Ty Watches "Happy"

I have just recently caught up on the show "Happy!" on the SyFy Network. I have mentioned that I wanted to watch this show on the podcast before, and luckily for me, they had a 4 episode mini marathon last night. I watched 2 of them in real time and watched the other 2 this morning while my kids rested.

This show is insane, nuts, wild, jarring, dark, bleak, gory, filled with curse words, hard to watch at times, but above all else, totally awesome. I am fully in on this show. I am down 100 percent with what they are doing. The only thing that baffles me, why is it on SyFy? "Happy!" seems like it was destined for premium cable, networks like HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, etc. But, SyFy nabbed it. Hell, maybe they were the only network that wanted to take on a show this bizarre. But I say, good for them for taking the chance. This could be their "Always Sunny" for FX. No one else gave "Always Sunny" a chance, but FX did, and now, it is probably their best, and most well known and liked show. Maybe that is what "Happy!" will become for SyFy. We all know SyFy for the wacky and stupid D level movies they make. I believe they had the rights to a show like "Merlin", which my wife loved. And I know that they have weird make up reality shows. What all this tells me, SyFy was a niche, yet sometimes, dumb channel. They have average at best programming. But, "Happy!" could very well be changing all of that.

Like I said, this show is wild. It is based on a graphic novel, of which I have never heard of, but now want to read. It stars Christopher Meloni as a disgraced ex-cop in New York City. Meloni shines on this show. He is amazing. In fact I told RD last night, I feel like he took his character from "Wet Hot", and just made him about 10 times crazier, and it totally works. When he is introduced in the first episode, staring at his face in a dingy bar bathroom, it is great. He then proceeds to have a dream where he blows his brains out, but the way they shot it, it was like a fever dream dance sequence. It was AMAZING. What a great, great way to start off your show. It hooked me immediately. The colors flowing from his head, the weird dancers dancing around him and the upbeat music, it was just so perfect. When he comes to, things start to take place. We find out he is a disgraced cop. We find out that he is now a hitman for hire, of sorts. We find out he is a drunk. We find out he hangs with lowlife scumbags. He is just a down on his luck nobody.

In the pilot episode we also meet a little girl named Haley that gets abducted by the scariest looking Santa that I have ever seen. This guy that plays Santa on "Happy!" is an absolute creep. I literally get sick to my stomach anytime I see him on screen. I have to workout while I watch just so I don't turn my head away in disgust. Through this little girl is how we meet Happy. Happy is a blue unicorn that flies around helping Haley out. He is her imaginary friend. Happy is voiced by Patton Oswalt, and I cannot think of a better person to have cast to do this voice. His upbeat tone and nature is so perfect because of how different it is from everything else on this show. We only think that Haley can see Happy, but after brutally killing three gangsters that he was hired to kill, and falling out a window, we do find out that Happy has tracked down Sacks, that is Meloni's character's name, and Sacks can see him too. Apparently, minor spoiler alert if you haven't watched the show yet, Haley is Sacks daughter, and she sent Happy to find him to come and save her from this demented Santa that has kidnapped her, along with about 5 or 6 other kids.

In the first 4 episodes I have seen things on this show that have made me laugh, blush, feel sick, disgusted me and made me think about hours after watching. But, above all else, I keep going back because this show is very well made. It is brutally violent. I cannot understate that enough. I am talking about some "History of Violence" or "Eastern Promises" type stuff on a basic cable show. The show is also unedited. There are curse words and nudity in every episode. And the demented Santa is very terrifying. Do not, I repeat DO NOT let anyone under 18 watch this show, it will haunt them. But, I am 35, and I love it.

I'm excited to see where "Happy" goes form here. Happy and Sacks are now working together to find Hailey. There is an entire second story involving local mob and corrupt police. We have a mom dealing with the loss of her child. We have flashbacks to when Sacks was still a "hero".

"Happy!" is a very good crime show. I recommend people watch it with the caveat of knowing that it is not for the faint of stomach. It is brutal. But, check it out. Meloni is so awesome on the show, and Patton Oswalt is crushing it as a blue unicorn. I know it sounds weird, but it works.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He also has an imiganary friend who helps out in times of need. Walter the Wolverine is there to take Ty's abuse when Michigan Football is not doing very well.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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