Roger Goodell Should be Suspended Forever because of "Deflategate"
/Please no. Not this story again.
I cannot believe that I have to talk about this again, but a grand jury re suspended Tom Brady for god damn "deflategate" the first four games of next season.
Now, before I get into the meat of this blog, I do not think he will miss any games once again, just like last year. But Jesus Christ, why will this stupid ass story not die? I mean, it's some under inflated footballs. Who in the hell cares about this besides the Ravens, Colts and Satan, AKA Roger Goodell? Why is this such a big deal that they have dragged it out for two years now? Why are they trying to have Brady miss four games for something that is so inconsequential? I know it seems like I'm a Patriots defender, but I could care les about them. I just think this is the most asinine thing that the NFL cannot let go.
I have talked about deflategate many times before on this site, the NFL has much, much bigger fish to fry than some under inflated footballs 2 years ago. Sure, they suspended Adrian Peterson for a whole year, after he ruthlessly whipped his four year old child with a switch and then showed zero sympathy for what he did, but reinstated him last season and he was praised for his effort. He was looked at as a victim after he brutally whipped a four year old. That's appalling. Yeah, Richie Incognito missed a whole season after bullying someone to the point where they contemplated suicide, but he was let back in the league last year and now, he is going to keep a huge contract. He was also a pro bowler and no one has said anything bad about the terrible, awful thing he did to his former teammate. Oh, he is still a huge asshole too. That still hasn't changed, but don't tell that to Roger Goodell, he just wants to praise his return to the league. Greg Hardy is still in the NFL. He beats his girlfriends, fights his teammates, lies on TV about beating women, but he only had to miss 6 games last year, and I bet someone will sign him this offseason. And Roger Goodell will not blink an eye. Ray Rice is still out of the league, but it's not because there is video evidence of him knocking his soon to be wife unconscious, it's because he is, in NFL terms, over the hill. He is past his prime. I'm sure Goodell wants him back in the league so he can praise his "comeback", a la Peterson. The NFL also has young players, still to hit their prime, retiring from the league. They have a huge problem with their concussion protocol and players are dropping like flies, but that doesn't faze Goodell.
In fact, none of the stuff I have just laid out for you guys matters nearly as much as some under inflated footballs. That is the worst possible thing that any football player could do, if you ask Goodell. Who cares if players beat children or girlfriends or their wives, who cares if there is a big bullying problem going on with each team, who cares about players fighting each other on and off the field, who cares that there is a big steroid problem going on that no one is talking about. None of this compares to a player gaining a home field advantage. Yes, I've said it before and I'll say it again, under inflating footballs is unethical, but it's no worse than watering base paths in baseball. Every player and every team will try to gain a home field advantage any way possible. I'd much rather have a player on my team that wants some footballs slightly under inflated than a player that physically abuses women and children. I'd rather have the under inflaters than a bully. I'd rather have under inflaters than a steroid user. Basically, I'd rather have a player looking to gain a home filed advantage other than a player that physically or emotionally or verbally abuses other people.
This whole story is so ridiculous. I just don't understand why Roger Goodell won't let this go. He lost this case once, and I can almost guarantee that he will lose again and he will look like a total jack ass once again. He is really up a creek because he will not let "deflategate" go. He is so eager and so willing to put everything else aside so he can make the "golden boy" QB of the most dominating franchise in the 21st century in the NFL miss four games of a 16 game season. He is willing to allow abusers and bullies to miss zero time, or cut their suspensions in half so he can attack Tom Brady and the Patriots. And, much like most of the Patriot's opponents, Goodell is probably going to lose. This is almost an un winnable battle because it is such a dumb thing to take to court.
That's another thing, why is this subject being brought to the supreme court? Don't they have way bigger and way more important things to deal with? You know, things like murder, robbery, money laundering, etc. that are much more important than some under inflated footballs. And why did they uphold a suspension that got dismissed over a year ago? What kind of legitimate judge gives two shits about "deflategate"? This is such a non story, that if I were a judge, I would laugh in the face of Goodell and his cronies if they presented this to me and I would kick them out of my office.
Therein lies the main problem with this whole thing, Roger Goodell is an idiot, a sore loser, a person that is unable to let it go when he is wrong and he is trying to kill the US' most popular sport. He clearly doesn't realize that he has bigger problems to deal with. Either that, or he is so oblivious and blinded by his hatred for Tom Brady that he doesn't care about the other problems, and that makes him an even bigger idiot than I previously thought. He is a sore loser. The fact that he is still bringing this thing up and still trying to get Brady suspended means he cannot handle the fact that he was told he was wrong and his proposed suspension was thrown out over a year ago. Most people move on from things, but not a sore loser like Roger Goodell. He is as bad as Donald Trump. When they are told no or that they are wrong, they filter that out and only hear what they want to hear.
Then there is Goodell's quest to take down the NFL. I don't understand why the commissioner of the most popular sport in the US is so hell bent on corrupting and corroding the product. The NFL is so popular and watched by millions, but Goodell's quest to suspend Brady and ignore the abuse, bullying, concussions and every other problem with the NFL is turning a lot of people sour on the NFL. Less and less parents are letting kids play football because they see a commissioner more concerned with suspending a guy that may or may not have had some footballs under inflated and doesn't care about the concussion and abuse problems in the league. Goodell is killing this league and until they fire that incompetent ass, the NFL will continue to suffer.
Scientists have also proven that "deflategate" is pretty much impossible. The balls would have deflated because of the drastic change in temperature and the air in Massachusetts that day. As I stated at the top, the only people that still care about this are the Colts, Ravens and, of course, Roger Goodell.
This story needs to die, but until those three, and mainly Goodell, continue to bring it up, it will, unfortunately, never go away. This is stupid, pointless and ridiculous. I HATE you Roger Goodell and I cannot wait for your dumbass to be fired. The NFL would be so much better off without you trying to ruin the game.
Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He once tried to underinflate some baseballs, but the only result was a bunch of broken basketball pump needles. Help Ty inflate his twitter following by following him @tykulik.