Episode CCCLIX: Barbenheimer of Days Past

Barbenheimer is here to consume all of our movie theater going dollars. Why has no one thought of this before?

The truth is that we have been doing Barbenheimer for a very long time.

Join Ty and RD as they look back at the biggest movies that opened against each other on the same day.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CLXXXIV: The Best Movie Character Intros of Our Lives


Sometimes it only takes a few seconds for a movie to tell you what a character is really like. It may be a few words, it may be a look, or it could be the way others talk about the character.

Join Ty and RD as they look at the best introductions for some of the most memorable movie characters over the last forty years.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode XXVI: Generations Worth of Great Stand Up Comedy

RD is from Gen X, and Ty is from the millennials. They both love stand up comedy. Ty has even submitted his Mount Rushmore of comedy legends. Listen to who Ty and RD think are the greatest comics of their respective generations. When you are done listening, tell us who we missed.

Episode II: Beautiful Disasters

RD and Ty have a few favorite movies they would like to discuss (check out Ty's article on the subject).  Many people consider these films to be bad, we disagree and will tell you why. What makes Southland Tales visually gorgeous and so intriguing? Do the Wachowskis make interesting movies or just bad ones? Do you want to have a catch? What is wrong with Nicholas Cage? Come in for a listen and discover some films you probably skipped over.