Comedy Bang! Bang! Live Delivers Again

For the second time in two years I got to see "Comedy Bang! Bang!" live. The show started its tour about a week ago, and Saint Louis was one of the earlier stops.

As you all know, I adore this podcast. It is the one that I have hung onto the longest. I've been a listener now for over seven years, and that is only half of the time that the show has been running. "CBB" was my introduction, for all intents and purposes, to improv comedy. I have become a fan of a bunch of actors and comedians by hearing them on this show first. I did not know anything about Scott Aukerman until I first listened to "CBB". It is my favorite podcast. So, the opportunity to see the show live, I'm going to find a way to see it. When I went in 2022 I was still pretty leary of COVID. I was, and still am, vaccinated, but it was one of the first times I was indoors with people I didn't know. Some had masks, others didn't. Before the show started, I was nervous. Then they did the show and I was able to enjoy myself. It was awesome. That was my first time seeing "CBB" live. I got to see Aukerman, Paul F Tompkins, Carl Tart and Dan Lippert. It was great and seeing a live show for the first time in two years was amazing.

Going into the show last night, I had a whole different vibe. I have been to many live shows since 2022. I am comfortable not wearing a mask indoors with people I don't know. I love sitting in the balcony now. I invited my buddy Kirk to the show, knowing he doesn't really listen to the show. I wanted to introduce him to what I listen to most of the time. I'm in a totally different place in my life and I went to this show expecting and hoping for a good time. And I had a very, very good time. I don't know if Kirk finds it as funny as I do, but I definitely heard him laughing here and there, and that made me smile.

Aukerman came out at 7:45 last night and the show instantly started rolling. He did his catchphrase submission. He did the balcony report. He made a few jokes and it was right to the interviews. PFT, who always tours with him, was the first guest. He was an Irish priest who has only been on Andy Daly's podcast. I enjoyed this character quite a bit. PFT and Aukerman have such great chemistry and they are lifelong friends. It shows when they are on stage together. Their rapport is excellent and they perform with ease. To me it truly feels like they are the only people there and they are having a good time. After PFT's segment Lily Sullivan came on as Bicky from the Gym. This is a classic "CBB" character. She plays an "Australian", but she is really from Ohio, she just studied abroad for one month. She also plays an actress named Lily Sullivan, but she is nothing like herself. Everything is bigger and better. Sullivan is a great improviser and she has really grown to be one of my favorite guests on "CBB". The highlight of the night was the next guest, Conor Ratliff. He was Maurice the Missourah Mule, and boy oh boy was he hilarious. The back and forth with Aukerman was amazing. He had a good time with both Sullivan and PFT. When he went to confession, that was one of the funnier bits of the night. Ratliff has become a fast favorite for me and I laugh harder and harder each time he is on. He hit an absolute home run last night. His performance was great. Carl Tart returned to STL again and played the Pine Sol Lady. I like this character a lot. He always mentions the power of pinesol and it gets bigger and bigger each time. As the Pine Sol lady, Tart likes to talk about her love for porn and crime. He also got up and did 20 push ups during his time last night . I was impressed by that. I also really liked his "monologue" from "The Wizard of Oz". And his take on Imo's pizza was not far off. The show concluded with Will Hines playing the Galactic Boogie Boarder. Before he even got on stage he had a big laugh. He was trying to "skate" onto the stage, but he fell. He also had three pizza boxes in his hands at the time. He was okay, and when everyone was settled, Hines was able to successfully skate onto the stage. From there on out it was business as usual when Hines is on "CBB". He played a rather boring character, and the panel on stage proceeded to mess with him. It was tremendous.

For me, the show last night delivered everything I want from an episode of "CBB". I laughed a ton. I got to hear some of my favorites. I met a new character. And it was longer than a regular episode. I was very pleased with pretty much everything last night. You should see "CBB" live if you can. It is one of the funnier shows out there now, and they seem to be in a groove. They can do no wrong in my opinion. Last night was a total blast. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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An Ode to Lily Sullivan, the Next Big Podcast Star

Listening to "CBB" today I found myself laughing harder than normal. This show always has guests that I like, I wrote about that last week. But they also have recurring people coming on to play multiple characters. I feel like this is what makes this show excellent. I love it when they have famous people that I enjoy, but the recurring guests are usually the best. That was the case this afternoon.

Lily Sullivan was playing co-host on the most recent episode. She was doing a newish character, Tony Sony. Sony appeared once before, and was hilarious. But, they also kept saying that was going to be the first and last appearance. I'm glad it was not. Tony Sony has been cracking me up to this point. And as I was listening, it got me thinking. Lily Sullivan may be my new favorite recurring player on the podcast. She always seems to hit a homerun with whatever character she decides to play that day. Sony is new, but hilarious. I also really enjoy her interpretation of Bridget Jones. Hearing her read entries from her diary, and button them the way she does, it is comedy gold. It has to be so much better than those movies, but I have never seen them before. I also enjoy Francesca Bolongese. The way she and Scott Aukerman argue is dynamite. I love how she goes at him relentlessly. Bicky is pretty great. She is Australian and always says she is confused for the actual Lily Sullivan. But Bicky is also quick to say she is not as attractive as Lily Sullivan. She has also done an okay Cher. She was put on the spot, and asked to sing, and she still found a way to pull it off and make it hilarious. But the best character she plays, which has now moved over almost exclusively to "Hey Randy", is Carissa. Carissa is mean. She messes with Randy all the time. Randy is played by Sullivan's husband, Tim Baltz, who is also hilarious. But Sullivan as Carissa always brings it and is always funny. The way she goes at Randy and Scott Aukerman is pretty great. I love how she has taken that character over to "Hey Randy", but still finds the time to make fun of Aukerman and some other mainstays on "CBB". Carissa may be her best creation so far.

Sullivan has this knack for podcast appearances. She never seems to be taking it seriously, but I always find myself laughing hardest when she is on and performing. I also get pumped to listen when I see her name listed as a guest that day. I know it will, at the very least, make me chuckle. She can hang with, and dole it out to the best of them. And when they try to give it back, she is ready, locked and loaded. She is quick and sharp. She is smart and funny. She has a way to turn the situation on its head in a wonderfully absurd way. She has a joke hit rate of damn near nine out of every ten jokes she tells. It is crazy to see her hand it to Aukerman or PFT or Jason Mantzoukas.

Lily Sullivan is about to hit it big. I know she has had some smaller roles in recent movies and tv shows, but the big time is coming for her. She is about to be on everyone's radar. She has a genius comic mind and I am stoked to see what she does next. Maybe she and Baltz will team up and make a hilarious new show. I hope that's the case. Until then. I have her appearances on "CBB" to look forward to. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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