Ty Listens to the Podcast "Ear Hustle"

Awhile back on the podcast I mentioned that I was currently getting caught up on a different podcast called "Ear Hustle". today I got totally caught up, and I have to tell you, this is one of the best, most informative, eye opening and true story telling I have ever listened to.

I was first interested in this particular pod when I heard one of the co hosts, Earlonne Woods, on another podcast I enjoy called "Without Fail". Hearing his story, hearing how they got "Ear Hustle" started, hearing how he was doing now that, spoiler alert, he has been released from jail, I was totally in for it all. I then heard that his other co host was a visual artist and a volunteer at the prison named Nigel Poor. I looked her stuff up, I thought she seemed cool, so I immediately subscribed later that day to "Ear Hustle".

It took me awhile to get going, I do listen to tons of other stuff, but once I got started, I just could not stop listening. I would try to listen to at least three episodes a day. The episodes are no more than 45 minutes long, so while this wasn't too hard, I do have two younger kids, so I had to find free time to listen. I would listen on runs, during races, on my way to play basketball or during quiet time in my house. I was, and still am, hooked.

The stories are so real because they come from real inmates. They are personal. They are dark. Some are funny at times. Both Nigel and Earlonne are excellent hosts. They really know how to talk to one another and other people. The new co host who comes in season four, after Earlonne was released from prison, he calls himself New York, is just as good as the other two. This show knows exactly what it is doing, and they do it so damn well.

There are so many things I have learned, as a suburban white dude, about prison that I have never thought. I have also found out that a lot of the urban legends about prison are pretty far fetched. But also, there are still some things that ring true. Prison seems boring and repetitive. It seems dour. People do get sick and tired of doing the same thing all the time. Well, some people do. Others appreciate the structure, or at the very least, they need it. One of the biggest things I have gotten out of this show is that these prisoners, some who have done some heinous things, are people, and they are capable of rehabilitating themselves. Earlonne was arrested for armed robbery, and I respect him and his story more than people who have never served time. Some of the guys that come on and talk about their stories, what they did was awful, but I feel empathy for the ones that sound like they have changed. I just listened to an episode about a guy that got off death row, and he really seems like he has changed for the better. The season four finale was a harrowing story of anger, violence, forgiveness and redemption. It nearly brought me to tears. While still in prison, the stories Earlonne and Nigel told, and had people tell them, were wonderful and eye opening. I feared that may change when Earlonne got released, but New York kept the stories from the inside going, and having Earlonne talk to guys that got out, and how they are doing now, it is a great blend.

"Ear Hustle" is one of the best put together podcasts that is out there right now. It is also one of the most original, and coolest ideas for a podcast. After getting caught up, I have told my wife that I am inclined to go and volunteer my time at a prison. I don't know what I would do, but I want to do something because this show has made me realize that I have something to offer, and I shouldn't shy away from prisoners. They are people. People who made terrible choices, but people nonetheless. I am so excited for season five, and I don't have to wait too long. It comes back early March, the 5th I want to say, and you better believe that I will be waiting with bated breath.

I cannot recommend "Ear Hustle" enough. It is truly wonderful.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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