Ty Watches "Knock at the Cabin"

Last weekend my wife and I went back to the theater and saw "Knock at the Cabin". I have not been inside a theater for a movie since early 2022 when I saw "Everything Everywhere All at Once". My wife had the day off and wanted to go out for lunch and a movie. She picked lunch and I picked the movie. She was also pretty adamant that we went to a theater. It was cool. There was us and two other, older couples for a noon showing.

I have wanted to see "Knock at the Cabin" since I first saw a trailer about two or three weeks ago. I have liked, or at least been into, the past couple M Night Shyamalan movies. "Glass" wasn't great, but at least all the "superheroes" in Shyamalan's previous movies got together and made something that had stuff that worked. "Old" crumbled at the end, but up to that point it kept my attention. And "Split" is a very good movie, full stop. So "Knock at the Cabin" had won a place in my brain. I wanted to see this movie. I am a big Dave Bautista fan and to see him playing this type of character really piqued my interest. He is usually used as Drax or as a big guy that is there for comedy relief. I did like his character in "Glass Onion", and his small role in "Blade Runner 2049" is extremely memorable. Those are about the only time he has ventured away from typecasting and they both worked. So seeing him playing this soft spoken doomsdayer type really pulled me in. I then read what the movie was about  and that made me even more amped.

The long and short is a family goes on a vacation and they are met by four people who say they have to kill one of their own or the apocalypse will occur. Pretty easy premise to follow. It is like a thriller version of "Sophie's Choice". Bautista is the lead. Rupert Grint, Nikki Amuka-Bird and Abby Quinn play the doomsday people. They each explain that they have had visions and they came together to try and stop the apocalypse. Jonathan Groff, Ben Aldridge and Kristen Cui are the family that has to decide if they will live alone with the three of them as the world ends, or if they will make an awful sacrifice to save the world.

I really wanted to love this movie going in. I had high hopes. The movie got solid reviews as well, so I was hyped. The movie, for me, fell a little flat. There are things I love in this movie. The creepiness, the quietness, the sacrificing, the stories being told, the tension, that stuff worked and worked very well at points. Groff and Aldrigde played great off each other. They had wonderful chemistry and they were tremendous in this movie. The little girl was exceptional. She has a very bright future. And Dave Bautista was phenomenal. He was quiet and spoke very matter of factly and that made him even more frightening. Even a good amount of the twists and turns work very well. But it was some of the other stuff around the movie that didn't totally hit for me. The twist was predictable. For a director like Shyamalan, even in his bad movies, the twists usually work and I have a hard time seeing them coming. This one was pretty easy to follow. Some of the disasters and diseases were a little on the nose. They pulled a lot from COVID and modern news. I think I wanted a fresher take. Some of the stories the doomsayers told were familiar and tired.I get why they were inserted into the movie but I wanted a different point of view.

I think mostly, for me, the biggest problem was my expectations were far too high. I should have lowered them a bit. My wife said she liked the movie okay, but it was a little flat at points. I wish I had gone in with her point of view.

"Knock at the Cabin" is an okay movie with a great performance from Bautista. But I wish I had waited until it was streaming to watch. At least I got to have a date with my wife and that made it worth it. But the movie just didn't fully hit me the way I was hoping it would. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Glass Onion"

Last night my wife and I watched "Glass Onion: A Knives Out Murder Mystery".

It was incredible. I cannot overstate how wonderful this movie was. I told my wife last night I need to start waiting to do my best of lists until after the new year. This movie is so great that it might be my favorite movie of the year. I still love "Everything Everywhere All At Once" and "Hustle", but "Glass Onion" is on a whole other level. I was in awe the entire watch last night. There is not a moment wasted in this movie. Every actor is absolutely owning their role. The way the story unfolds is magical. This review is going to be spoiler free. I want to let that be known up front. I am doing that because I am so very happy that I knew nothing going in. I only knew the cast and the name of the movie. That is the only info you should go into this viewing experience with. To watch it unfold like I did last night was the absolute best. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Like I said, the story is masterfully done. The twists and turns and fake outs, it all worked on me. It was all that I needed to see to be satisfied. I loved every little detail the writers put in. Again, nothing was wasted. There are no throw aways or pointless storylines that drag on for zero reason. It was perfect.

This cast is amazing as well. From top to bottom they crush it. I did not think I was going to like Kate Hudson, but I ended up loving her. Her commitment is otherworldly. She has wonderful acting ability when directed properly and given well written material. Dave Bautista continues to surprise me. Much like Hudson, when given good material he really shows up. He did a great job. Leslie Odom Jr is proving himself to be more than a stage star. He commits to his scientist role and never hams it up. This is a solid performance from him. Kathryn Hahn continues to prove why she is one of the best actors working right now. I wanted her to have a bit more to do here, but when she is asked to shine she does that and then some. She is such a good actor. This role makes me even more excited for the "Agatha" show on Disney plus.

The real stars, the ones that shine brightest in this movie are Edward Norton, Daniel Craig and Janelle Monae. They are tremendous. Norton is chewing scenery in the best way possible. He is going for it and he is achieving his goal. I could not believe how much I enjoyed him in this movie. He is a delight. Craig, the only returning actor from the first movie, is back and better than ever. He is sillier and more profane in this movie. He is having a great time and it shows. The accent is on point. The monologues are excellent. The way he unfolds the mystery is amazing. He is at the top of his game here. He really hits a homerun. But the best acting job is Monae far and away. She is simply the best here. She has a lot to do and she does it all so very well. If Craig hits a homerun, Monae is hitting a grand slam. She is perfectly cast. She did her work. She is showing off and it is all done so gracefully. I loved her in this movie. This is a prime role for her and she is going to become an even bigger star off of this role. She is exceptional.

"Glass Onion" has the feel of an older movie. That is a compliment. The music is great. The costumes look like they are from the 50's. The scenery is second to none. I want to go to Greece today. The movie is modern as well. The story of this crew has a very modern feel. The places they stay are very up to date and very high tech. The way they handle COVID is the closest I have seen to real life yet on screen.

Look, I cannot recommend this movie enough. This is a sequel that may be better than the original. The movie is about 2 hours and 15 minutes but it never felt long. I could have watched another 2 hours happily. "Glass Onion" rules. Go watch it now. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Dune"

Yesterday I watched "Dune". We got back from our trip earlier than we thought, my wife and I had already decided to move our date night to Sunday since we were gone Friday, and it was my turn to pick the movie.

I have been pretty pumped for this movie since I first heard about it over a year ago. I have seen bits and pieces of David Lynch's "Dune", and it is not a good movie. It has some great ideas, but it definitely falls off the rails. I have seen most of "Jodorowsky's Dune", and that is a great documentary and I would love to see his version. But that would have also been a crazy movie. I have never read the book, but I am somewhat aware of the story. But what made me want to see his one so much, why I was so excited, was the fact that Denis Villenuve was directing it. I loved "Blade Runner 2049", "Prisoners" is a tough watch, but a good movie and although I have never seen it, and RD despises it, "Arrival" won itself some awards. Villenuve has a very good eye for directing these big, lavish features. He has a good vision of how to show these vast landscapes. "Dune" was no different.

This is, hands down, one of the most beautiful looking movies I have ever seen. The landscape was beautiful. The worlds that were created looked so real. Maybe they looked real because this movie was shot in some beautiful places. I read they shot some in Norway. I have to assume that is where they got the water planet, and it looked glorious. I also read they shot in Abu Dhabi and Jordan, and that is most definitely where they got these seemingly never ending deserts. The deserts used in "Dune" were so big and so expansive and looked amazing. It was an incredible treat for your eyes. The set designs, while minimal, were just as beautiful. These futuristic homes and planets were perfectly constructed. I was blown away by how pretty this movie looked.

The acting was just the same. Timothee Chamelet, who I have not been a big time fan of, was very, very good in this movie. He is the main character and I loved watching his story unfold. I also bought his performance tenfold. He committed and he totally stuck the landing. Rebecca Ferguson was perfect as the mom trying to help her son, but also her people. Again, I bought her story. I loved her passion and ability to fight and stick her neck out there. Oscar Issac was a bit more subdued in this role, but he also did such a good job. He had very good vision as a leader and a father. He is a totally dependable actor. Josh Brolin was badass as the leader of the army and the weapons expert. I love this newfound fame Brolin has found the past five years, and he has more than earned it. Jason Momoa was also very good in his role. He can be hit or miss, but he hit in this one. It was a perfect role for him. Sharon Duncan-Brewster, who I did not know, was excellent. She was smarter than anyone else in the desert and she knew it. I found myself actively rooting for her. Dave Bautista and Stellen Skarsgard were creepy looking, ruthless and scary as hell. I found myself kind of sitting back in my chair every time they showed up on screen, which I believe was their job. Javier Bardem had two of the best scenes in the movie, and I have found that I really enjoy his acting. And Zendaya was really good in a very minimal role until the very end of the movie. Everyone in this movie totally nails it. The casting was tremendous. They totally stuck the landing.

While this movie is confusing, "Dune" is a confusing story, I cannot stop thinking about it a day later. I just keep going back in my memory and thinking about more and more stuff I liked about it. My wife was a trooper for sitting through this with me, she is not a big sci-fi fan and this movie clocks in at over two and a half hours, but she did it and she even found things she liked. To me "Dune" is like a modern day "2001: A Space Odyssey". It has that same feeling. And while I do not think this is a spoiler, this appears to be only part one. The movie starts with opening credits and it even says, "Dune: Part 1". I have to assume that they are going to greenlight a sequel very soon, especially considering how much money it made this weekend. I also like that approach to this story. Make it a five hour long two-part movie. "Dune" needs that large of a scope to get the full story across. I highly, highly recommend this movie to anyone out there. It is glorious, beautiful and awesome. I adore this movie. I cannot wait for part two.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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