I Just Saw "Star Wars: The Last Jedi". What the Hell is Wrong with People?
/The movie theater protects me from reading what the internet idiots think.
Editor's Note: There are spoilers for "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" in this article. You have been warned about a movie that has been out for a month now.
This past Saturday my son and I went to see "Star Wars: The Last Jedi". Today I will do a short little review of the movie, but I also want to talk about the ridiculous backlash this movie has gotten from so called "lifetime fans".
First, the review.
I found this movie to be quite enjoyable. My son did too. We had a good time watching it together. The fight scenes were some of the best that I have seen in any "Star Wars" movie. In particular, the fight scene with Kylo Ren and Rey teaming up to fight the Imperial Red Guards was almost as amazing as what Darth Vader did at the end of "Rogue One". That Vader fight scene was the best "Star Wars" fight scene ever, but this was a very close second. I also really liked the opening scene, with the war in space. I thought that was rather cool. Hell, I even, I'd go so far as to say loved, the last battle between Luke and Kylo Ren. Every battle scene in this movie was well made and a joy to watch. I was more than happy with BB-8 being back in the movie. I really loved, and her performance makes me miss her even more, the badassness that is General Leia. Poe was just as reckless, but also as cool as he was in "The Force Awakens". Finn was back, and I love John Boyega in this role. He is perfect for it. I loved the additions of Rose (Kelly Marie Tran) and Vice Admiral Holdo (Laura Dern). They were strong, important female leads that are much needed in the "Star Wars" universe. Chewbacca and the relationship with the Porgs was much more likable than the Ewok's. I liked evil BB-8. It was cool to see Snoke not in hologram form. He is a bad dude. I thought Benecio Del Toro was good in this movie. It was awesome to see Luke again. But, above all else, Rey was amazing. She was the star. Daisy Ridley has made Rey into such a likable and memorable character. She is wonderful in these first 2 movies, and I cannot wait to see what they do with her next. Hell, I even liked the use of Yoda in this movie. I thought it was cool to see the most memorable "Star Wars" character show up in a crucial scene in "The Last Jedi".
If I had to complain about anything, the movie could have been about 30-40 minutes shorter. It did not have to be 2 and a half hours long. But, that is a small complaint. Even with it being a "complaint", I was never bored, and neither was my son. If I had to put the movies in order, this definitely makes my top 4. I'd have "Empire" as 1, "Rogue One" 2 and "Force Awakens" 3. I am very new to all these movies, so recency bias most definitely plays a role for me. But, I thoroughly enjoyed my movie theater experience of "The Last Jedi".
Now, my second point. All these fan boy morons that can never get a date, that still live in their parents basement even though they are probably in their 40's, that probably think this new "government" is doing all the right things, that seem to despise females, that just feel the need to spit vitriol, that just need something to complain about, shut your god damn mouths. You should be grateful that they are still making new "Star Wars" movies for you to watch. To sit here and chastise Rian Johnson and all the actors involved is so goddamn childish. No one is ever satisfied anymore, and it is getting quite annoying. I made the mistake of reading some user reviews on Rotten Tomatoes after seeing the movie, and all that showed me was how stupid and disgusting and mean these fan boys can be. I read stuff that had quotes like, "keep your liberal agendas at home" and "this was feminist garbage", and one person even said that, "this movie raped my childhood". How dare you. That is so out of bounds that I don't even know where to begin. "The Last Jedi" is a fantasy movie, very well made might I add, and all you idiots can do is sit behind a screen name and bitch? What a bunch of cowards.
It doesn't stop with the Rotten Tomatoes user profile reviews. I was listening to "Doughboys" , and Mike Mitchell, who I am a big time fan of, called the addition of Yoda, "disrespectful". Why is it disrespectful? What does Rian Johnson or George Lucas or anyone else involved with "Star Wars" owe you? You are a ticket buying fan. I say again, be grateful that they are still making these movies. I have seen other comedians that I like complain about this movie on Twitter and say that the prequels are better. That is utter nonsense. The prequels are bad movies. "The Last Jedi" is well made and good. I guess what I'm trying to say is, these nerds and dorks that claim they have been a fan of this franchise from the start are liars. They aren't fans. They are whiners and complainers. They are real life Comic Book Guy's. That's not a compliment. Get over yourselves. And, if you don't like the movie, don't go see it. That is what makes it even worse. These people that are griping about this movie go see it multiple times in the theaters. If you hated it so much, why did you go for a second, third and fourth viewing? Why do you keep giving your own money, or maybe it is your parents money, to a movie that you claim to hate? Just knock it the hell off you dorks. I'm sick of the bitching and complaining about a very good movie. Get over yourself you bunch of babies. It is just a movie. And it is a very good movie at that.
These are my thought on "Star Wars: The Last Jedi". Good movie followed by a lot of whiny crybaby idiots.
Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. After getting his high waist pants, and doing a few crunches, Ty is shirtless and ready for the Kylo Ren challenge.
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