Thoughts on Paris


It seems that whenever tragic events of great suffering unfold I find myself attracted to the Twitter hashtags and other various online commentary related to these events. I am less interested in what the profit driven media has to say about these sort of events and more interested in what actual people without such a motive have to say. Since I have heard about what happened and is happening in Paris I have been spending much of my time looking into the thoughts and feelings of people around the world in reaction to these events.

One of the topics centered on in these reactions has been religion. The reactions regarding the intersection of the Paris attacks and religion are spanning several spectrums. I have read tweets from some of those who self-identify as atheist calling out religious ideology in general as the cause of this tragedy. I have read comments from some of those who self-identify as Christian who perpetuate the idea that Islam is inherently violent and thus justify grouping all who call themselves Muslim in with these attacks. I have read posts from some of those who self-identify as Muslim who are desperately pleading to disassociate Islam from the attack by pointing to specific entries in the Quran which show the peace that they see as representative of Islam. I have read the thoughts of some who want to take the focus off of religion entirely because they do not see how it could be related.

Most of my personal thoughts on the matter are with the people of Paris. I imagine that they are feeling terrified right now. Sadness and anger are probably also very prevalent. They need a sense of security and safety and stability and respect. They are extremely lacking in all of those needs right now. They also need some support and empathy from the rest of the world right now which is something that many people are also offering. There is a lot of that in the online discussion and it is good to see.

I do not want to be the person who says that we need to take the focus off of religion. I know well that just as some receive a sense of peace from the ideals of Islam or whatever religion they follow there are always those who can use alternative text in the same book to justify such inhumane acts. I think it is important to discuss the influence that religion has in any event. But as much as some of that influence might cause suffering, some people need the influence of religion, however flawed it may be, to give them solace in these times.

I have been the self-identifying atheist who quickly rises up to call out religion as the cause of all the suffering. I can appreciate the need to understand why things like this happen and to want to have a solution to the suffering no matter what ideological affiliation one might identify with. But our problems are more complicated than that.

The blame never lies in one place. Yes, the ideas of religions can be used to justify horrendous acts. But to abolish Islam, Christianity, etc. is, to those who peacefully follow those philosophies, to make an enemy in the abolishers for taking away their source of solace and community. We are all participants and influencers in a world that allows people who commit these atrocities to exist. If there is blame to be dealt it belongs to us all.

Perhaps instead of focusing on who or what ideas to blame, it would be more useful to focus on the unmet need. The attackers maybe needed a sense of community. In the common worldviews which offer an abundance of sides to take, labels to adhere to, and others to blame it is no wonder that some find their sense of community in such aggressive groups. Groups such as these who have come to the flawed understanding that in order for their to be peace for their group those who they can identify as “others” must be destroyed. The need for understanding can never be met with violence. One who wins a violent conflict never proves who has the truth. They only prove who has the strength. Understanding is not found there.

I guess I just needed to get these thoughts out. These events will likely be an ongoing worldwide discussion for a while. I think that the best thing to do is to react with empathy and support for the suffering, discuss how we all might come to a common understanding of the world, and take non-violent actions which help cement the sense of community that has the potential to result.

Kirk Aug

Kirk coordinates SeedSing's Idea Farm. Follow him on twitter @kirkaug.




Ty is tired of idiots who fight coffee and embrace racism

Idiots make my head hurt

Idiots make my head hurt

I don't get political on this site ever. I'm not into politics and I feel that's its best, for me, to keep my political beliefs to myself. Politics are RD's thing and he does them well. But, two recent news stories have really gotten to me. They've both made me angry for very different reasons. I feel that I need to talk about these things because, if I keep them inside, I'll explode.

I am going to start with this whole Starbucks thing with the red cups. First of all, who really gives a shit about the cup that you're drinking delicious coffee out of? I've never noticed the cup before, but these recent stories coming from jack ass religious people are boiling my blood. The religious right is complaining that Starbucks is unholy because they aren't doing their Christmas or holiday cups this year. They're just doing a red cup. First of all, I like that Starbucks is trying to not affiliate itself with any holiday. A corporation shouldn't have to tell or show you their religious beliefs. Who cares what you believe in, as long as you aren't hurting anyone and the product is good? That's what I say. But, these asshole Christians coming into a Starbucks, or going on live TV or social media and degrading Starbucks for "taking the Christ out of Christmas" need to get a god damned life. Hey assholes, maybe the people who run Starbucks don't celebrate the same holiday that you do. People all over the world celebrate different holidays. That's why people should say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" this time of year. Not everybody is a Christian, I hate to burst your bubble Catholics and any other iteration of Christians. Also, how do you know that your "God", if there is even a God(I personally don't believe there is) celebrates Christmas? Just because your dumbass Bible tells you so doesn't make it true. The Bible is as reliable as someone saying, "I heard it from a friend of a friend". It's all hearsay and conjecture, and written by governments so the established white people stayed in power. It's ridiculous story after ridiculous story passed down and rewritten many times. Basically, the Bible is a crock of shit. It's as reliable as a story from "In Touch" magazine or "Us Weekly". It's a rag, and it's false. I used to believe pretty heavily in this stuff, and if you do believe, that's great for you, just don't stuff your religious opinion down my throat, I don't care. But, I grew up and was taught science through my folks. Now, I am a man of facts, not faith. So, all you wacko Christians going into Starbucks and saying your name is Merry Christmas, get a life and find some real things to complain about. Instead of bitching and moaning about a stupid cup, put your religious fervor towards something that matters. Try helping starving children overseas and in America. Do something that helps, stop complaining about a cup.

A bunch of imbeciles.

The other thing that has me upset is this whole situation going on in Columbia, Missouri at the University of Missouri. To get it out in the open immediately, I side with what the students and players did, going on strike until that racist, ignorant and arrogant piece of shit president resigned. They did the absolute right thing. What makes me angry are people out there calling these students and athletes spoiled and arrogant and saying that their scholarships should be revoked. What kind of ass backwards shit is that? These kids did something very important and took a stand against racism. Why should the football players have to give up their scholarships? Why do people think that going on strike made these kids feel entitled? How is what they did any different than when we have a labor union strike? These laborers, who seem to be the majority of people that dislike what the students and athletes did, get upset when another company comes in and undercuts them, offers a lower price to make a product and that certain company goes with the cheaper price. Then, while driving around or taking my son to his basketball game, I have to see grown ass adults holding a sign that says "Shame on Lucky's Market" or "Shame on insert company name here" for hiring non union workers. I'm sorry, but I thought your beloved America was a country that was built on commerce. Why wouldn't a company take a cheaper price to give you the same product? Who gives a shit if the name Boeing is attached when some other company can make me the same stuff for a lesser price. So, I ask again, why is what the students and the athletes at the University of Missouri did any different than when laborers go on strike? The only difference I see is racism. The now former president of the University of Missouri was and is clearly a racist. He does not care about students of color. Take their non violent protest when they stood in front of his Corvette and he had his driver, because of course he has a driver, rev the engine and eventually bump into some of the students. What the hell is that? Why don't these kids deserve to feel safe? They are away from their families, most of them in a new town, and they have to deal with stupid ass, privileged white boys yelling racial slurs at them and the president of the university does nothing. That's a crying shame. Did I miss something, because I thought we were in the 21st century. This is supposed to be a golden age where everyone is equal. Men, women, white people, black people, brown people, Chinese people, so on and so forth. But, this doesn't seem to be the case on Missouri's campus right now. They reverted to the 50's, and that was not a good time in America. I find it totally obnoxious that the people complaining the most about the protests are white people, that I assume. are all conservatives. That's absurd. Get over yourselves. We are all equal, contrary to what you dumbasses believe, and what these kids did was 100 percent in the right. Stop bad mouthing them and telling them they deserve to have their scholarships revoked. If they deserve that, all the laborers out there deserve to have their jobs taken away when they go on strike. Fair is fair, right? Conservatives will tell you an eye for an eye, right?

Just stop with all the nonsense and realize that we are in the 21st century. Not everyone celebrates, or even believes in Christmas, and we are all created equal. That's what they wrote in the Constitution over 200 plus years ago. We are all equals. And a big thank you to RD for giving me this platform to get on my soapbox about these two issues today. I needed to get this off my chest. I know I'll hear from people in the comment section and all I can say is, this is one man's opinion on these issues.

Take it or leave it.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man podcast. His goal in life is to attend a gay wedding in Indiana that serves pizza at the reception. Follow Ty on twitter @tykulik