Family Reunions are the Best Kinds of Vacation

Today I am returning home from a week long trip. I’ve filled you all in on some of the stuff I did last week. The trip was excellent. I’m very glad we did this. There’s always going to be stress when road tripping with two young-ish kids. All in all they were good, the ride was smooth and the company was nice.

The whole idea for this trip was a family reunion. My dad brought up the idea of a reunion about a year ago and he started planning as soon as we said we were all in. The family reunion was quiet and perfect. That’s exactly what I hoped for from this reunion. We did it at my aunt’s house as opposed to renting out a space or gazebo like structure. I feel that’s the best way to go when doing something like this. We all showed up when we could and hung out with each other, switching groups seamlessly. That’s the sign of close familial relationships to me. I could be talking to a cousin one second and easily switch to an aunt or uncle the next with no problem.

The food was also very good. We had lunch catered with some dynamite chicken. The aunt that hosted had one of the best charcuterie boards I’ve ever had the privilege to eat. It was really good. Seriously. The cheese and meat were out of this world. And the grapes were some of the juiciest I’ve ever had. The food was another feather in the cap of this gathering.

Even the rain didn’t stop the fun. It rained, rained hard for a good few hours. During it we spent some time under tents outside, and when it got to be a bit too much, we went inside and hung out. After the rain stopped, me, a cousin around my age and some of the younger kids played wiffle ball. It was dope.

The best thing about this reunion, what I will hold closest to me for the rest of my life, was seeing everyone again. I haven’t seen some of my cousins and aunts and uncles since my wedding. COVID also knocked any chance of us getting together for a few years as well. Being with everyone, conversing with everyone, meeting my cousin’s significant others, seeing how happy my folks were to be seeing everyone again, getting to introduce my wife properly to my family members, that’s what made this reunion so special. It was so easy to fall right into conversation and talk about what we did as kids. I spent a good chunk of the afternoon listening to one of my uncles tell me stories from his childhood. Those ruled by the way. I got one on one time with my aunt that I’m closest with and that made me so happy to converse with her as an adult. This is the way to do a family reunion. It was a pleasure to travel to see everyone. This was so very important and memorable. I’m beyond happy that it all came together and worked out so well. This was a wonderful reason to go on a trip.

Much love to the family members I saw. I cannot wait to see you all again soon.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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The Joys of Family and Gifts this Holiday Season

With the world seemingly on fire endlessly, I'm going to focus on upbeat and happy topics on my blog. I will do reviews and stuff like always, but I want my blogs to be a relief from all the horribleness that is going on in our world. It is even happening in sports. I can't escape when I read about the sports I love. I am still plugged in, I know what is going on and I follow science and doctors. I am doing all I can to stop this never ending pandemic. I implore others to do the same. Okay, got that off my chest.

What I want to talk about today is the joy my kids had on their faces when they opened their presents this morning. My family does two Christmas's each year. We have an early one with the four of us, and we travel to a house with my extended family for the actual day. We do celebrate Xmas, but not in a traditional way. We do not go to church, we do not watch many Xmas movies, my wife loves Xmas music, but the rest of us are kind of blah on it and it is only required of my extended family to be together on Xmas eve and Xmas morning. My extended family is also fully vaxxed, including the youngest kids, and all of us that are eligible have boosters. I feel pretty safe doing that. But when my family, the four of us and our dog, celebrate, we do it the day before the trip, which is today, the 22nd. We get up, I went for a run at seven and was home by nine, and we open presents and do our stockings. For my wife and I it is all about what we deem essential gifts. I got her a bunch of bath stuff. She likes to pamper herself, she likes to do steamy showers and baths. She is all about that spa life, especially if she can do it in our home. She got me a couple of books I wanted, a pair of running shorts and a new hooded sweatshirt. It was perfect.

Then it was the kids turn to open their gifts. This is where we get the most excited. We love seeing them in this first round of gift opening. And I know it sounds like I am being a material asshole, but the gifts are a humongous deal for my kids. They are nine and six. That is the prime age for gifts. My son has been champing at the bit for his first round of gifts. My daughter lit up when I started to bring them out of our bedroom to the living room. It was the first of many happy faces this morning. We let my daughter go first and with every gift she would exclaim, "I love this!" or "I was hoping I would get this!". It was wonderful. She is so polite and says all the right things when she gets a gift. I adore that quality. She is a good little kid. She got super fired up when she opened her new Play Doh set. This was the biggest smile from her. She absolutely lit up. She was as excited as I have seen her in a long time. Seeing that smile made me so happy. It made me realize that this is why we go out and get these things and wrap them. It is totally worth it. My son was so hype to open his gifts. He was the last one to go this morning, by his own choice. We got him a good amount of basketball gear. He is super into basketball right now, and we ran with this. He got new basketball socks. I know, socks for a kid? Well, he was stoked. He also got a new headband, which he has yet to take off. A family friend got him a new, good leather basketball, which he has been dribbling around the house all day. But the big gift for him was his new LeBron James Lakers jersey. My wife and I worked hard to find this jersey. And seeing the smile and joy on his face when he opened it up made it all worth it. It was fantastic. Seeing him grin from ear to ear was so sweet. Seeing him wear the jersey as I type this warms my heart. It makes me think back to when I was a kid and my folks would buy me the jersey that I asked for that year. It brought me back to that time that I find myself missing. I know it is not good to live vicariously through your kids, but I do not think that is what I'm doing. I am just remembering the joy I had as a kid, and now seeing it through my kids eyes. And it is the best. I love seeing them light up and smile all day long. It is one of the best things about being a parent. And it also makes me realize how lucky I am to be able to do these things for my kids.

I struck gold with my family. I highly recommend watching the joy in your kids eyes when they open their gifts this holiday season. I know some of my Jewish friends have already talked about the joy they saw with their kids opening Hanukkah gifts. It is so wholesome and one of the best things in the world. I am forever grateful that I get to see my kids do this.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Happy Thanksgiving

As I do every Thanksgiving, today I am going to give my own personal thanks. This year has been something. It is nowhere near as crazy as 2020 was, but 2021 has definitely had its moments. I will save science and doctors for the end because that is what I am the most grateful for this year.

As I say every year, I am thankful for my wife and kids. While my kids drive me nuts, I love them very much and they have had quite the year. My daughter started kindergarten. My son is in fourth grade. They are both excellent students and have made a plethora of new and old friends since returning to in person learning. My wife continues to be the best person in the whole world. She is kicking ass at work, she is still putting up with my nonsense and she just gets better and better every day. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm thankful that my mom and dad are still here and still healthy. We had a scare with my mom at the start of the year, but she is fully healthy again, and she continues to crush life. My dad and I have gotten even closer since he retired and our coffee days are my favorite day of the week. My in-laws still continue to be very supportive and completely wonderful.

It has been oddly nice to see full stadiums this fall in college football and the NFL. I am not going to go to any games, but it has been oddly comforting to have the return of fans. It does add to the watching experience from my home. I am thankful that I get to coach a semi-normal basketball season this year. My son is super into hoops, and he is on two teams and we started practice two weeks ago, and so far so good. I am also extremely thankful for running and the community involved. Running has changed my life. I did my first marathon this year. Running is the absolute best.

What I am most thankful for, what I alluded to at the beginning, I am thankful most for doctors and science. We have a COVID vaccine now. I have gotten my two shots and my booster. So has my wife. So has pretty much everyone I spend any extended time around. And my kids got their first dose over two weeks ago. In fact, they get their second dose next Tuesday. I cannot wait. The things I mentioned above, the full stadiums, gathering with more than ten people, playing and coaching basketball, none of that, and so much more, would not be available without the countless hours that scientists and doctors put into creating the vaccine. Of course we have people that are making the vaccine political, but I have chosen to not listen to those individuals, and to get them out of my life. It has made me a much happier person.

When you gather with your family this year, when you sit around the table and think back to last year and not being able to get together, please think of all the people much smarter than me, and a lot of you, that made this possible. Without all the doctors, scientists, Moderna, Johnson and Johnsons, Pfizer, and so many more people and companies, we would all still be socially distancing and not being able to gather as families. We can now because they all did something historic and life changing. So thank you doctors and scientists. You have all made me the most thankful I have been in quite some time.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Don't eat too much food.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

SeedSing's Advent Calendar of Awesome Holiday Music: Day 10 - It Feels Like Christmas


ed note: This article was originally published on December 10th, 2015

The pre-Christmas Day season of Advent is upon us. Here at SeedSing we love the chocolaty goodness of getting a piece of candy once a day until we get to open our presents. As our gift to you we will present a new awesome holiday song for every day of Advent. This is the greatest music of the season. Enjoy.

Day 10: It Feels Like Christmas by Paul Williams

Opened Doors: OneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEight, Nine

The best thing about Christmas Day is how happy I feel. The presents are always welcome, the food is great, but my feeling of personal contentment is the greatest gift I get every December 25th. The stress of buying presents is over, the long car ride to visit family is completed, the high anxiety of the holidays is gone. Finally being able to relax with my family gives me comfort. I wish I could have the feeling of Christmas all year long.

In 1992 Michael Caine took his turn playing Ebenezer Scrooge in The Muppet Christmas Carol. The awesome Paul Williams, wrote many songs for The Muppets, uses "It Feels Like Christmas" as an introduction to the ideas presented by the Ghost of Christmas Present. Scrooge has a lot and gives little, The Ghost of Christmas Present shows how those that have very little still give a lot during Christmas. The people (Muppets) are not giving store bought gifts, the are giving love and comfort. The spirit shows Scrooge that Christmas is about togetherness. Scrooge cannot keep Christmas because he is alone.

"It Feels Like Christmas" is the heartwarming ideal of the holidays. The comforts of love and family trump any toys and gadgets. The story of A Christmas Carol has always used happy gatherings as the path the Ghost of Christmas Present takes Scrooge on. The Muppet Christmas Carol is able to get the whole point across in under 3 minutes.

Christmas Day is not about rushing out to buy the right gift. Once the presents are all opened I look forward to the rest and relaxation I have been missing out on for weeks. I look forward to sitting by the fire with my family. I take joy in the love I am surrounded by. "It Feels like Christmas" may be a holiday song, but it's message carries on year round. I love Christmas for how it makes me feel. Whenever I am in the comfort of those I love, it really does feel like Christmas.

RD Kulik

RD is the Head Editor for SeedSing. Being with family is the number one thing he loves about the holidays. The generosity of people is his second favorite thing - Support SeedSing.



SeedSing's Advent Calendar of Awesome Holiday Music: Day 9 - Christmas Time at My House


ed note: This article was originally published on December 9th, 2015

The pre-Christmas Day season of Advent is upon us. Here at SeedSing we love the chocolaty goodness of getting a piece of candy once a day until we get to open our presents. As our gift to you we will present a new awesome holiday song for every day of Advent. This is the greatest music of the season. Enjoy.

Day 9: "Christmas Time at My House" by Da Yoopers  (ed note: There is no free way to hear this song, this is a video of the lyrics, you can enjoy the holiday musical styling of Da Yoopers with the classic Rusty Chevrolet). 

Opened Doors: OneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSeven, Eight

For the Advent Calendar of Awesome Music I'm picking "Christmas Time at My House" by Da Yoopers. This is a way off the wall choice for some, but not my family and not for the people that live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Da Yoopers are a bunch of random guys from the UP. As you all know by now, the UP holds a special place in my life and so do Da Yoopers. Just some random dudes got together, one of them knows how to kind of play the accordion, another one knows maybe three chords on guitar and none of them can really sing. But, they know the UP inside out and if you've ever been there or lived there, you can relate. They talk about ice fishing, their love for the Green Bay Packers, Lake Superior and eating venison jerky. They mention all the snow and just downright cold weather that happens in the UP. They do get a bit un PC at times, but it's never hateful or hurtful. It's kind of like a comedian telling a tasteless joke. No harm, no foul.

In keeping up with this countdown, I picked one of their holiday songs to talk about. As I mentioned, it's called "Christmas Time at My House". They talk about everything from video games to lutefisk. The opening lyric mentions Italians at the door, spilling meatballs. Now, in the UP there's either Polish or Italian people. It's a small part of the country, so there's not too much diversity. From this lyric I gather these guys are Polish. Also, if you've ever enjoyed a holiday in the UP, this line is 100 percent true. My father's parents were Polish and my mother's parents were Italian and during the holiday, my mom's parents would come to my dad's parents bearing gifts that included meatballs. They later mention that some uncles are getting into a fight and say, "Christmas is going to be some night". Who among us can't relate to this. There's always one or two family members that have one too many drinks (ed note: not me) and inevitably fight. They later mention the kids being on a sugar high and stealing their uncles dentures and hanging them on a tree like an ornament. I've actually seen this happen in my own life, so I know this is a real thing that actually happens. It's commonplace to me. They also talk about the kids having "visions of the latest video game dancing in their heads". Also 100 percent true. When I was younger I always wanted the newest sports game for the Nintendo 64 or the PlayStation.

The chorus is as follows, "Christmas time, food and wine, family friend and foe. We celebrate his birthday by spending all our dough. Now we are broke and happy, it's a shame Christmas only comes once a year". All of that is very relatable. There's always alcohol, lots of food and you are surrounded by your loved ones, for better or worse. People spend way too much money buying gifts, but everyone seems fairly happy around this time of year. And yes, it is a shame it only comes once a year. Sure, some people hate the holidays, but me, and the majority of my family, have a great time during the holidays. It's a lot of fun.

After the chorus, in the third verse, they bring in the not so PC talk when saying that "the mother in law is dancing with bloomers on her head after drinking all the Dago red". Now, this may be an actual wine, I don't know because I don't drink, but why not call it Italian wine? I'll tell you why. This is exactly what my Polish grandpa called Italian wine. He'd never just call it by its name, it was always "Dago red". I'm not saying it's excusable, it's just the way it is in the UP. They also mention that the priest is at the house playing the organ, but he's drunk too speak the words. Yep, priests go over to your house in the UP, get all liquored up and are so drunk by the end of the night, they literally can't speak. It's all very, very true.

The final verse had them talking about a drunk uncle, dressed as Santa Claus, "digging in his sack", I think we all know what they're talking about here. He's also showing butt crack that the kids are sticking nickels down. And, to close out the night, he passes out and destroys the tree.

Reading this you may say, that's not me and my family, we aren't this low class, but you'd be wrong. Everyone can relate to some point of this song. This song is universal. We all experience one or more of these things during the holiday. And for those of you from the UP, you know this tune is 100 percent true. I'm sure it hits very close to home. Basically, I love "Christmas Time at My House". I don't like much holiday music, but this song, and any song by Da Yoopers for that matter, is classic. Go check this song out if you haven't heard it and I guarantee you'll love it.

Happy holidays.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man. What he lacks in wine knowledge he makes up in college football awareness. Follow Ty on twitter @tykulik.

Ty Gives Thanks

Gobble indeed

Gobble indeed

Today my blog is going to be short and sweet. I'm going to keep on the same path as the recent podcast and just tell what I'm thankful for today being that it's Thanksgiving.

As I stated in the podcast, I'm thankful for my family and friends. My wife is the best person I've ever met. She is one hundred percent my better half and my life would be incomplete without her. I love you and I'm so thankful for you, you're the best.

I'm thankful for my two wonderful children as well. They can be a handful at times, but it's worth every second. My seven week old is the cutest baby I've ever seen. Her smile lights up the entire room and I can't wait to see the person she grows up to be. My son is wacky and goofy in the best ways. He keeps me on my toes, but he's always there to snuggle. I also am thankful for the fact that he's into sports. He plays tee ball, football and basketball and loves them all. He's my mini me. I'm very thankful for my two wonderful kids.

I'm thankful for my mom and dad. You are the best parents in the world and I'm the person I am today because of you. I'm the parent I am because of you guys as well. Mom, you're the calming influence in my life. Dad, you're my best friend and I love watching sports with you. I love you mom and dad.

I'm also thankful for my three weird, odd, nuts but awesome older brothers. I feel that I have bits and pieces of all of your personalities in me and that's also made me the person I am today. Ross, you gave me awesome sports abilities. You and dad taught me how to play everything I still play. Cub, you gave me my taste in movies. You joke and say I'm pretentious, but you and I like similar movies. Seth, you gave me my taste in music. The day you sat me down and played Bob Marley for me changed my life. I love you guys.

I'm also thankful for all my nieces, nephews and in laws. You guys are awesome and I'm so happy to have you in my life.

So go out and enjoy your big Thanksgiving dinners today and enjoy your time with your families. I know I will. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Ty is the Pop Culture Editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man podcast. He is extra happy that Thanksgiving means his diet is taking a holiday. Follow him on twitter @tykulik.