Profiles in Congressional Republican Cowardice
/One would think working here makes someone appreciate America
Republican Texas Rep Louie Gohmert will not be in attendance at his constituent town hall during the current Congressional recess. Representative Gohmert is not alone in spineless Republicans who will not face their own voters. The Republican Party has political control of the entire Us Congress, the White House, and are poised to make a big move on the judiciary, yet they are hiding under their desks when it comes to the voters. The GOP has spent decades trying to make themselves look like the only true American party who are tough, and can stand up to any opposition. Unfortunately, Republicans like Louie Gohmert are not even coming close to live up to the false ideals of the GOP. Gohmert and his cohorts are a bunch of wimpy cowards.
What makes Gohmert's absence so newsworthy is the fact that he uses the shooting of former Democratic Representative Gabby Giffords as his reason for not attending the town hall. This is extremely vile coming from an opportunist like Gohmert. In his letter to constituents, Representative Gohmert says, "Unfortunately, at this time there are groups from the more violent strains of the leftist ideology, some even being paid, who are preying on public town halls to wreak havoc and threaten public safety. Threats are nothing new to me and I have gotten my share as a felony judge." If Louie Gohmert is so afraid of the American people, why would he ever leave the comfy confines of Washington DC?
Gohmert does not care about anyone's views except his own. When Representative Giffords was shot, and some of her constituents were killed, Louie Gohmert was part of an effort that would allow guns in the US Capitol. His response to the Aurora Movie theater massacre was to speculate that the killer was not fearful of a vengeful god. He is a regular guest on Glenn Beck, Fox News, and Info Wars where he expresses his fear of immigration. At one time he even voted for non-Us House member, and tea party champion, Alan West as Speaker of the House. (side note: The US Constitution does not say that the Speaker of the House must be a member of the House) The history of Louie Gohmert in the US House of Representatives is a history of conspiracy theories, and laughable ineffectiveness.
Representative Gohmert is right that there will be people at his town hall who are not happy with him. His record is terrible. The things he and the GOP are trying to do right now will hurt a lot of people. What Gohmert is wrong about is that these people are paid, violent, protesters. The Fox News effort to paint all the protesters as being paid has been proven wrong so many times. Donald Trump paying people to attend his rallies, that has been proven true. The violence from "strains of the leftist ideology" only makes sense to a mind willing to accept any proven to be false conspiracy hearings. The recent violent protests in Berkeley give the Republicans their cover in claiming left wing violence. There are many questions to who caused this violence, but that is not the point. This myth of a sudden rise of violent actors in the left wing of politics is laughable. Way more people came out to protest Donald Trump's new Presidency than those that attend the inauguration itself. There is photographic evidence. No big acts of violence. In fact more people died when avowed right wingers took over the Malheur National Wildlife refuge. Why are the Republicans not calling out the violence from idiotic right wing ranchers who have very little understanding of American law? It seems like Gohmert is not telling the truth on why he refuses to look at his constituents face to face.
Ohio Senator Rob Portman decided to find a more creative way to not face the voters. During the recess, Portman's office sold tickets to a dinner where the Senator would appear and give a speech to his constituents. A group not thrilled with Portman's recent record bought tickets and planned on attending the speech. The day before the event, the group's tickets were rescinded and refunded with no explanation. It was discovered that the people who were banned from the event were people who voted for a Democrat in the last year. In order to avoid his voters, Senator Portman checked on people's voting records to ban them from exercising their Constitutional rights. Senator Portman has not responded to this incredibly un-American act. Rob Portman is a coward.
Many other Republicans have decided to not face their constituents in fear of being called to task for their dismal record. Spineless worms like Senator's Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have predictably ran away from their voters. The current group of Republicans in Washington DC have spent the last few decades claiming victim-hood, and fighting any meaningful growth of government. Now that they have the power, their horrible agenda is front and center. Many people, republicans included, are very fearful of where our country is heading. The only voice the voters have left is to go to a town hall and tell their elected officials what is on the common person's mind. The Republican Party has now taken this basic American right away.
The GOP has long been open about their disdain for the voter. Through gerrymandering, and the Democratic Party's lack of care on local elections, Republicans have taken Congressional majorities with record low voter turnout numbers. The only people who can get an audience with DC Republicans are the special interest groups who fund their campaigns. The entire Republican agenda is being pursued to make very few rich people even richer. The 98% of Americans being left behind need to talk to their representatives. Congressional Republicans are silencing the voters voices by not even granting hard working Americans a seat at the table.
During the first recess of the 115th Congress, Representative Louie Gohmert and Senator Rob Portman have invented new ways to be cowards. Along with many of their colleagues, Gohmert and Portman cannot stand up for their terrible beliefs. Most members of Congress attend the town halls, and do not really answer questions. Gohmert and Portman are so spineless they canot even pander anymore. America should be very afraid if their self processed tough GOP elected leaders cannot stand up to criticism from good Americans, how in the hell are they going to stand up to America'a enemies. Gohmert, Portman, and the majority of Congressional Republicnas have proven that they are not man enough defend America. They should step aside so the non-cowards can keep the US safe and secure.
RD Kulik is the Head Editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He really, really, wants an explanation for why the Republicans despise the US Constitution. Come tell us.
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