Ty Watches "Mickey 17"

Last Friday my dad and I went to see "Mickey 17". I was going to write about it right after seeing it, a quick reaction, but I decided I wanted to sit on it and give the movie more thought. I wanted the weekend to sit with it. I'm glad I did.

Right off the bat, I really liked the movie. I'm a Bong Joon Ho fan. I love "Snowpiercer" and "Parasite". The love for those movies put me in a pretty good head space heading into "Mickey 17". What I enjoyed the most about "Mickey 17" was the humor. This is a funny movie. There's jokes and some of the things Robert Pattinson does as his version of each Mickey made me laugh out loud. Speaking of Pattinson, he is truly wonderful in the movie. He gets to do a ton and he nails it. With each new Mickey there are subtle changes and Pattinson brings all of them to life. The two main Mickey's, 17 and 18, are who we spend most of the time with and Pattinson plays both. Each Mickey is totally different and that is fully due to his performance. I thought he was amazing and he has become a better actor with each movie. He has upped his game, picks cool projects and I want to see what he is going to do next.

The other cast members are solid too. Naomi Ackie plays Nasha, Mickey's partner. She is badass and super cool. She knows this whole society they live in is nuts and she lets everyone know. She gives a great performance. Steven Yeun is Mickey's buddy, and he is an asshole. He is only out for himself. He will do anything to get ahead no matter who he has to screw over. Yeun is so reliable and so good as an actor and I am a fan. Mark Ruffalo is over the top in the best possible way. He is putting on a show as the villain and I grew to despise his character pretty quickly. I have to believe that was the point. He was so annoying and so stupid and Nasha lets him know it. Toni Collete plays his wife and she is equally despicable. She makes "sauces" and is always in her husband's ear. She is always telling him what to do in a way that will only benefit the two of them. And then we have the "creepers". These are the alien creatures that live on the planet they are travelling to in the movie, Nilfheim. They have a pretty great turn in the movie and it makes it all come together in the end.

Along with the acting, the story is great. This is clearly an allegory for how messed up the US is under this current "administration". Ho made his own version of it and set it in the near future. He kind of nailed it when it comes to what a trip on a spaceship away from a rotting Earth would feel like. It looked truly miserable. But Ho made it funny, made it work and made it a blast to watch. And I love the stuff he did with the "creepers".

This is a very good movie that I want more and more people to see. It is a fast two hour and seventeen minutes. And Pattinson is so good in his role. I highly recommend it. And go to a theater if you have the chance. The movie deserves to be seen on a big screen. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Nope"

Over the weekend my wife and I went to see "Nope". I remember when the first preview came out I mentioned how this may be the movie to get me back into the theaters. I did see two movies before this one, but I was most excited about seeing "Nope" on the big screen. I am a big time Jordan Peele fan. I love "Key and Peele". "Keanu" is a delight. Both Peele and Keegan Michael Key were probably the only reason to ever watch "Mad TV". And "Get Out" and "Us" are masterpieces. I prefer "Us", but both movies are unique, original, scary, funny and just flat out good. There is a reason why Peele has won an Oscar and is making the type of movies he makes. He is masterful at his craft.

What grabbed me most about "Nope" was how little I knew about it. This was purposeful on my behalf, and I have to guess on Jordan Peele's side as well. I did not want anything spoiled for me. That was how I approached his first 2 movies and that is the only way to do it. I want to be shocked and surprised and think about the movie for days after seeing them. That is exactly what happened with "Nope". I had no idea. I only knew that Daniel Kaluuya and Keke Palmer were starring in it. Even when people started to theorize what was happening, or more info was coming out, I stayed away. I had some downloaded podcasts I skipped because they talked about the movie. I didn't want to know. And it was perfect.

I was enthralled by this movie. I loved almost every second of it. I will try to be as spoiler free as possible, but some stuff may slip. Sorry.

"Nope" is very different from "Get Out" and "Us". It is more sci-fi than horror. There is some humor, but not nearly as much as Winston Duke gave in "Us". The movie is also very, very big in scope. It is a spectacle. A lot of people online have said that this is Peele's version of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", and I really agree with that sentiment. Peele goes for it in "Nope" and that is wonderful. He takes a big swing. Some stuff doesn't connect, but that is few and far between. There were a few little things I would have cut to make the movie a tight two hours, but that is me being very nitpicky with a movie I adore. The way Peele tells the story of this movie had me engaged the whole time.

The very, very short synopsis of the movie is about a family that has horses that work in Hollywood and they are losing money. There also happens to be an alien-like creature eating people on their land. The moral, at least in my opinion, and other people's that I have read, is you cannot tame a wild animal. Peele tells that story brilliantly. The movie is put into parts. Each part has a title, and it is an animal's or person's name. Then we get to see the title person/animal go through their story. It was fascinating. Again, I do not want to spoil anything, but Gordy was my favorite/most horrifying story in the whole movie. It was done exceptionally. The performances were really solid too. Kaluuya is great. He is dour and down and over his head and does not want to be in charge. Keke Palmer is fast paced, the heart of the movie, she is funny, quick witted and commanding. She deserves awards consideration. Keith David is barely in it, but he is memorable. Steven Yeun is dynamite. I was telling my wife how great his post "Walking Dead" career has been. He is doing wonderful things. Michael Wincott has the coolest voice I have ever heard. And Brandon Perea, who I have never heard of, is really, really interesting and does a very good job as an added person to Kaluuya and Palmer's family farm.

I have now listened and read other people's reviews of this movie and they are generally mixed. I think people expect too much from Peele. They want everything he does to be this thought provoking, mind melding process. I do not know how these people did not see that in "Nope". I have not stopped thinking about it since I saw it. It is living in my head at the moment. I keep going back and reading more and more about the movie everyday. I loved it and I definitely recommend it for everyone.

"Nope" is a spectacle that should be seen on the big screen. I know that I'm glad I watched it.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches the Trailer for "Nope"

When the Super Bowl was on, during a commercial break, they aired the trailer for the new Jordan Peele movie "Nope". I, like everyone else for that matter not involved in the movie, had no idea what the movie is about, but I am damn sure going to see it. Hell, I will even go to a theater if I have to.

The thing with Peele, he has knocked two grand slams out of the park with his first two movies. "Get Out" is original and hilarious and scary and wonderful. Peele got a much deserved and well earned Oscar for that movie. And I liked "Us" even more. Again, it was original and unlike any type of psychological horror movie I have ever seen. I still, to this day, think about the ending of that movie. So when he announced this new movie I knew I was going to see it. I also told myself I would not make the mistake of waiting to see this movie. I do not want a thing spoiled for me, and nowadays, people are spoiling movies left and right. Even if you ask them not to, they will spoil minor details that prove to be major. Luckily I avoided spoilers for "Get Out" and "Us", but I feel like it will be next to impossible to avoid spoilers for "Nope". They will be on the internet moments after the movie is released. So, like I said, I may have to go to a theater on opening night to see this movie. I do not mind wearing a mask, and I can go to an early afternoon show with the hopes that the theater will be pretty empty.

I did watch the trailer during the Super Bowl. I watched it intently. I went so far as to ask my guests, don't worry it was my mom and in-laws, to be quiet so my wife and I could focus, and it was amazing. I have since watched the same trailer four times, just trying to parse what I saw. The good thing about this trailer, there is little to nothing in the way of giving away what the movie may or may not be about. There are horses. I see that Keke Palmer, Daniel Kaluuya and Steven Yeun are, possibly the leads. There also seems to be some kind of thing that blocks out the sun, causing all the lights to go out and the electronics to turn off. We also see people running away, some getting sucked into the sky and Kaluuya riding away on a horse. There is also a commercial shoot in the beginning with Palmer talking about her ranch, at least I think.

When watching this trailer, and then analyzing it, this is exactly what modern movie previews should be. Most trailers give away far too much. Some will spoil major plot lines or twists. It can be very frustrating. But Peele did not do that with this movie or any of his others for that fact. He is so good at showing the littlest bit, but at the same time making you want so much more. Like I said, I have watched the trailer five times and I am still trying to figure out what I saw. But that is great. That makes me want to see what this movie has in store. I want to know what is coming to this town. I want to know what is sucking people into the sky. I want to know about the ranch. I want to know about Yeun's character and his job and how this affects him. I want to know why Palmer runs away screaming "NO NO NO". I want to know why Kaluuya is so calm, yet he rides that horse with a fire in his belly. I just want to know what "Nope" is about. And I also want to see what kind of brilliance Peele has in store with this new movie.

I cannot wait for July 22. And until then, I will be here analyzing the trailer.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Cloves and Fedoras: Go See the Intriguing Film "Sorry to Bother You"

Cloves and Fedoras is Seed Sings reviews for little known pieces of pop culture.  Feel free to contact us with your own submissions of undiscovered gems that must be known.

This past Saturday I had the great pleasure of seeing one of the wildest, weirdest, crazy, scatter brained, satirical and best movie that I have watched in a long, long time. I took my dad to see "Sorry to Bother You", and boy did this movie not disappoint.

I had very high expectations for this movie. From the moment that I heard Boots Riley of The Coup, a band that I am a big time fan of, I even nominated them for greatest American band, had written and directed a movie, I was interested. I didn't need to know what it was about, or who was even in it, I was just totally stoked that a visionary, and political activist like Boots Riley was getting a chance to make a movie. That being said, when I heard who was cast in the movie, that made me want to see it even more. As you all know, I am a big time fan of the show "Atlanta", and when I saw that Lakeith Stanfield was starring in the movie, I was pumped. It  also didn't hurt when I saw names like Tessa Thompson, Terry Crews, Steven Yeun, Jermaine Fowler and Danny Glover in the cast. Then the trailers started to some out. The trailers put all of the craziness and absurdity and wonderfulness that was this movie into the world. The trailers also made me realize who people like David Cross and Patton Oswalt were in this movie. I got advanced tickets and saw it the day after it was released nationwide. As I said, I saw it with my father, and a fairly crowded theater during a Saturday matinee. That made me happy from the start. The theater was not sold out by any means, but to see it about 1/2 full for an independent movie that was described as a "comedy, sci fi thriller", well, that is awesome. Maybe that means that more unique and cool movies will get a chance to be made. I am fatigued by sequels, remakes and super hero movies. It was nice to see something totally original. And, after only 3 previews, which I definitely appreciated, the movie started.

Now, I am not going to spoil anything, so I am going to continue very carefully with how I describe this wonderful movie. Stanfield plays Cassius Green. Green is broke. He lives in his Uncle's garage, Terry Crews played his uncle, and he is engaged to a performance artist that is also a sign twirler on the road. Green's fiancé is played by Tessa Thompson, and she shines in this movie. Her name is Detroit. She wears some of the wildest and coolest clothes that I have ever seen. She is an activist and she is just a beam of light whenever she is on screen. She makes all of her earrings in the movie, and they make it a point to say that, and to point them out. I loved that about this movie. Her wardrobe is also so hip and forward thinking, I would not be shocked if I saw people starting to dress like Detroit in real life. Anyway, Green needs a job because he is 4 months behind on his rent, and his uncle is about to lose the house. He gets a job at a telemarketing company, Regal View, and it is a struggle at first. Some of the scenes where he is making his first calls, where he literally drops into the home of the people he is calling, are so cool and unlike anything that I have seen. It was awesome. Green is struggling, and he is not making any money. The co worker sitting next to him, played by Danny Glover, gives him some advice. He tells him he needs to use his "white voice". He says that this will calm the people he is talking to, and they will be more willing to speak with him. I found this part of the movie very intriguing. I, and I assume many other people, just hang up on telemarketers. But, I wonder if the people that actually field these calls take them because of how the person sounds. It is a very great take on race relations, and only someone like Boots Riley could have pulled this off.

Green, now using his "white voice", which is voiced by David Cross, begins to crush it at work. He is selling whatever Regal View sells, it isn't very clear, and he is selling a ton. Amidst all this, Steven Yeun, playing a character named Squeeze, and Jermaine Fowler, Cassius' best friend, are starting to unionize so they can make living wages. This movie takes place in an alternate universe, and telemarketers in this world make far less than telemarketers do now. Cassius is part of their fight at first, but then he gets promoted to "power caller". This is where the real money is made. This is where Cassius can make enough money to help his uncle keep his house, buy an apartment for himself and Detroit, and furnish it with nice things. He is happy about this, at first. He then realizes what he is selling as a "power caller".

There is a company in this movie called Worry Free. They give people a job, a free place to live and free food, all they have to do is sign a lifetime contract, and work for them forever. It is essentially slave labor. Cassius comes to realize that, as a "power caller", he is only furthering and helping this awful corporation continue to thrive. But, since he is making money, he continues to go to work.

This begins to strain his relationship with Detroit and his friends. He is a scab. He may not realize it, but he is going against everything he believes in. He continues to cross the picket lines because he has finally found something that he is good at doing. He has struggled all his life, but telemarketing, with his "white voice", and selling things to random people on the phone, he is good at this. Needless to say, he and Detroit split. Fowler and Yeun want nothing to do with him. One day, while crossing the picket line, he gets struck in the head by a soda can. With all this happening, he continues to go to work, and to make Worry Free a ton of money.

Due to his success, Green gets invited to a big party with one of the owners or CEO or something of Worry Free, Steve Lift. Lift is played by Armie Hammer, and while I do not think he is a great actor, he is amazing in this movie. He is evil, a womanizer, a pig, a bully, a drug addict and just an all around bad guy. It is only when Cassius meets Hammer does he start to question what he is really doing. Hammer bullies him into free style rapping at a party. He essentially traps him in his home, and threatens his life when Cassius finds out some major news about what he is doing to help Worry Free continue to progress their laborers, who, lets just say, may not be all human. When Cassius learns of all of this, he decides now that he needs to fight back.

From here on out, if I were to say much more, I would spoil some major things in the movie. With that being said, you need to stay through the credits to get the full extent of what I am trying to get across without spoiling anything.

"Sorry to Bother You" is one of the most ambitious movies that I have ever witnessed. Boots Riley had a vision, and I feel like he decided he was going to put as much of it into this movie as possible, and that makes me so happy. He took all the chances. I mean, in this movie, the number one TV show in America is called, "I Just Got the Shit Kicked Out of Me". When they showed that, I was reminded of another one of my favorite, off the wall movies, "Idiocracy". But where the shows are similar, that is the only thing. "Sorry to Bother You" is much deeper, and way more in depth than "Idiocracy", and I adore "Idiocracy".

"Sorry to Bother You" is, quite possibly, the most original movie, with common themes, that has ever been made. The movie touches on class, selling out and race, but in such a unique and cool and visionary way. You must see this movie. You also must know, going into it, that it is weird and different, and there are crazy cuts and some of the wildest stuff you can think of times ten in this movie. But, it is all worth it. This movie more than surpassed my expectations. I saw it on Saturday, and I am still trying to figure everything out. The movie is open ended and lets you kind of decide what you think is right and wrong, and I love it even more because of that.

"Sorry to Bother You" is an amazing achievement, and I cannot wait to see what Boots Riley does next. What a gem.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He has had a bunch of crappy jobs that forced him to bother people. Never again will you see Ty knocking on your door asking if you have the latest in Video Cassette Recording experience.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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