"Between Two Ferns" Is Still Comedy Gold

Recently I have been going back and watching a ton of older "Between Two Ferns" shorts. I watched most when they came out and I have seen the movie multiple times.

I am a longtime fan of this little talk show. I think it was the fact that Zack Galifinakis was the host and that Scott Aukerman had his hand in a lot of the business, even directing the movie. It also had a ton of comedy people I really like attached to it. And add on the fact that it was a Funny or Die product, it felt like it was made with my comic sensibility in mind. Earlier today I was watching a blooper reel of some of the stuff from the movie and it made me laugh even harder. It also made me sit back and think about how much fun this show had to be to make.

For people that may not know, "Between Two Ferns" was a talk show that Galifinakis hosted on public syndication in a small town in North Carolina. He got celebrities to come in and he would roast them with his questions. The movie was the same thing with a story that the viewer followed. It is a simple yet hilarious premise. And when I say Galifinakis would roast the guests, I mean he ROASTS them. There is some very, very funny stuff that has happened on this show. Go back and watch the Paul Rudd stuff from the movie. It is classic. You can go back and watch the show when it first started and look at the way they go after Jon Hamm. The Matthew McCoungahy stuff is gold. When they had Barack Obama on he roasted Galifinakis more than he could roast him. They did a full sit down with Oscar nominees one year and the stuff that came out of that is genius. I love it all. The movie was a great way to get a bunch of people on and do what felt like a "best of" as well. It was a good decision to let them make a movie so you could pack in all kinds of new interviews that would for sure go viral.

That is what made me sit back today and look at the brilliance of the show this afternoon. To be able to get these questions off and keep a straight face has to be nearly impossible. I cannot even fathom how many takes just to get through a short interview. The blooper I saw with McCoungahy today featured him laughing the entire time. They had another on with David Letterman where neither he nor Galifinakis could keep it together. So to be able to do a show like this, to get something that is ready to view for the public and that comes off like there were not multiple takes, that takes a good amount of work and it impresses me very much. I love going back now and watching the older episodes and thinking about how much fun it was to make them. The Jerry Seinfeld and Cardi B episode is great. Seinfeld gets made fun of over and over and over again and just sits there taking it. And then Cardi B comes on and Galifinakis is sweet and nice. He makes Seinfeld the butt of even more jokes. Seinfeld is one of the world;s best stand ups and he is such a pro that he knows how to not mess up on film. The same could be said for the Steve Carrell episode. Even when he acts like he is mad and goes hard at Galifinakis, Galifinakis gives it right back to him and they were able to get enough to make a full episode. That is amazing. I love the Brie Larson interview and how uncomfortable it gets. But then you watch outtakes and you can see Larson is having a damn good time. I guess it impresses me when these comedy people get together and make something wonderful while having the time of their lives. I know it isn't something I could do so I like watching people more talented than me pull it off like the pros they are.

I am glad that "Between Two Ferns" is back in my life. Go watch it if you haven't yet. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Between Two Ferns: The Movie"

I just finished watching the "Between Two Ferns" movie. Literally, I just got done watching it, and it was pretty god damn funny. I like the internet talk show, I am a big time Zack Galifinakis fan, and I was very much anticipating this movie when I first heard. Also, whenever Will Ferrell is involved with something, for the most part, I am going to be on board. The "Between Two Ferns" movie is a Funny or Die production, and that is Will Ferrell's company, so of course, he is involved.

Anyway, this movie was exactly what I was hoping for, but so much more. It was goofy and odd and silly and takes on classic tropes to simply make fun of them. It did this perfectly. Having Scott Aukerman direct the movie, since he helped to create the show, was a great choice as well. You could see that he let the actors improv as much as they wanted, he let them have fun and he wasn't too much of dictator on set. The actors were all wonderful too. Galifinakis, as a heightened version of himself, was as excellent as he has always been on "Between Two Ferns". His crew, Lauren Lapkus, Ryan Gaul and Jiavani Linayao, were all funny and did a very solid job in the movie. Lapkus was phenomenal as Galifinakis' "right hand woman", as she called herself. She was funny and the heart and soul of the movie. Her never give up attitude was refreshing, while being hilarious. And the scene where she plays the trumpet was the funniest thing in the whole movie that wasn't the interviews.

Adding on to the cast was the impressive list of top of the line stars they got to be on the talk show. People like Matthew McConaughey, Bruce Willis, Keanu Reeves, Brie Larson, Tessa Thompson, Chance the Rapper, Benedict Cumberbatch, Rashida Jones, Adam Scott, John Cho, Jason Schwartzman, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Jon Hamm and Paul Rudd. I mean, that's wild, and I forgot to mention Tiffany Haddish, Hailee Steinfeld, Awkafina and David Letterman. They were all game, and they were all funny. I also loved the stuff that was written beneath each celeb. For example, they spelled pretty much everyone's name wrong. Underneath Awkafina's name it said, "crazy, rich, Asian". That is so funny on so many levels, and it is top notch comedy writing. David Letterman's interview was amazing because, for one, they got David freaking Letterman to be in their movie, and he is a super funny dude that was fully on board to goof around in this movie. The Chrissy Teigen scene was so funny and so perfect in a movie like this. It was unexpected, and super duper hilarious. Teigen is so funny. The opener interview with McConaughey was great and a perfect way to introduce the rest of the movie. Jon Hamm was hilarious, so was Chance the Rapper. But my favorite interview was the Paul Rudd one. He was great, he was game and he couldn't keep a completely straight face the whole time, and you know that means he was having a good time.

"Between Two Ferns: The Movie" is going to delight fans, but I also think people who just want to dip in and check out a solid comedy, that takes on classic tropes, will be enthused by this movie. Also, it is only 82 minutes long, so it is not a humongous commitment. As I said, I watched it while my daughter was napping before I had to get my son at school. But that is besides the fact. Just check this movie out. It is hilarious.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. The only thing Ty thinks that Will Ferrell has done wrong is not playing his greatest character anymore. We need Ashley Schaeffer back.

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Ty Watches "American Vandal" Season 2

Last night I finished season 2 of "American Vandal". It totally blew me away. I was late to season one of the show. A friend of mine suggested it, told me what it was like and about, and I decided to watch it. I raved about the first season. It was one of the most inventive, and funniest things, I have ever seen on TV. I was so invested in that first season, I had to know, "who drew the dicks". I was just as invested, if not more so, in finding out, "who is the turd burglar".

That was the whole premise of season 2. For those of you that may not know, and I am going to do this review 100 percent spoiler free, the first season of the show was shot like a true crime show. Think, "Making a Murderer", also from Netflix. But, the whole thing in the first season was, someone spray painted penises on teachers cars at a high school in California on an off day. The 2 kids that decided to do this documentary, treated the spray painted penises as a real crime. Peter(Tyler Alvarez) and Sam(Griffin Gluck) are students at the school, and they just want to know, "who drew the dicks". The first season was so great, and felt so real, that it was nominated for a ton of awards. And, it won a Peabody. That is a real, big time award, and show about penises spray painted on a car, won it. If that isn't enough for you to watch, I don't know what else will convince you. The show became such a big hit, Netflix decided to do a second season. I didn't know how they could follow up something so well done as the first season, but Tony Yacenda and Sam Perrault did it. They achieved something great. They struck lightening in a bottle twice.

The premise for season 2 is similar to the first. There is a series of pranks at a different high school, this time in Washington state. The crimes are committed by someone that goes by the handle of "turd burglar". And yet again I was fully invested on finding out who the turd burglar was, and why they did what they did. The second season is definitely grosser, due to the crime, but that doesn't take away from how well the show is acted and written and directed. It is just as intense and involved and funny and ridiculous, in all the right ways. And the way they went about showing how modern technology can be bad, it was as well put across as any episode of "Black Mirror" that I have watched, and I adore that show too. Social media can be evil, and to portray that with high school kids, and the cyber bullying and getting likes on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, season 2 of "American Vandal" handled it absolutely perfectly.

I cannot recommend this show enough. It is one of the best things on TV right now. You can also fly through the 2 seasons. Each has 8 episodes, and none of them exceed 45 minutes. I love this show, and I hope they continue to make more. Yacenda, Perrault and Funny or Die have something special going with "American Vandal", and I do not want it to end any time soon. What an exceptional TV show.

Seriously, go watch all of it right now, you will not be disappointed, and you will get invested heavily.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He is known around the SeedSing virtual cubicle farm as the “Hot Blogger”. Want to know more? Go watch '“American Vandal”.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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Cloves and Fedoras: "Zack Morris is Trash" Delivers the Truth on One of Television's Greatest Monsters

Cloves and Fedoras is Seed Sings reviews for little known pieces of pop culture.  Feel free to contact us with your own submissions of undiscovered gems that must be known.

I'm not big on watching TV or videos on my phone. The screen is too small, and unless it is about 5 minutes long or shorter, I am not interested. But, there is one particular shot clip show that I love watching on my phone, and that is Funny or Die's "Zack Morris is Trash".

Now, I used to love "Saved By the Bell". I watched it all the time with RD, and when he moved away, I watched it by myself. RD and I even went so far as to wear Zubazz pants and have a Screech Powers day, for which we were deservingly ridiculed by friends and family. I even listened to April Richardson's phenomenal podcast, "Go Bayside" two full times through the entire catalog. After listening to "Go Bayside", I decided that I wanted to give "Save By the Bell" another chance. Luckily for me, it was streaming on Netflix, and I was able to start watching the very next day. I did, and I was so disappointed in what I was watching. This show that I adored as a kid was truly, truly awful. There is not one redeeming thing about "Saved By the Bell". RD and I have argued about this on the podcast, but I feel like I am 100 percent right. The show is terribly acted, poorly written, horrifically directed, misogynistic and, almost always, pretty racist. Maybe my mind was turning on it just from listening to comedians I like destroy it on "Go Bayside", but still, the show is very bad.

One day I was scanning Facebook and I saw a new Funny or Die video entitled, "Zack Morris is Trash". I was immediately intrigued strictly by the title. I have always thought, and it was only further hammered home by April Richardson and her guests, that Zack Morris is a horrible person. He takes advantage of his friends, family, school mates, pretty much anyone he comes in contact with. He will also stop at nothing to get his way. He is like a big baby. And, when things don't go his way, he never learns his lesson. He just whines and complains and causes awful things to happen to the ones he is supposed to love, just to get his way. He is the quintessential narcissist.

Well, "Zack Morris is Trash" takes this narrative and runs with it. The narrator, who's name I don't know, but he is so great at his voice over job, takes several instances from past episodes to explain why Zack Morris is trash. Some examples from season one include how he took photos, unknowingly, of his female class mates and printed out calendars and sold them to other students. He then gets mad when a modeling rep sees one, tells Kelly that she can travel the world as a model, and she decides that she wants to do it, leaving Zack behind. He of course convinces Kelly that she will let everyone down if she leaves, and he thwarts her chance at stardom just so she will stay at Bayside with him. There is another one where he goes on a date with a girl in a wheelchair, unbeknownst to him until later, and how he takes it way, way too far. He starts a wheel chair basketball game at school for her. He complains that there is no handicap seating so loudly at a theater that he embarrasses the young lady. He makes a big speech about hos much she has overcome, once again embarrassing her, this time in front of the whole school. He clearly only cares about himself, and the "good deed" he thinks he is doing. Another great one with a "good deed" is when he helps out the homeless family in that god awful Christmas episode in the mall they did. That "Zack Morris is Trash" is more than worth your time. There is the Yom Kippur episode where Zack fakes being Jewish so he can go to a Dodgers game, then messes with Jesse's step brother and breaks Lisa's heart all in 22 short minutes.

There are so many more great mini episodes to watch from season one of this wonderful internet show. The narrator, as I said before, is amazing. He rips Zack Morris to shreds every time. He breaks down all the evil, maniacal and mean things he does to the people he is supposed to care about. The breakdowns at the very end are my absolute favorite part of the show. This is when the narrator quickly goes through all the bad stuff Zack did, reprimands him for it and shows sympathy for all the people that got hurt during his personal take downs.

The reason I bring this show up today is because season 2 just started. I of course watched the first episode, it was about the ski trip and teacher's strike from a later season. I'm so happy that this is back. I look forward to the new one coming out every week. I went back and watched all of season one after seeing the season 2 "premier". "Zack Morris is Trash" is the best internet show right now, hands down, and if you even watched just one single episode of "Saved By the Bell", "Zack Morris is Trash" is must see internet television. It is wonderful. Thank you Funny or Die, thank you so much for this wonderful show.

Watch "Zack Morris is Trash" right here.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Do you like "Zack Morris is Trash" Check out the great works creator Dashiell Driscoll on Funny or Die. Just watch the horror of recapping the "Mr. Belvedere" episode where a kid gets AIDS. You read that correctly.  

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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