"That 90's Show" is Cancelled for More Dumb Reality Television

I read earlier today that Netflix has cancelled "That 90's Show" after two seasons. This bums me out.

I really enjoyed that show. A buddy of mine told me to watch it when it first aired and I did and I loved it. I was a big fan of "That 70's Show" when it first aired. I watched it from start to finish. I stayed even after Topher Grace left. I was all in. I was getting to that level with "That 90's Show". I could totally relate to the kids on the show because I grew up in the 90's. When I watched "That 70's Show", I watched it for the kids, but I wasn't born until 1982. Growing up in the 90's, it was so much easier for me to understand because I lived through it. I got all the goth stuff. I knew every show they were referencing. The clothes were what I wore from time to time. It was great. I also related so much more with Red and Kitty in the new version of the show. I got what got them so upset. It made total sense. I have young kids now, but I see them interacting with my parents, their grandparents. My kids' grandparents aren't as mean as Red or lively as Kitty, but they show the same kind of tough love and real love. I loved the show for that.

All of "That 90's Show" was so much more in my personal wheelhouse. I was fully in on this show. But Netflix is killing it, and I don't know why. I don't get it. I don't know what the end game is for them. If I sit back and think about it, Netflix, like so many other streaming companies, are veering more towards reality TV, and that stinks. Reality TV doesn't cost all that much, you can do a bunch of seasons and people will watch that stuff no matter what. There seems to be a reality show for everyone. Want sports, watch "Quarterback" or "Receiver". Want dating shows, there's too many to name. Want cooking competitions, the possibilities are endless. There are far too many reality TV shows out there now, and they are killing narrative shows. Writers are going to be obsolete at this rate, and it is a bummer. Comedies are going to be nonexistent, except for standup specials. Hard dramas may last a little longer, older people seem to enjoy them, but they won't be around as long as reality shows. Along with writers, directors will be few and far between. Creative people are going to get pushed out for reality TV yes men and women and there will be a certain few who remain because they know how to film reality TV, but the good, lesser known directors and writers are going to get squeezed out. As are the young up and coming actors. The kids in "That 90's Show" were great. They were funny, had good timing and seemed to have really good chemistry. But they don't have people behind them, that I know of, like Jenna Ortega has behind her. People will push so much harder for Barry Keoghan over any kid on this show. The Jonas Brothers will get more bit roles than these kids. And reality TV "personalities" are going to be everywhere.

Some streaming network or TV network needs to let these shows develop for longer than two seasons. They need to see what they have before they just move on because the numbers aren't to their liking at first glance. I did read that the people behind "That 90's Show" are shopping it out, hoping someone else takes a chance on it. I hope some network does because they have a true nostalgic hit on their hands. I want less reality TV and more original series. Networks need to stop giving up on them so easily. I want original content so much more than mind dumbing reality TV. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "That 90's Show"

When it was announced that they were rebooting "That 70's Show" I was skeptical. I loved that show. It was appointment viewing when I was younger. I fell in love with the characters, the setting and the story. I followed that show all the way until the bitter end, which was not great. So, as I said, a reboot taking place in the 90's had me on edge a bit. I watched the promos, read interviews with the cast and crew and they all assured fans that it was going to pay homage, but not be the same. I was still on the fence.

Recently my best friend said he binged it in a night. That is high praise coming from him. He doesn't binge a lot, and for him to watch all ten episodes in a day is a feat. Then my folks binged it. It took them two days, but still, that is a good sign coming from them. Last week I decided it was my turn to watch.

I was still reticent going into it but coming out, this show works on every level. Obviously I'm speaking of "That 90's Show". I am all in on this new series. It is a reboot, but things have changed in a good way here. There are cameos, of course. Eric and Donna are in an episode together and Donna shows up a few more times. Kelso and Jackie are here but only for the briefest of cameos. And Fez is, it looks like, going to be around, but that is cool with me because I enjoy Fez. But the people they kept from the original series, the true stars, are Red and Kitty.

For me I always gravitated towards Red when the show first aired. He was funny and reminded me of my dad just a little bit. I liked his curmudgeonly attitude, but they always cut it with sweet moments here and there. And Kitty is a delight. She is so bouncy and happy and wants to make everyone around her happy. She opens her home to everyone and everyone is her best friend, even if it is just for a moment. That is exactly how they are in the new series. They are older but they still have fun. They still let their grandkid and her friends hang out in the basement. They still have a tremendous amount of love for one another. They both still have their moments and it comes off as excellent as it did in the original series. I couldn't be happier with the way these actors reprised these classic characters. The writers and producers did a bang up job to keep Red and Kitty essentially the same, just aged a bit.

The new kids are fantastic. That is what this show is supposed to be about anyway. It is the way these kids grew up in this little town in Wisconsin in the 90's, just like the original, only that took place in the 70's. That is what makes this show so much fun to watch. I am a child of the 90's. I was younger than the kids in the show at the time, but not by much. I was 13 in 95, they are all either 15 or 16. It is easy to relate. I remember doing things that they did on the show. My friends and I hung out in my basement when I was in high school. I lifted too much like the jock. I was kind of aloof like the young Kelso. I wanted to party with my friends. It is all there and it all works so well. One aspect from the original series I was afraid they were going to screw up was when they all get high and sit in the circle. Not only did they not mess it up, it brought back nice memories of me cracking up while watching it the first time. This all works. They hit a homerun here. Putting it on Netflix was a genius choice because they can be a little more crass with the humor. The "live studio audience" doesn't bug me one bit.

I am all in on "That 90's Show". It has already been picked up for a second season and they added 6 more episodes. Go watch this show, especially if you were a fan of the original. This is how reboots should be done. What a great show. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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