The "Zombies" Don't Offer Much for the Parent Viewer, Except for the Incredible Dancing

My daughter has recently gotten very much into a trilogy of movies called "Zombies". I have had the great pleasure of watching two of them this past weekend. We had planned on watching all three but we couldn't find the time. Let’s discuss.

These movies are by no means bad, but they are not great either. There is some stuff to like and some stuff I would give a hard pass to. I think the actors do a fine job with the poor material they are given. The plot is a very thinly veiled attempt at desegregation. The actors are much older, for the most part, than the characters they are playing. The acting can be hammy in spots but decent in others. The movies are clearly made for kids. These are definitely just for kids. There is really nothing here that is for the parents that are watching along. But my daughter loves them and I love spending time with her doing things she likes.

During my time watching the first two movies something struck me though that I really do appreciate though. There are dance numbers galore in these movies. These are pretty much musicals for all intents and purposes. The soundtrack for each movie may be more important than the movies themselves. And the dance numbers are integral to what happens with the plot. It is like a music video with each new song. A lot of the actors are singers or have singing in their background. They are also dancers or trained in dancing at some point. That much is blatantly obvious. But these dance numbers, they are a spectacle. They are big and bold and boisterous. They are fun. I find myself tapping along and singing with some of the songs. I watch the actors dance and am endlessly impressed by what I am seeing.

I guess, what I am trying to say is, the dance numbers in these movies make them worth a watch if you are a parent. While watching the second movie over the weekend there was this very intricate cheerleading dance number and I said to my wife, she was watching with us, how impressed I was with the whole sequence. There was a humongous stage. The actors were lock and step with one another. No mistakes came across on camera. Some of the actors were doing some highly acrobatic things that had me sit up in my seat. The way they bounced on wires and made wall climbing look balletic was so cool. I was extremely interested in how all of it came together and how well everyone was doing. I cannot fathom how many takes it took to get it all, but they got what they wanted and it looks wonderful on film. I read, as stated above, that a lot of the actors come from musical backgrounds, but what they are doing in these movies is amazing. Like, this is close to Olympic level gymnastics they are doing here. And the dancing is so damn good. I like when the zombies dance. They look like zombies but they all have really good moves. The werewolves in the second movie dance even better than the zombies or humans in the first one. The humans, namely the cheerleaders, are highly impressive. I was blown away by what I saw. There is a scene in the first one where the main human goes to zombie land and does a full on dance number with all the zombies and it is great. It looks like a steampunk arena and the dance moves are awesome. The school president scene in the second movie is dope as well. I don't know, I am just intrigued by what I watched when it was a dance number in these movies. I like that they are able to do these highly athletic things.

It is these dance scenes that make these movies watchable for me. My daughter loves it all, from start to finish. And while I may not be into the movie much, the dance numbers are worth the 80 minutes each movie lasts. They are that enjoyable. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Remember When We Danced and Did Not Care Who Was Watching?

Driving to school this morning I was made a witness to something I had yet to see, but was waiting for. My son goes to school early on Thursday's, so it is just my daughter and me for regular dropoff. I usually pick the music because I am an adult and I want to. Sometimes I do let my kids pick, and that happened this morning.

My daughter is really into these Netflix movies called "Zombies". I have only seen bits and pieces of one of these movies. She usually watched them downstairs by herself. This is by choice. I once asked why and she told me she "needs to focus". I cannot imagine the story is that intriguing, but she is 7 and she loves it. I guess there is a ton of music played during these movies as well. She did a one day show choir camp last week and one of the age groups danced to a song from the "Zombies" franchise. When the song came on my wife said that if she had this song she would have gone nuts. That was the song I put on for her this morning.

The song is called "Fired Up". As soon as the song started, she started to vibe out. She was dancing like no one was watching. But I was paying close attention. As soon as the song came on she started to bounce back and forth in her seat. She was going off. She then started to tell me all about the song and the movies. She asked me if I would watch with her. She told me all about the song. I learned everything from who was singing it to how that singer is revealed, spoiler alert, to be an alien. She was amped. Then she went back to dancing.

It was at this moment that I realized she was so into this song that she didn't care what anyone saw. I have had this feeling before. I know you all have had this feeling before. It happens to us all, and it seems to happen more the older we get. Her reaction to this song was like the first time I heard The Black Keys. I didn't care who saw me vibing out and dancing to their music. I went out and learned all the lyrics to every song on every record since then. I even learned some of their songs on guitar. The first time I heard Kendrick Lamar blew me away. I remember just bobbing my head back and forth to "Backseat Freestyle" and thinking it was one of the best rap songs ever created. I still do. That was the mindset my daughter had this morning. It was so awesome to see. She likes certain songs, but not like this. She will listen to Arctic Monkeys or Run the Jewels with me, but she has never reacted to any of their songs the way she did this morning. She will listen to artists like Emmy Meli and Karen O with my wife and I, but has never been grooving like she was this morning. And I am so pleased I got to see it in person. To see her having the time of her life, dancing the way she was dancing, having the time of her life, it made me so happy.

Music is a big deal to me. I love music and have very strong feelings about the music I like. Maybe this was my daughter's way of letting me know she will be the same, and I love that. It is so awesome to see your kids being kids and vibing out and having a good time. It is even better when you can see it in a venue or area you have interest in as well. This was a moment that I will never forget. This is a memory I will have forever and share with everyone close to me. This has made my day and been my favorite moment of 2023. It was the best. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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