Tracking the Decline of Mankind: "I Love Money" Edition
/We are back watching trash
Another day, another old school reality show that I love to talk about. So, after finishing up all of "Flavor of Love" this past weekend, my wife and I were looking for another VH1 "celebreality" show to watch. We decided to pick "I Love Money".
Now, this was more so my pick because I used to LOVE this show. What I love so much about "I Love Money" is how little it takes itself seriously. I mean for starters, the show is called "I Love Money". The contestants are there simply to win 250,000 dollars. Isn't that what being on reality TV is all about? These people want fame and fortune. "I Love Money" is not guaranteeing them fame, but it is giving them a small fortune. I mean, 250k is not a whole lot, but it is nothing to sniff at. That is a quarter of a million dollars. And, when you take away taxes and what not, the winner still took home well over 6 figures. I would gladly take that amount of money any day.
As far as the contestants, they are all former cast members of one of the many "celebreality" shows that VH1 used to offer. We have people from "Flavor of Love", "Rock of Love", "I Love New York", and so on and so forth. It is a real mishmash of the trashy people that peppered these old reality dating shows. And, they have not changed their ways at all. They are all conniving, backstabbing, plotting and forming and breaking alliances. It is truly wonderful, in all of its trashiness. I was saying to my wife the other night while watching that these contestants clearly watched stuff like "Survivor", and really tried to roll with the whole alliance thing. The problem with that, these people are not as smart as some of the former "Survivor" contestants. Also, the "Survivor" contestants were fighting for things like food, a comfy bed and other comforts that we take for advantage. The people on "I Love Money" are fighting for nothing more than a chance to win cash. That is why I like this show more than "Survivor". There are no real stakes at all.
The challenges on this show are hilarious. They take "famous" moments from the past reality shows and make them do some asinine, over the top, stupid ass challenge. For example, one time on "Flavor of Love" season one, a contestant tried to cook an entire chicken in the microwave for Flav's mom. Of course this went horribly. Well, in "I Love Money", they make the contestants fling chickens that were cooked in the microwave over an obstacle, and a group of people have to try and catch them in a net. See, really stupid. Another challenge they have, on the one and only season of "I Love New York", a little person, who they called Midget Mac(again, these shows were so offensive and horrific), couldn't swim and his floaty he had on a river popped and he almost drowned. He was okay though, don't worry. So, on "I Love Money", they make the contestants swim in a river, grab a mannequin that is supposed to look like Mac, save him, put him on a stretcher and pull it to shore. Again, so stupid.
Watching all of this take place has, much like "Flavor of Love", taken me back to a time when these shows were must see TV for me. I have to say, we are currently on episode 7 of season one of "I Love Money", I am so glad that this was the choice we went with for the second round of "celebreality" shows. It has only reaffirmed how much I truly enjoyed this show over the other ones. Don't get me wrong, I like the dating shows, along with all the silliness. But, "I Love Money" is a whole other level of trash and crassness and craziness and stupidity. It is an amazing show. Much like I said last week while talking about "Flavor of Love", if you have that itch to watch these older reality shows that VH1 used to thrive on, revisit "I Love Money" first. You will instantly remember all the contestants, even if you choose to not watch the other shows beforehand, and you will be so happy that this was the one you went with first.
"I Love Money" is amazing, and you can thank me later after you watch it, and realize that I was not messing around.
Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. What will Ty watch next? My vote is for "Next".
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