Ty Listens to "Never Heard of Them" Podcast

I’m a listener to the Patreon podcast “The Flagrant One’s”. I’ve written about that show, but they have other, newer stuff. They also have the classic stuff. “Hollywood Handbook” is still there. They have a pro version of that. I very much enjoy “Carl Calls His Cousin”. That’s a fun chat show. It’s all pretty great.

Recently they put out a new show featuring Carl’s cousin, Ashonn. That podcast, co hosted by Jacob Wysocki, is my new thing. It’s called “Never Heard Of Them”. It’s a music podcast. Some music podcasts can be very hyperbolic and pretentious. This one is not like that. Save for the fact that they “called out” The Black Keys, one of my favorite bands, in the first episode, this pod is all about keeping an open mind while discussing music. The two hosts seem to lean more punk, but they have talked about many genres of music only five episodes in to date. They’ve covered a lot. They’ve done punk, hardcore, R&B, soul, blues, electronic and so, so much more. I really enjoy the layout of the show too. The two of them talk about what they’ve been “chewing on” for the last week. This is basically a segment where they give each other a song or band that they think the other might like. This is super interesting. I’m not much of a punk guy, I have never dig deep into that world, but some of the stuff they’ve played has grabbed my ear. They’ve also played Howlin Wolf, which was so awesome for me. I’m older than the two hosts, so to hear them talk so glowingly of one of the greatest guitarists of all time, it was dope. I love that they are exploring musicians like that. When they get done with that segment they bring in a guest. They had Alana Johnston on their first episode. She rules. She’s a spitfire and super fun to listen to on a podcast. She’s got a deep knowledge of music too. They then had Carl Tart. That interview segment was hilarious. Tart was his honest self, and he let his true feelings show. It was great. Tawney Newsome was on after that. She is a musician, a great actor and has a super awesome catalog of music she likes. That was a wonderful interview. Newsome is the best. Nicole Byer was the next guest, and you all know how I feel about her. Go read my piece from last week. And this week, their most recent episode, featured Betsy Sodaro, who is a delight. She is almost as fun as Byer. Almost. When they finish the interview they then play a game. I love playing along. They did a ghostwriter game and I was on point that day. They did a great game with marching bands recently. That was hilarious. They wrote an emo, Creed esque, song this past week and that was a riot. They were spot on with their impression. I enjoy the little game section. I also like that they try to play a song from a genre the guest does not like to see if they can change their minds. They usually don’t, but it’s fun to hear the reactions.

This pod is really growing on me. Again, I like that the hosts are not being cliche and pretentious. They’re both very knowledgeable too. I’ve learned a lot about music I’ve never listened to in 5 short weeks. This is a good pod for music lovers. I suggest everyone become a patron of “The Flagrant Ones”. And if you like music and hearing different stuff, you need to check out “Never Heard Of Them”. It’s top notch.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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2021 Top Five - Podcasts

Today I have my top five podcasts or podcast moments of 2021. As I say every year, it would be unfair to put the X Millenial Man on this list because that is the greatest podcast that has ever existed. RD and I do some great work, we have gotten better and I am enjoying the hell out of recording it. Seriously, if you are not listening to it yet, get on it. Now that that is out of the way, I listen to a ton of podcasts. I love the format. I love that it is mostly free. And I love content. Feed it to me through a tube if need be. I love listening to them when I am doing housework, running, driving to and from school, basically any time. I still listen to music, lots of it, but podcasts take about 50 percent of my time now. Let's get to the list.

At number five I have The Flagrant Ones, but to be even more specific, their offshoot pod, Carl Call His Cousin. The Flagrant Ones has been great this year. I love it. I love how they still talk hoops, but they are putting more and more jokes in there. Lately they have been reading team names for the new t-shirt they are going to make, and that has been a total riot. But this year I have fallen in love with Carl Call His Cousin. I am a big Carl Tart fan, and these recordings, which are about 30 minutes long, have been exceptional. Carl and his cousin talk about all manners of things. They touch on mostly comedic elements, but they talk about real life stuff too. I love it. My favorite thing they do is what they call "scenarios". Those segments leave me howling. I love it. It is the best. The Flagrant Ones know what they are doing, they are in their pocket and they are crushing it. And Carl Call His Cousin is just a wonderful added bonus.

Coming in at four I have the return of Heavyweight. Heavyweight is one of my favorite podcasts. I always love when a new season comes around. I am not a big fan of them switching to Spotify exclusively, but that is neither here nor there. This season, so far, has been really good. I am digging the two parters they have been doing this season. I love how it leaves me wanting more. That has been a nice touch. Johnathan Goldstein is bringing his usual greatness to hosting. I like how they are doing the show with the pandemic being here. Heavyweight is good stuff, and it may be Gimlet's best show.

Coming in at number three I have myself discovering This Is Important. This Is Important is hosted by the dudes that created "Workaholics", one of my all time favorite shows. And no it is not a rewatch of their old show. They get on mic and just talk about random nonsense, like I'd imagine four friends would when they are just shooting the breeze. It is hilarious, and it works so well because these guys have such a good rapport. Their friendship is so easy to believe because it is so palpable on the mic. I love the soundboard, the jokes, the inside Hollywood stories. I love it all. Even with Kyle Newachek having to opt out recently due to a busy work schedule, it works just as well with Anders, Blake and Adam. They crush it. I do like some of the rewatch pods, but I think there are too many. That is why I like This Is Important so much. They may touch on their older and newer roles, but it is just four dudes having a good time on mic.

At number two I have the introduction of CBB World. I love Comedy Bang Bang, more on that at number 1, and CBB World is just that, but with so many added and commercial free shows. All of Comedy Bang Bang is there, with no commercials. They have old shows from the early Earwolf days, all without commercials. It has been a blast to go back and listen to all of Mike Detective again. They have live CBB's on there. They have CBB Presents, which is always good. But my favorite thing about CBB World is all the Shaun Diston content. I am a fan of Diston's, and I love that he is all over CBB World. They have all of We Need to Stop Talking about TMNT on CBB on there, which is amazing. They also have Scott Hasn't Seen, which is a new pod where Sprague, one of Diston's best characters, and Scott watch movies that Scott Aukermann has not seen, and it is awesome. CBB World is one of a few paid content pods I do not mind paying for because it has so, so, so much awesome content. It is one of the best things to come out of the podcasting in a long, long time.

And at number one I have a specific episode of Comedy Bang Bang. It was a recent ep. Jimmy Pardo and Danielle Koenig were the main guests, and they were great. But when Suzi Barrett showed up, this ep went from good to amazing. Barrett played, quite simply, a potato. She was a sentient potato. It seems dumb, but oh my goodness did I find myself cracking up the whole time listening. I was actually laughing so hard at one point during a run that I had to stop and catch my breath. Barrett played the potato as a little kid. She would add b's and d's to words that didn't need them. Every time she talked about Farmer Hands, which also made me crack up, she would say "dambit" instead of "dammit". Again, silly but extremely hilarious. But every move that Barrett made as Uggams, they named the potato midway through the ep, worked to perfection. I assumed that it was going to be a joke that didn't land, but boy was I wrong. This worked. It worked so well that I have listened to the episode a few times since it first came out. I laugh as hard every time I listen. This character should not have worked. It should have been stupid, but it wasn't. This is why I love CBB so much. They let people take big swings, and when something hits, like Uggams, it is so memorable.

That is it for today. Come back tomorrow for my top sports moments of the year.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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The Best Podcasts of 2018

Wrapping up my best of 2018 lists I am going to do my top 5 podcasts/moments. This has been a great year for podcasts. They are booming. This is the new thing for the younger generation. Podcast are the new talk radio. I love them myself. They are great. Anyway, lets do this.

At number 5 I have the day that I decided to stop listening to "The Bill Simmons Podcast". His "style" just got on my nerves far too much, and I was fed up. I don't remember exactly what he was talking about, I'm sure it was Boston related, and I just said aloud, "I'm done". After that I immediately removed his podcast from my library, and I haven't looked back. Ever since he started his own company, he has tried to act younger, hipper, cooler. It doesn't work. He is an old man. He still lives in the 80's when it comes to sports. His writing has completely regressed. His podcasting has gotten even worse. Also, he does the same thing over and over and over again. I cannot do another podcast with him totally sucking up to KD. We get it, you hate the Thunder, and now that KD is gone, you feel like he is your buddy. He's not. Also, all the Patriots shit is tired and loathsome. He is a shill. He may as well work for the Celtics and Patriots. I still listen to some Ringer shows, they have a few good ones, but I am totally done with "The Bill Simmons Podcast", and it feels great.

At number 4 I have the introduction of Gimlet Media to my life. My wife has a friend that works for Gimlet, she knows I like podcasts, and she recommend some she thought I would like that Gimlet produces. She was absolutely right. She first told us about "The Habitat". That was a homerun. Seriously people, go check that one out. I then started to listen to "Heavyweight", which makes me laugh, cry and feel for the people that the excellent host Johnathan Goldstein talks to each week of each season. This show is so perfect. It is like a nice warm shower after being out in the cold. Like a great cup of coffee after a long night. Like a perfectly cooked medium rare London broil steak for dinner. It is tremendous. And they just put out "Without Fail", hosted by Gimlet co founder Alex Bloomberg. He talks to people that have made it in the business/sports/computer/any big business type world. He also talks to some people that made it, then lost it, then made it again. It is so cool to hear these people's stories, and the way Bloomberg puts his spin on it makes the stories that much better. It is a great new show. Gimlet Media is awesome, and I love that I now know about it thanks to my wife's longtime friend.

At number 3 I have my own personal introduction to "Unspooled". I am a big Paul Scheer fan. I think he is a solid actor, and "How Did This Get Made" is one of the best podcasts ever. So when I heard him mention a new show when he was doing plugs on "HDGTM", where he would talk about good movies with film critic Amy Nicholson, I was intrigued. I downloaded the podcast, listened to the "2001: A Space Odyssey" episode first, and I have been hooked ever since. It is nice to hear Scheer talk about solid movies. It is even better to hear a person who gets paid to write and talk about movies, talk about these "classics". Amy Nicholson is a great, great critic. Her explanations of why she likes and dislikes these movies are excellent. I really enjoy this show, and I am now in the process of catching up on every episode, and it has made me watch certain movies I would have never thought to before. It's great.

At number 2 I have the "Comedy Bang! Bang!" Christmas episode. It is on here for one reason too. I love this episode. I love all the guests. I love that Jason Mantzoukas is always the co host because he always brings it. I also love that people like Jon Gabrus, Lauren Lapkus, Mary Holland and Paul F Thompkins, among others, always show up. But what made this specific episode so great was something I mentioned in my worst of 2018. If you remember, "CBB" did not do a Halloween episode, which meant no Leo Carpatzi. Well, he showed up, at the very end, of the Christmas episode. This was an almost 2 and a half hour long episode, and the last 14 minutes of it where the best. Carpatzi, played by Nick Wiger, showed up and said he had a new song. He always does that, and he always does his very NSFW version of "The Monster Mash". This time around he said the song was called "Happy Hauntedkah", which was his Hannukah/holiday song. Well, he got into the song, and it was just him doing, sorry mom and dad, "The Monster Fuck". It was as gross as ever. He made up some new lines, which were foul. And I loved every single second of it. It was hilarious. I was crying with laughter. It totally made up for the fact that there was no Halloween episode, because I got to hear Leo Carpatzi sing his famous song. It was amazing.

At number one I have a very personal reason for this being on top of the list. So, my wife's cousin introduced me to this new podcast "The Flagrant Ones". I have written about this podcast before, and that very blog is the reason this is my number one podcast moment of 2018. As I said, I wrote a review for this show about a month back, praising it. Well, on Thanksgiving, I was at lunch with my wife's family. Her cousin approached me and asked if I had heard the new episode yet. I told him no, but I was driving to Columbia later that day, and I was going to listen to it later. He told me to text him when I got to a very important part. He told me I would know what he was talking about. Well, I listened to the show, and about 20 minutes in, they read my review. They said my name. They said the website's name. They mocked me, which is what they do, but they also said very, very nice things. It was amazing. It is like when a band hears their song on the radio for the first time. This was my first single. The fact that three dudes that I admire in the world of comedy were reading my words and saying my name and saying the website's name was incredible. I will never forget this. It was the best. It was easily the best podcast moment of 2018 for me, and it wasn't even close.

There you have it, my best of 2018 lists. I hope you all had a great 2018, and an even better 2019. I'll be back to my regular schedule next week. Thanks.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He forgets that the greatest podcast in all the world mentions Ty’s name and writing every week. I wonder what that podcast is called?

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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Cloves and Fedoras: "The Flagrant Ones" is a Podcast for Lovers of Comedy and Basketball

Cloves and Fedoras is Seed Sings reviews for little known pieces of pop culture.  Feel free to contact us with your own submissions of undiscovered gems that must be known.

I'm always on the lookout for new podcasts, and my cousin in law set me up with something great. As you all know, I love comedy and sports. When those 2 worlds collide, it is a match made in heaven for me. My cousin knows that I love basketball, especially the NBA, and he has been pounding the ground for me to listen to "Hollywood Handbook". While I haven't gotten around to "Hollywood Handbook", I am familiar with the hosts, Hayes Davenport and Sean Clements. They are big in the comedy writing area, and I listened to their first podcast, "The Reality Show Show", which was so great, and came and went with little notice.

Well, my cousin informed me that they both are big time NBA fans. He brought this to my attention when he asked me about the NBA. He has decided that he wants to get into basketball now, and I was so excited, and I had many questions as to why, now, he wanted to get into basketball. He told me a lot of reasons, but the main one seemed to be this podcast he kept mentioning called "The Flagrant Ones". He told me that Clements, Davenport and the extremely funny Carl Tart, who has been on "Comedy Bang! Bang!" a bunch, most notably as Chief Queaf, host this podcast all about their love of the NBA. He set me up with the Patreon, and since then, a little less than a month ago, I have become obsessed with the show.

“The Flagrant Ones” is so, so funny. But, all three of them are incredibly knowledgeable on the game. I thought I knew a good amount about the NBA, and I do, but they put me to shame with their knowledge. They can name stats of random players that I have only ever heard of once, if at all. They do all this while making it hilarious mind you. Again, I haven't gotten around to "Hollywood Handbook", but I have heard nothing but good things from my friends that listen to podcast. I loved, as I stated before, "The Reality Show Show". I'm a big fan of "Comedy Bang! Bang!", and when I see Carl Tart's name on the list of guests, it jumps to the top of my listen to first list. So, the fact that "The Flagrant Ones" is so funny is not surprising. But, the knowledge they have blew me away.

In the first episode I listened to, they each picked a new favorite team and player. The way they went through why they were picking each for each other was perfect. They knew so much, like deep dive stuff, about the teams and players they picked. When Clements was informed that he was now a Dallas Mavericks fan, and that Damontas Sabonis was his new favorite player, you could hear the resignation in his voice. Since then, he has been trying to find a way to get behind these 2, but it is tough. Davenport was saddled with the Charlotte Hornets and Kris Dunn. He couldn't have gotten a more boring team, as he points out, and Dunn has been out since the second or third game of the year. Carl Tart was given the Orlando Magic and Buddy Hield. Every week, they each say their names, their new favorite team and player at the top of the episode, he is always positive about the Magic, and has a new nickname for Hield, it is glorious.

Since that first episode they have drafted their own teams, the Baltimore Pinchy Crabs, Clements and the Austin Rivers, Carl Tart. They have played a game that I know play with my wife where they name a player, and they have to name the team he plays for. On today's episode, which was their most basketball centric one to date, they talked about half the team and if they are better or worse than they thought. And I have hung on every word of every episode. Tart and Clements do a new theme song for every episode. Tart's are so much better, he is a better singer and writer, but Clements always gives it a shot. On today's episode, he tries really hard and screws up twice, but it is so funny. Davenport always says he is going to do one, but it is clearly never going to happen. Davenport is more so the orator of the podcast, the main host if you will, and he is a perfect fit for that. Tart has 2 great bits. He needs to know every week about the upcoming episode of "Family Guy", a show he claims to be a big time fan of. He also claims to have a "friend" that is in the NBA. I believed him so hard that I Googled the name, and it was nowhere to be found. But, he is sticking to it, and it makes me laugh every time.

I adore this podcast. It is a perfect marriage of my 2 favorite things to listen to when I listen to podcasts. The three guys, Davenport, Clements and Tart work so well together. Their knowledge is top notch, and their humor is of the highest quality. I cannot thank my cousin in law for introducing me to this, and I highly recommend that any fan of comedy or basketball, or if you are like me, both, go out and listen to "The Flagrant Ones" immediately. It rules.

Check out “The Flagrant Ones” podcast here.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He is considering doing a special podcast about a basketball lover who talks about soccer. He gave up on the idea because soccer is boring.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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