Time to Get Ready for the College Football Postseason

The College Football Playoff is officially set. The 4 teams, from 1-4 are, Alabama, Clemson, Notre Dame and Oklahoma. Dare I say, I think the committee got it right.

Georgia will complain, stating that no one can, or will, play Alabama any closer than they did. Well, maybe you should have won the game that you had a 2 touchdown lead in, and maybe you shouldn't have lost earlier in the season. No 2 loss team has made the playoff yet. 

As for the Big Ten contenders, the University of Ohio State may complain, saying that now, the past 2 seasons, the last 2 Big Ten champs have been left out of the playoff. Well, it was clear that the committee takes blow out losses earlier in the season seriously, and that has happened twice to that school. It doesn't matter how badly they beat Michigan or Northwestern, the University of Ohio State lost by 29 points to a 6-6 Purdue team. Michigan has no complaints whatsoever. They had it in their hands and they really, really blew it.

The only team that I think has a legitimate beef with this whole playoff thing is UCF. I mean, what else do they have to do to get in the playoff? They haven't lost a game in 2 years. They lost their star QB and went out and beat Houston. Then, after being down by as many as 17 points to Memphis in the AAC title game, they came back, scored 56 and won by 2 scores, with a backup QB and new coach. I mean, give them a shot. I know that their schedule isn't tough, but come on. They have beaten every team that has been placed in front of them, pretty handily, for the past 26 or so games, including Auburn in a New Year's 6 bowl last year. They should be in the playoff. The committee says they want the 4 best teams, and there are 4 undefeated teams left. The one that got left out, UCF. Who did Notre Dame beat that was so impressive? Michigan? We all saw what happened last week in their game. And as far as their "ACC schedule" goes, Notre Dame didn't face Clemson, so who cares. Alabama gets a pass because they have done the same thing as UCF, just with much better players. Clemson also. Oklahoma, they play zero defense, had to go to the limit with Oklahoma State, West Virginia, lost once to Texas, and barely beat them in the Big 12 title game. I'm not saying they are undeserving, I just think UCF is more deserving. I repeat, THEY HAVE NOT LOST A GAME IN OVER 2 YEARS! GIVE THEM A CHANCE! Okay, rant over.

As I said at the top, excluding the UCF stuff, I do think the committee pretty much nailed it. I like the matchups as well. In the 1, 4 game, we get Alabama and Oklahoma. We get the top 2 Heisman candidates facing off against one another in a playoff game. I think it will be high scoring, and both Murray and Taguviola, I can never spell that kid's name right, will put up big time video game numbers. In the end though, Alabama will win fairly handily due to the total incompetence of Oklahoma's defense. This is where they won't be able to just outscore another team.

I feel like the 2,3 matchup may be more of a blowout than the 1, 4. Yes, Notre Dame is good, yes they have won all their games, but I ask again, who have they played that is really good with the exception of Michigan in the first game of the season? FSU is 5-7 and home for bowl season. Virginia Tech is 6-6 and needed a miracle comeback against Virginia just to have a shot at a bowl game. Miami is a mess. Northwestern only won 8 games. Navy is having a very down year. I look at their schedule, and it just doesn't seem as tough as it could have been. Also, Notre Dame hasn't faced a team with as much pure talent as Clemson. Clemson is overwhelmingly good, and no one has really talked about them all year because of how good Alabama has been. That totally plays into their favor. I know they have a true freshman at QB, but that kid is awesome. They also have a great run game. Oh, and their defense is amazing. If Notre Dame thought Michigan was tough to begin the year wait until they see Clemson's front four. They are relentless. I like Clemson, and I like them to win big.

That would give us Alabama and Clemson in the title game. This would be the fourth time they have matched up in the playoff, and the third time in the title game. This is where the freshman QB will hurt them. I like Alabama in the title game. They are the best team, by a wide, wide margin in college football. They are the Warriors. They are the Yankees of the late nineties. They are the Patriots. They are the best team. They will win back to back titles. That's how I see the College Football Playoff playing out.

As far as some other bowl games I'm interested in, of course the Peach Bowl. Michigan will be facing off against Florida for the third time in 4 years. I'm curious to see how they rebound from their last game. That was an abomination. I want to see how they respond, and Florida is much, much better than the last couple times they faced off. I am also very curious to see if UCF can do it again. I think they can, and they will do it in convincing fashion. LSU is good, they have a stout defense, but their offense is just as average as ever. I feel like UCF will be able to put up points, and get enough stops to go into next season without a blemish on their record for a second straight year. I'm curious to see how many points Missouri and Oklahoma State put up against one another. Neither of those teams play defense. I want to see Kentucky's stud rush end go up against Penn State's running QB in their bowl game. I want to see how low scoring the Wisconsin-Miami game will be. I'll be curious to see if Georgia gets over themselves and disposes of a porous Texas team like they should. I want to see how many yards Pitt will give up to Bryce Love in his final collegiate game. West Virginia and Syracuse will provide a ton of points. I want to see how Gus Malzahn gets his Auburn team prepared, what with all the rumors swirling about his job, against a very inconsistent Purdue squad.

That's about it for me. I love bowl season. I'm looking forward to the games I mentioned, mainly Michigan. And, unfortunately, I think it is pretty easy to predict another title for Alabama. Bowl season is here folks. Get amped.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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