truly an incredible way to catch up the viewers

When the action picks up, Dusty is in a Cobra uniform working with the snakes. The former Joe fights and saves a Cobra soldier in a flooding arena of sport with piranhas. Dusty leads Cobra on a few missions to get chemicals for a mind control gas. Dusty also hands over the armor treatment to Cobra Commander.

During a mission where Dusty leads Cobra, Shipwreck, Lady Jaye, and Flint are captured, and Cobra Commander is going to have Dusty gas the prisoners with the mind control chemical. In a bit of reversal. Dusty gasses all the Cobras. Dusty is not a traitor. The Joes all escape.

In the end it is discovered that the armor treatment is not stable, Duke and Dusty came up with the traitor plan, only Duke and Dusty knew the plan, and Dusty’s mom is feeling much better thanks to the money the Joes swindled from Cobra.

 The Good:

An incredible story featuring Dusty, one of the greatest Joes. The plan is very well thought out.

The Bad:

Even with a well thought out plan, why were Dusty and Duke the only ones to know. A lot of anxiety from Joes, mainly Shipwreck, could have been saved if Duke trusted a few other high-level members of the team. Maybe tell Lady Jaye or Scarlett.

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#8: “The Viper is Coming”

Original Air Date: October 24th, 1985

“Guess I won’t be needing that window cleaned.”


HOT TAKE ALERT: Yes, I can hear the screams of many G.I. Joe fans. “This episode should have been dead last”, you say. “The whole plot revolves around a terrible dad joke” the cries echo in my mind. Even the voice of Duke, Michael Bell, apologized to the fan base about this episode. I do not care, I absolute adore “The Viper is Coming”, and I can not doubt my own adoration.

The plot?

Barbecue is having a party at his new pad, a converted firehouse. A bunch of the Joes are dancing, rappelling, and playing basketball. The party is interrupted by a phone call. The mysterious caller calls himself the Viper, and he says he is coming. He also says five seventy-five.

The Joes are concerned. Scarlett deduces that five seventy-five must be coordinates and those coordinates bring the Joes to Antarctica. Once there, the team stumbles onto a Cobra Rec center with a gym, pool table room, cafeteria, swimming pool, and an entertainment lounge. A battle breaks out and the Joes take down the Cobra rec center.

The next day back at Barbecue’s pad, the Viper calls back. This time he says that he is coming Friday at the west corner. The Joes think Cobra is going to attack West Point. Once the team is at the United States Military Academy, Major Bludd does attack the graduating class of West Point. The Joes, along with the cadets, turn away Major Bludd and his team.

The next day at Barbecue’s, and another call from the Viper. This time the Viper says he is coming tomorrow, top floor first. The Joes figure something is going down at the Extensive Enterprises building, since it is the tallest building in the world it has the highest top floor. Again, the Joes get into a battle with Cobra. The Crimson twins and Destro are frustrated that this “Viper” is making things rough for Cobra.

The next day at Barbecue’s pad, and the Joes have a huge team with tons of equipment surrounding the Joe fireman’s house. A small eastern European man with an accent approaches with a mop and bucket approaches. He says he is the viper, five seventy-five an hour, he will start on the west corner, top floor first. He is here to wipe the windows clean.

Barbecue can only sit and laugh.

 The Good:

A perfectly structured episode. Genuinely exciting and mysterious. Awesome to see the background world of Cobra.

The Bad:

I don’t know if the Joes always had the best teams for these missions. Barbecue in Antarctica? That doesn’t seem right.


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#7: “The Rotten Egg”

Original Air Date: October 7th, 1986

“You made one mistake bucko. I may be older, but I’m better.”


Leatherneck has been invited to give the commencement address at CEC. He is going to use his leave to be the guest of honor at this military academy, and he is going to stop by his beloved Paris Island to check out the batch of new marines that are graduating.

Once Leatherneck reaches CEC, he meets the Commandant. It is Buck McCann, a former high achieving marine recruit that Leatherneck threw out of the corps. It seems that McCann had great skills, but he was a lousy Marine when it came to discipline and respect. McCann is head of CEC; the Cobra Elite Corps. McCann is going to settle an old score with Leatherneck and use the CEC recruits to attack Paris Island.

The final exam McCann creates for the CEC cadets is to hunt down Leatherneck. During the hunt, Leatherneck schools the CEC kids, and even saves them. Doesn’t matter, one of the cadets still knocks Leatherneck out.

The Joe marine has to escape so he can save Paris Island. In his hospital gown, Leatherneck starts to take out CEC cadets. The Joes at Paris Island see Leatherneck confront McCann, and Beachhead instructs everyone to let Leatherneck fight it out with his old enemy.

In the end Leatherneck beats McCann, and a member of the CEC rips the patch off his uniform symbolically turning away from Cobra.

 The Good:

A great story that tells us how people may turn to Cobra. Good soldiers with bad morals are what makes Cobra great. Awesome feature episode all about Leatherneck.

The Bad:

Why did Leatherneck, and nobody else on the Joe team, investigate what in the world is CEC?


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#6: “Memories of Mara”

Original Air Date: November 15th, 1985

“And I’ve got this thing for mermaids.”


This is the beginning of an epic story.

Out in the sea, the Joes are looking for the lost Navy submarine the USS Nerka. During the battle, Shipwreck spots a person in the water. The Joe sailor dives in and discovers this woman in the water has blue skin and is breathing through gills. Cobra wants this person back, but Shipwreck and Lady Jaye get her away.

We learn the gilled woman is named Mara. She was/is a member of Cobra and was part of an experiment to make amphibious soldiers. Unfortunately, the experiment made her only able to breath underwater. Mara is claiming ignorance on the Nerka, Lady Jaye does not believe her, Shipwreck does.

During a Cobra attack to get Mara back, Shipwreck takes her and escapes to an island. It is there that Shipwreck and Mara show their feelings for each other. Shipwreck also learns that Mara does know where the Nerka is located.

Mara tells the Joes the location, and then a rescue mission is greenlit. Mara, not in the water, saves the Nerka captain from torture, and Lady Jaye from a procedure that would give gills to one of our favorite Joes. The Nerka is saved, Shipwreck and Mara get away.

In the end, Mara kisses Shipwreck and swims out towards the horizon. Our favorite sailor just sits and waves while he smiles.

 The Good:

On its own, a great story. As part of larger story, this episode is must watch. A strong Shipwreck stories.

The Bad:

The first act is forgettable. The real action starts once Mara and Shipwreck are together.


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#5: “The Most Dangerous Thing in the World”

Original Air Date: October 28th, 1986

"We got a saying in the Marines. The most dangerous thing in the world is a green officer in the dark with a book of matches.”


Dr Mindbender has an incredible plan that would undermine the morale of the GI Joe team.

With General Hawk away, Dr Mindbender decides to infiltrate the Pentagon computer and promote three undeserving Joes to leadership roles. The three Joes chosen, Lifeline, Dial-tone, and Shipwreck. They are all promoted to Colonel, which is strange as Beachhead points out because Shipwreck cannot be a Colonel, he is not even in the army.

The three new Colonels are as bad as Dr. Mindbender thought they would be. The pacifist Lifeline takes weapons away, the dopey Dial-tone is changing things in the Joes computer systems, and the arrogant Shipwreck is throwing his rank around and upsetting his already in shock teammates.

Cobra has the Joes on the ropes, right until General Hawk parachutes out of a NATO jet and turns the tide. After the Joes turn away Cobra, barely, General Hawk says that these three joes were chosen to disrupt the team because Lifeline has the skill but not the will to lead, Dial-tone has the will but not the skill to lead, and Shipwreck has neither the will or the skill.

 The Good:

A very funny, and very informative, episode. The character work up to this point makes the whole story work. Prime commentary from Wetsuit and Leatherneck.

The Bad:

Ever since Dial-tone joined the team; he has been the subject of a bunch of abuse. I feel bad for the poor guy. He probably went to his men’s housing after this to eat some beans out of a can.


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#4: “Nightmare Assault”

Original Air Date: October 29th, 1986

“What do you think of your cowardly son now, dad.”


The best episode of the second season of GI Joe.

Also, this episode premiered the day after “The Most Dangerous Thing in the World”. This part of season two was incredible. Onto the plot.

The Joes are having nightmares. The culprit of these nightmares? None other than Dr Mindbender and his newest invention. The Joes are losing sleep. They are becoming ineffective. Even great leaders like General Hawk are hesitating in battle.

The one Joe who knows about not sleeping, that would be Lowlight. The Joe sniper can function without sleep because he had a troubled childhood. His nightmares are about his father sending a scared boy out to kill rats.

The Joes decide to use Lowlight to lead the Joes through Dr Mindbender’s manufactured nightmares. Lowlight takes control of the dream, and defeats his childhood trauma, then is able to defeat Mindbender and his infernal machine.

In the end the Joes are saved, and Lowlight is having the first relaxing sleep he has had in a long time.

 The Good:

The imagery is trippy and fits the story perfectly. An awesome Mindbender invention, one that works, and a great personal story about Lowlight.

The Bad:

Lowlight is a creepy dude in this episode. Before this he was just an ass, but here he is damaged.

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#3: “Worlds Without End”

Original Air Date: November 4th, and 5th, 1985

“Not another time. Another place. Another world.”


After a few close calls, Steeler is questioning if the battle between Joe and Cobra’s is even worth it. Nothing ever changes. The Joe tank commander is distraught.

Right now, the Joes and Cobra are fighting over the matter transmutter, a device with unknown applications. During a bottle on a bridge over a river, the matter transmutter goes off. The bridge disappears along with the Joe team of Flint, Lady Jaye, Footloose, Steeler, Clutch, Airtight, Grunt, and Barbecue. Also, the Cobra Moccasin pilot Copperhead seems to disappear with the Joes. We never hear from him the rest of the episode.

When the Joes wake up, they are not at the river, they are in a dry riverbed. Flint surmises that they fell asleep and many years have passed. As the Joes hike and look for answers, Steeler is bit by a strange pink bug. The Joe team also discovers that Cobra has taken over the world. They find the Joe HQ, and it is nearly empty, guarded by Cobra, and full of cobwebs. Once the Joes get into the base, they learn that most of the GI Joe team is either missing, or killed, in action.

Steeler is having a hard time with this.

The Joes split up to try and make sense of everything they have experienced. The different teams fix and use old Joe equipment. Flint, Barbecue, and Airtight go to Washington DC and learn that the Dreadnoks are cops. Those Dreadnoks cops are now chasing the Joes. Lady Jaye, Footloose, and Clutch are in old Sky Hawks, and they see Cobra has changed all the recognizable US monuments. Mt Rushmore, it now has Cobra Commander and Destro. The Lincoln Memorial, it is now the Cobra Commander Memorial. The White House, US Capitol Building, and the Washington Monument, they are all solid gold now. It is here that the Joes realize that time has not moved forward, but that they have travelled to another dimension. Also, the Baroness recognizes and wants to see Steeler.

To be continued.

In part two, the Flint, Barbecue, and Airtight team escape the Dreadnoks, but are eventually captured by Zartan. Lady Jaye, Footloose, and Clutch in the Sky Hawks get caught by an energy net from the golden Washington Monument.

Meanwhile, Grunt and Steeler are at the old Joe HQ, then suddenly Steeler in his sickness delirium stumbles upon skeletons of old dead Joes. The skeletons he sees are those of Grunt, Clutch, and himself. Steeler is understandably freaked out. A Cobra lady soldier finds Grunt and Steeler and asks them to come with her.

Next, we see the two Joes, Steeler is feeling better and Grunt is explaining to his friend that the Baroness of this reality was romantic with Steeler and she is secretly part of an anti-Cobra resistance. After a tough conversation with the Baroness about her Steeler being dead, the two Joes hatch a plan with the Baroness.

The other two Joe teams are part of a typical Cobra torture/entertainment scheme. Through some ingenuity the two teams escape to meet up with Steeler, Clutch, and the Baroness. The Baroness hatches a plan start a Cobra civil war between Destro and Cobra Commander. With her plan working, the Joes go back to the point of the crossed dimensions.

Before the portal closes, Clutch, Grunt, and Steeler decide they are going to stay in this alternate reality to help the Baroness fight Cobra. Steeler has learned why being a Joe, and fighting Cobra, is so important.

We never see Clutch, Grunt, or Steeler in the rest of the cartoon serious. That is truly awesome writing.

The Good:

An incredible story that shows why the Joe fight against Cobra is so important. The journey that Steeler takes is trippy, and emotional. Knowing that Clutch, Grunt, and Steeler are leaving behind everything to fight Cobra is truly touching.

The Bad:

The animation is great, and scary, for a young pre-teen boy. Steeler is not the best character to go on this journey with.


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#2: “There’s No Place Like Springfield”

Original Air Date: December 12th and 13th, 1985

“Looks like a dozen of other towns I know.”


The end of an era for GI Joe. This is the last story we will see until the show expands and changes with “Arise, Serpentor, Arise”, and oh boy what a way to go out.

From the very beginning you could tell this two-parter was going to be something special. Shipwreck, Polly, and Lady Jaye are trying to escort a ragged scientist off of an island. Actually, Lady Jaye is carrying the good Dr Mulaney while Shipwreck and Polly take up the rear.

The doctor was a prisoner of Cobra and he was tasked with making a chemical that can turn ordinary water into a bomb. Fearing he will not make it, Dr Mulaney implants the formula into Shipwrecks brain and whispers a code word to Lady Jaye. The code word will cause Shipwreck to reveal the formula.

On the way back to the Flagg, Shipwreck and the Joes are attacked by Cobra. Shipwreck’s Sharc is sinking fast while the Flagg looks to be in trouble.

Commercial Break.

After the commercial, Shipwreck wakes up in hospital some indeterminate time later. His hair and face are grey, and he is greeted by his wife Mara and his kid Althea. The last time Shipwreck remembered seeing Mara was back in “Memories of Mara”, when she swam away because she could only breath underwater. It seems that Shipwreck has amnesia and does not remember Doc curing Mara, Shipwreck taking out Cobra Commander, the Joes finally defeating the snakes, he and Mara get married, and they have a daughter, and they move to the non-descript town of Springfield. Shipwreck does not remember any of it.

Once Shipwreck gets home, still confused, Mara recommends he take a nap. During his nap, the Joe sailor dreams of going into a car wash and having Cobra Commander, and other members of the now gone organization, asking forcefully for Mulaney’s formula. Shipwreck is confused and quite scared.

Trying to remember his new life, Shipwreck tries to get back to what is supposed to be normal. He sees that Scarlett and Duke are together, he owns a business with Deep Six and Torpedo. He insults Flint by referencing Lady Jaye. After his insult, Shipwreck learns that Lady Jaye died the night his Sharc went down.

Shipwreck is emotionally destroyed. To make matters worse, he keeps dreaming of Cobra asking for Mulaney’s formula. He finally gets into a trap at the car wash where his old Joe friends attack the old sailor. As Shipwreck hits each one, the Joe dissolves into grey goo. Shipwreck is screaming in agony.

To Be Continued.

In part two we start to learn what is actually going on. Shipwreck asks Mara to send him back to the hospital, where Shipwreck is drugged with spiked milk. The Crimson Twins use cadet Demming to interrogate Shipwreck by using a mind probing type device. Things start getting intense in the interrogation. When Doc objects to the Crimson Twins plan, they destroy him because he is a synthoid. All the Joes in Springfield are synthoids, including Polly.

The real Polly finds Shipwreck, destroys synthoid Polly and helps Shipwreck realize that he is a prisoner of Cobra. Polly also overheard the code word for Mulaney’s formula, and uses it to activate the formula in his sailor friend’s brain. Shipwreck creates the chemical, drops it into Springfield’s water supply, and thanks to a stupid Dreadnoks who shoots at Shipwreck, all the water in Springfield’s pipes starts to explode.

The Joes, including a very alive Lady Jaye, on the USS Flagg see the explosion and know where Cobra is keeping Shipwreck. The Joes attack, a battle ensues, yet before he goes, Shipwreck needs to save his wife and kid.

Predictable, and still sad, Shipwreck sees that Mara and Althea are synthoids and part of Cobra’s ploy. The story ends with Shipwreck with tears in his eyes, and ready to get back to the Joes.


The Good:

The first episode is so well done setting up the world of GI Joe after Cobra, and the reveal that all is not as it seems. The second part is action packed, sad, and has great closure on an awesome season of GI Joe.

The Bad:

This is very nitpicking, but I have to say something. Why in the world did Shipwreck not notice the dye in his hair and in his beard earlier? Does the man never shower?


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#1: “Cold Slither”

Original Air Date: December 2nd, 1985

“Long live Cobra. Cold Slither forever”

The crowd at the Sports Arena

If you wanted to explain the greatness of “GI Joe: A Real American Hero” what would you highlight? The teamwork, and diversity, of the Joe team. Check. The inventive genius of Destro. Check. The awesomeness of Shipwreck. Check. The need of the Baroness to highlight her relationship to Destro. Check. The business acumen of the Crimson Twins. Check. The greed and laziness of the Dreadnoks. Check. The boldness of Cobra Commander to go incognito by wearing sunglasses over his mirrored face. Check plus.

Welcome to “Cold Slither” the greatest episode of the 1980’s GI Joe cartoon series.

The first act is all about Cobra going broke. Cobra troopers are in line for unemployment, and Extensive Enterprises are trying to recoup their losses by selling Cobra equipment to any would be dictator. In order to get back on top, Cobra Commander goes to get a high interest loan from a low level criminal who has a problem using the correct words (a great bit of double voice duty from Neil Ross, the voice of Shipwreck). With the money, Cobra Commander is going to use a new subliminal message technology developed by Destro to create a song that will enslave the populace.

The band and song “Cold Slither” are born. George Landsburg, the director from “Lights, Camera, Joes” is back to make a music video with Zartan and the Dreadnoks being the visual representation of the band.

The song is a hit. Cobra is making some money, and Extensive Enterprises is ready to be back in business with Cobra Commander. The kids in school love Cold Slither. The Joes are getting complacence with no Cobra, and “Cold Slither” is entertaining a few of the troops while they waste the days away. Shipwreck, Footloose, and Breaker, are into the music, and Duke does not understand this music the kids like today. When Cobra decides to activate the subliminal messages and demand everyone go to a concert at the Sports Arena, Shipwreck, Footloose, and Breaker decide to go AWOL. Shipwreck even pulls out his toy issue percussion pistol.

Duke is not happy with the AWOL Joes. Scarlett has a plan to bring everyone back and thwart Cobra’s comeback plan.

At the concert, the Dreadnoks are playing “Cold Slither” again and again. The sold-out crowd seems ok with it. The Dreadnoks are getting tired and leave Zartan on the stage alone. In their dressing room, the Dreadnoks have three comely lady groupies. Surprise, the groupies are Scarlett, Cover Girl, and Lady Jaye. They easily dispatch of the idiotic Zartan cronies. The girls make it all the way to the control room and get the Cobra high command to retreat. Duke thinks the subliminal machine may help the Joes with discipline around the base. Scarlett disagrees and destroys the world altering machine.

Once the concert goers come to, they all realize they are at a concert and they want music. The big show ends with the Average Joe Band. Breaker on keyboards, Shipwreck on drums, Lady Jaye, Scarlett, and Cover Girl on backing vocals, and Duke, Footloose and Rock and Roll on guitars. The band plays an awesomely stylized version of the shows theme song. End on the American flag.

Yo freaking Joe.

 The Good:

A perfect episode of GI Joe. Nearly every character from the Joes and Cobra is used in one short episode and all the characters are well thought out, the story highlights the motivations of each team, and no second was wasted. This is the episode you use to introduce someone to the greatness of “GI Joe: A Real American Hero.” Add in the PSA with Deep Sick sneaking up on the kid in the pond, and I guarantee you will have a new fan of GI Joe.

The Bad:

Nothing. Absolutely Nothing. (except for one weird animation goof on Shipwreck’s beard when they are at the Sports Arena for the concert).

There you have it, the definitive rankings of all episodes of the classic cartoon series “G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero”. This was tons of fun to write, and I hope brings some debate in your minds on what I ranked right, and what I ranked wrong. The most important thing I wanted to depart was knowledge about the greatest military toy commercial to ever air. And as the saying goes

Now you know.


RD is the founder and Head Editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support us and the podcast on Patreon.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.  

Ty Watches "The Righteous Gemstones" Final Season Premiere

The fourth, and final season premiere of "The Righteous Gemstones" was this past Sunday. My wife and I got caught up on it this past Wednesday. Let’s discuss.

I love this show. I have been a fan since day one. In fact, I'm a big fan of Danny McBride. And when he and David Gordon Green work together on a tv show, that is a sweet spot for me as a viewer. With this final season of "Gemstones", I'm curious to see how they wrap it all up. The last season finale felt like a series finale, but I guess HBO wanted more and McBride and co decided they could do one final season.

I figured we would get put right back into where we left off for this final season, but the creators and writers had other ideas. The fourth season premiere took us all the way back to the 1800's. We opened on a church service in Virginia. I figured the preacher giving the sermon was going to be a Gemstone and this would show us the beginning of the family cheating people out of money. While that was the case, the preacher was not a Gemstone. In fact, after the congregation was let out there was one person left in the church hiding out in a pue. That person happened to be Eli Gemstone, and this character was portrayed by Bradley Cooper. We are then taken through Cooper's path from thief to killer to chaplin during the Civil War to huckster to, finally, his coming to believing in a higher power.

Cooper was absolutely fantastic. He was funny. He was rude. He was ruthless. He was brutal. And I couldn't take my eyes off him when he was on screen. He really embodied everything the Gemstones would eventually become. He stayed around in the church to rob the priest. When the priest fought back, he shot him. Then some soldiers showed up to let him know that the preacher was going to be their chaplain moving forward. Cooper then proceeded to steal the preacher's identity and make him look even worse than he did before leaving the church. As chaplain, Cooper was aloof and skating by. He didn't care about these people who were on their deathbed. He wanted to get drunk and play cards. Even when one soldier figures him out, he goes in on a deal with that guy to steal from a higher up in the war, and then he killed him. When he was actually pressed into battle, the cowardice showed. While people were shooting and being shot around him, he ran and eventually hid. When he was about to be executed with the other soldiers, he got a pass because he was a "man of God". Even still, realizing his life would be spared, he was reluctant to give the soon to be dead a sendoff. He finally did, he gave a great speech and then you could see the shift in his attitude. He looked like he cared. His words carried and he finally realized what a bad person he was and it was time to change. Cooper did all of this, did it well, in forty minutes. That's a powerhouse performance. It also got me very hyped for the final season. I love that we got a backstory that showed how scummy the Gemstones have been their entire existence. And I assume it will only grow from here.

Bradley Cooper should get awards consideration for this episode because he was so dynamic. It was wonderful. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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"Severance" is a Really Good Show

I got caught up on the most recent episode of "Severance" yesterday. We got some answers, some more things came to light and it was a showcase for Patricia Arquette's character Harmony Cobel. It was one of the shorter episodes of the series to date, clocking in at right around 40 minutes.

I thought the episode was fine. It wasn't their best, but it moved the story along. But, I guess there are others who disagree with my feelings. People online have been really going at this episode. People seem to really dislike it. I don't get this take, other than people just want something to complain about. Not everyone can just be happy that a big portion of us are watching some of the best tv that has ever existed to this point.

"Severance" is remarkable. The show is damn good. It's compelling. I crave each new episode every Friday. This is what I miss from watching tv when I was a kid. I wasn't bombarded with a million different viewpoints on why something I really enjoy is so bad. Harmony Cobel is a very important character on the show. She has been important since season one. She clearly has something big brewing in this season of the show. She went on this long car trip at the start of the season and I was curious to see where she was going and what would come of it. That is what this recent episode gave us. We saw where she went. We saw her old home. We saw some people she used to be connected with. And we got some big time answers about the creation of Lumon and the idea of how severance came to be in this universe.

I guess this isn't what the keyboard warriors wanted from this episode of "Severance". I have read some people's reviews, some reputable people, and they are going hard. These writers have called it boring. I read others who said it was pointless. And others talked about it being the "low point". None of that makes sense to me. "Severance" is not a show about one person. All of the characters play a role in the long run. Sure, the episodes centered around Mark and Helena and Dyaln in the severed office are my favorite. And I always pay closer attention when Seth Milchick shows up. But Cobel plays an important role. She seems to be one of the creators and visionaries for Lumon. We were going to see a solo episode based on her sooner rather than later. And I was pleased with what we saw. Everyone in this universe will, most likely, get an episode like this in the future of this show, and I hope that the internet dorks will just leave it alone. All of this is going to culminate in what I imagine will be a glorious series finale, whenever that day comes. But, people on the internet will never be happy. They will find something to gripe about. "Severance" could make what is widely regarded as one of the greatest finales of all time, but there will be a few lonely people that go on the internet and gripe about it.

We live in a weird time where no one is ever pleased with what they see, no matter what. All I can say, I am forever grateful to all the people that work on this show have given us and will give us in the future. Keep up the good work and I cannot wait to watch the final 2 episodes of this season over the next two weeks. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Yellowjackets"

Over the past couple weeks I decided to start watching the show "Yellowjackets". It came about because I was looking for something to watch while waiting for each new episode of "Severance". I had heard good things about "Yellowjackets", and I finally decided to give it a go.

Where we sit right now, I have finished the first season and am just about done with episode one of season two. This show is really, really good. I find myself thinking about episodes long after I've already watched them. I think about what I would do in a situation like that. I enjoy the acting and the writing. I like the back and forth from present day to 1996, when they ended up in the wilderness. But what I like most about the show is the similarities between it and "Lord of the Flies".

"Lord of the Flies" is my all time favorite book. It is one of the few books that I try to read and reread regularly. And what "Yellowjackets" does so well is make that story more updated for today's audiences. This show is gory. It's brutal at times. The teenagers act like teenagers put in the most harrowing dilemma one can imagine. The one adult who is with them at the moment, only has one leg and he is not really in charge anymore. All of this gives me big time "Lord of the Flies" vibes. I know that they made some made for tv movie based on the book, but it didn't hold the same weight that this show does. I am a very visual person when it comes to things like this. I really like to read books and imagine things, but when I'm given a representation that I can look at and put a face to the name, that is key for me. I guess my imagination isn't as vast as I hoped it would be. And to have this show take place between a time when I was a highschooler and now, that is a chef's kiss.

Along with the story and the acting, the music is rad. I like the clothes that they wear on the show. It's nice to take myself back to that time when hypercolor and umbro shorts were widely recognized as the coolest clothes on the planet. But, in the end, when it comes to this show, it is so well made. I like the "Lost" vibe. I love to hike and trail run, so seeing the wilderness where they get stranded, I want to go to where they film and go for a run or hike. But the best thing, in my opinion, about the show is making such a bad situation and turning it into really good, binge level type tv. I am at a point where I cannot get enough. Like I said, I find myself reliving certain moments when going to sleep or out for a drive. I want to see how this all unfolds too. And, a good portion of these actors in the show are doing really good things in tv and movies right now. It's cool to see these people thrive.

I highly recommend watching "Yellowjackets" if you are putting it off and trying to find a reason to watch. It's a damn good show. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Sly Lives"

I'm currently finishing the new Hulu documentary, "Sly Lives". Let’s discuss.

I am a Sly and the Family Stone fan. I was introduced to their music a long time ago by my dad. I'm sure at the time of him playing it for me I got nothing out of it. I bet I just figured that my dad was showing me "old" music he liked. But, as I got older, and more into music, I heard more and more artists I liked talking about their music or covering songs at shows. I was intrigued. I asked my dad about it and I'm sure he informed me that he had played his music for me in the past. But, since other artists I liked were now talking about it to me, I wanted more. I started to dive deeper and deeper. I knew "Everyday People", "Thankyoufalettinmebemiceelf" and "Dance to the Music". But as I searched more and more into their catalog, I found more stuff I liked. Songs like "Family Affair", "If You Want Me to Stay", "Hot Fun in the Summertime", and so on and so forth. I dug the music because it was funky and I could bop my head along to it. I never really paid full attention to the music until I got even older. I would then, and still do now, listen to the lyrics and realize that Sly Stone had something important to say. He used his talent to talk about what was going on in the world. I realized that he had this vision for the world and I agreed with his vision. It also helped that his band was made up of black and white people and boys and girls. He wanted input from everyone. Sly didn't see color, he saw music. I love that.

The documentary tells you about all of this and tells it great. They have some very influential and important people talking about his genius. Questlove directed the movie, and with this and his last doc, "Summer of Soul", I feel like he has cornered the market on docs about funk and soul music from the 60's and 70's. He knows the topic and knows it well and he puts that out there on full blast. I love it. He was able to secure interviews with former band members, D'Angelo, Andre 3000, Nile Rodgers, Chaka Khan and Q-Tip, to name a few. To hear these heavy hitters talk about Sly Stone was amazing. Of course they talk about the music, but they also talk about so much more. I didn't realize how deep and connected people are to Sly Stone. I had no idea he was a producer and DJ before he was a renowned musician. I was floored when I realized he produced "Somebody to Love". I didn't know he came up in the church and later used that in his music. His family, when he was a child, was very important to his development as an artist. I didn't realize the drug issue stuff. I knew a bit about it, but didn't know how rough it truly was. The performance from Woodstock was eye opening. Questlove was able to get these videos of performances and interviews that were amazing for a fan like me to see for the first time.

I love this movie. If you know any little thing about Sly and the Family Stone, if you know one song, this movie is required viewing. I cannot recommend "Sly Lives" enough. It is instantly on my shortlist for best movies of 2025 already. "Sly Lives" is incredible. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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We Need To Talk More About the Great "Brooklyn 99"

We like to watch tv in our bed as we fall asleep in my home. My wife and I don't let our kids do it yet, but I'm sure it will happen sometime in the near future. My wife and I switch after we finish whichever show we picked. It was my turn to pick recently and I chose "Brooklyn 99".

This is, what seems like, our hundredth time watching this show. We both like it and it is good to fall asleep to. It lulls me into a near sleep space and I can just drift off. But, I have noticed one thing since the rewatch started a week ago. I have started to stay awake a little longer than normal watching it. I want to see each episode again, and may I remind you, I've seen this series many, many times. I want to see if I missed something. I want to relive jokes. I want to see if some stuff comes together better than it did before.

What has really made me stay up longer, this is one of the best shows in the history of television, and I feel like it doesn't get the love it truly deserves.  It has its true fans. There is an online presence, that much is for sure. But when websites make their best of all time tv lists, or talk about the best tv from the 21st century, "Brooklyn 99" never seems to come up. You get the usual suspects, "Breaking Bad", "The Wire", "Lost" and "Parks and Rec", all of which are wonderful tv shows. But "Brooklyn 99" even gets passed up when they narrow the list to best comedies. I don't get it. This show was so well written. It is joke after joke after joke. I find myself cracking up constantly. The delivery is too perfect. And each actor knows how to perform as their characters. Andy Samberg gets to play himself, and he nails it. He is so funny and so witty. He has some of the best jokes on the show. Stephanie Beatriz gets to play someone totally different, and she crushes it. She is brash and harsh, but she also has a soft side. I love how tough she can be, and when she really leans into the joke, it is wonderful. Melissa Fumero shines as the dorky one in the precinct. She's a nerd and she knows it and owns it. She is too funny. Joe Lo Truglio is sweet and naive and he's great. I feel like this show let his best comedic ways shine. He gets to have fun and it shows on screen. Chelesa Peretti made the most of her time while she was there. She was rude and crude and had some of the best one liners. But the one that goes above and beyond, and made the show as awesome as it was, Andre Braugher. He is the straight man on the show and he is perfect. His delivery, his tone, the robotic jokes that happen nearly every episode, it is masterful. When Jake calls him dad for the first time, the way Braugher plays into it, it is one of the best comedic performances in television history.

Mike Schur has this way with comedic tv. He knows how to write it, he hires the best staff, he gives unknown writers their first real shot and he lets his staff do the brunt of the work. And it always comes out smelling like roses. From "The Office" to "Parks and Rec", "The Good Place" and his time at "SNL", the guy knows how to make comedy work on tv and he truly shines when he is the head writer and in charge in the room. But I have come away even more impressed with the work he and his staff did on "Brooklyn 99". I truly believe it is the best work he has done to this day. The show works, it is endlessly watchable and it is so damn funny. I wanted to give it a shout out because I feel like it deserves even more love and recognition. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Cunk on Life"

A week or so back I wrote about the character Philomena Cunk, played by Diane Morgan. I adore this character. I loved "Cunk on Earth". It is one of the funnier series I've watched on Netflix. I wanted more Cunk material, and Netflix recently released "Cunk on Life", a 70 minute long documentary that is very similar, if not the same, as "Cunk on Earth".

This time around it was one long extended episode masquerading as a movie. It started the same and had the same vibe to it. But, after 22 minutes, the documentary just kept going, and I loved it. This is one of the best short movies to come out in 2025. Like I said, it has all the elements of the show that I like, it's just an extended version. They still did chapters, but with each new chapter the movie kept going. Cunk was there asking her questions, as straightforward as possible, and the experts were trying to answer them to the best of their ability. And these questions were riotous. When she talks to the sex expert, and the faces she makes and the stuff she says about her ex, I was howling. When she is looking at paintings and talking about how much she dislikes them, and then asking a question to the expert, who we don't know is on screen until they're spoken to, genius. When she goes on and on calling DNA d and a, and the expert has to constantly correct her, that was a dynamite bit. And some of the scenes that she had actors come on and shoot that seemingly lasted forever, I'm thinking of Thomas Hubble and his wife being intimate, it was the best kind of squirming in my chair humor. All along though, and the thing I adore about Cunk, she kept a straight face. She never broke. She has to know that what she is saying ois outrageous, but she just plows ahead, and it is all the better for it.

I really loved this movie. My only true gripe is that I wanted it to be longer, but that isn't the British way when it comes to content. I feel like they just want to give you a tiny little taste, and then have you begging for more. And I like that. I don't always need my appetite to be sated by shows and movies. I can sit and think about all the hilarious stuff Philomena Cunk can do in the future. And Diane Morgan may very well be done with this character. Maybe this was the last we will see of Philomena. And if that's the case, what a way to go. I mean, she has cornered the market on cringe interviews. She has surpassed Ali G. She is better than anyone at "The Daily Show", which is a show I also adore. She does this better than anyone in the game. I do hope this doesn't pigeonhole her, but there are much worse outcomes for someone who works in television and movies.

"Cunk on Life" is brilliant and a must watch for fans of her work. I was late to Morgan's stuff as Cunk, but I'm glad I found it and was told by friends and family to watch. Watch this movie, but also watch her other work. Morgan is one of the better minds working in comedy tv and movies right now, and "Cunk on Earth" and "Cunk on Life" more than prove that. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Severance"

I fully understand that I'm late to all of this, but "Severance" is one hell of a tv show. I just started to watch the first season this week, and I have already seen all of season 1. I have watched half of the first episode of season 2, and I'm all in.

"Severance" isn't the freshest idea in the sci-fi world, but damned if it isn't one of the best written and acted shows. I find myself endlessly floored at the performances that the actors give. This is a whole new world for Adam Scott and he is absolutely nailing it. I always find it fascinating when an actor who is so entrenched in one genre, I'd say comedy for Scott, does something totally different. It shouldn't be a surprise, Adam Scott is a professional actor. But, going from a very joke heavy show like "Parks and Rec", to doing hard sci-fi like "Severance", this is an accomplishment from him. He does such a wonderful job. Britt Lower matches him punch for punch. She is rebellious and knows this whole world that this show has created is not good. She does a fantastic job, and the big twist with her at the end of season 1 makes her role that much more impressive. John Tutturo is in this show and he shows us all why he is one of the better actors working right now. The two versions of himself in the show couldn't be more different, but I find myself rooting for each one. There are scenes with him and Christopher Walken, another powerhouse performance, that are sweet and heartbreaking in one shot. The work the two of them do together is beautifully done, and Tutturo steals the show for me. Zach Cherry is the "comic relief", but he also does some heavy stuff here. I have always liked Cherry's work, but he is on another level in "Severance". I cannot wait to see what his character does in season 2. Outside the four main actors, Trammel Tillman is so menacing and nice and singularly focused on the task at hand. He has quickly become my favorite character in the show. Jen Tullock, as Scott's sister, and Michael Chernus, as Scott's brother in law, bring a realness and a grounding to this show that is a nice break. And Patricia Arquette is on a whole other level here. I realized watching this show that I had not seen much of her work. She is magnetic and outstanding in this show.

The writing takes this show to a different level as well. For a sci-fi series, the things that happen are easy enough to follow. The show isn't weird just for the sake of being weird. From what I've seen to this point, whenever something odd happens, it has a nice payoff. I like that questions get answered. When the actors deliver the written lines, I believe what they're saying is coming from their character's perspective. This show is so good on every single level. Even the way it is shot, it is cool to look at on my screen. Oh, and the opening credits sequence to season 1 is one of the coolest openings in tv history. I usually skip through the intro of a show, but not here. The music and the animation is so rad.

Look, "Severance" is a critically acclaimed show. It has been nominated I assume. I'm not telling you all anything new if you already watch the show. But if you don't, and you may be on the fence, watch it. It is so well done and so interesting and cool. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Thoughts on One More Season of "The Righteous Gemstones"

It was just announced that the fourth season of "The Righteous Gemstones" would be its last. This makes me happy and sad. Let’s discuss.

I'm happy because we get another season of this great show. "The Righteous Gemstones" is one of the funniest shows currently on tv. It always amazes me how funny and excellent the show can be with each new episode and each new season. I don't know why I would ever doubt it either. When David Gordon and Danny McBride work together, especially on an HBO show, they seem to hit every single time. "Eastbound and Down" is a true classic. That show will stand the test of time. I would not doubt my son watching it when he's older. "Vice Principals" is criminally underrated. This is a dark comedy that succeeds at every level. I wish more people knew of this show. It is amazing. And now, with "The Righteous Gemstones" they've found the perfect vehicle to skewer these mega churches and their tv shows and obnoxiously big churches. McBride is allowed to be his true self in these shows and he goes for it. It is a thing of beauty to watch. McBride is a gifted comedic actor, and when he can go a bit dark, man is it fun.

These two have also created some excellent side characters. Stevie is a gem. I mean, that actor shined in this role and I loved watching him get weirder and weirder. Walton Goggins as McBride's foil in "Vice Principals" is a work of art. He is so foul and mean and hilarious. This was my first experience seeing Goggins act and I became an instant fan. And now we have the Gemstone family and Keif. These guys know how to write these characters and how to make them shine. Judy Gemstone is one of my all time favorite tv characters. I adore BJ in this show. John Goodman truly shines as the father of the family. I mean, it is damn near perfect. Seeing these two do their thing is such a fun time for me. I have also thoroughly enjoyed every season of the three shows they've created for HBO. They are shows I go back to quite frequently, and I'm sure that will continue to be the case for years to come.

The news that they've decided to stop making more after this season, that bums me out. This is my only quibble with Green and McBride creations. They end shows after four or five seasons. They get in and get out. I get it, they don't want to wear out their welcome. But, even a show like the American version of "The Office" gave us nine seasons. "Brooklyn 99" gave us seven. "30 Rock" was also seven, I believe. These Green and McBride shows seem to never go any further than four seasons. I want to see more and more of the Gemstone family and all their issues. I'd love to have seen what Goggins and McBride did once they got the principal job. I thought the idea of Kenny Powers being on a tv sports talk show was perfect. They can do more and more with these characters, but maybe they get sick and tired after four full seasons of writing. I'm sure it can be frustrating for them because I assume they're perfectionists. And I just want to watch more and more because I tend to allow myself to get attached to these fictional people. I understand that this is the way of tv in this era. I'm sure creators want to get in and out and go to the next project. But, I'd like to get to know everyone a little better. I miss when shows would go eight or nine seasons. I know it can get stale, but sometimes shows can really crush it in the later years.

With all this being said, at least we get one more season of "The Righteous Gemstones", and I'm happy as can be for that. That show is great and I'm interested to see how it all ends up. 

Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Cunk on Earth"

Over the past week I watched the show "Cunk on Earth". I loved it. It was that dry British humor that I really enjoy when done right. Let’s discuss.

I like the whole idea of making a serious talk show, then flipping it on its head. This is akin to a prank show. Philomena Cunk is there to ask some of the dumbest questions one could hear on subjects like the renaissance or religion or social media to experts. She does all of this with a very straight face too. That makes it even funnier. But I'm not here to talk about the show today. As I said, I think the show is great and everyone should watch it. If it didn't have swear words I'd recommend they show it in schools. It's very informative. What I want to talk about today is the character of Philomena Cunk.

The actor that portrays Cunk is named Diane Morgan. I don't know of anything else she has ever done. This character is the first thing I've seen her perform in. But this is one of the most memorable and funny characters I've ever seen on tv. Philomena Cunk wants to be an expert in certain fields. She has all the questions one could want the answer to, if one was a child. She goes out there and asks some of the dumbest questions I've ever heard, but the way she phrases them, and how straight of a face she can keep, it is a true work of art. She is stoned faced the entire time. She never, ever breaks character. There was a moment in an episode I watched yesterday where she made the expert and the crew laugh, but the whole time she kept asking why everyone was laughing and this was a serious thing. She kept that going for a full minute before they went to the next shot. She kept it going so much that I felt that the expert felt bad for laughing. And this is what she does in every episode. She was talking with a gentleman that was playing music out of a phonograph, and the questions that followed were uproarious. She asked a line of questions that were all about sending a message to the singer of the song coming out of the phonograph. The gentleman seemed so frustrated and confused. But Cunk kept at it. She wouldn't let up. It was great. I like when she asked about Lincoln continuing to be president after he was shot at Forbes Theater. The expert there seemed annoyed, but she never let up. Stuff like that cracks me up. Another thing she did in every episode was make some kind of joke when they were doing shots of her "thinking". She would look at her phone from time to time, only to rush to put it away when she realized the camera was on her. She would read a book and complain about how boring it is. She would make up an entire scenario and act it all out, which was fantastic to see. But I think the thing that made me like this character so much was how hard Morgan commits. She never lets up. She seems destined to have this be what she's remembered for in her career. I don't think she cares about being pigeonholed. I believe she has created something unique and damn near perfect.

If you're contemplating watching the show, do it, simply for Morgan's transformation into Philomena Cunk. It is a sight to behold. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Bob Uecker Made My World a Better Place

Bob Uecker, the iconic voice of the Milwaukee Brewers and one of America’s most cherished entertainers, passed away today at the age of 90. Affectionately known as “Mr. Baseball,” Uecker was far more than a sports figure—he was a cultural icon whose humor, wit, and charm transcended the game. 

We already knew all of that.

Outside of Bob’s less than mediocre professional baseball career, his longtime duties as the voice of the Brewers, and his movie/television career, Mr. Baseball was someone who impacted my life in a very positive way. I already miss him dearly.

Bob Uecker has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. His Miller Light ads in the early 1980s were everywhere, and while I was far too young to drink the product, Bob made me laugh. “I must be in the front row” is something I always say when I go to sporting events. His role as Harry Doyle in “Major League” and its sequel delighted me as a kid, and now my own son quotes him. My son says “juuust a bit outside” on any bad pitch. After a particularly bad Reds outing this season, I said to my wife “two goddamn hits, hell no one’s listening”. I did not really watch Mr. Belvedere, but I had a close childhood friend reach out today and say that Bob Uecker on that show is the dad he always wanted. Later in life I discovered Bob’s legendary visits on Johnny Carson, and I love to tell the story of Uecker and Bob Gibson holding hands in the Cardinals team photo. Bob was a Gen X/Millennial comic legend.

I was lucky enough to meet Bob Uecker one time. Back in 2005 I was working in Milwaukee. I was at an event where Bob was the guest speaker. He took time to talk to each person and he was as funny as he always was. When I had my time with him I mentioned that I was from St. Louis. He asked my age and I told him I was young enough to not be around for his playing days but old enough to appreciate his after baseball work. He then said to me that I looked old enough to drink Miller Light but young enough to strike him out. I laughed and said thanks for the compliment. Immediately after my remark, Bob turned around and said it was no compliment to me but the truth of his abysmal hitting. His comic timing was perfect, and Bob Uecker gave me a memory for a lifetime.

I loved Bob Uecker. I already miss him. The world was a much better place with Mr. Baseball bringing us joy. Bob’s last call ever, a Brewer’s playoff loss to the Mets, the legend said at the end of the game “I’m telling you. That one (pause) had some sting on it”. Bob Uecker always knew what to say.

Thank you for a life well lived, thank you for the memories, and thank you for decades of entertaining this boy from St. Louis, but today (pause) has some sting on it.


RD is the creator and Head Editor of SeedSing. He also does a bunch of podcasts. Find them here.

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Squid Game Once Again Makes Us Care for Doomed Characters

I'm four episodes into season 2 of "Squid Game" at the moment. So far I'm enjoying what I'm seeing. Let’s discuss.

This show is good, it knows what it is and everyone has completely bought in. I have liked the direction of this season as well. I didn't know how they'd do it, but what I've seen in four episodes has kept my attention as well as season 1. But there's one thing that has really stuck out to me watching this new season. And I found myself feeling the same way when I saw the first season.

What "Squid Game" does so well, I'd go so far as to say better than almost any other show, they make me, the viewer, care about characters that I am certain will not make it to the next season. For people that may not know, there's only one winner in "Squid Game". Everyone else is "eliminated", or murdered. It's tough for those people. This is a fictional show too, for anyone that may still be confused. But what the writers do so well in the show is give the main and side characters reasons to root for them. Even the people I may not like, they have some kind of redeeming quality or moment that has me wanting them to make it. In season 1 there was the "couple" that constantly yelled at one another. At first I found them to be annoying and rude. I thought they belonged in the Squid Game arena. But then the woman showed her good side and I found myself rooting for her. And when she, spoiler alert for season 1, grabbed her ex and held him while they both fell to their death, I thought she had a great sendoff. The same can be said for some of the other contestants when they played the marble game. That was a tough episode to watch, and some fan favorites were killed off, but I still was hoping that somehow, some way, they would miraculously make it out. And when they got to the final three in season 1, I didn't really know who I wanted to win. I had an idea who was going to win, but I still found myself rooting for the others. But none of them made it except for one.

I was going into this season trying to figure out if the writers could pull this off once again, and I'm today to say that they've achieved that goal once again. After watching an episode last night, that ends on a cliffhanger, I found myself saying to my wife, man I hope so and so makes it out. And then I'd say, oh this person is bad, but I am waiting for their redemptive moment when I will unexpectedly stand up and cheer. After watching season 1, you know the outcome, you know how brutal it's going to be, you know 99.9 percent of the contestants are not going to make it. But, I still find myself getting involved. I want to know their background. I want to know what led them to this game. I want to see what they plan on doing with the money if they make it. But in the reality of the world the show has created, only one can win and the rest will be "terminated".

It really impresses me when a group of writers are so good at their jobs that they make me have visceral feelings for fictional characters. I tip my hat to those people and I am excited to see where the show goes from here, and what ends up happening to each character episode to episode. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Thoughts on the "Abbott Elementary" "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" Crossover

My wife and I just got caught up on the newest episodes of "Abbott Elementary". That means we saw the crossover episode they did with "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". Let’s discuss.

I adore both of these shows, but each for very different reasons. "Abbott Elementary" is wholesome and sweet and also happens to be incredibly funny. The show is so well written and well acted and it's one of the best on all of tv. "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is also hilarious, but it's also dark. I like that show. They take chances and they're allowed to take chances because of the network they're on. FX lets these shows do their thing, and "IASIP" is dark and bleak and laugh out loud funny. So, when this crossover was announced, I was a little skeptical. I didn't know how they would pull it all off. I assumed it was going to be on ABC because there's no way they could do this on FX. "Abbot Elementary" is too sweet of a show to be on FX. So, with that being confirmed, I didn't know how they'd pull off the usual tone of each of the main characters from "Always Sunny".

Well, after watching the episode, they nailed it. I was cracking up the entire time and I want them to do more and more of these episodes. The common thread in the show is that both take place in Philadelphia. But pretty much everything else is opposite of each other. As the episode started, the teachers from Abbot talked about the volunteers coming in to help out. This was a simple way to introduce the "Always Sunny" characters. When they showed up it was on from there. Charlie had a storyline where Melissa, Jacob and Barbara teach him to read. It was funny and nice. When Charlie was asked what he liked he mentioned beer, milksteak and bird law. Those are some classics from him. We also got to see Barbara teach like the pro she has shown us she can be. Jacob was the first to notice this problem. And Melissa, not only did she help with the reading, but she also stated that she had been to Paddy's Pub in the past, and I fully believe her character would have gone there before. Dee ended up working with Janine as her teacher's assistant. At first she loves the help and loves Dee, but then Dee meets Gregory. This changes their whole dynamic. Dee is constantly hitting on Gregory, and we see a little jealousy coming from Janine. I loved seeing all this play out. It was great. Frank goes to work with Mr Johnson and Gregory in the school garden. The back and forth between Mr Johnson and Frank is amazing. They're clearly at odds with one another from the jump. I heard from my mom, and then read online, that they cut a storyline where Frank and Mr Johnson had dated the same woman in the past. That would've been epic. Dennis made sure he was off camera the whole time, which he explains by saying he knows all about filming. He has that one line, but nothing else is needed from him. All of us that watch "Always Sunny" know exactly what he's talking about. And Mac is doing all he can with Ava so they can get their time card filled out for their community service. He is willing to do anything and everything to get this job done so he can move on to his next venture that he's interested in. It's pretty perfect. 

I think what made this work so well is they let the "Always Sunny" gang be themselves. They didn't curse or go way overboard like they do on FX, but they were still criminals and they still had bad intentions from time to time. They didn't muzzle them or make them out to be more than what they created on their own show. And that was probably the only way to make this work. It's clear that the "Abbott" crew knows and probably watches "Always Sunny". They knew how to write these characters on their show and it came out pretty wonderfully.

If you watch either of these shows I definitely recommend checking out the crossover episode. Like I said, I was on the fence but I love how it turned out. I think you'll feel the same way if you tune in. This was good stuff. It gives me hope for big network TV. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Aaron Rodgers: Enigma"

During the holiday break my family, all of my family that is, went to stay at a nice cabin in a local town to celebrate. During the down times I'd sit and watch tv with my dad. One show we came across was "Enigma" on Netflix. This is the three part documentary series about Aaron Rodgers. It tells the story of his time in the NFL, his injuries, recovery and how he spends his free time.

I've made no bones about my feelings for Rodgers. I despise him. I loathed him when he was the QB for the Packers, was bummed when they drafted him and the whole deal with him now makes me sick to my stomach. This show does the job of showing that side of him, but they glorify him. From moment one I was angry watching this. There's a ton to make you gruffled and angry, but his whole attitude and demeanor is enough to make people dislike him. The way he speaks, how he talks about himself and the people around him is gross. He is always calling himself a "perfectionist". He calls football a "craft". When he goes on his ayahuasca retreat, more on that in a minute, it is the most cliche nonsense you will ever hear in your life.

Now, full disclosure, I only watched one and a half episodes. I had to call it midway through the second one because it was making me visibly angry to my family. I went and played pickleball to wash the taste of this terrible show out of my mouth. But, what I did see, what I gathered from almost two hours of tv, Aaron Rodgers is a prick. I think my dad said it best when he said, "Aaron Rodgers is going to die an angry, sad and lonely person". That is the best way to put it. When he talks on this show it is all about him and all about his wants and needs. He backtalks trainers. He explains away why he can't have any romantic partners. He makes mentions to his family in the past tense. He "thanks" them for treating him like he was soft when he was a kid. When he has people over to watch games with him, we never see them and it is never any of his teammates or people he works alongside with. During the ayahuasca retreat, he is there solo. No one wants to come with him. When they're in a big drum circle, he seems like he is lonely. When they go into the tent to sweat out their toxins, explaining that they're using nature's medicine, which is nonsense, I go run outside to sweat out a cold, he doesn't interact with anyone outside of the tent. He doesn't let people in because he seems to know that he will push them away. There was a scene where he went to a doctor and he basically ran the show. Everyone around was telling him that he wasn't going to play that year, but he kept insisting. His insistence looked like such a heavy weight that one of the people he was with just sighed and kind of gave in. They didn't want to fight anymore. That is how some people deal with toddlers, but Rodgers is a fully grown adult. I found him to be miserable and boring. When he and RFK went on a hike together and talked politics it was one of the dumbest conversations to ever be recorded. RFK and Aaron Rodgers are two of the dumbest, wannabe smart guys around. When that moment happened, that was a telling sign to me that I wouldn't be finishing this show. I found it abhorrent and thought it was glorifying this mean and gross person.

I don't know what Rodgers goal was with this show because all it did was make me angry. My dad said it best and I couldn't agree more with his sentiment. Rodgers is a miserable person who will have no one to yell at or tell what to do when he is out of the limelight. I do not recommend this show. Not at all. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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2024 Year in Review: Best Television Shows

Welcome to day three of my best of 2024 lists. Today I come to you with my top five tv shows of 2024. TV is in a good spot where we sit right now. There’s tons of content. Too much of you ask me. But, a good amount of tv shows out there are critically acclaimed and fun to watch. A few shows I watch but didn’t make my list are, the final season of “What We Do in the Shadows” and season 4 of “Only Murders in the Building”. I adore both these shows, but for varying reasons, they didn’t make my list. Oh also don’t watch a ton of the super critical darling shows. I’ve never seen “Succession”. I have zero interest in “Industry”. Those shows aren’t for me. But, I do have a top five for 2024, and I’m very much in on all five of these shows.

Coming in at number 5 I have “KAOS”. I read all the reviews, I saw that critics kind of panned the show, but I was still intrigued. I am a fan of shows that take mythological people and put them in real life situations. Those shows speak to me. And “KAOS” excelled in this for me. Jeff Goldblum is magnetic as Zeus. I couldn’t get enough of him. But it was everyone around him really doing a good job. The writers of this show took on these Greek characters and really made an interesting eight episode arc for all of them. I don’t usually binge stuff, but I finished this show in three days. An episode would end and I wanted more. I’m bummed it got cancelled. They could’ve taken this concept in many other direction. Go seek out this show. It’s very well made.

At number 4 I have season 3 of “The Bear”. “The Bear” continues to be one of the best written and best acted shows on all of tv. It’s endlessly rewatchable. I really enjoyed the whole arc of this season. Seeing them open the restaurant and all the stress that comes from that was great. This season was funnier than the first two. John Cena showing up had me cracking up. Ayo Edibiri is continuing to shine and getting more work, which is much deserved. Jeremy Allen White is rightfully award nominated again. I could say the same with Ebon Moss Bacharach. But Abby Elliot truly shined this season. She did some amazing work. I know some people were down on this season, I was not. I will continue to watch and I’m sure it will continue to be great.

At number 3 I have “Fallout”. I knew nothing of this show when it was first on Amazon. It wasn’t until RD told me to check it out that it popped on my radar. I also didn’t know until a few episodes in that it was based on a video game. None of that mattered when I started to watch. This show is really good. It’s bleak and depressing, but in the correct ways. It’s not very uplifting, but when it is, it hits. Ella Purnell is exceptional as the lead. Walton Goggins plays The Ghoul, who is now one of my all time favorite characters. Kyle McLachlan and Johnny Pemberton excel. Everyone is wonderful. I also like the world that the show has used from the game. It feels like a likely outcome if this happened to the world. And the finale has me super hyped for season 2. I’m glad RD told me about this show because I don’t think I would have watched otherwise. This show is awesome.

At number 2 I have “The Penguin”. This is another one that RD asked about and I started watching after his take. I trust RD’s recommendations. “The Penguin” is brutal. There’s no respite. There may be minor moments here and there that take a small break, but this show is bleak. Collin Ferrell is Oz. He is unrecognizable. His accent is spot on. He walks like an actual penguin. I’m very impressed with his performance here. Cristin Milioti is even better. She is ruthless, but I’m on her side. I get why she’s doing what she’s doing. And she is absolutely dynamic here. This show is a masterclass from these two actors. And if you have any issues with superhero or MCU/DCU fatigue, this is not a show that’s superhero focused. This is a gritty crime drama. It’s a mafia story, and a well done mafia story. It’s disturbing and upsetting, but it’s also damn good.

Finally, at number 1 I have the final season of “Curb Your Enthusiasm”. I mean, what else would I pick? “Curb” may be the greatest comedy tv show ever, and they went out on top. Larry David heard all the criticism for the “Seinfeld” finale, and he redid it and redid it better. This season was leading up to a finale that was going to end up with David in jail, and it did, but he did so much more with it on the way there. The hair dye episode is a classic. The fame that Maria Sofia has gained was tremendous. The Aunty Ray stuff made me smile. The episode with the guy from “District 9” and “Chappie” should be studied by do day writers looking to make cringe comedy. Anytime David interacted with Ted Danson or Susie, it was as funny as ever. “Curb” is an achievement in comedy writing and I’m going to sorely miss it. But this final season was perfect and will go down as one of the best final tv seasons of all time. It’s a gem.

That’s it for 2024 tv. Come back tomorrow for my top five sports moments of the year.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "The Penguin"

I finished "The Penguin" a few days ago and I have some thoughts. I will not spoil anything in this piece because I think people should watch this show. I also want to say, the time for spoilers should be well past by this point, but I want to respect the wishes of people that may not watch stuff in real time, or their version of binging is like mine, where I watch a few episodes a day over a week. There, got that out of the way.

"The Penguin" caught my interest from the moment I saw him in "The Batman". He was barely onscreen, but I was intrigued. I also liked the costume and makeup that Colin Farrell wore and I wanted to see more of him in this world. They announced the show and I was stoked. Then I forgot about it until RD mentioned it to me. I started watching right away because RD usually recommends good stuff to me. I was in from the jump. I liked how dark and grimy the show was on my tv. This may have had names of people from comic books and superhero movies, but this show is not in that genre. This show is something totally different. This is a hard crime drama. It reminded me of "Goodfellas". It has all the tropes, in a good way, of classic crime stories, some of the characters just happened to be called The Penguin or Selina Kyle. I will say though, when The Penguin is called that, he is very angry and hates that name. It is bad for him. He doesn't like it at all.

The events of the show take place right after the ending of "The Batman". The story immediately picks up, but this is about the crime families within Gotham and the introduction of a new drug called bliss. From there on out we meet some new villains and new people that I've never heard of before. Colin Farrell is Oz. He is amazing in this role. He takes it on headfirst and he absolutely nails it. Cristin Milioti plays Sofia, who is totally new to me. She is fantastic. I found myself openly rooting for her even though she is as villainous as the worst people in Gotham. Milioti needs to get proper recognition for this part. And Rhenzy Feliz plays Vic. He is a down on his luck kid who Oz catches trying to steal his rims from his car. Oz spares him and takes him along on his journey to becoming the top drug guy in Gotham. Feliz is pretty great as well, acting up to the level of Farrell when they're on screen together. There are more people involved, but these are the three main actors and each one is better than the next.

I really enjoyed watching this show as it unfolded. There are a few episodes in the middle that lag for just a bit, but they're worth it in the long run. This show needs these episodes to build up the world the creators have created. I also want to say, and this is no spoiler, this is one of the saddest, most depressing endings to a tv show that I've ever seen. I sat on my couch after the finale and let it sink in and that was the biggest feeling I came away with in the end. It is so sad and probably the only way they could've ended this season. I don't know if they're going to make any more episodes. I hope they do, but it wouldn't be the worst thing if they didn't make anymore and just let this one epic season stand on its own.

I highly recommend watching this show. Don't go into it expecting a typical comic book thing because you will be disappointed. But, if you go into it expecting a hard crime drama, it will be one of the best things you'll see on tv all year. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "The Penguin"

Last week RD texted and asked if I had seen "The Penguin" yet. I told him I had not, but I wanted to. He said the first episode was pretty epic, and I trust his opinion on things like this, so I decided that I was going to watch it that day.

I'm glad RD told me about this because this show is pretty damn great. I saw "The Batman", where this version of The Penguin was first featured, but he was barely in the movie. And that is a long, long movie. So, when it was announced that they were going to do a series featuring this version of The Penguin, I was interested. I feel that, when given the proper material, Colin Farrell can do some great work. That is happening here for sure. Farrell is excellent in this show. He is also unrecognizable. The makeup people are doing a bang up job. Farrell has been transformed into what I have always envisioned this villain to like. He has messed up teeth, with some gold teeth peppered in there. His limp is due to a foot injury and him having to wear a brace. He over dresses. He tries too hard on his look. They nailed it. Farrell also makes this version sound like a true New York crime boss. He has the accent down to a T. He sounds and acts like a true New Yorker, or at least tv and movie versions of New Yorkers.

Farrell is not alone here on the show. Cristin Milioti is playing a new villain, at least to me, Sofia Falcone/Gigante. She is tough. She takes no prisoners. The episode when we see her backstory, how she got to where she is in today's version of the show, her performance should be studied in acting classes. This is a masterclass. I'd be shocked if she doesn't get award consideration for this performance alone. But, she continues to shine with each passing episode. She terrifies me. But I also cannot look away from what her character is doing on the show. I'm also enjoying Rhenzy Feliz as Victor Aguilar. His role could have been cliched. He could have been a typical kid that, due to dumb luck, found himself working for The Penguin. But he adds layers to his portrayal. He has past issues that haunt him. He has personal stuff that he hasn't fully dealt with in his life. He ended up working for Oz by pure happenstance. but what they have done so far with him has been pretty damn great. These three really bring this whole show to life.

And, if you are reading this thinking it's just another superhero show, think again. I thought that for a second, but after watching the first episode, that's not the case. I'm almost caught up on the show, and to this point, this is a crime show that happens to have characters that share names with comic book people. This is as hardcore as "The Godfather" or "Goodfellas". This is akin to gangster movies that my mom watches and that I have come around on big time since I was a kid. I never think about this as a DC show or a superhero/super villain show. The only time that comes to mind is when they flash the DC logo after each episode. This is not that. This is a hard crime drama that also happens to be incredibly violent.

"The Penguin" is a very good show that has gotten better, for me, with each passing episode. I highly recommend checking it out. It's good stuff. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Now "KAOS" is the Cancel Victim of More Dumb Reality TV

Welp, another tv show that I enjoy bites the dust. It was announced yesterday, I didn't see until today, that Netflix cancelled "KAOS". They gave that show one season. They gave it eight measly episodes. And now it has been canned, and I don't know why.

This show had potential, this show had a great cast, this show was unique and different. I loved what I saw and was excited for where they could take it in season two. The whole cast was stellar, but the reason why I started watching was Jeff Goldblum. He was magnetic as Zeus. He was childish and violent. He was mean. He was vindictive. Goldblum played this role perfectly. If his portrayal of Zeus wasn't enough to keep this show on air, I have to assume it was a longshot at best to stick around after one shortened season.

I am sitting here today trying to figure out what went wrong, why Netflix made this decision. With "That 90's Show", while I was annoyed, some reasons made sense. The audience for that show are people my age. We watched "That 70's Show", so "That 90's Show" was nostalgic for us. The problem, my generation doesn't watch too many sitcoms. We are all about documentaries or crime shows now. Me, and a few of my friends, we're the exception. We watched the hell out of "That 90's Show" and wanted more. We didn't get our way, and Netflix moved on. It is a bummer, but I get it. "KAOS" is not a sitcom. There is no studio audience. There are no corny jokes. The cast is all in, and they know what they are doing with the material. It just doesn't make sense to me that they would give up on another quality show so quickly. The way the season went, started with a bang, no real lull and excellent ending that left the show open to many more seasons, it was strong all the way through. But I guess Netflix didn't see that. All the actors on the show were giving their all, and I found myself attached to every major character's story. When one story would shift into another one, I instantly found myself heavily involved in what was going on with that person. Be it a god, a political person, a mortal or a centaur, I wanted to know everything about that person. I watched the series in two sittings. I watched four episode blocks in two different days. I couldn't get enough of it. But Netflix just axed it.

I thought maybe Netflix would get rid of a bunch of shows, but it seems like the two biggest, and most notable new shows they let go of are "That 90's Show" and "KAOS". I wish I could say the same for a show like "Love is Blind" on Netflix, but nope, they have a new season and they even have versions in other countries now. It seems like they can continue to make more and more reality tv shows, but good material that is different and exciting, like "KAOS" is kicked to the curb.

This bums me out. I wish, and want streaming networks to give these cool shows more of a shot. Unfortunately it seems like that is not the case. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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"That 90's Show" is Cancelled for More Dumb Reality Television

I read earlier today that Netflix has cancelled "That 90's Show" after two seasons. This bums me out.

I really enjoyed that show. A buddy of mine told me to watch it when it first aired and I did and I loved it. I was a big fan of "That 70's Show" when it first aired. I watched it from start to finish. I stayed even after Topher Grace left. I was all in. I was getting to that level with "That 90's Show". I could totally relate to the kids on the show because I grew up in the 90's. When I watched "That 70's Show", I watched it for the kids, but I wasn't born until 1982. Growing up in the 90's, it was so much easier for me to understand because I lived through it. I got all the goth stuff. I knew every show they were referencing. The clothes were what I wore from time to time. It was great. I also related so much more with Red and Kitty in the new version of the show. I got what got them so upset. It made total sense. I have young kids now, but I see them interacting with my parents, their grandparents. My kids' grandparents aren't as mean as Red or lively as Kitty, but they show the same kind of tough love and real love. I loved the show for that.

All of "That 90's Show" was so much more in my personal wheelhouse. I was fully in on this show. But Netflix is killing it, and I don't know why. I don't get it. I don't know what the end game is for them. If I sit back and think about it, Netflix, like so many other streaming companies, are veering more towards reality TV, and that stinks. Reality TV doesn't cost all that much, you can do a bunch of seasons and people will watch that stuff no matter what. There seems to be a reality show for everyone. Want sports, watch "Quarterback" or "Receiver". Want dating shows, there's too many to name. Want cooking competitions, the possibilities are endless. There are far too many reality TV shows out there now, and they are killing narrative shows. Writers are going to be obsolete at this rate, and it is a bummer. Comedies are going to be nonexistent, except for standup specials. Hard dramas may last a little longer, older people seem to enjoy them, but they won't be around as long as reality shows. Along with writers, directors will be few and far between. Creative people are going to get pushed out for reality TV yes men and women and there will be a certain few who remain because they know how to film reality TV, but the good, lesser known directors and writers are going to get squeezed out. As are the young up and coming actors. The kids in "That 90's Show" were great. They were funny, had good timing and seemed to have really good chemistry. But they don't have people behind them, that I know of, like Jenna Ortega has behind her. People will push so much harder for Barry Keoghan over any kid on this show. The Jonas Brothers will get more bit roles than these kids. And reality TV "personalities" are going to be everywhere.

Some streaming network or TV network needs to let these shows develop for longer than two seasons. They need to see what they have before they just move on because the numbers aren't to their liking at first glance. I did read that the people behind "That 90's Show" are shopping it out, hoping someone else takes a chance on it. I hope some network does because they have a true nostalgic hit on their hands. I want less reality TV and more original series. Networks need to stop giving up on them so easily. I want original content so much more than mind dumbing reality TV. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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