Thoughts on the Best Hat for Runners


These last six or so years have taught me a lot about running. I first did it to lose weight. Then I wanted to run some 5k's just to see what those were all about. Then I did a half marathon. Then I did some trail running. I dabbled in triathlons for a bit. I did some bike riding. But I always go back to running. It has replaced basketball as my number one option for a workout. I get the best workouts while running, I feel better, I eat better and I am mentally much better after a run, especially if I am having a crummy day.

One thing I have noticed more recently is how important gear is for runners. From hydration packs to collapsible water bottles to socks and shoes to knee braces to sweat gear and even hats. Hats are what I want to talk about today.

I have always been a hat wearer. Since I was a kid playing little league, a hat adorned my head. The only time I do not wear one while doing something athletic is when I play basketball. When I first got really into running I did not wear a hat. I went with nothing or wore some kind of sweat band. But every summer was a struggle to keep the sweat out of my eyes. I wear glasses, so when I get sweat in my eyes it is a pain, and when I am sweating like I do it is hard to clean my glasses. So when I would sign up for new races, if a hat was an option as some swag, I started to get that. I got a bunch of mesh hats from races that I wore the hell out. I have almost exclusively run with a hat for about two years now. They work better.

This year for our anniversary my wife bought me a good amount of running gear, but the coup de gras was the hat she found. I get all kinds of ads on my phone for running stuff, and one ad for a hat from a company named rnnr kept popping up. I liked the hat and mentioned it a few times in passing. My wife bought me one. She got me the Unicorn hat. It has a yellow and pink brim, a blue sweat catcher in the middle and 2 sided mesh. The bill is also the most flexible bill I have ever seen. This hat is absolutely amazing. I love everything about it. The other hats I got were fine, but this rnnr Unicorn hat is in a class of its own. It is so breathable yet it soaks up all my sweat. I hardly ever get anything in my eyes now. The hat is so flexible that if I need to move it or adjust it in any way, it is so simple and easy. I love that I can move the bill of the hat anyway I need it to be. The hat works as well if I turn it backwards when I run on a cloudy day. It is so easy to wash and hang dry. It is so light that I forget I have it on during my longer runs. It absorbs water when I throw some on my head to cool down. And it looks cool as hell. It is easily the best hat I have ever owned. I'm talking about any hat. It is perfectly crafted for what it needs to do. It looks rad. It feels even better. And I think I will be buying multiples because of how perfect this hat is.

This hat is like a restaurant with a one page menu. They know what they do is good and they keep cranking out nothing but the best. If you are a runner, of any sort, get yourself a rnnr hat. You will love it. But if you are just a collector of cool ass hats, buy one as well. These things are dope as hell. I cannot recommend these hats enough. They rule.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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