A Millennial Remembers Gene Hackman

Gene Hackman, his wife and their dog all passed away two days ago. There has been a lot of speculation about the passing, but the reality is the world lost an all time actor. I hope they get this all figured out, but in the end, they have gone to the other side.

I was a fan of Gene Hackman's acting. He was a winning actor for sure. He, for the most part, took on pretty cool roles and, more likely than not, nailed it. I'm a big time sports fan, as you all know, so my social media feed was filled with everything "Hoosiers". I don't particularly care for that movie. I find it a little boring. I get all the love for it, and what it did for sports movies, but give me "Major League", "Bull Durham", "White Men Can't Jump" and "Hoop Dreams" anyday over "Hoosiers". I did also get a lot of love for "The French Connection". I have never seen that movie. I have heard it has one of the best car chase scenes ever filmed. And Hackman won one of his two Oscars for that movie.

For me there are two movies that told me everything I needed to know to be a fan of Hackman's work. The first is a pretty bad movie, which I love, called "The Replacements". This movie is about replacement football players that take over for the original players that are on strike. The whole idea of this movie is a problem up front. The viewer is supposed to be rooting for "scabs". These guys aren't pros, the pros are asking for more money, which they deserve. But, we are told that the pros are the bad guys and the replacements are the good guys. Anyway, this movie is all about Keanu Reeves' relationship with the cheerleader he likes, and his new coach, played by Gene Hackman. What makes me like this movie is Hackman's performance. He brings a gravitas and classic acting style to this movie. Hackman could have phoned it in and just cashed a check. He didn't do that though. He fully bought in. He was an old school coach put into a rough situation. Hackman wore a fedora, had a salt and pepper mustache and carried this aura of "win one more game for your old ball coach". And I loved it. I bought every single second of his performance in this cliched, tired sports movie. He was the best part about it, and when I first watched it, I had no idea he was even in the movie. The fact that I even remember a thing about this movie is because of Hackman.

The other movie, playing one of the greatest roles of all time as Royal Tenenbaum, is "The Royal Tenenbaums". This is my favorite Wes Anderson movie. I believe it is his best. The cast is amazing. The story is so well told. All of the actors are giving it one million percent and totally nailing it. This isn't just a straight forward comedy from Anderson. He tries new stuff out and he crushes it. But, the best person in this movie filled with magnetic performances is Hackman as the patriarch of the family. He's mean and gritty. He only cares about himself all the way to the end. He only wants things that will further push his wants and needs. He is an asshole, an egomaniac and a terrible father. And you cannot take your eyes off him whenever he is on screen. He owns the room every time he's in a scene. He is the funniest one in the movie. The moments of clarity he has are always undercut by more of his character's poor attitude and nonsense. I was blown away the first time I saw him in this, and with every rewatch, it reminds me of how amazing Hackman was in this movie. I've read that he was kind of a jerk to Anderson on set, and that is a bummer. But this is a role that will forever define Hackman's career for me. As a viewer of the movie of his I've seen, this is the best he's ever done and it's one of the best performances of all time. We should all be very grateful that we get to watch him as Royal Tenenbaum.

Rest in Peace to Gene Hackman, his wife and his dog. Time will tell how it all went down. But, enjoy being one of the greatest actors wherever you may be right now. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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"The Replacements" is Not Worth a Revisit

Now that I have caught up on some newer movies I wanted to see, I have decided I am going to go back and watch some movies I used to adore when I was a kid. I am curious to see if they hold up, if I will still like them. I also want to show my son some older Adam Sandler movies since I am such a big fan of his older stuff.

With that, I started this yesterday and watched the movie "The Replacements". "The Replacements" came out in 2000, and when I was 17, this movie was the shit. I loved it. I would rent it constantly and watch it over and over again. I got a good group of my friends into the movie as well, and when we had free time, this movie would be a top pick of ours. We loved everything about it.

The movie is about a bunch of replacement players for the NFL when they go on a strike. The usual players want more money, they do not get it at first and the team that is the focus of the movie goes out and finds guys who used to play, or had promising careers cut short. There is obvious hijinks and tomfoolery that happens, as you would expect, and of course they win enough games to make the playoffs. Again, I adored this movie as a teenager. So I decided to revisit it.

Unfortunately, it does not hold up. Keanu Reeves is the main character, and he cannot carry this movie. I love Keanu Reeves. This resurgence he has made is incredible, and he is making some kick ass stuff and showing up in random movies and stealing the show, namely in "Always Be My Maybe". But back in 2000, Reeves was asked to do too much in movies. The reason why "John Wick" works so well is because Reeves doesn't have to talk very much. He just has to kick ass. In "The Replacements" he has to give motivational speeches and rally his team around him. For a wacky sports movie, it is too much. Gene Hackman is an all timer, and he is probably the only one who did a good job in this movie, but it seems below his level. He is too good to be in this movie. I mean, he followed this one up with "The Royal Tenenbaums", which is a masterpiece. He probably took this role to do something different, but he is far too accomplished to be slumming it in a movie like this. Another guy I like, Orlando Jones, is barely used in this movie, and when he is, he hardly gets to make any jokes. Jones is funny and charismatic, but he is just put upon as a fast receiver who cannot catch. It is a waste of his talent. Brook Langton has some pull in this movie, and she gets to be more than just the love interest, until the end. She is a badass throughout, but when Reeves comes back, she is putty in his arms, and that is a bummer. Jon Faverau is a caricature of a jock. He goes way, way too overboard. He chews way too much scenery. I kept watching it and marveling that he is the guy who essentially revived Marvel movies. It is an insane performance. Rhys Ifan is almost racist in his portrayal of a Welsh person. He drinks, smokes and doesn't pay off his gambling debts. It is an affront to the Welsh people I feel.

I don't know what it was when I was a teen, but this movie is downright dreadful. I just could not wrap my head around why I liked this movie so much. There were some scenes where the players on strike kept showing up at the field and pushing Reeve's car over. And I kept saying to no one out loud, "shouldn't they be at a meeting trying to get more money and better benefits?". That was where my mind was going yesterday. There are a lot of people I like and respect in this movie, and I love football. But "The Replacements" is not a good movie. It is, in fact, a very, very bad movie. I do not recommend watching it, unless you want ti kill a few hours. But it would be a wasted few hours. You can believe that.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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