No Favorites, No Limits
/I've never really been one for favorites. For as long as I can remember, when someone asks me what my favorite food, color, or type of music is, I draw a blank. It’s not that I don’t have preferences, I do. But I don’t feel a strong need to rank things in a way that defines me. I can appreciate the complexity of different musical genres, find beauty in every color, and enjoy a wide variety of foods. Yet, I’ve often noticed that people around me hold tightly to their favorites, as if those choices are fundamental to who they are.
Reflecting on this, I realize my lack of fixed favorites isn’t just a quirk, it aligns with my broader approach to life. Having a favorite can feel like drawing a line in the sand, defining a piece of identity in a way that might not leave room for change. And when identity is cemented in past choices, it can make it harder to fully engage with the present. If I declare a favorite band, does that mean I stop being open to new sounds? If I claim a favorite food, do I miss out on the joy of discovering something different?
I’ve seen this play out in my own life. For years, I told myself I didn’t like onions. I wasn’t even questioning the belief, it was just part of how I saw myself. But at some point, I stopped reinforcing that thought, and now I use onions in dishes all the time. My appreciation for music has evolved in a similar way. If I had stuck to only my longtime favorites, I might never have spent time with artists like Taylor Swift or Kendrick Lamar. My willingness to explore beyond my usual tastes has vastly improved my appreciation for new sounds, new perspectives, and even entire genres like hip-hop that I once overlooked.
By not clinging to favorites, I allow myself the freedom to experience things as they come without preconceptions. This openness fosters mindfulness, a way of being present without attaching labels or expectations. It also cultivates a growth mindset, where I see value in exploration rather than rigid attachment. Instead of defining myself by what I’ve liked in the past, I let my experiences shape me in real time.
And the more I embrace this mindset, the more I notice the world around me. When I stay in the present moment, I experience more of it. I hear the subtle sounds in the background that I might have ignored before, see details in a landscape that would have gone unnoticed, and feel more connected to what is actually happening right now. Without the weight of expectation or the need to define everything, I am free to fully engage with the only thing that truly exists, the now.
Kirk Aug
Kirk is a writer, beekeeper and a fellow traveller on spaceship Earth. Follow Kirk on instagram @kirkaug