Give "House of the Dragon" Some Time

"House of the Dragon" is two episodes into season 2 now. The first season was incredible, and my wife and I were both ready for this second season. So far, it has not disappointed us. The two episodes are a slow burn, but it is a wonderful slow burn. They are building towards a heavy duty war. You get that sense very early on. After the events that closed out season 1, a war was inevitable. This was coming.

The leadup to the fighting so far has been the most wonderful kind of tease. They are slowly building to what seems to be an epic battle. The things that have happened so far in season 2, including two primary-ish season 1 characters, spoiler alert, dying off in the last episode. That fight scene was awesome and tragic at the same time. It had a lot going for it at the time. I have grown to hate one of the guards now too. I didn't like him much in season 1, but after his exploits in the first two episodes, that dude can kick rocks for all I care. He is a coward and only looking out for himself. Most people on this show are out for themselves, so when I can grow to point out his exploits, that means this dude is a real piece of work. Matt Smith is even slimier than in season 1. He has some real issues and he cannot handle the fact that he may never be king. The two queens are clearly trying to keep their houses in order, but they have so many other things going on that it is nearly impossible for them to focus on one thing at a time. They have so much on their tables. The kids are getting much more involved in season 2. The king is a little prick. He is also so stupid. But, I found myself feeling bad for him at moments in the last episode. Rhaynera's kids are clearly working through the death of one of their brothers, and they are finding it very hard to move on. Daemon Targereyan was almost assassinated, but found refuge in a brothel. That dude is a bad, bad person, but he is also clearly gearing up to go to war, and he may be the best fighter on his side. The hand is out of a job and looking to move on, but he is going to need his daughter's help. She is too focused on hooking up with the punkass guard, so I really have no idea where they are going to go with his story. And, for a very bad guy, I felt awful for him at the conclusion of the last episode. I actually found myself rooting for him to beat up the king. And the dragons are creeping up here and there in the first two episodes. We've seen them flying a bit. They are coming out of their dungeons and looking to breathe some fire. They are mean and ready for war as well. I also saw some dragon eggs in a trailer for an upcoming episode, and if we get even more dragons, that would be a thing of beauty.

"House of the Dragon" took a long time off, but the work is showing in the series so far. I am so amped to see where it goes from here. And the battle that is incoming is going to be brutal, bloody and amazing to watch. Sunday's cannot come fast enough. I am itching to see more and more of this show. It is one of the best on tv right now. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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