Ty Watches "Mickey 17"

Last Friday my dad and I went to see "Mickey 17". I was going to write about it right after seeing it, a quick reaction, but I decided I wanted to sit on it and give the movie more thought. I wanted the weekend to sit with it. I'm glad I did.

Right off the bat, I really liked the movie. I'm a Bong Joon Ho fan. I love "Snowpiercer" and "Parasite". The love for those movies put me in a pretty good head space heading into "Mickey 17". What I enjoyed the most about "Mickey 17" was the humor. This is a funny movie. There's jokes and some of the things Robert Pattinson does as his version of each Mickey made me laugh out loud. Speaking of Pattinson, he is truly wonderful in the movie. He gets to do a ton and he nails it. With each new Mickey there are subtle changes and Pattinson brings all of them to life. The two main Mickey's, 17 and 18, are who we spend most of the time with and Pattinson plays both. Each Mickey is totally different and that is fully due to his performance. I thought he was amazing and he has become a better actor with each movie. He has upped his game, picks cool projects and I want to see what he is going to do next.

The other cast members are solid too. Naomi Ackie plays Nasha, Mickey's partner. She is badass and super cool. She knows this whole society they live in is nuts and she lets everyone know. She gives a great performance. Steven Yeun is Mickey's buddy, and he is an asshole. He is only out for himself. He will do anything to get ahead no matter who he has to screw over. Yeun is so reliable and so good as an actor and I am a fan. Mark Ruffalo is over the top in the best possible way. He is putting on a show as the villain and I grew to despise his character pretty quickly. I have to believe that was the point. He was so annoying and so stupid and Nasha lets him know it. Toni Collete plays his wife and she is equally despicable. She makes "sauces" and is always in her husband's ear. She is always telling him what to do in a way that will only benefit the two of them. And then we have the "creepers". These are the alien creatures that live on the planet they are travelling to in the movie, Nilfheim. They have a pretty great turn in the movie and it makes it all come together in the end.

Along with the acting, the story is great. This is clearly an allegory for how messed up the US is under this current "administration". Ho made his own version of it and set it in the near future. He kind of nailed it when it comes to what a trip on a spaceship away from a rotting Earth would feel like. It looked truly miserable. But Ho made it funny, made it work and made it a blast to watch. And I love the stuff he did with the "creepers".

This is a very good movie that I want more and more people to see. It is a fast two hour and seventeen minutes. And Pattinson is so good in his role. I highly recommend it. And go to a theater if you have the chance. The movie deserves to be seen on a big screen. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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The Oscars Do it Right By Giving "Parasite" The Big Awards

I did not watch the Oscars last night, no reason to, but when I woke up this morning I was pleasantly surprised at the news I saw.

A little preamble before I get into why I was happy. My wife has been sick the past two days, a smallish fever, and we were lounging in bed together watching TV. She asked me who was winning the awards because I was checking some news out on my phone. I told her I wasn't sure, as I had forgotten that the Oscars were on last night. So I googled the winners, and wasn't shocked at who had won at that point. Brad Pitt and Laura Dern won as expected. I am not too interested in the technical stuff. "Toy Story 4" won the animated feature award, but I haven't heard of the other four nominees. It was pretty much going as planned. I then saw that "Parasite", a movie you all know I am very high on, won original screenplay. I thought this was great. I wanted this movie to win every award, and am still a little annoyed none of the actors got nominated, so to see that it already won a pretty big award made me happy.

I then checked the major awards, and none of best actor, actress, director or movie had been given out. I thought this was weird because it was right around 2 and a half hours into the show. After seeing that "Parasite" won original screenplay, I then saw that it won best foreign film. This was when I told my wife that I would bet a good amount of money that this was the Academy's way of giving this great movie enough of their praise, and that they would fall into their normal habits. I assumed that Tarentino was going to get the director award because his movie is porn nostalgia for the boomer culture. I was pretty sure that Renee Zellwegger was going to get actress, and that DiCaprio was going to get actor, and truth be told, I still am unsure of who won each of those awards (editor’s note: Renee Zelwegger did win Best Actress, Joaquin Phoenix won Best Actor). And I was so certain that they would give "1917" best picture. For some weird reason the Academy is obsessed with war movies, and even though I haven't seen it, I'm sure "1917" is a solid war movie. I assumed "Parasite" was done winning awards.

This is where I get to why I was shockingly, and pleasantly, surprised when I woke up. First off, Bong Joon Ho won best director. This is amazing to me. He is one of my favorites, I have loved every movie of his I have seen, and I still think "Snowpiercer" was robbed when it got zero nominations. The fact that he won this award over guys like Sam Mendes, Tarentino, and stupid ass Todd Phillips, makes me so very, very, very happy. Of all the nominated movies I have seen, "Parasite" was far and away the best directed movies. Joon Ho has almost perfected his craft. He is becoming the Michael Jordan of directors. He and Jordan Peele are directing better than anyone out there right now. There, I said it. After seeing that Joon Ho won, I was even more amazed when I saw that "Parasite" won best picture.

This is astounding for so many reasons. First off, it is the first foreign language movie to win best picture. It is pissing off all the hipster movie fans who claim they "don't get it", or "what was with the third act" crowd. I adore Neal Brennan, and will be forever grateful that he co created "Chapelle's Show", but his little Twitter rant about this movie is why hipster people who claim to not like very, very good, award winning movies, are so pointless and dumb. It makes people who say this movie is no good sound dumb. "Parasite" is a god damn achievement.

Which brings me to my next point. This movie, as I wrote after I saw it, is not only great, but it is very important, and will be remembered and studied. It's not simply just a great movie, it is so, so, so much more. It is vital. It points out our obsession with material things. It tackles people's relentless drive to be wealthy. It is an important movie. I also love that the Academy is making up for last year, when they gave best picture to "Greenbook". That is the cliché movie, with the "white savior" character, that the Academy goes ape for. This year, they picked a foreign language film, with no real good or bad guys, and chose the movie with the best story that was told to perfection. They rarely do this, but this year, they got it 100 percent right.

Finally, I am also glad that the Academy strayed from the war movie, and the clown going insane movie and the nostalgia boomer porn and whatever other clichéd movie was nominated. They picked the right movie last night, and when they do the correct thing, I will sing their praises. I am thrilled that "Parasite" won the majority of the important awards last night. I'm glad it pisses off hipsters who claim they don't like, or don't get, the movie. I'm glad that someone other than a white person won the directing award. This was all good, and hopefully this is a sign of things to come. Maybe next year we can get some females and non white people nominated in the major categories as well.

Congrats to the Academy for doing the right thing last night, but importantly, congrats and thank you to Bong Joon Ho, and everyone that worked on the masterpiece that is "Parasite". All of these awards were well deserved.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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Ty Watches "Parasite"

I just finished the movie "Parasite".

Literally, I just got done watching it. I waited to write because I wanted to see this movie and give my instant reaction. I usually like to wait a day or so before talking about movies, but "Parasite" is on a whole other level from most movies I have watched. I think, and this isn't being a prisoner of the moment type thing, that this is one of the most important, and essential movies of the 21st century.

The way this “Parasite” breaks down class, society, the rich and the poor, how obsessed we have become with objects, it all rings true with the modern age. This was like a really, really, really good, and important, episode of "Black Mirror", except Bong Joon Ho, who is easily one of my favorite directors, told, and directed, this story so well. I have, and I don't know how, been able to not be spoiled by anything from this movie by the internet or friends that have already seen it. I stayed away from all the chatter because I wanted to watch with as little knowledge as possible. I knew the basic stuff, how the movie was about the upper and lower class people in Korea, but that was it.

So, when my father came over today, and we watched, it was, in all honesty, like I was seeing it for the first. It was exactly that case in fact. For the next two plus hours I was enamored with what I watched. I thought the directing, the acting and the script were pitch perfect. Side note, I don't mind reading movies, but for those that still don't know, the movie is in Korean with English subtitles. I don't feel that having to read what they were saying took anything away from the experience.

Another thing in the film’s favor, the acting, it was top notch. I loved how the movie started with the lower class family struggling to get wifi, getting off other people, taking very odd jobs just to make a little money and letting the fumigation going on outside come into their home to get rid of stinkbugs. I also found that, once the brother of the main family got into the wealthy house, that they wealthy family was very well acted, especially the mom. She played a simpleton, who was easy to fool fantastically. She was tremendous. I know the movie itself has gotten a ton of awards, and nominations, but if she doesn't have a best actress nod, I don't know what the hell is wrong with people. The same thing can be said for the dad of the lower class family. He was incredible as well.

As the movie progressed, and you saw how this family manipulated the rich family to get into their lives and make money, it was unsettling, unnerving and I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. The way they treated that mom, how they convinced her that none of them knew each other, it was great, and slimy. And while I am not going to spoil anything, but lets be honest, I think I may be the last person who wanted to see this movie that hadn't yet, the twist near the end was way out of left field, and it is what I have come to expect from Joon Ho. I thought it was pitch perfect. It was as unsettling as everything else that was in this masterpiece.

There is no other movie like "Parasite" out there right now. It is a totally original story told so very well. As I said, I feel like this is so important for right now. The obsession with wealth and an online presence and getting out of the lower class, "Parasite" tells this story perfectly. I am still in shock, and still amazed at what I just saw. I liked this movie slightly more than "Uncut Gems", and you all know how I felt about that movie. I still think "Us" is the best movie of 2019, but "Parasite" pushes "Uncut Gems" to three, and takes over the two spot for me. This movie is why I need to start seeing as many of these movies as I can while they are still in the theater. And since "Us" got zero Oscar love, which is so god damn stupid, I am going to be pulling big time for "Parasite" to win all of the awards. It is a different movie, but this ranks right up there with "Mad Max: Fury Road" for me. I will be talking about, and thinking about this movie for a very, very long time.

What a masterpiece.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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