"The Real Lives of Mormon Wives" is the Meat in Reality TV's Dumb Sandwich

We watch a good amount of reality tv in our house. I'd like to say I don't watch it all the time, but if I'm in the room and a reality show is on, I'll stick around and give an opinion. I wish I watched less, but these shows are a good mind suck for me, and I can tune out what is going on and goof around for the evening.

One such show that has been on my home tv now is "The Real Lives of Mormon Wives", or some nonsense like that. I'm proud to say that I have only seen about 15 total minutes of this show, and that is strictly because I like to hang out with my wife, and she is currently watching this show. But, the 15 or so minutes I have seen, this show may be one of the worst reality shows that has ever been put on tv. This show is about as mindless as it gets. There is nothing of substance in this show. These ladies have no real provocative thoughts, they offer nothing to society, they constantly gripe about the most meaningless stuff and they are privilege personified.

I asked my wife why they have a show, what is it about them that makes hulu think they can get a big viewer number, and she told me that they are "Tik Tok famous". This is a big, big problem in our world right now. People who are Tik Tok famous should not be given a tv show. That is the lowest form of entertainment. Tik Tok offers nothing other than getting "likes" and "reposts". Tik Tok is the worst. More power to the people that make money off of it, but they should not be given a tv show. That is about the laziest thing that tv and streaming execs can do. They don't have to hire writers, there's no auditioning, they don't have to get a full crew. They just put these fame hungry morons on tv and let it go from there. Sure, they have a camera person and a boom mic person, but they don't need much else. They can have a person around to stir drama, but that is about it.

Reality tv like this is killing television. I already mentioned how they don't have to hire hardly anyone that is imaginative and creative, but they are giving people who have no real insight a platform to spew ridiculous nonsense. The ladies on this show have no real problems, they have nothing to give to society, they fight about the most mundane shit and they act like they are the most important people in the world. They are not. They are about as far from important as it can get. One thing I clocked in the short time I saw this show, the reason I wanted to write this today, whenever these ladies are out about town, they almost always say, "we have to make a Tik Tok for this". That is so, so, so sad. They cannot live in the moment. They have to record everything they do. They cannot have a fun, fulfilling life. They are glued to their phones. They are constantly chasing fame. They want everyone to love them. The problem, none of that is being accomplished. They're not going to ever be famous. They are always going to be chasing clout. Most people do not like what they have to say, and in fact, they disagree with what they're saying. The funniest thing to me about this show is how stupid they all come off. They think they have some world shattering view because they are Mormon, but they swear and talk about body parts openly. Everyone does that. Just because they are Mormon that doesn't make them special.

The beginning of reality tv had a point and a good reason to be on tv. When "Real World" started, it was groundbreaking and new. Now, we have multiple reality shows about teen moms, overweight sisters, people with weird addictions and privileged white people complaining about champagne problems. Reality tv is in a very, very bad place, and this show is only furthering the problem. Don't watch this show. I will not be watching anymore of it. It is the worst of the worst in reality tv. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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