Ty Watches "Titane"

So I just watched the movie "Titane", and boy oh boy what a ride. This has to be one of the most insane things I have ever watched. I have been thinking about the movie since I finished it last night, and I was thinking about it during my morning run. Hell, I am still thinking about it while I write this right now.

For those that may not know, "Titane" is about a child who gets in a horrible car wreck, gets a metal plate inserted in her head, grows up to become a go go dancer and a killer, pretends to be someone else, meets that person's father, works and lives at the dad's firehouse and eventually has a baby. Seems like a lot, huh? Well that is just the tip of the iceberg. I have heard many people talk about this movie. The first person who told me about it was my dad. He showed me the trailer months ago and I was intrigued. We had talked about going to see it in theaters, but opted not to because of COVID concerns. Then we both forgot about it. Then I heard Tatiana Maslany talk about it on a podcast and that jogged my memory. I read, after listening to the podcast, that it won the top prize at Cannes. I read that it got a nine minute standing ovation. I read that people were saying it is unlike anything they have ever watched. I even read that someone fainted at a screening. Needless to say, I was going to find a way to watch. It was simple enough when I checked Amazon Prime and saw it was available for rental. And since my wife is not into movies like this, and she is on a work trip, it was the perfect time to watch.

I mentioned the plot before, but as I said, there were so, so much more insane and wild things that happened in the movie. First off, the main character has sex with a car and a firetruck. You read that correctly. She has actual sex with an automobile and a firetruck. I do not know how that works, but the movie made it seem possible. She also becomes pregnant with the car's baby. Again, you read that right. All the while she is some kind of serial killer that the police cannot find. She is also super distant from her mom and dad, and seems to do her own thing all the time. The movie is also hyper violent and an extreme version of a body horror movie. I had to stop eating my dessert while I watched. The sex scene with the car was just the tip. The murders are absolutely brutal. There is a scene with a stool and a random dude that will haunt my dreams. She also stabs people with a knitting knife. But when you think it cannot get any crazier, the main character goes on the lam and takes on the life of a random guy who went missing ten years ago. The missing child's dad sees her and just accepts her as his lost son. And then we get some weird dance scenes, especially the one on top of the firetruck near the end. The dad also does steroids for some reason. The two of them together made me uncomfortable. They were too close. As the main actor gets more and more pregnant it just gets grosser and grosser. She leaks oil instead of milk. She scratches her body to the point of ripping her skin apart. As she gets bigger her skin continues to rip apart. When she is on the verge of having the baby, it is pure body horror. All the oil and blood and everything, it was nutso. And the dad helping her out, it was crazy.

I really do not know what to think of this movie. I have gone back and forth. I do not know if I love it or hate it. I do not truly know if I understand it. I am just confused. But the fact that it is stuck in my head has to mean something. At the very least the, the movie leaves a mark. I really do not know if I would recommend this movie or not. It is nuts and gross and sad and gory. But it does not leave you after you watch it. It stays in your head and makes you try to figure out what you just watched. All I know, "Titane" is the most insane and interesting movie I think I have ever seen.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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