Mini-Episode CVII-2: Taking a Knee
/The X Millennial Man is going to join our athletes and take a knee during the national anthem. Are we sons of bitches, or are we patriots? Download for free to today, and get the answer you crave.
One sunny day a Generation Xer was walking down the street listening to his Sony Discman, Radiohead's Karma Police was the song, when he ran into a Millennial who had his iPod touch ready to play the latest Black Keys song. The electrical energy generated between the old and new caused an explosion forcing the two to merge. Out of the smoke the X-Millennial Man emerged. He came to be the greatest critic of Pop Culture since... 1982?
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The X Millennial Man is going to join our athletes and take a knee during the national anthem. Are we sons of bitches, or are we patriots? Download for free to today, and get the answer you crave.
Politics and Pop Culture from the ground up.