Why Do You Care That Robert Downey Jr is Back in the MCU?

It was recently announced that The Russo Brothers and Robert Downey Jr will be returning to the MCU. The Russo's are going to direct some of the new movies and RDJ is going to be playing Dr Doom. Let’s discuss.

I saw this news, thought to myself that it was a cool and smart idea and then kind of forgot about it. That was until the internet exploded with people appearing to be very upset with this news. I guess, because RDJ played Ironman, this new role of his will mess with the lore of the entire MCU. This rip in the space time continuum of these superhero movies has upset nerds and non nerds alike. They are mad and they are letting the world know how mad they are.

Again, I saw the news and kind of left it where it was. I don't go too hard on news like this. It doesn't affect my day to day, so why should I care? RDJ is a very good, very accomplished actor and the Russo Brothers have made some of the better superhero movies. On paper, this all seems like a solid idea and the best shot to make better movies and make the "Fantastic Four" finally work on screen. They are putting a lot behind this movie. They got RDJ, they cast good, solid actors in the four lead roles and they have good writers attached. That is good considering how bad the last couple of iterations of these movies turned out to be. But, to the super fans, they are up in arms.

When I think about it, I don't really care because this is all make believe. Superheroes and supervillains do not exist. This is all a fantasy world. None of this affects our day to day lives. We have way, way bigger fish to fry than who plays who in a make believe world. We live in a time, where no matter what, some group of people are going to be mad about something. We all have far too much access on the internet, and we all feel like we have to put it out there. I'm doing it right now. But my gripe is with the people acting like this news has ruined their day, or in some cases, their lives. We have far too many Comic Book Guys living among us now, and they are letting their opinion be known. They want to fuss and complain about every little thing that doesn't fit what they want out of these movies. The people who whine are the same people, sorry RD, that complain about "Star Wars". Again, I go to "The Simpsons" when airing my grievances. When Comic Book Guy complained about Poochie, Bart asked him a great question. That question, "what do they owe you after giving you years of great tv and free entertainment", or something like that. That is the exact question I want to ask everyone that is so up in arms about RDJ playing Dr Doom. Who cares? He is an actor. His job is to make the unreal come to life, and RDJ is damn good at doing just that. He seems like a great fit to play this role. I'm kind of interested to see what he does with a villain role as opposed to being a hero. I want to see his take on being the bad guy. And I could care less if it messes with the MCU time frame, or whatever. They have already messed everything up with multiple universes and bringing the dead back to life. No one was this upset when the supposed deceased Avengers returned in "Infinity War", at least I think that was the movie where they came back. No one seemed to care when Dr Strange messed with all the stuff that happened to Scarlet Witch. We all just accepted it as the MCU reality. But, for some reason this news has made the masses very mad.

Get over it. It doesn't affect us at all. Try to control the things you can control. Don't let a movie casting disrupt your whole day. Just look forward to what they are going to do with the movie and go watch it when it comes out in theaters. Then form an opinion. That is going to be my plan moving forward. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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