"Hell's Kitchen" is Still Trashy, and Still Awesome
/I have seen this donkey make a better risotto than the "Hell's Kitchen" chefs
I watch a lot of cooking shows. I've blogged about some, Ina Garten's and "Top Chef" to name a few. But, my wife and I have recently been watching the trashiest, sleaziest and downright most hilarious cooking competition show I think has ever been created. We have been watching "Hell's Kitchen" on demand.
We have caught up on all our regular shows, so when we eat dinner we like to watch something light. We found "Hell's Kitchen" on Fox on demand, and we have fallen back in love with the show. We used to watch it when it was first on TV, maybe 7 or 8 years ago, but we didn't enjoy or understand the campiness of it back then. Now, we cannot get enough of the camp. Gordon Ramsey, who is a world renowned chef and restaurant owner has to be in on the joke that this show is. I love Gordon Ramsey. He is a very loud and boisterous guy, but even he has to know how ridiculous "Hell's Kitchen" truly is. I've ragged on "Top Chef" before, and I don't usually care for cooking competition shows, but at least most of the chefs on other shows are James Beard winners or nominees, or they have their own restaurants, or they're executive chefs, basically, they are well established.
What makes "Hell's Kitchen" so great is the contestants are competing to become a head chef at one of Ramsey's throw away restaurants in Las Vegas. They don't win money or a spread in a cooking magazine, they just get to go work long, tedious hours at a new, fancier restaurant than they worked at before, and it's in Las Vegas. That's so hilarious to me. What puts "Hell's Kitchen" over the top is the contestants. They are the most ignorant, grossest, shady, back stabbing, ugly in personality people that the executives at Fox could find. They are all line cooks for the most part. Now, I'm not denigrating line cooks, I tried it and I failed tremendously, but line cook is just one step above dishwasher in the restaurant industry. I know "Top Chef" is pompous and pretentious, but they wouldn't take a line cook if that was the last chef available. Hell, most cooking competition shows on the Food Network or the Cooking Channel would never take a line cook. They all want well established chefs that know what in the hell they are doing and chefs that can create new, exciting dishes.
That's another thing that I think is funny about "Hell's Kitchen", they still have the exact same menu as when my wife and I first watched it almost a decade ago. We turned it on the other night and I said, "I wonder if they are still making beef wellington", and wouldn't you know it, Chef Ramsey was yelling at someone for under cooking a beef wellington! I was cracking up! This caused my wife to say, "well, I bet they don't do snapper or risotto anymore, I'm sure they've gotten better fish and newer appetizers". Nope. The chefs are still under cooking risotto and burning the skin on snapper. The only thing they have really mixed up or done differently is the challenges. Sometimes, with the newer challenges, the chefs get to be a tad creative, but these chefs are so green, they never stray to far, and they end up doing something safe and easy.
The "chefs" are the absolute best. As I stated before, they are gross, both inside and out, but mainly on the inside. Even the "nice" people are total assholes. There is one nice guy, I think his name is Jarrad, and he just totally screwed over his only friend in the competition recently. The things these people say, on national television mind you, is appalling. They are constantly cursing each other out, constantly back stabbing one another, constantly blaming one another and never taking blame when they are clearly at fault. It's a whole show of people saying, "I did this because so and so was screwing up on something else, so I only messed up because this other person messed up. It's not my fault Chef Ramsey". A bunch of spineless competitors. The men on this show are the worst representation of meat heads that I've seen on TV. There was one guy in this particular season, his name is Frank, who always bad mouthed and talked down to any female competitor. He said, on way more than one occasion, "this is why you can't have women in the kitchen. They're terrible listeners and impossible to work with". I mean, how crazy and how sexist is that?! And Fox put in on the air! WTF! The women are not much better though, They talk behind each others backs. I've seen two girls get into a fist fight on the show. I've seen girls spit into another girls face. It's just all around gross, from both the men and the women.
This show is entertaining as hell. You know why it's entertaining? It's not the chefs and it's not the competition and it's not the back stabbing and double crossing, it's Chef Ramsey. He is so god damn good on the show. He knows that these chefs are the bottom of the barrel and he treats them that way. But, he also gives the winners of the challenges, and the whole thing, some very great gifts. Stuff I would love to have, he hands over with a smile. But, he also yells and berates and screams and calls people failures and tells them he's ready for them to quit at the drop of the hat. You under cook a wellington, Chef Ramsey will call you a donkey. You don't have his veggies ready in time, he calls you an imbecile. You burn his fish, he will curse you out. He has no patience for slacking chefs, yet he takes on a dozen of them each season of this show. I don't know that any winner of "Hell's Kitchen" has gone on to be a famous chef or restaurant owner. I haven't dug that deep. But, I know Chef Ramsey will keep doing this show because it's easy money for him.
I'm glad my wife and I rediscovered this ridiculous cooking show. It's fun to watch and make fun of and I don't have to take it seriously. Go watch "Hell's Kitchen" if you like trashy reality show, because it's one of the best.
Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He never heard of Beef Weelington until "Hell's Kitchen". Ty is not interested in food that fance people ate 100 years ago. Ty is on twitter, go follow him @tykulik.