An Ode to Unscripted Comedy on Podcasts

I listen to a bunch of podcasts. You all know that by now. They are good for running, for cleaning the house, for going on long drives, they make the time go faster. I really like them and I listen to a ton of them. I mostly listen to comedy podcasts. There's the occasional sports podcast or real life stories, but comedy rules the day for me. I have been listening exclusively to comedy podcasts as of late too. I like to laugh and when I get over 90 minutes from an episode, that's the best. While I was out running today, listening to "Hey Randy", it dawned on me why I love this genre most.

During the recent episode of "Hey Randy", the whole crew kept going on long tangents that made me laugh and laugh and laugh. I then thought back to when I was listening to an episode of "Doughboys" last week. Mike Mitchell, Nick Wiger and the guests kept going off on random subjects, each improv funnier than the next. And I could say the same about most comedy podcasts. "CBB" is all about improvising, which leads to a bunch of funny stories. "Whomp It Up" is all about tangents. "Scott Hasn't Seen" has a bit more of a rundown, but that doesn't mean Scott Aukerman and Shaun Diston don't find the time to make some silly jokes here and there. And "How Did This Get Made" wouldn't exist without going off on many, many tangents throughout each episode. I adore this. I know some people may not enjoy it, or want it to end sooner. I don't. I would honestly listen to a bunch of comedy podcast episodes that were filled with tangents. To me, when the hosts and guests do this, it shows me how truly great they are at comedy. The ability to go off, to continue the thread, to make new threads, that amazes me. The sheer fact that these people are so quick on their feet is truly astonishing. I am truly taken aback by this.

For example, on a recent episode of "Doughboys", Jess McKenna stopped by, literally. She was doing another show, Mitch and Wiger saw her, called her in and she proceeded to crush. They needed a schtick for their upcoming tournament and McKenna has provided some gems in the past. In this episode, she came up with what might be her best idea, and it was all done on a whim. She didn't expect this, neither did Mitch and Wiger, but she came on and destroyed. That impresses me. Every week on "CBB" the second and third guests are doing straight up improv the whole time. From what I've heard, the people asked to come on the show only show up with a character name, after that, no one knows what's going to happen. "How Did This Get Made" is a movie podcast for all intents and purposes, but they go off constantly on that show and that is what drew me to the show in the first place.

This all dawned on me with the most recent "Hey Randy" episode. Tim Baltz, Lily Sullivan, Mary Sohn, Dan Lippert and Brett Morris are true professionals. I had to stop a couple times to catch my breath during my run from laughing. They nailed it all episode. And it sounded like all they needed was a word or phrase and that would set them off. It was one of the funnier podcasts I've heard in a minute. The ability and know how to act on a dime like that is shocking and so cool. I wish I could do it, but my brain doesn't work that way. At least I have all these comedy podcasts to enjoy, and for that I am one happy dude. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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2022 Top Five - Podcasts

Wrapping up my best of 2022 lists I have podcasts today. As I like to say every year, it would not be fair to put the "X Millenial Man" on this list. It is the best podcast in the game with the two best hosts, and third best when Tina is on. They have the best discussions about all things pop culture and sports. RD also knows his politics. Seriously people, if you don't already listen, go download the show now. It is free everywhere. I do listen to a bunch of other podcasts though. I love comedy and sports pods. I also like some serious topic pods, but I usually pick sports or comedy to vibe out too. It is the best for running too. I am a podcast fan through and through. On to the countdown.

At number 5 I have the "Ear Hustle" episode titled "Karen". This was their season finale. I came to "Ear Hustle" prior to the pandemic. It is about life in and out of prison, mainly San Quentin. A lot of very interesting and thoughtful subjects have been broached on this pod. But this episode was heavy. It started out normal enough, with Earlonne and Nigel going to a women's prison to interview a prisoner. But when the subject of why she was in prison came up the tone totally changed. It went from mellow-ish to super heavy. Karen was talking to the hosts about how she helped a pregnant prisoner give birth. It was cool. But all the time she seemed kind of monotone and disinterested. Then the reason why she was in prison came up. She was drunk driving and had three of her kids in the car. She got into an accident and one of the kids didn't make it. Hearing her tell this story was absolutely heart wrenching. Being a father it was even tougher to listen to. I was a puddle while driving to the trail that day. It was intense. But it was also eye opening. I was taken aback at her talking about her life before and after. It was incredible. "Ear Hustle" has had many great episodes, but this may be their best to date.

At number 4 I have my own personal finding of the podcast "Scott Hasn't Seen". CBB World has been around for a bit now, but I did not become a member until this year. And in doing that I stumbled upon this wonderful podcast. Scott Aukerman and Sprague the Whisperer, played by Shaun Diston, watch movies that Aukerman has never seen. Sometimes they are classics like "Kramer vs Kramer" or they are Sprague's version of classics like "The Mighty Ducks". That is what I love about this pod. Sprague is roughly the same age as me and what he considers great movies are what I used to love. I also love hearing Aukerman talk about his experience watching and what he saw instead when these movies came out. I also love the guests. They let the guests pick the movie and they come on and talk about their love for the movie. It is great and it all comes to a wonderful conclusion when Aukerman tells Sprague whether he liked the movie or not. It is about as close to a rewatch podcast that I will listen to, but done by great comedic minds. I adore this show.

At number 3, speaking of Sprague, I have the rise of Shaun Diston in the podcast realm. I have always been a fan but it seems like he is finally getting his just due. I remember listening to "We Need to Stop Talking TMNT on CBB" and falling in love with Diston's comedy. The Church of Shaun Diston was the first Patreon I ever subscribed to. But now with "Scott Hasn't Seen", his many features on "CBB", whenever he goes on "Doughboys", I always get pumped to hear him go off. I also like that he is getting acting jobs. I saw him in an episode of "Curb" last season and he is a writer on the new "Twisted Metal" show. Diston has more than earned this shine and I cannot wait to see what 2023 has in store for him in the podcast world.

At number 2 I have another CBB World show, "Hey Randy". This is a pod where when I listen to it I laugh and laugh and laugh. Tim Baltz has created a classic character in Randy Snutz. Dan Lippert and Mary Sohn are simply the best playing his friends. Lily Sullivan is a dynamo as Randy Snutz's on again off again girlfriend. The show is nuts and ridiculous and wild and I cannot get enough of it. I have to stop listening sometimes on my runs because I cannot contain my laughter. My favorite part of each ep is Randy's intro. He tells the listener of a dream he had the night before and it is comedy gold. I get amped each time CBB Presents puts on a new "Hey Randy". It is one of the best.

And at number 1 I saw "CBB" live this year. "CBB" went on a month-long tour in August and the moment a St Louis date was announced I bought tickets. I have seen live podcast tapings before, but "CBB" is my favorite podcast of all time. I simply had to go see. I loved that they played a smaller venue like The Pageant also. It made it feel a bit more intimate. I felt comfortable enough to go to an indoor show too and I think it is because this show was "CBB". Boy oh boy was I glad I went. Aukerman did a great job as host, like he always does. He seemed like he was having a good time. Paul F Tompkins was amazing. I have never seen him live before and this was a big deal to me. He played a character I love too, treasure hunter Brock Lovitt. Dan Lippert was there that night and he crushed as Bill Walton. I was in tears at his performance. And Carl Tart, another actor I really enjoy, closed out the show as a singer from the band Cameo. My face hurt from smiling and laughing all night. It was an incredible way to spend 90 minutes at a concert venue. It is a show I won't soon forget.

There you have it, my top 5 podcasts/podcast moments of the year. Enjoy the holiday season everyone and stay safe out there. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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