Welcome to SeedSing Stories
/Having a story and owning the world go hand in hand
The central idea behind SeedSing is to let the average person have a voice. One did not need to be rich and connected in order to have their ideas heard. Our pop culture and politics is controlled by an incompetent media that only cares about ratings and influence, they do not care at all for the truth. Our world has a lot of problems, and voices without influence need to be heard. The truth needs to have a spot in our discussion.
SeedSing Stories is a place where we encourage people to talk about who they are. Understanding each other as real people will help us connect and understand each other's concerns. We may talk about or political views, but what made us feel this way. There are types of music and movies we enjoy the most, but what causes us to find worth in one thing and a guilty pleasure in another. SeedSing Stories will allow us to understand each other as real people, and not just a jumble of words extolling our grand virtues.
SeedSing Stories is meant to bring humanity back to discussion. The internet is a big open space with a lot of anonymous contributors. Being anonymous makes one into the mob. Individual voices will change the world. I want to learn about the individuals and join their voices together into a movement to fix the world. Your stories deserve to be heard. Do not keep quiet anymore.
I plan on telling stories of my days working with clowns. Other contributors have stories of living in world where gender roles have been reversed. You have stories equally, if not more, interesting than these. Your stories will give others moments of humor, knowledge, and inspiration. Share them with us. Let the world know we can fix it because we survived. Let your life lessons be another persons curriculum.
We want to know what you do with your life, and why. What event, or series of events, informed your world view? Bring us your stories. Plant your seed and let all of the world hear your song.
We look forward to understanding who the people are in the world around us.
RD Kulik
RD is the Head Editor for SeedSing. He looks forward to what happens with SeedSing Stories and does remind everyone we have a few rules around here.