An Ode to Unscripted Comedy on Podcasts

I listen to a bunch of podcasts. You all know that by now. They are good for running, for cleaning the house, for going on long drives, they make the time go faster. I really like them and I listen to a ton of them. I mostly listen to comedy podcasts. There's the occasional sports podcast or real life stories, but comedy rules the day for me. I have been listening exclusively to comedy podcasts as of late too. I like to laugh and when I get over 90 minutes from an episode, that's the best. While I was out running today, listening to "Hey Randy", it dawned on me why I love this genre most.

During the recent episode of "Hey Randy", the whole crew kept going on long tangents that made me laugh and laugh and laugh. I then thought back to when I was listening to an episode of "Doughboys" last week. Mike Mitchell, Nick Wiger and the guests kept going off on random subjects, each improv funnier than the next. And I could say the same about most comedy podcasts. "CBB" is all about improvising, which leads to a bunch of funny stories. "Whomp It Up" is all about tangents. "Scott Hasn't Seen" has a bit more of a rundown, but that doesn't mean Scott Aukerman and Shaun Diston don't find the time to make some silly jokes here and there. And "How Did This Get Made" wouldn't exist without going off on many, many tangents throughout each episode. I adore this. I know some people may not enjoy it, or want it to end sooner. I don't. I would honestly listen to a bunch of comedy podcast episodes that were filled with tangents. To me, when the hosts and guests do this, it shows me how truly great they are at comedy. The ability to go off, to continue the thread, to make new threads, that amazes me. The sheer fact that these people are so quick on their feet is truly astonishing. I am truly taken aback by this.

For example, on a recent episode of "Doughboys", Jess McKenna stopped by, literally. She was doing another show, Mitch and Wiger saw her, called her in and she proceeded to crush. They needed a schtick for their upcoming tournament and McKenna has provided some gems in the past. In this episode, she came up with what might be her best idea, and it was all done on a whim. She didn't expect this, neither did Mitch and Wiger, but she came on and destroyed. That impresses me. Every week on "CBB" the second and third guests are doing straight up improv the whole time. From what I've heard, the people asked to come on the show only show up with a character name, after that, no one knows what's going to happen. "How Did This Get Made" is a movie podcast for all intents and purposes, but they go off constantly on that show and that is what drew me to the show in the first place.

This all dawned on me with the most recent "Hey Randy" episode. Tim Baltz, Lily Sullivan, Mary Sohn, Dan Lippert and Brett Morris are true professionals. I had to stop a couple times to catch my breath during my run from laughing. They nailed it all episode. And it sounded like all they needed was a word or phrase and that would set them off. It was one of the funnier podcasts I've heard in a minute. The ability and know how to act on a dime like that is shocking and so cool. I wish I could do it, but my brain doesn't work that way. At least I have all these comedy podcasts to enjoy, and for that I am one happy dude. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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"Scott Hasn't Seen" and "Cobra Kai" Create Podcasting Heaven

One of my favorite podcasts to listen to is "Scott Hasn't Seen". It's part of the Patreon attached to "Comedy Bang! Bang!". I'm a patron and "Scott Hasn't Seen" has quickly rocketed its way up for me. I look forward to a new episode every Friday. This past week I noticed they were doing their final installment of "Cobra Kai".

I have only ever watched one episode of that show, the series premiere. It wasn't for me. I was a little late to "Karate Kid", I've never seen the movies that followed and I only first tuned into "Cobra Kai" because RD, who is a fan, told me to check it out. I get why he likes it, but I just couldn't get into it. But, for some unknown reason, every time Scott Aukerman, Shaun Diston as Sprague the Whisperer and Conor Ratliff are doing a podcast about the show, I devour it. I prefer to hear them talk about the show rather than watching it myself. I like the way they analyze it and joke about it. And ever since Ratliff's first appearance on the show, they have this whole idea that "Cobra Kai" was going to blend in elements from "The Next Karate Kid". They have gone so far as to call themselves "Next Heads", claiming to be the biggest fans of "The Next Karate Kid",.

A little backstory that may be needed, the first time Scott Aukerman watched "The Next Karate Kid", he hated it. He went so far as to tell Ratliff to f off. He was joking, but you could hear that he truly hated that movie. But in the course of that episode, Ratliff got Aukerman on his side. He convinced him that "The Next Karate Kid" was this gem of a movie and the whole idea of being "Next Heads" was born. Shaun Diston, it seemed, was already on board, so he needed no convincing. Since that appearance, whenever they get together to do their series on "Cobra Kai", they have been begging for the creators to add some elements from "The Next Karate Kid" into the final episodes of the series. And it all came to a head in this five hour long episode. You read that right. They did a watchalong where they watched the last five episodes, hoping to see elements from "The Next Karate Kid" sprinkled in, and talked about each episode as they were happening.

Again, I'm not a fan of this show, and a five hour podcast runtime seemed tough, but I couldn't get enough from these three. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for something, anything for them to glomb onto and run with. I wanted it to happen for them. They never really lost faith until it got close to the end, and I don't think that is any kind of spoiler for fans of "Cobra Kai". But, their constant need for them to add any kind of element made for one hell of a listen. I was there along with them the whole ride. I loved hearing them analyze each episode as it was happening. Anytime a shadowy figure would appear, they'd get excited. Anytime someone said something, an example from the episode is the word "alpha", they jumped on it and went on long tangents about how this could be the creators way of putting "The Next Karate Kid" into the world of "Cobra Kai". It was awesome and funny and had me on the edge of my seat while listening. I also took time listening to the episode. It took me about three days to listen to it in its entirety. And it was incredible.

This is the type of watchalong show I enjoy hearing and want more of these. When you get really funny people to commit to something as big as this, it is going to hit for me. I recommend listening to this episode of "Scott Hasn't Seen" if you are anyway interested in "Cobra Kai". It's fascinating and fun. Just know, it's five hours and it takes time. But it is totally worth it.  


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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2024 Year in Review: Best Podcasts

Today is the final day of my 2024 best of lists. I have my top five podcasts/podcast episodes of the year. I’m all in on podcasts. I enjoy making them and listening to them. They comfort me and make my workouts fly by. I still listen to music more, but podcasts are gaining ground fast.

At number 5 I have “How Did This Get Made” covering “The Happening”. I vividly remember seeing this movie in the theaters and being utterly confused. At the time the only person I could talk to about how insane this movie is was my wife. She saw it with me and we were both dumbfounded. So it was nice to hear Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael and Jason Mantzoukas also talk about how nuts this movie was. It made me feel less insane. These people are in the industry, so I liked hearing their inside baseball talk on this incoherent movie. All three of them also happen to be hilarious, so hearing an intelligent and very funny conversation about a terrible movie made the listening experience that much better. I implore you, if you’ve been unfortunate enough to see “The Happening”, and you want to feel better about it, listen to this episode of “HDTGM”. You’ll feel way better.

At number 4 I have “Comedy Bang! Bang!” returning to hell house for their Halloween episode. It’s felt like years since they’ve done this. This used to be an episode I waited for every year, but they decided to take a break. But, coming back this year was well worth the wait. Aukerman was on point, as always, as the host. He led us all perfectly the whole time. Jimmy Pardo was an excellent guest to have for this one in particular. He’s the perfect foil. Jon Daly was good as always. Ben Rodgers is one of the funnier improvisers on the planet. But this was all leading to Nick Wiger singing his classic version of the “Monster Mash” as Leo Karpatze. His version is filthy and Wiger goes all in while singing the song. I enjoyed the long walk they took to get to the song because the payoff was tremendous. I hope “CBB” continues to do this every Halloween.

At number 3 I have “The Seth Myers and Lonely Island” podcast. This is the perfect “SNL” throwback show for me. I was all in on “SNL” when The Lonely Island was new and Seth Myers was one of the head writers. In this show they go back and talk about the digital shorts, which are some of the best things to ever come from “SNL”. Seth Myers convincing Andy Samberg, Jorma Taccone and Akiva Schaefer was a triumph unlike any other. I love hearing the four of them go back and reminisce over some of the best stuff “SNL” has been a part of. I love hearing the process and how everything came together. It’s also pretty cool when they get their friends to leave voice notes about their time doing a digital short. I love this podcast and I cannot wait to hear more and more.

At number 2 I got to see “CBB” live on tour this year. It was awesome. “CBB”, by a wide margin, is my favorite podcast. It’s on this list twice. The live show was during the first part of the tour. I think it was the fourth or fifth show of the year. It was great, as I hoped. Aukerman did his thing as well as he always does. Paul F Tompkins was second to the stage and he played his Irish priest character that I adore. Lily Sullivan was next, my first time seeing her live, as her Australian counterpart. She’s even funnier live. She’s a damn good improviser. Connor Ratliff was a famous donkey from Missouri that I had never heard of. He was the highlight of the night for me. Carl Tart, one of the best, was the Pine Sol lady. This is a classic “CBB” character he created years ago, and it was rad to see him do it live. And Will Hines was last to the stage as a futuristic traveler which the whole panel gave a hard time. It was a great, jam packed show that nearly pushed two hours. I wanted even more. It was a fantastic live show.

At number 1 I have “Doughboys” doing their Munch Madness tournament centered around Taco Bell. Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger are a perfect representation of opposites attract. Their back and forth makes this podcast one of the best out there. And to hear them talk about a place they love dearly, Taco Bell, made the month of March some of the best listening of the year. The fights were outrageous and hilarious. Getting their friends to come on and side with them made for great radio. The live finale was one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard on a podcast. The fight between Mitch and Wiger over the winner was incredible and it was blending into later episodes. These two, and their guests know so much about Taco Bell so I trusted their thoughts on the food. I don’t like Taco Bell myself, but it was fascinating to hear all these people who love it fight and argue and yell at one another about certain menu items. It was also downright hilarious. “Doughboys” always seems to say they have a bad podcast, but that’s not true, and especially not true when it comes to Munch Madness from this past year. It was a great collection of seven or eight episodes of my favorite listening in all of 2024.

That’s it for my best of 2024 lists. Hope you all enjoyed it.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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Comedy Bang! Bang! and Nick Wiger Drop an Instant Classic Halloween Episode

This week on “Comedy Bang! Bang!”, the crew returned to Hell House. They haven’t done a Hell House episode in a while. I think it’s been almost three years. Let’s discuss.

For those that know, they know. For the rest, Hell House is the “CBB” version of a Halloween episode. I am a fan of these. I missed it when they went on hiatus or just decided to stop doing them for a bit. So, when I saw the guest list and title, I was pumped. The episode delivered on every level, but what put it over the top was Nick Wiger’s appearance. I’m a Nick Wiger fan. I enjoy “Doughboys”, one of his other podcasts he hosts. I like his comedy writing. I enjoy most of the shows he’s written for. He’s a funny dude. Seeing him on “CBB” this week had me even more excited. Wiger is known for a lot of things in the comedy world, but I’d venture to say that him playing Leo Karpatze is one of his most loved roles. Leo Karpatze is the original writer of “The Monster Mash”. But, his version is much, much filthier. Actually, the title that Wiger came up with as Karpatze is “The Monster F&$!”. You can use context clues to figure out his title. This song is filthy. It seems to get filthier with each appearance. And it continues to be hilarious. But, when Wiger was introduced he had a new character he was playing. He was Saintanic Karpatze. Hilarious word play if you ask me. I was stunned at first, but heard the last name. All was well. As this new character, Wiger made up a story about how his great Uncle, Leo Karpatze, had passed. He was close with him and actually had a recording of his great Uncle’s last ever recording. Scott Aukerman was understandably annoyed. He kept saying that it was going to be the “Monster F”. He knew it. This is the bit. Wiger as Karpatze claims to have a new song, but the only difference is the add on during the chorus. They’ve done this every time, and I love it every time. When Wiger convinced Aukerman to play the recording, it was indeed the “Monster F”. Aukerman was laughing while also berating Wiger as his new character. What makes this so great, while I love it so very much, is how hard Wiger goes at it while singing the song. He has a bit and he knows it’s going to crush, so he really goes for it and goes for it hard. He sings his heart out. You can hear his face contorting. I love how loud he gets. The louder the song gets, the more I laugh. It’s a comedic thing of beauty.

I highly recommend people check out any one of Wiger’s appearances as Karpatze on “CBB”. It’s so funny and so worth a listen.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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An Ode to Lily Sullivan, the Next Big Podcast Star

Listening to "CBB" today I found myself laughing harder than normal. This show always has guests that I like, I wrote about that last week. But they also have recurring people coming on to play multiple characters. I feel like this is what makes this show excellent. I love it when they have famous people that I enjoy, but the recurring guests are usually the best. That was the case this afternoon.

Lily Sullivan was playing co-host on the most recent episode. She was doing a newish character, Tony Sony. Sony appeared once before, and was hilarious. But, they also kept saying that was going to be the first and last appearance. I'm glad it was not. Tony Sony has been cracking me up to this point. And as I was listening, it got me thinking. Lily Sullivan may be my new favorite recurring player on the podcast. She always seems to hit a homerun with whatever character she decides to play that day. Sony is new, but hilarious. I also really enjoy her interpretation of Bridget Jones. Hearing her read entries from her diary, and button them the way she does, it is comedy gold. It has to be so much better than those movies, but I have never seen them before. I also enjoy Francesca Bolongese. The way she and Scott Aukerman argue is dynamite. I love how she goes at him relentlessly. Bicky is pretty great. She is Australian and always says she is confused for the actual Lily Sullivan. But Bicky is also quick to say she is not as attractive as Lily Sullivan. She has also done an okay Cher. She was put on the spot, and asked to sing, and she still found a way to pull it off and make it hilarious. But the best character she plays, which has now moved over almost exclusively to "Hey Randy", is Carissa. Carissa is mean. She messes with Randy all the time. Randy is played by Sullivan's husband, Tim Baltz, who is also hilarious. But Sullivan as Carissa always brings it and is always funny. The way she goes at Randy and Scott Aukerman is pretty great. I love how she has taken that character over to "Hey Randy", but still finds the time to make fun of Aukerman and some other mainstays on "CBB". Carissa may be her best creation so far.

Sullivan has this knack for podcast appearances. She never seems to be taking it seriously, but I always find myself laughing hardest when she is on and performing. I also get pumped to listen when I see her name listed as a guest that day. I know it will, at the very least, make me chuckle. She can hang with, and dole it out to the best of them. And when they try to give it back, she is ready, locked and loaded. She is quick and sharp. She is smart and funny. She has a way to turn the situation on its head in a wonderfully absurd way. She has a joke hit rate of damn near nine out of every ten jokes she tells. It is crazy to see her hand it to Aukerman or PFT or Jason Mantzoukas.

Lily Sullivan is about to hit it big. I know she has had some smaller roles in recent movies and tv shows, but the big time is coming for her. She is about to be on everyone's radar. She has a genius comic mind and I am stoked to see what she does next. Maybe she and Baltz will team up and make a hilarious new show. I hope that's the case. Until then. I have her appearances on "CBB" to look forward to. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

An Ode to the All Stars of "Comedy Bang! Bang!"

Anytime I download my podcasts in my library, every Monday there's a new episode of "CBB". This is my favorite podcast. It wasn't my introduction to this world, but it is the one I've stuck with the longest. Other shows come and go, but "CBB" has always been there. The only Patreon I subscribe to is "CBB World". I'm a big fan.

Whenever I see that the guestlist includes Jason Mantzoukas, I get stoked. I want to listen right away. Jason Mantzoukas is hilarious. He makes me laugh during any podcast appearance, any tv appearance and any movie appearance. The guy is funny, has great comedic timing and knows how to really sell the jokes in any setting. He is a great comic foil for Scott Aukerman. They have a great rapport and it is some of the best podcasting out there. Mantzoukas co-hosts his own podcast, the dynamite "How Did This Get Made", where he is just as funny, and a little crazy. When he appears on  "CBB", he is much calmer and more there to enjoy. That is my favorite version of Jason Mantzoukas.

Then, when I see Andy Daly's name on the list, I get even more pumped to listen. Daly is one of the most underrated comedy actors out there. "Review" is one of the best, and least seen, shows I have ever watched. He is hilarious on "Eastbound and Down". He shows up for little character arcs in shows from time to time and he is the best when he does that. He also has his own little podcast empire with all the characters he has created on "CBB", and those shows are wonderful as well. I enjoy most of the characters he plays, but Dalton Wilcox has to be one of the best. I am also fond of Hot Dog. And then when you pair him and Mantzoukas together on "CBB", I know I'm going to have a good time, and I'm going to be smacking my leg cracking up. Those two, combined with Aukerman make for some of the best comedy podcast listening out there.

Then we have Paul F Tompkins. He is on "CBB" a bunch. He and Aukerman are good, long friends. They have been working together since "Mr Show". They have seen things, done things and seem to have an absolute blast whenever they get together on mic. PFT is one of those performers that I know will make me laugh and will not disappoint. He is, as much as he may not like this, a podcast pro and is amazing at what he does when he is on any podcast. So, when PFT, Andy Daly and Jason Mantzoukas are on separate from each other, it is wildly funny and successful. Put them all on with Aukerman running the show, that is comedy dynamite.

This is what we got this past Monday. All of them were there and all of them were great. Daly and PFT played an abundance of characters the whole time. They were jumping back and forth between the plethora of the people they have done on the show in the past. Mantzoukas and Aukerman were egging them on and continuously adding more and more people for them to play. And like the pros they are, Daly and PFT ran with it and made this one of the best episodes of the best podcast I have ever heard. I was cleaning my house while listening to the episode and I had to stop multiple times due to how hard I was laughing. I was literally cackling walking around the house all morning long. I didn't want the episode to end. I could have listened for hours and hours. It was a perfect episode of "CBB".

I cannot recommend it enough, especially if you are on the fence about the show. This is a perfect starting point for any new fans. These are the best of the best. It is all you could want in an improv comedy show. I have it saved to listen to again, and I cannot wait until they are all back together in the next year or so to do it all over again. This was gold. Check it out. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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Best of 2023 - Podcasts

Podcasts have been a pretty big part of my life for the past decade. I started to listen to them when I was still a lab tech. I found them to be as soothing and funny as some talk radio that I listened to. I even co host a podcast with RD now. I love them and listen to many different pods and I enjoy my time with them. They are one of my main sources of entertainment. So coming up with a top 5 list was easy and hard. It was easy because there were tons to choose from, but that also made it tougher than my other lists. With all that being said, podcasts are here to stay and I'm here for it.

At number 5 I have my introduction to "Normal Gossip" on a road trip this last summer. I have not returned to it since, but that podcast during that road trip made the eight hour drive fly by. For people who don't know this podcast, it is about random little gossip tales from all over the world. The stories are trite and pointless, but that is what makes it so good for a road trip. I would find myself taking sides and trying to come up with little stories I would tell to the hosts. I became so involved in these stories. I would talk to my wife about her feelings. Even our son started to get involved in the conversations. It was a great way to pass time while sitting in a car and seeing nothing but cornfields for miles and miles. I may revisit this podcast in the future, my wife still listens. But I do know that when we go on a road trip this summer, I will recommend that we listen to more of "Normal Gossip". It is the best kind of comfort food.

At number 4 I have "Expo Expose". This was a five part podcast mini series hosted by Jacob Wysocki and Matt Apodaca in which they went to expos and talked about them. They went to a reptile expo, they went to a gun expo, they went to an anime expo and each listen was incredibly intriguing. I have never been to an expo, it has never been on my radar. But after listening to Wysocki and Apodaca talk about them, maybe I will end up at one some day. I found myself really getting into the shows and regurgitating what I heard to my wife. I was enamored with the people they interviewed, be it attendant or worker. I liked hearing the vendors talk about the goods they were selling. I enjoyed the way Wysocki and Apodaca would break down each visit at the end of each episode. This was a podcast I gave a chance to and I'm glad I did. I really enjoyed the podcast and think more and more people should check it out. It was fascinating.

At number 3 I have "Bombing with Eric Andre". I'm an Eric Andre fan, so the fact that he has a pod where he talks to other comedians about bombing, I'm all in. The shows are great too. Andre has a friend on and they talk about a time they bombed, seeing a bomb and the most wasted they've ever been on stage. The conversations end up going in many different directions, but that makes it even better. To give this show more credit, each episode is 30 minutes or less. That is a great amount of time for a show like this. I feel like this podcast started due to the writers and actors strike, so I don't know how much longer it will be around. I hope it stays around for a while because I'm enjoying the hell out of it.

At 2 I have the "First Wives Club" episode of "Scott Hasn't Seen". "Scott Hasn't Seen" is a podcast I listen to every Friday right when it comes out. I love this show. For this particular episode, Scott and Sprague, the ever awesome Shaun Diston, invited Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider, the hosts of "Bitch Sesh", on. They, from what Sprauge and themselves told us, adore this movie. So does Sprague. I remember seeing this movie and not really liking it, but I thought maybe I just didn't get it. But Aukerman was saying things about this movie that I agreed wholeheartedly with.  He also loathed this movie, as did I. But Schneider, Wilson and Sprague kept pushing back harder and harder. They really went in on Aukerman. They let him have it and I found myself cracking up at all the tongue in cheek fighting that was happening. This ranks right up there with the "How Did This Get Made" episode of "Drop Dead Fred", also featuring Casey Wilson. This episode of "Scott Hasn't Seen" may be the best to date, and that is saying something.

Finally, at number 1 I have "Foosballz". This is a new podcast from The Flagrant Ones network. I am a patron and love The Flagrant Ones network. They make some of the best, most hilarious podcasts. So the fact that they now have a fantasy sports podcast hosted by three comedy writers, one of which is the absolutely hilarious Carl Tart, makes me very happy. I look forward to this show more than any other show I currently listen to. I cannot wait to hear the hilarity, but also the knowledge these dudes bring. They know their stuff. They also happen to be incredibly funny on top of all of that. While they focus mainly on football, they do dip their toes into fantasy basketball, which I also play. And I love when they go on basketball tangents. I also love when they go on tangents not related to sports. I know it is going to make me laugh. This podcast is really, really good. It is for sports and comedy fans, both of which I love. I'm all in on "Foosballz" and it is the best new podcast of 2023.

Come back tomorrow for my top sports moments of 2023. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Listens to "Expo Expose"

Recently Earwolf started to do little side podcasts. They are like mini series. I have been an Earwolf guy for a good while now. Ever since I found podcasts, Earwolf was the first company I really followed. They do the best comedy podcasts, so it was a natural transition for me.

I am a CBB World subscriber, and through that I have found a ton of lesser known actors and comedians and writers doing podcasts or appearing on podcasts that I have become a fan of. Two of those people are Jacob Wysocki and Matt Apodaca. These two crack me up on every "CBB" appearance. They also co host their own podcasts. I am a fan. So when they announced they were doing a four part miniseries for Earwolf I was intrigued. I then did some research and found out they were going to go to some expos and talk about their experience. I have never been to an expo, but the whole idea of an expo fascinates me. Expos are big gatherings of people who have a similar fascination with a person, place or thing. So when all these like minded people come together for one common cause, that interests me. Add on the fact that Wysocki was going to host and Apodaca would be his cohort, I was in.

The show is called "Expo Expose". That is a great name by the way. I have already listened to all four episodes. I love this show. I want more of this from these two dudes. The whole concept for the show is that Apodaca and Wysocki go to the expos, talk about their experience, interview people who are attending and then do a final summation of the day. They went to four very different expos too. They attended a reptile expo, a tattoo expo, a boat expo and an anime expo. Three of these things are foreign to me. I do have two tattoos, but the tattoo culture is foreign to me as well. But, even though this was all very new to me, I was instantly interested in hearing Wysocki talk about his day and give his thoughts.

They started off the series with the reptile expo. I have never been a reptile guy, but I also understand why people like them. But hearing him talk to these people that have dedicated their lives, that was awesome. They were so passionate about the reptiles. They legitimately love their scaly pets. They also gave good advice on dealing with people who may have preconceived notions on reptiles. They followed that up with the anime expo. That was a very fun listen. I have never gotten into the whole anime thing, but I do know that people who have, they love it. That was very apparent listening to this episode. These fans are fanatical about the anime they love. It was really cool to hear the fans speak. The boating expo was the third episode, and there were a lot of people that I did not like. They were all about their possessions and their stuff. It drove me nuts. But Wysocki never let that show during his interviews. He was a pro and it was very cool to hear him speak about his whole day being in a place he felt very much the odd man out. The final episode was the tattoo one and that was very fun. Tattoo culture is a whole vibe and that came across tenfold. It was great to hear from people about their tattoos and to hear from the artists. I was all in with this episode.

What set "Expo Expose" aside was hearing from Wysocki and Apodaca afterward. They would give their full impression of the expo and they were very honest. They would point out the good and the bad. They would make it funny, but you could tell they were also taking it seriously. I was most interested in Wysocki's thoughts on the boating expo and they were about as honest as any interviewer could be.

I highly recommend this miniseries for anyone who has any kind of interest in expos. Expos are a wild and fascinating world. This show gives you that impression, but there is so much more to it. Check it out. It is a very good, short podcast series. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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Ty Listens to "Bombing with Eric Andre"

About a week ago I started to listen to Eric Andre's new podcast, "Bombing With Eric Andre". Let’s discuss.

I'm an Eric Andre fan. He is coming to STL in October and you better believe that I am planning on going. I love his talk show. I love the prank stuff he does. I'm always pumped when he shows up in bit roles in movies I'm watching. He was one of the better parts in the very underrated show, "Man Seeking Woman". I enjoy the content Eric Andre creates. So him having a podcast was a no brainer for me. I subscribed to it instantly and have listened to the first four episodes happily.

He has had three comedians, Michelle Buteau, Sam Jay and David Gborie, and one musician, Mac DeMarco. Each episode just gets better and better and funnier. The whole concept of the podcast is interviewing his friends and asking three questions, what's the worst you've bombed, what's the worst bombing you've seen and what's the most wasted you've ever been on stage. Then Andre and the guest go on long tangents while answering each question. I love it. He gets these people to be fully open with him and their stories are wild. Buteau talking about performing in Jamaica seemed wild and terrifying. The stuff Sam Jay talked about, like going on stage after doing mushrooms, or seeing two dudes physically fight on stage, that had to be something to experience. Gborie, who writes for his show, had some of the craziest stories I have ever been privy to hear. The stories he told sounded fake, but how could one make this stuff up? Those have been the most eye opening. And DeMarco's stories had a fully different feel because he has totally different experiences being a musician. With each episode though you learn about the grind and the craziness it takes to get to the level these people are at right now. To make it where they have made it, and seeing what they have seen, going through what they have gone through, is nuts, but it is always funny. You can tell that the guests and Andre have a blast with one another. You can hear the friendship. You can tell they vibe easily off each other. Andre has this way of making his guests feel at ease, even when they are talking about the wildest shit I've ever heard. I also like how loose the interview is. It flows, it has the three questions, but Andre is clearly having fun with it. He doesn't take it too seriously, and that is how it should be. That is what I like about the podcasts that I listen to.

I didn't need more reasons to be an Andre fan. He won me over years ago. But this new podcast has made me an even bigger fan. I cannot wait for each week because that means a new episode is coming. "Bombing With Eric Andre" is fast becoming one of my favorite podcasts. It is a must listen as soon as it downloads. Check this pod out. It is wonderful. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Listens to 'Who Me? An Extremely True Crime Podcast"

I subscribe to CBB World. For those that may not know, CBB World is a Patreon level of "Comedy Bang! Bang!". I have listened to "CBB" from the start, so subscribing to this was almost a no brainer for me. I have found a ton of new pods off this too. I mentioned "Hey Randy" and "Scott Hasn't Seen" on my best of lists last week. Shaun Diston is also a big part of CBB World. But there is one pod that has caught my attention of late.

This is a new pod. The host is Bobby Moniyhan, who I happen to be a big, big fan of. The podcast is called, and this is a big title, "Who Me? An Extremely True Crime Podcast". Moniyhan plays, as he puts it, The Batman. This is a Batman style podcast but it is all comedy and improvisation. This is one of my new favorite podcasts. I was listening to it earlier today on my run and I was cracking up. I find myself laughing harder with every listen. I find something new within each episode that makes me cackle. Moniyhan has this incredible control over the show and it works on every level.

To date they have had three episodes and each one has been better than the one before it. The basic story line of each episode is The Batman is trying to find who killed his parents. He will invite a guest and just start asking them questions without any warning. From there on out it is pure madness in the best way possible. Moniyhan is totally owning this show. He is so funny. His Batman voice is riotous. The way he complains about it makes it even better. The connection between him and whoever plays Alfred is just great. They are never in sync. Batman is always yelling at him. Alfred is always missing music cues. He is never ready. They have this great love hate relationship. It is perfect. In each episode the guests have been such a wonderful addition. The pilot ep featured Taran Killam as himself. This is great because of the friendship Killam and Moniyhan have. They worked together on "SNL" and they play so well off one another. The back and forth was tremendous. Killam's willingness to play and improv is second to none. I was so happy when I heard this episode because it grabbed me right away. I was in because of Moniyhan, and to hear him and Killam together hooked me even more. The second ep featured Ben Rodgers as Superman. Rodgers take on Superman was interesting and unique. He played him as a jock from NYC. His voice work sounded like Slyvester Stallone, and I am here for it. This was great because they kept bringing up the movies that the two of them have been in together. They kept making jokes. The questioning was hilarious. Moniyhan could barely get word one out without Rodgers making him crack up. I was in awe of the comedy I was listening to during that hour. I did not think it could get any better, but then we had the new episode that came out today. Nicole Parker was the guest and she was playing Gal Gadot. This was improv comedy at its best. I had to stop running a few times to catch my breath because I was laughing so hard. Parker was amazing. I do not know much about her, but damn was she cracking me up. Her take on Gadot/Wonder Woman was a thing of beauty. They brought up the "Imagine" thing she did at the start of the pandemic. This thread was wonderful. It was so funny. The jokes being made, man they were top notch. She busted out a Sarah Silverman impression and that was a home run. I loved that The Batman stopped down to tell her how great her impression was. When Parker as Wonder Woman kept asking him which question they were on, that is an old bit, but when it is done right it can beautiful. This was one of those beautiful moments.

I love this show. I find myself wanting more and more. That is a good thing. If you have the means and want, go get CBB World and listen to "Who Me?" ASAP. It is one of the best comedy podcasts in the game. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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2022 Top Five - Podcasts

Wrapping up my best of 2022 lists I have podcasts today. As I like to say every year, it would not be fair to put the "X Millenial Man" on this list. It is the best podcast in the game with the two best hosts, and third best when Tina is on. They have the best discussions about all things pop culture and sports. RD also knows his politics. Seriously people, if you don't already listen, go download the show now. It is free everywhere. I do listen to a bunch of other podcasts though. I love comedy and sports pods. I also like some serious topic pods, but I usually pick sports or comedy to vibe out too. It is the best for running too. I am a podcast fan through and through. On to the countdown.

At number 5 I have the "Ear Hustle" episode titled "Karen". This was their season finale. I came to "Ear Hustle" prior to the pandemic. It is about life in and out of prison, mainly San Quentin. A lot of very interesting and thoughtful subjects have been broached on this pod. But this episode was heavy. It started out normal enough, with Earlonne and Nigel going to a women's prison to interview a prisoner. But when the subject of why she was in prison came up the tone totally changed. It went from mellow-ish to super heavy. Karen was talking to the hosts about how she helped a pregnant prisoner give birth. It was cool. But all the time she seemed kind of monotone and disinterested. Then the reason why she was in prison came up. She was drunk driving and had three of her kids in the car. She got into an accident and one of the kids didn't make it. Hearing her tell this story was absolutely heart wrenching. Being a father it was even tougher to listen to. I was a puddle while driving to the trail that day. It was intense. But it was also eye opening. I was taken aback at her talking about her life before and after. It was incredible. "Ear Hustle" has had many great episodes, but this may be their best to date.

At number 4 I have my own personal finding of the podcast "Scott Hasn't Seen". CBB World has been around for a bit now, but I did not become a member until this year. And in doing that I stumbled upon this wonderful podcast. Scott Aukerman and Sprague the Whisperer, played by Shaun Diston, watch movies that Aukerman has never seen. Sometimes they are classics like "Kramer vs Kramer" or they are Sprague's version of classics like "The Mighty Ducks". That is what I love about this pod. Sprague is roughly the same age as me and what he considers great movies are what I used to love. I also love hearing Aukerman talk about his experience watching and what he saw instead when these movies came out. I also love the guests. They let the guests pick the movie and they come on and talk about their love for the movie. It is great and it all comes to a wonderful conclusion when Aukerman tells Sprague whether he liked the movie or not. It is about as close to a rewatch podcast that I will listen to, but done by great comedic minds. I adore this show.

At number 3, speaking of Sprague, I have the rise of Shaun Diston in the podcast realm. I have always been a fan but it seems like he is finally getting his just due. I remember listening to "We Need to Stop Talking TMNT on CBB" and falling in love with Diston's comedy. The Church of Shaun Diston was the first Patreon I ever subscribed to. But now with "Scott Hasn't Seen", his many features on "CBB", whenever he goes on "Doughboys", I always get pumped to hear him go off. I also like that he is getting acting jobs. I saw him in an episode of "Curb" last season and he is a writer on the new "Twisted Metal" show. Diston has more than earned this shine and I cannot wait to see what 2023 has in store for him in the podcast world.

At number 2 I have another CBB World show, "Hey Randy". This is a pod where when I listen to it I laugh and laugh and laugh. Tim Baltz has created a classic character in Randy Snutz. Dan Lippert and Mary Sohn are simply the best playing his friends. Lily Sullivan is a dynamo as Randy Snutz's on again off again girlfriend. The show is nuts and ridiculous and wild and I cannot get enough of it. I have to stop listening sometimes on my runs because I cannot contain my laughter. My favorite part of each ep is Randy's intro. He tells the listener of a dream he had the night before and it is comedy gold. I get amped each time CBB Presents puts on a new "Hey Randy". It is one of the best.

And at number 1 I saw "CBB" live this year. "CBB" went on a month-long tour in August and the moment a St Louis date was announced I bought tickets. I have seen live podcast tapings before, but "CBB" is my favorite podcast of all time. I simply had to go see. I loved that they played a smaller venue like The Pageant also. It made it feel a bit more intimate. I felt comfortable enough to go to an indoor show too and I think it is because this show was "CBB". Boy oh boy was I glad I went. Aukerman did a great job as host, like he always does. He seemed like he was having a good time. Paul F Tompkins was amazing. I have never seen him live before and this was a big deal to me. He played a character I love too, treasure hunter Brock Lovitt. Dan Lippert was there that night and he crushed as Bill Walton. I was in tears at his performance. And Carl Tart, another actor I really enjoy, closed out the show as a singer from the band Cameo. My face hurt from smiling and laughing all night. It was an incredible way to spend 90 minutes at a concert venue. It is a show I won't soon forget.

There you have it, my top 5 podcasts/podcast moments of the year. Enjoy the holiday season everyone and stay safe out there. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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An Ode to Gil Ozeri, "Comedy Bang!Bang!" Greatest Guest

This morning during my run I listened to the newest episode of “Comedy Bang! Bang!”. It has to be my favorite podcast. It’s my favorite that I don’t cohost for sure. I love pretty much everything about the show. It’s the best improv comedy show. It’s the funniest show. Scott Aukermann has turned it into an empire. They go on tour. I saw a live show and it ruled.

What makes this show so great for me are the guests they have after the main interview. I love the main interview, but it’s the next people that make this show the best. Aukermann usually has two of his buddies on and they play characters. No one is ever themselves. This is where the show jumps from great to classic. Any number of his friends are awesome too. But this newest episode may have my favorite buddy of Aukermann’s featured.

Gil Ozeri was the final guest and he was a delight. He okayed a “busy guy”. He referred to himself as the “busiest man in the world”. He says he’s a husband and a father to many kids. That he owns multiple businesses. That he helps everyone when he can. And he kept getting calls throughout the final twenty plus minutes. His phone kept ringing and each ring was a different person. He sold a movie, talked to his mom’s gynecologist, had an alarm for his viagra, talked to business partners, had a painting commissioned, I could go on and on. But something that shouldn’t have worked was dynamite. I found myself howling. I was still listening when I finished my run and I laughed even harder after catching my breath.

This is what makes Ozeri such a great guest. He goes for it. There is no joke he isn’t willing to run with. He has an idea for a character and he makes it work. He is an excellent improviser. He is so good at just going with the flow. After listening to him today I thought about other times he was on the show and it made me smile. The fact that he is so game makes it so wonderful. Just in this past year he’s been on two other times and they were both equally phenomenal. He was Dr Sweetchat the Small Talk Robot right at the beginning of the year. That is such a memorable character. The robot is on the plug bag song. I have listened to this episode multiple times and I laugh harder each time. It will be a classic for sure. It already is for me. He was on again awhile after that. He went on with one of his improv groups, Hot Sauce. That group includes Ozeri, Adam Pally and Ben Schwartz. That is a murderers row of improv people. And Ozeri was the funniest. He plays a singer and the songs he makes up are awesome. I have listened to those aplenty since his appearance this time. They are amazing.

What makes Ozeri so extra great is the fact that he’s been around “CBB” since the start. He first appeared on episode 151 and has been on a bunch since then. I just wanted to give him a shout out today because I really appreciate how hilarious he is. I want others to check him out too. Gil Ozeri is really great at what he does. Seek him out people.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.  

The "Comedy Bang! Bang!" A-Team Cannot Be Beat

I was listening to the most recent episode of "Comedy Bang! Bang!" and I came to a comedy realization. When Scott Aukerman invites Jason Mantzoukas, Andy Daly and Paul F Tompkins on the pod, it is some of the best improv comedy in the game. These four work so well off of one another. All they need is a little bit of a premise and they are off.

On the newest "CBB" it was about as simple as it gets. Mantzoukas was there as himself. He is one of the unofficial guest hosts of the show. Then Andy Daly was Byron Denninson, the royal watcher, and PFT was on as The Grizz. These are some tried and true characters. They have been on a few times, and with each appearance the story gets bigger and better. This time around Mantzoukas and Aukerman were just talking about stuff that was going on in the world and they happened to mention some people dying. This was when Daly came in as Dennison. He told them about Queen Elizabeth and Daly was as funny as ever. He is so good at this character. This is a keeper. I very much enjoy listening whenever Dennison is on. Then PFT came in as The Grizz and totally blew up all of the stuff Dennison was talking to them about. He took off the covers to Dennison's whole story. It was great. I loved every second of it. Then both of them turned into Australian versions of their characters. It was wonderful. While they were doing the Aussie version of their characters was when I realized how awesome all of this was. I was listening to four great improvisers doing their thing at the top of their games. It ruled. Mantzoukas and Aukerman took a backseat, and that was the right thing to do. PFT and Daly were riffing off of one another. One would tell a joke and the other would just go with it. They would do multiple minutes on so many different topics and it all worked. I was cracking up. The stuff with the Grizz and Dennison was great. But the stuff with the Aussie versions was even better. When Daly realized he had to change his accent, that was gold. It was so real and so funny. And PFT didn't make fun of him, he just went with it. It was incredible. At times Mantzoukas would chime in with a joke and it was excellent. Aukerman was there to keep it all moving and he is so good at this task because he is a top notch podcast host.

I was in awe of all the things they were doing. I was sitting in my car cracking up, but also appreciating the greatness I was listening to. I was hearing some of the best people in the game do their thing. I saw that these four were on the episode and I immediately got hyped up. I knew it was going to be great. But when I listened it was even better. It exceeded my very high expectations. I appreciate when professionals all get together and perform so well. It can be magical.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.  

Ty Listens to "Never Heard of Them" Podcast

I’m a listener to the Patreon podcast “The Flagrant One’s”. I’ve written about that show, but they have other, newer stuff. They also have the classic stuff. “Hollywood Handbook” is still there. They have a pro version of that. I very much enjoy “Carl Calls His Cousin”. That’s a fun chat show. It’s all pretty great.

Recently they put out a new show featuring Carl’s cousin, Ashonn. That podcast, co hosted by Jacob Wysocki, is my new thing. It’s called “Never Heard Of Them”. It’s a music podcast. Some music podcasts can be very hyperbolic and pretentious. This one is not like that. Save for the fact that they “called out” The Black Keys, one of my favorite bands, in the first episode, this pod is all about keeping an open mind while discussing music. The two hosts seem to lean more punk, but they have talked about many genres of music only five episodes in to date. They’ve covered a lot. They’ve done punk, hardcore, R&B, soul, blues, electronic and so, so much more. I really enjoy the layout of the show too. The two of them talk about what they’ve been “chewing on” for the last week. This is basically a segment where they give each other a song or band that they think the other might like. This is super interesting. I’m not much of a punk guy, I have never dig deep into that world, but some of the stuff they’ve played has grabbed my ear. They’ve also played Howlin Wolf, which was so awesome for me. I’m older than the two hosts, so to hear them talk so glowingly of one of the greatest guitarists of all time, it was dope. I love that they are exploring musicians like that. When they get done with that segment they bring in a guest. They had Alana Johnston on their first episode. She rules. She’s a spitfire and super fun to listen to on a podcast. She’s got a deep knowledge of music too. They then had Carl Tart. That interview segment was hilarious. Tart was his honest self, and he let his true feelings show. It was great. Tawney Newsome was on after that. She is a musician, a great actor and has a super awesome catalog of music she likes. That was a wonderful interview. Newsome is the best. Nicole Byer was the next guest, and you all know how I feel about her. Go read my piece from last week. And this week, their most recent episode, featured Betsy Sodaro, who is a delight. She is almost as fun as Byer. Almost. When they finish the interview they then play a game. I love playing along. They did a ghostwriter game and I was on point that day. They did a great game with marching bands recently. That was hilarious. They wrote an emo, Creed esque, song this past week and that was a riot. They were spot on with their impression. I enjoy the little game section. I also like that they try to play a song from a genre the guest does not like to see if they can change their minds. They usually don’t, but it’s fun to hear the reactions.

This pod is really growing on me. Again, I like that the hosts are not being cliche and pretentious. They’re both very knowledgeable too. I’ve learned a lot about music I’ve never listened to in 5 short weeks. This is a good pod for music lovers. I suggest everyone become a patron of “The Flagrant Ones”. And if you like music and hearing different stuff, you need to check out “Never Heard Of Them”. It’s top notch.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.  

2021 Top Five - Podcasts

Today I have my top five podcasts or podcast moments of 2021. As I say every year, it would be unfair to put the X Millenial Man on this list because that is the greatest podcast that has ever existed. RD and I do some great work, we have gotten better and I am enjoying the hell out of recording it. Seriously, if you are not listening to it yet, get on it. Now that that is out of the way, I listen to a ton of podcasts. I love the format. I love that it is mostly free. And I love content. Feed it to me through a tube if need be. I love listening to them when I am doing housework, running, driving to and from school, basically any time. I still listen to music, lots of it, but podcasts take about 50 percent of my time now. Let's get to the list.

At number five I have The Flagrant Ones, but to be even more specific, their offshoot pod, Carl Call His Cousin. The Flagrant Ones has been great this year. I love it. I love how they still talk hoops, but they are putting more and more jokes in there. Lately they have been reading team names for the new t-shirt they are going to make, and that has been a total riot. But this year I have fallen in love with Carl Call His Cousin. I am a big Carl Tart fan, and these recordings, which are about 30 minutes long, have been exceptional. Carl and his cousin talk about all manners of things. They touch on mostly comedic elements, but they talk about real life stuff too. I love it. My favorite thing they do is what they call "scenarios". Those segments leave me howling. I love it. It is the best. The Flagrant Ones know what they are doing, they are in their pocket and they are crushing it. And Carl Call His Cousin is just a wonderful added bonus.

Coming in at four I have the return of Heavyweight. Heavyweight is one of my favorite podcasts. I always love when a new season comes around. I am not a big fan of them switching to Spotify exclusively, but that is neither here nor there. This season, so far, has been really good. I am digging the two parters they have been doing this season. I love how it leaves me wanting more. That has been a nice touch. Johnathan Goldstein is bringing his usual greatness to hosting. I like how they are doing the show with the pandemic being here. Heavyweight is good stuff, and it may be Gimlet's best show.

Coming in at number three I have myself discovering This Is Important. This Is Important is hosted by the dudes that created "Workaholics", one of my all time favorite shows. And no it is not a rewatch of their old show. They get on mic and just talk about random nonsense, like I'd imagine four friends would when they are just shooting the breeze. It is hilarious, and it works so well because these guys have such a good rapport. Their friendship is so easy to believe because it is so palpable on the mic. I love the soundboard, the jokes, the inside Hollywood stories. I love it all. Even with Kyle Newachek having to opt out recently due to a busy work schedule, it works just as well with Anders, Blake and Adam. They crush it. I do like some of the rewatch pods, but I think there are too many. That is why I like This Is Important so much. They may touch on their older and newer roles, but it is just four dudes having a good time on mic.

At number two I have the introduction of CBB World. I love Comedy Bang Bang, more on that at number 1, and CBB World is just that, but with so many added and commercial free shows. All of Comedy Bang Bang is there, with no commercials. They have old shows from the early Earwolf days, all without commercials. It has been a blast to go back and listen to all of Mike Detective again. They have live CBB's on there. They have CBB Presents, which is always good. But my favorite thing about CBB World is all the Shaun Diston content. I am a fan of Diston's, and I love that he is all over CBB World. They have all of We Need to Stop Talking about TMNT on CBB on there, which is amazing. They also have Scott Hasn't Seen, which is a new pod where Sprague, one of Diston's best characters, and Scott watch movies that Scott Aukermann has not seen, and it is awesome. CBB World is one of a few paid content pods I do not mind paying for because it has so, so, so much awesome content. It is one of the best things to come out of the podcasting in a long, long time.

And at number one I have a specific episode of Comedy Bang Bang. It was a recent ep. Jimmy Pardo and Danielle Koenig were the main guests, and they were great. But when Suzi Barrett showed up, this ep went from good to amazing. Barrett played, quite simply, a potato. She was a sentient potato. It seems dumb, but oh my goodness did I find myself cracking up the whole time listening. I was actually laughing so hard at one point during a run that I had to stop and catch my breath. Barrett played the potato as a little kid. She would add b's and d's to words that didn't need them. Every time she talked about Farmer Hands, which also made me crack up, she would say "dambit" instead of "dammit". Again, silly but extremely hilarious. But every move that Barrett made as Uggams, they named the potato midway through the ep, worked to perfection. I assumed that it was going to be a joke that didn't land, but boy was I wrong. This worked. It worked so well that I have listened to the episode a few times since it first came out. I laugh as hard every time I listen. This character should not have worked. It should have been stupid, but it wasn't. This is why I love CBB so much. They let people take big swings, and when something hits, like Uggams, it is so memorable.

That is it for today. Come back tomorrow for my top sports moments of the year.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Listens to "This is Important" Podcast

A few months back I was looking for a different podcast to listen to when I run. I have a good team of pods that help me through long runs, but I was either caught up on them, or was getting a little bored. I always try to find one of two kinds of pods when I run, conversational or comedic. When the two categories marry, that is the cherry on top.

The podcast I decided to try was "This is Important". This podcast is hosted by the guys behind one of my all time favorite shows, "Workaholics". We got Kyle Newachek, Anders Holm, Adam Devine and Blake Henderson as the hosts. The podcast is very straight forward. It is just the four of these guys bull shitting for an hour every Tuesday. They like to say that they are only talking about, "what is truly most important", but it is just four friends having a good time on the mic. It also helps that these guys are hilarious, have great chemistry, even better friendship and are pretty well known.

Outside "Workaholics", all these guys are still working. Kyle Newachek is still directing and producing, most recently on the great TV show, "What We Do in the Shadows". Adam Devine has starred in his fair share of movies of late, and he has just been announced as the star of an upcoming "Pitch Perfect" TV series. Anders Holm is still doing his thing, he is apparently in an upcoming movie with Robert De Niro. He was also great in "Top 5" by the way. And Blake Henderson, he has a recurring role on "Woke", was great on "Parks and Rec" and was excellent in the movie "Dope". They are all still grinding, and they still have the time to get together for an hour a week and make a goofy, ridiculous and fun podcast.

I often find myself cracking up when I listen. It is so mundane and wild and crazy and hilarious. They literally just take a subject here and there and they go down crazy rabbit holes. They did a good 10-15 minutes on John Lithgow movies a few episodes back. They did their first "live" episode when Devine had his bachelor party in the Ozarks. It was epic. When Holm goes on about neo soul music, I love it because I love neo soul. Anderson has a soundboard, and the way he uses it during the show is so hilariously perfect. Newachek will spend most of his time either talking about his wife and kids, his garden or expelling gas on the microphone. I know this all sounds trite and boring, but I promise you it is not. Especially if you like Mail Order Comedy and "Workaholics". It is just a continuation of where they started. They may have reached a new level of fame, but these dudes seem totally down to Earth, which is awesome. I think the simpleness of the pod is why I love listening to it while running. It marries the comedy and conversation aspects that I like about podcasts. It takes those two genres and melds them perfectly. I love it because it is two of my most favorite things about podcasting.

If you like these guys, or watched "Workaholics", or just enjoy friends getting together that happen to be extremely funny, check out "This is Important". It is well worth your time.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

A Return to Normalcy: Podcasters Back in the Studio


The last two episodes of the podcast “Comedy Bang! Bang!” have been in studio. A week ago host Scott Aukerman had JB Smoove on via Zoom, but Will Hines and Carl Tart were in studio. This week all three guests, Paul F Tompkins, Dan Lippert and Monika Smith were all there. Things seem to be going back to normal.

At first this was a shock. I couldn’t believe they were doing it back in person. Then I remembered the new CDC guidelines, and I assume all of the people who have been in studio have been vaccinated. I know for a fact Carl Tart is vaccinated because he’s said so on other pods. That means they can gather maskless. It is safe. I’ve done this with some family members since I was vaccinated. I went and recorded a different pod with a vaccinated buddy of mine yesterday, that will be out soon by the way. So after the initial shock, I decided to listen and enjoy.

Boy have they been great. Now that things are opening up, of which I’m pretty anxious about, but that’s a different blog coming to you all soon, vaccinated people are allowed to hang out, and the comedy podcast world is reaping the rewards. The past two “CBB”‘s have been so great. You can hear the people feeding off one another. The improv has been so on point. The episodes seem funnier. There are no real pauses or lapses in time. The people can see and react in real time to the other guests. The energy is higher. This is what these podcasters have been waiting for, and it is a treat for us listeners. I know that Zoom and Skype has opened up a whole new world of recording, and it is most definitely here to stay, but having the ability, the chance to do the shows in studio again just adds so much more. I have been howling recently.

The most current episode doesn’t have “star” on it, but the three guests are so great at improv comedy, and being able to simply react, it’s been one of the best episodes of “CBB” in quite sometime. I sat there and laughed and laughed. I listened to some of it while on a run, and I had to switch because I was laughing so hard that it was messing up my breath. I truly think that’s due up the in person nature of the episode. The three guests also play so many different characters that it sounded like there were about ten people in that studio. I also think this is going to open the door for other podcasts to go back to in studio. I know Carl Tart has already done an episode of his show “Carl Call His Cousin” in his cousin’s studio, and it ruled. I would bet that whenever Mike Mitchell returns to LA that “Doughboys” will record in studio. They can get the food delivered, and then record right away. I hope “The Flagrant Ones” gets back because their energy when they are together is amazing. I know Earlonne Woods and Nigel Poor, from “Ear Hustle” have talked about getting back to their studio. It seems like things have maybe, possibly, hopefully turned a corner.

People seem to want to get back together in the podcast world and make hilarious comedy or the other stuff I listen to. I know I’m not ready to fully return to whatever the new “normal” is going to be, but if these podcasters are, more power to them. I love it as a listener. It makes for a great show just due to being together. I’ll be curious to see how this all plays out. As for now, I’m on board.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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Ty Listens to "Death at the Wing"


As I am always on the prowl for new podcasts, I was pretty delighted to get a text from RD a few weeks back about one I might like. You all know my love for basketball, and especially the NBA. I am really into the history of the NBA as well, specifically the late 80's and early 90's history. So when RD told me that director and writer Adam McKay had a new podcast about that era, and the players that were lost that could have been great, I was pumped. I immediately subscribed to "Death at the Wheel", and to this day I have listened to every episode, some of them more than once.

This podcast is about some players that could have been great, were great and lost it, or never had a chance. All the people he talks about died or had the game taken away from them over political affiliations or religious beliefs. It is really a fascinating listen. Each episode focuses on one or two guys, usually just one, and McKay talks about them and how they lost the game or their lives. He also talks about the politics that were going on during that era, and how that played into the NBA trying to grow its game and image. I am forever intrigued by the politics since I am so green in that era. I will say it is very eye opening, and it makes my dislike for Ronald Reagan even more than I ever imagined. He was an absolute puppet and a real monster. McKay portrays that perfectly.

The most important stories are the ones about the players, and how they ended up where they ended up. Some of the players I know about, or at least have heard of. We all know what happened to Len Bias. That was such a surprise, and it was something that didn't have to happen. Unfortunately it did happen, and now we are all left to wonder what could have been. The way McKay tells the story makes it even more intriguing. He is so good at weaving the story and telling all sides of it. I could say the same thing about the Benji Wilson and Drazan Petrovic episodes. Benji Wilson could have been a super duper star, but young kids make mistakes. Unfortunately for Wilson it was a horrific, life altering mistake. But what made this episode so interesting was the fact that McKay was able to talk to the man who shot and killed Wilson. He is a completely rehabilitated person, who knows the error of his ways and now he works to help stop gun violence. Petrovic's story was something that also could have been avoided, but it was a terrible accident. Again though, I learned so many things about Petrovic and Yugoslavia and so much more than I ever thought I could know about the basketball played overseas back then, and why Petrovic was so great. Then we have the players I do not know about or never heard of. I had no idea who Terry Furlow was, but Magic Johnson sure as hell did. He was an all time great in college at Michigan State. Magic looked up to him. He was a walking bucket, a player before his time. He died because of the opulence of cocaine in the 80's in the NBA and driving a car erratically. It is a wild, ABA esque story. We also have the story of Ricky Berry. Berry clearly was a person that suffered from depression, but back when he played, you didn't talk about that stuff openly. This was a guy that had everything going his way, seemed like he was going to take over the league, and then the next day he is dead because of a self inflicted gunshot wound. If he could have spoken openly and honestly, he may still be alive today. Hearing Jerry West talk about him, and West's own problems, was very eye opening. Then we have the most recent episode which talks about Craig Hodges and Mahmoud Abdul Raouf. These gentlemen are not dead, but the way they expressed themselves pushed them out of the league. Hodges was an advocate to stop police brutality after seeing the Rodney King outcome. He was another person, a peaceful protestor before his time, that was blackballed because he questioned the super stars of the game back then, the Larry Bird's and Magic Jonhson's and Michael Jordan's, on why they weren't more outspoken This guy was a knockdown shooter, but after going after these players, no one wanted him. That's very unfair. With Rauof. He was just a man who converted to Islam and decided to not put his hand on his heart and look at the flag during the anthem. He was Colin Kaepernick before Kaepernick. But the league all but ousted him after hearing why he didn't want to acknowledge the song, and this guy was an all NBA player and an all star. This was clearly a politically charged move by the NBA. These men were unfairly pushed out of the league.

I cannot wait for another episode. I look forward to the new one every week. This podcast is perfect for a basketball nerd such as myself. I love everything about it and I cannot recommend it enough. I owe a huge thanks to RD for letting me know about it too. "Death at the Wing" is awesome. It is one of the best podcasts out right now.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Listens to The "Ear Hustle" Podcast


Entering season 6, “Ear Hustle” is finding a great groove and is becoming one of the best podcasts available.

I was late to this pod. I heard one of the co hosts, Earlonne Woods, on a different pod a few years back and decided then that I was going to listen. I gobbled up the previous seasons. When I started listening, Woods was still in jail. They did, and still do, stories of what life is like inside San Quentin. I was fascinated. I never really dug this deep into prison life stories. I have watched movies and TV shows, but those were all hyper superficial. It was the cliché stuff. Shows like “Orange is the New Black” and “Oz” seemed like a good representation to me. I couldn’t have been more wrong. There is violence and very crazy stuff that happens in prison, but not like the Hollywood version according to these prisoners. Life seemed boring and pretty redundant. It seemed very structured and very quiet, for the most part. There were stories from certain people who dealt with abuse and violence inside, but those were few and far between. I thought this was interesting. It gave me a new outlook.

Earlonne Woods eventually got released, and that’s when this pod took an even bigger leap, and it really soared. They still have a person inside, he goes by the nickname New York, and we still get stories from the inside, but with Woods out, we are getting stories about prisoners that have been released. That’s equally fascinating. Some are doing well, others are struggling a bit and some are back in jail. There’s a few great stories about these guys. There’s one about a guy who got a job as a trash collector in a strip mall in San Francisco. The job doesn’t sound glamorous, but the way the gentleman describes it, you’d think he was a head honcho at a big corporation. He was thrilled to be doing something on the outside. There was another one, a sad one, about an addict who keeps relapsing and keeps ending up back in jail. Mind you we are still getting stories about guys in jail. There’s been excellent ones about music, taking care of animals, letters and the food. When the pandemic hit I thought that might have been the end, but they kept at it and kept making new episodes. They all had to be about guys who were released, but they also found new angles. There is an episode about kids who stay at a camp where they have incarcerated parents. That was powerful. They did a cooking competition. That was fun. They found ways to keep doing it and do it well.

They have released the first two episodes of season 6, and both are excellent. The first was them catching up with a few former guests. They were also able to get a mic back inside and have New York talk to people. The most recent episode was about visits in the age of COVID. It was eye opening.

This pod just gets better and better with each new season. I look forward to listening to “Ear Hustle” more than the other pods I regularly listen to. I highly recommend checking it out. Nigel Poor and Earlonne Woods are great hosts, and New York does fine work as well. Check this pod out. You will really enjoy it.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.  

Best of 2020: Top Five Podcasts


Finishing up my best of 2020 lists I have my top five podcasts/podcast episodes of the year.

Podcasts have been a pretty crucial part of my life in 2020. Along with recording X Millennial Man with RD, I have been in the process of starting another podcast with a few of my friends that is strictly about the NBA and basketball shoes. We have put out one episode so far, and you can find it on Google Play and Spotify. It is called Wear and Tear. Outside the two podcasts I am personally involved with, podcasts have been great for running, cleaning the house or just relaxing. It has also been pretty cool to see how the big time podcasters have adjusted to all the changes from the Coronavirus pandemic. With all this being said, I do have a top five, and I am pretty stoked about it.

Coming in at number five I have an episode of a podcast I really enjoy, Heavyweight, and it is their episode entitled "Bobby". This was one of the lighter Heavyweight features, and I have grown to enjoy when they don't go as heavy. "Bobby" focused on, I believe he is the sound engineer for Heavyweight, his musical career before he got his new job. He always loved music, was in a band in high school, played some gigs and even made a few dollars. But this wasn't about that. Apparently he worked for a marketing company out of college and was tasked with writing and performing a jingle for McDonald's. He did it and thought nothing would come of it. But they made it, put it on the air, and boy oh boy did people dislike it. They read some comments, played the commercial and made jokes about it and even had former employees that greenlit the jingle on. They all had great quips. The best thing was his former bandmates discussing it. Of course they knew it was their friend Bobby singing, but he never told them. They brought it up to him. And while they razzed him, they didn't let that linger too long. They joked, but knew he did it basically as a goof. Bobby and his band got to play at the end of the episode, and that was a very nice touch. This was a fun look into the marketing world when things go awry. I had a great time listening to this episode.

At number four I have the new podcast Grawlix Saves the World. I am a fan of the Grawlix. They are a comedy trio, and they had a very great show on TruTV called "Those Who Can't". On their podcast they do things to try and make the world a better place. Throughout their challenges they bring their unique blend of comedy. It is funny to hear them gripe and moan and riff off one another. They also do some very cool things. If it wasn't for their election episode I may have never phone banked for Biden and Harris. I was inspired by them to do that, and I believe that is the point of the podcast. I also loved when they each did a challenge from a listener, and decided I was going to go on hour long walks for a week too. Their goal, to make the world a better place through comedy, has inspired me to do some things I may have never done before. That is one of the main reasons they are on my list. They also happen to be hilarious, which is always a plus.

At number three I have another new podcast, Zack to the Future. The premise is simple. Mark Paul Gosselaar has never watched "Saved by the Bell", so his co host Dashielle Driscoll, the creator of the excellent "Zack Morris is Trash", has him watch each episode, and then they dissect it. It is cool to hear Gosselaar talk about his time on the show, and what he remembers, but more so, what he has no recollection of. It is also great when they get guests on the show. So far they have had Mario Lopes, Elizabeth Berkely and Tiffani Thiessen on. They have also had writers and some extras. It is neat to hear these people talk about this show that has become such an enormous hit, especially for my generation. I loved "Saved by the Bell", and to hear the actors, who are about a decade older than me, reminisce is pretty awesome. If you were a fan of "SBTB", I would highly recommend listening to Zack to the Future. It is a great stroll down memory lane.

At number two I have Scott Aukemann and Adam Scott led U Talking Talking Heads to my Talking Head. They have done this before. They did it with U2 and REM. Aukermann even did something similar with Phish and Harris Wittles(RIP). So this isn't new, but their shows like this have introduced me to very famous bands that I never gave a shot. It didn't work with U2, kind of worked with REM, but it has worked like gangbusters with Talking Heads. I am a humongous fan now, and I have to say it is because of me listening to this podcast. They have introduced me to a band that I now love. I didn't get that into it at first, but when they did the "Stop Making Sense" episode, that was what hooked me. Now I love this band and this show. I am bummed they did their final episode a week ago, but that was all Talking Heads had to offer. What makes this podcast even better is the fact that they were going to do it about the Red Hot Chili Peppers, but instead shifted to Talking Heads during that very first episode, and never looked back. That was the correct decision. I hope Aukermann and Scott continue to do this for so many reasons, but mainly because they seem to genuinely have a good time making these shows.

At number one I have the Lowe Post episode where Zach Lowe speaks to Malika Andrews about the NBA players strike. Andrews was one of the few journalists that got to go to the bubble. She was there from start to finish pretty much. She had to go through all the things the players went through, and her stories from the bubble are incredible. But hearing her talk about her mood, the sight, the feeling in the gyms and seeing the players protest, that was powerful. It is not very often you get instant talk of something as enormous as this strike. Usually we get stories months or even years later. But Andrews appeared on Lowe's podcast within days of the strike. Hearing her insight was truly wonderful. Hearing her thoughts and her actions was incredible. It is a moment in time that no one will forget, and she was one of the first people to openly talk about it. I have listened to the pod a few times because it still brings chills in the very best way. As I stated yesterday, I love the NBA, and this interview with Andrews was an amazing listening experience. It truly was second to none.

Okay, those are my best of 2020 lists. Happy New Year everyone. Stay safe, wear a mask, wash your hands and Black Lives Matter.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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