Better Late than Never on "Shazam"


I haven't written about a quarantine date night movie in awhile, and yes, even though we have loosened a very little bit on who we see and where we will go, we are still, for all intents and purposes, quarantining, and everyone else should too. Anyway, my wife and I still have our Friday night "date" night where we order from a local restaurant and rent a movie online. This week we had some dynamite tacos from a small mexican restaurant, and we watched the movie "Shazam".

The tacos were great, but that isn't the point of my blog today. I want to talk about "Shazam". I do want to say that RD has been on this movie from the moment it was released. He has talked to me about it, he has raved about it on the pod, he loves this movie. And you know what, he is right. I have very similar movie tastes to RD, and even though he might not admit it, his taste mirrors mine. We like the same type of movies. We recommend movies to one another. When we lived together we showed each other many, many movies we would have never seen on our own. We like, mostly, the same stuff. But I was on the fence with "Shazam". I am not a DC guy. I'm Marvel all the way. DC movies are too moody and bleak and dark, both in tone and color. I'm not a fan. But "Shazam" is different. "Shazam" achieved what I think the "Harley Quinn" movie was trying to do, except more blue. "Shazam" is like a Marvel movie that just happens to have the DC logo. It is fun, funny, colorful, sweet, doesn't meander, has a funny and evil villain. Everything about the movie works. Sure it can get a little too sweet and gooey at times, and there are definitely moments where I cringed because it was so cliche, but that was few and far between.

First and foremost, the kids in this movie are wonderful. They are good actors who had good scripts and had a good time making the movie, at least it seemed that way to me. I don;t know much about any of the kid actors, but Shazam is a superhero that acquires his powers as a fourteen year old. This is essentially a kids superhero movie made with adults in mind. The kids are all foster kids that live in a home with parents that were fosters themselves. Each kid has a quirk too, and that is important to the plot and finale of the movie. Billy Baston, who is Shazam, is played by Asher Angel, and he is the prototype foster kid that has been getting in trouble since he was abandoned, but he has a heart of gold. And no matter how much he looked like Arya Stark, this kid did a solid job portraying that. Jack Dylan Grazer is Freddy, the foster kid who loves superhero lore and just happens to walk with a crutch. He is goofy, funny, gets picked on, but all in all, he is a fun loving kid that knows all about superhero lore. Faithe Herman is the precocious little sister, and she is sweet, smart and the heart of this movie. Grace Fulton is the college bound, older sister but kind of a mother figure to the other kids. She was great. Ian Chen, who I adore watching on "Fresh Off the Boat", is the nerdy video game kid, but he always wants to help. And Jovan Armand is the quiet kid that only speaks when it is needed. They all do a wonderful job. They never felt too cloying. They did their job, and they did it well. Angel and Grazer are essentially the main characters, and while they may not be brothers by blood, they sure do seem like real life brothers. They were great. As for the hero of the film, when Billy becomes Shazam, Zachary Levi embodies him, and he is awesome. He is so funny. He really acts like he is fourteen. This is as close to Will Ferrell's Buddy the Elf, where an adult plays a child essentially and you buy it, that I have seen. He is great. I called him a low rent John Krasinki, but after seeing him in this role, he went up a whole other level for me. He was so perfectly cast, and he did such a great job in this role. There were many moments, especially when he first realized his powers, that made me laugh pretty hard. Mark Strong, who is an underrated, constantly working actor, was great as the villain too. He was menacing, but was also being controlled by beings greater than him. And the way he snarled and spoke and came across, he would be scary to kids, who he was after in this movie. He did great as well.

All in all, "Shazam" is a fun movie about a kid that unexpectedly becomes a superhero. There is good stuff all over this movie. There is also funny stuff all over this movie. It is light, quick, has cool fight scenes and introduced me to a superhero I knew little to nothing about. I liked it and I hope DC makes more, and uses this template to make more of their movies going forward. "Shazam" is more than worth your time. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Da 5 Bloods"


Yesterday, after five separate viewing experiences, I was able to finish the new Spike Lee movie "Da 5 Bloods".

Right off the bat, I liked this movie. I like it more than "Black Klansman". I think it is one of Lee's stronger, more recent movies. I like the way it was shot, more on that later. And the acting was top notch. This is a good movie.

Before I get into why I liked it, I want to point out my little critiques, the stuff I would have changed. I felt the movie was a bit overlong. It was 2 hours 35 minutes in fact. I feel like it could have been an hour less than that. Spike Lee could have cut a good chunk of some stuff out, mainly the love story stuff, and the movie would have been just as good. The movie also had a little too much cliche stuff in it. That could have been on purpose, or just a coincidence. Either way though, some of it felt a bit too heavy handed, and the way I watch movies, I would have cut that out. And there was a group of activists that were a bit too featured in the movie. They help move along the story when we get to the thick of it, but they could have been shown a little less for me. Look, I get that this is all personal stuff, and the way I watch movies, but I would have cut that stuff, or could have done without it, and this would have jumped from a B+ to an A+ movie for me.

All that stuff aside, this is a very, very good movie. The opening sequence is one of the more powerful, and intense things I have ever seen in a movie. The way Lee added it to the movie, showing everything, was very powerful, intense and made me flinch, all in a good way. Lee's direction was masterful, as it always is. He is one of these guys that has honed his craft, he is exceptional at it, and he just flat out knows what he is doing. The way he directed the "flashback" scenes, and I know I am being coy, that is because I don't want to spoil anything, was like nothing I have ever seen before. The movie looks like a modern movie, and then when he does the flashback stuff, it looks like a grainy war movie. It was so unique and interesting and cool. Also, the shots he got from the jungle in Vietnam, and the city at night time, that was rad. He really shows two different worlds in the same country. It was awesome.

The main thing that puts this movie over the top is the acting. It is so god damn good. Everyone, as far as the main characters go, did a very good job. In fact I felt that Chadwick Boseman was the "weakest" one in the movie, but he has a very small role, only seen in flashback and has very few lines. What he did was great, he just didn't have a ton to do. He is also part of the most moving scene in the movie. As for the rest of the "5 Bloods", the guys were great. Isiah Whitlock as the party going, fun loving guy that just happens to be a sharpshooter. He also has a hero's sendoff. Norm Lewis is great as the affluent former soldier who has lost it all, but wants to be true to their friend's memory and promise. His death is brutal and unexpected. Clark Duke, as the medic, is really good. He is quiet yet powerful. When he speaks, it holds weight. His words are important and the guys listen when he talks. Johnathan Majors is funny and moving. He has some great moments in this movie. He has intense moments as well. But it gets no better than Delroy Lindo. His performance is a masterclass in acting. He does things so perfectly in this role. You cannot take your eyes off him when he is on screen, which is a ton. His portrayal of PTSD and panic attacks is all too real. The way he treats his friends and family, he is an angry dude that needs to come to terms with his past, which he eventually does. If he doesn't win the Oscar for best actor this year, I'd be totally shocked. He is magnetic.

I like this movie. I recommend this movie. I think this movie is important given the current climate, and what is going on all over the world. "Da 5 Bloods" is definitely worth your time, just know it is a long watch. But, it is worth it. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Mike Gundy, a Profile in Idiocy


So, can someone explain to me why Oklahoma State still has Mike Gundy on their payroll? Sure, he is good for seven, eight, maybe even nine wins sometimes. He has coached some pro talent players. He has had Oklahoma State in the thick of Big 12 races. But, with the state of the world today, and the fact that he wore that god damn shirt, why is he still employed?

Gundy apology was false, and seemed forced. There have been stories released recently that he has said racial epitaphs in the past. He has shown that he has a very short temper and will fly off the rails. He has that stupid, redneck haircut. And he fully knew what shirt he was wearing the other day. He is clearly one of these far, far, far right wing nut jobs. He probably owns more than one of those shirts. He took a picture knowing that it would be posted on social media. He has shown that he supports the current "president", and has never backed away from it. Mike Gundy is, was, and always will be a racist. The fact that he didn't do or say anything prior to his star running back saying he wouldn't be involved with the university until this was addressed speaks volumes. He didn't care. He didn't think. He put on a t shirt that is a conspiracy theory right wing nonsense network, and knew it would get out. Then the star player says something, he happens to be African American, and all of the sudden Mike Gundy is talking about the "error of his ways", and how "things need to change".

I don't buy it for one single second. He would have never said or done anything had the current situation been different. Hell, when/if the college football season starts, and if Oklahoma State starts to win, no one will bring this up. And that is the problem. He has not been fired because Oklahoma State was a perennial whipping boy before he arrived. And while they aren't great by any means, they play a fun offense, and find a way to make bowl games more times than not since he took over. But that is beyond the point. And before people say, "he is a republican, why can't he support his party? ", or "why does everything have to be so politically correct now?", that is not my point. If he is a republican fine. Things are very different now, so people in the limelight should at least try to be politically correct. That is the truth. But this goes beyond political correctness or being a republican.

The problem is Gundy’s choice of apparel. That shirt with OAN on it, that is a conspiracy theory news publication that has some of the most hateful and hurtful speech in the current media. If you want to be disgusted, go check out some of their stuff. It will turn your stomach. So for him to be wearing that shirt, that means he not only supports it, he believes it. He is part of the problem. He is the type of person that wants four more years of this. He is the type of guy that would call me and my family a "sheep" for wearing a mask in public. He probably thinks the Coronavirus pandemic is a myth. He has issues, and they are scary issues. I support Chuba Hubbard so much more than I will ever support or respect Mike Gundy. He is a young, influential black man, he saw a problem and he addressed it. He did what he felt was right, and what was actually right. Mike Gundy is a racist. Chuba Hubbard shouldn't have to play for him if he doesn't feel comfortable. There are a ton of colleges who would love to have him on their team right now. He should be free to transfer anywhere he wants.

It is time for the Mike Gundy's of the world to be held accountable for their horrendous actions, and to support the Chuba Hubbard's of the world, who see a problem and want it fixed immediately. Mike Gundy should be gone, he should be fired. The ball is in Oklahoma State's court now. Lets see what they do. Hopefully it is the right thing. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Long Gone Summer"


Yesterday I watched the most recent 30 for 30 "Long Gone Summer". The doc was about the summer of 1998 when Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa chased the home run record set by Roger Maris.

I lived through this moment in time, and I vividly remember the chase because I live in Saint Louis, and I am a Cardinals fan. That was one of my main motivations for watching this movie. I also wanted to see how much they talked about steroids in this era, and how much of a part it played in both guys, and eventually Barry Bonds, breaking such a hallowed record. And yes, records in baseball, for some reason, are held in higher regards than in other pro sports. So the fact that three guys in four years broke the record, people had lots of questions. But I will touch on that in a moment.

As for the movie, it was just fine. It wasn't great, it wasn't bad, it was just fine. This is unfair to the movie, but I am now going to be comparing the every 30 for 30 to "The Last Dance". That was epic, perfect and one of the best movies I will ever see. So I know comparing this movie to it is not fair. But it just didn't fully live up to the hype for me. A lot of the footage, I remember seeing. I was 16 when this happened, loved baseball, played baseball, so it had my full attention. Baseball also needed something to get back in people's good graces after the 1994 lockout, and this home run race was the remedy. I remember McGwire starting off hot. I remember Ken Griffey Jr being right in it. I remember Sammy Sosa coming on super strong in June. They covered all this, but they didn't really add anything new. I don't think they put in anything that your average baseball fan doesn't remember from that era. They talked about Kerry Wood, but he was the hot phenom at the time. They mentioned Harry Caray's death, and everyone knew about that. They mentioned Sosa's unexpected explosion in June, but that is what got the world's attention. They talked about how hard it was on both guys, but anyone that watched could see it in their faces, especially McGwire's. Sosa loved the limelight, and he shined in it. McGwire just wanted to hit baseballs. I also remember not being a fan of either guy, even though I was, and still am, a Cardinals fan. I was always a Griffey Jr guy.

What I am trying to say is, I already knew all the stuff they were getting into with this movie. I watch 30 for 30's because they give me new info, or tell me about someone I never heard of before. This was almost a paint by numbers doc. It was softball question after softball question. They did not really dig deep into what I was hoping they would, steroids. And that is on me I guess. I was going into this movie thinking it was going to be a salacious take down of both guys, and both guys would come clean about their steroid use. And, I mean, I guess they did, but it was kind of half hearted admittance. McGwire said he used steroids, but only for injuries, which is B.S. Sosa said, "everyone was doing it", which isn't really an admission, but also kind of is. But they did all that in the last ten minutes of the movie. They spent an hour and a half praising these guys, showing legions of fans cheering for them and how they overcame adversity, only to switch at the end to say, "they may have used steroids". There is no may, they did. This could have been like the Lance Armstrong doc. They could have delved so much deeper into the seedy world of steroid use in baseball in the mid to late 90's and early 2000's. They chose to go in a different direction, which is fine, it just wasn't what I wanted or expected. Sosa and McGwire almost come off as good guys, and they both are not, at least in baseball terms. They both took PEDs. They both cheated the game. They both fell off after this one magical season. They both were called into congress to talk about PED use. And "Long Gone Summer" just kind of glossed over all of that in favor for watching a baseball fly over a wall.

It was nice to go back in time and see a ton of cool stuff that I watched as a teenager, but this movie could have been better, at least for me. I wanted more steroid talk, more salacious stuff. "Long Gone Summer" went for sympathy, and that is their prerogative. Now I know to watch "The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience" if I want what I deem to be the truer story, and I'm totally cool with that. I'm glad I watched, but I don't see myself revisiting it like I do with so many other 30 for 30's.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Thoughts on if the NBA Should Come Back


I didn't write yesterday because, as I told RD when I called him, I needed another night to figure out how I was going to word my piece for the day. I don't want to come off as an asshole at all, but I figure there will be at least one person that disagrees with me today, and well, there is really nothing I can do about that.

Today I want to talk about the player uprising in the NBA right now. Maybe uprising is a bit too strong, but still, there is a decent number of players, and former players for that matter, who do not think right now is the correct time to come back and play. They deem it too much of a distraction from what is currently going on in our country, as far as the protests, Black Live Matter, police brutality, the pandemic, and any other hellscape that we currently live in. And I fully, fully agree with that. I understand. Once players start playing basketball, that will be the biggest story, at least in the sporting news. That is what people will talk about. The people that cover it will immediately shift their focus to the games, the players and the plays that decide the game. The protests will seemingly shift on the back burner. We don't need that. These protests are working. Stuff is starting to happen. I want the police defunded, and the money given to public education personally, and I feel like there is a shift happening in that direction. Some places have already had votes to defund police, and it is working. Also, a good amount of prominent NBA players have taken part in the protests. Players like Giannis, Russ, DeMar DeRozan and Steph and Klay, among many others, have marched, spoken at the marches and been front and center. I LOVE that they are doing that. I love that they are letting their voice be heard. I appreciate that they are taking the time to go out and fight for what is right. But I do fear that once they step on the court, it will all be forgotten. Well, maybe not forgotten, but pushed aside. Guys like Steph and Klay won't get pushed aside because the Warriors weren't invited. But Russ, Giannis, guys on teams that will be going to Orlando, I think the fact that they marched will be put aside when they throw a pinpoint pass, or get a steal or do a thunderous dunk. That sucks.

There is also the current uptick, alarmingly so, of Coronavirus cases in Florida right now. I don't think the NBA players will be as susceptible, due to the "bubble" they will be put in, but still, there has been a scary amount of newly reported cases in Florida. I get NBA players being wary of that. There is also the injury factor that some young guys have brought up. This is going to be a quick restart, and the way these guys are built, someone could suffer a devastating injury. I would hope that the NBA has contingency plans for that, and I assume they do. But still, it is a big time risk. I get all of these fears and problems being brought up by some players.

Now, for what some may see as the heel turn, I'm shocked that Kyrie Irving has this much hold over current NBA players. When rumors started to surface that some players were unhappy with the restart, I racked my brain trying to figure out who. I thought maybe Chris Paul. He has a family that he is super involved with, and three months away is a long, long time. It wasn't him. Then I thought about some guys on the six teams that got invited. I figured guys like Devin Booker, DeAron Fox, Damien Lillard, CJ McCollum, thought it would be pointless because they will, most likely, be there for only eight games, and then have to head home on an airplane. It wasn't those guys either. I even thought, well maybe Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell don't want to play because, and if it wasn't them it would have assuredly been someone else, they essentially shut down the league, and know firsthand how rough this virus can be. But it wasn't them either. The biggest, most dissenting voice was Kyrie Irving, a guy that wasn't invited to play because he is injured and will not return to next season. As soon as I saw it was him, I scoffed and said out loud to no one, "of course it is Kyrie, he is going to ruin this for everyone".

I am not a Kyrie Irving fan. I never have been. Not even in college, or when he hit one of the biggest shots in NBA history. He is a great, great player. I just don't care for him. He is also an insane person. He is a flat Earther. I believe he is anti-vaccine. He has this deep hatred for LeBron James, so much so that he asked to be traded from a perennial Finals team because he didn't want to play with LeBron. He has also destroyed two locker rooms on his way to this new mission of his to shut down this restart. Now, I agree with his issues with the restart. I said it all up top. I want the protests to be front and center on the news, and I do agree that basketball will take away from that. But coming from Kyrie Irving, a kid who grew up with every single advantage, makes millions upon millions of dollars and isn't even going to play, that makes me mad. I'm sorry, but it does. It pisses me off truthfully. I get his message, I cannot say that enough, but he has money to last for the rest of his life. He makes money outside of his NBA contract. He is doing just fine. But what about the 8th or 9th guy on his team. What is that guy going to do if they cancel this season? Also, if they cancel this season, that will lead to, almost certainly, a lockout next year, and billions upon billions of dollars will be lost. Again, I agree with his words, but he is only thinking about himself in this scenario. He is only trying, as some conspiracy theorists have put out there, to keep LeBron from chasing another title.

Yet, there have been other voices coming out in support of Irving, like Dwight Howard, Avery Bradley and Carmelo Anthony. Dwight Howard, I get. His baby's mother died from this disease. He has personal issues with this. If Minnesota were invited, and they asked KAT about it, and if he didn't want to restart, I'd get it. He lost his mother to the virus. Stephen Jackson has been very vocal about cancelling the restart, and he is one of the biggest voices in the protests, I love what he is doing, and how much he is stepping up. He also lost a dear friend due to police brutality. He is also retired. I get why he is so adamant on stopping the restart. But, Kyrie, Avery Bradley and Carmelo, they confuse me. I think I covered why Kyrie's involvement puzzles me. Carmelo, he begged to get back in the league, got signed, and has played well. Why now does he not want a chance to play, at least, eight more games? I don't know. Maybe he is fearful of the virus or getting hurt or something else. But for a guy that was on every TV show until he got signed to suddenly be against a restart, that is puzzling. Avery Bradley is a role player, and I assume he would like to continue to make money. He would be giving up a huge chunk of his salary if they don't restart, and then he would be looking for a new team next season when the lockout inevitably happens. His involvement is the most puzzling of the names of players that have been released. He is due to lose the most money of any named player against a restart.

Ed Davis, who is a ten year vet came out yesterday and brought up some very good points I thought about not restarting. He mentioned that guys like Kyrie, they have made their money and they will be set. The people who have most to lose are vets like him. They rely on the paychecks that come in every two weeks to provide and care for their loved ones. They make a ton of money, but it isn't at the level that a Kyrie Irving makes. So while Davis said he gets where Kyrie is coming from, he also stated that a player like Kyrie doesn't have the same worries as a player like himself does.

I fully agree with Ed Davis. That is the bottom line of all this, and that is the sad thing. The NBA is a business. They are around to make money and get on TV and promote super stars. I asked my wife, who works for a big time stock firm, what would they do if someone said they wanted to leave to go protest and march. She said they would wish them all the luck in the world, sing their praises, support them and let them know they would try and save their job. She also told me that while that person was away, they wouldn't be required to pay them. That is how businesses work, and I think Kyrie doesn't realize, or care about that. If he does get his way, and enough star guys decide to sit out this restart, enough star players that is, this will cause much bigger problems in the future. There will be a lockout next season. The CBA will be torn to shreds and the owners will have all the power. The NBA will use their Force Majeure clause, they can use this in an event that is so catastrophic that is causing unforeseen cancellations, and rip up everything past players worked for today. This is a very weird, very rough, very bad time in the world right now. We are living through some awful shit. And while I applaud the reasoning that some guys are giving for not wanting to restart, I also think they need to know that it will destroy everything they have worked for to be where they are today, to make the money they make today, to have the power to speak to people the way they do today.

The NBA is one of, if not the, most forward thinking professional leagues in the world. If they cancel this restart, it will be catastrophic though. I don't think it will be cancelled though. LeBron has already come out and said the he doesn't think restarting will take away from his ability to speak to people and force change. I agree with him. Also, when he said that, any anger I had towards Kyrie went away, because when LeBron speaks, the NBA listens.

This is one of the more confusing and frustrating things I have dealt with personally as a sports fan. I want the NBA back. I want to watch basketball. But I also want people to continue talking about the protests, I want people to continue to march, I want the police defunded. I want all these things, and I still think we can have it even with NBA players playing basketball. I guess time will tell. Until then, I will be curious to see what the next couple of weeks has in store, because the next couple of weeks is when players are supposed to start reporting to the mini training camps. We will just have to wait and see. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing, the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast, and the greatest basketball writer on the internet.

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"RTJ4" Breakdown: The Final Verdict


Wrapping up my week long deep dive into "RTJ 4", I want to talk about how important, influential and historic this record is.

This is one of the best records to come out in years. I have deep dived into each song, wrote a piece on the "ooh la la" video and have listened to it dozens of times to this point. It is a solid record with hit after hit. This is one album where you don't skip any songs. Each song has something cool and unique and different. The 11 tracks on here offer something to every listener. I feel like this is a record that can get non hip hop people, people who say they don't like rap, to listen and find something they enjoy. It spans genres and has something for everyone. It is a perfect record. It has made that seemingly impossible goal.

As for its importance, I mean, there are about a million different reasons why this is an important record. We live in dark, dark times. There is a pandemic, there is police brutality and murder, there is a "president" that is clearly a white supremacist. We live in the darkest timeline. We live in a "Black Mirror" episode right now. So the importance of "RTJ 4" is front and center. They talk about all of it, and then some. They cover all kinds of ground. "walking in the snow" has Killer Mike saying the words, "I can't breath" in a whisper, and he wrote that over two years ago. It is even more prominent now. This is the protest record that we all need right now. This is the record filled with anthems that will be played at rallies and protests and any other gathering of individuals that want change, that need change. We need things to be different. We need equal rights for all. Black Lives Matter. The police have too much money and power. The "government" is a sham and a farce. It is all covered on this album perfectly. Every time I listen I get the slightest sense of relief. I think that things are going to be okay. I have this hope that the future is in good hands. And a lot of it is due to the searing lyrics on "RTJ 4". A lot is also due to Killer Mike and El-P. And I know during the week it feels like I haven't spoken about El-P enough. I want to say that he is tremendous, a great rapper, an excellent producer and beat maker and the best partner Killer Mike could have ever asked for. El-P is awesome. Killer Mike just does something otherworldly on this album. They both have gotten better, Killer Mike is just in a whole other echelon right now. He grew leaps and bounds on this album. He is the voice of the new generation. I know he may not want that position, but dammit, he is too important to all of us right now. Listen to the album, and then go watch him speak on the myriad of shows he has appeared on for the past month. He is speaking the truth.

As for the album’s influence, I am sure, almost 100 percent, that there are kids out there, teenagers, kids in their early 20's, who want to make important political music, and their gateway, their textbook, will be "RTJ 4". There is going to be a big group of people that come up in the next decade, and some that will hit it big, I would bet any money that they reference "RTJ 4" as the reason why they decided to push on. Just like 70's rockers thank old blues musicians, or Daft Punk talks about French synth music, or The Beatles talking about Little Richard, that will be "RTJ 4" in the future. I have no doubts.

And as for its history, hell it is all above. This record is going to go down as one of the greats. Years from now, it will be on best of the early 2020's lists. This is going to be a record that all publications and websites as the revolutionary record of the 2020 pandemic. People will talk about it as an election year record. It is going to be talked about for years and years to come, and that is such a great thing. There is a movement happening. People are fed up, we are angry, we don't like the police or the "government" and enough is enough. "RTJ 4" is the soundtrack to this revolution that is going to happen sooner rather than later. It is one of the best records that have ever been put into existence, and it will be remembered for all time.

I thank Run the Jewels, and I am so very impressed by what they did. I am going to go listen to the record the 100th time now. I suggest you do too. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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"RTJ4" Breakdown: Day 3


Today I am going to talk about the last three tracks on "RTJ 4", leaving tomorrow open for me to talk about why this record is so revolutionary and so important. Let's get to these tracks first.

"The Ground Below" comes in hot, with distorted instrumentation, and man does it bang. Killer Mike comes in and destroys right away, saying he is "Godzilla and we are all Tokyo". That is perfect. It says it all in 6 words. He then talks about supporting sex workers unionizing. Gosh, he is the man. Then El-P does the chorus, and he then gets a verse. He goes hard on this track. His rap style is so perfect for the music that plays over this song. It just works so perfectly. I also love when he says, "this isn't a conspiracy, but you all are against me". The song then drops off for a minute, slowing down, and then fast drums and Killer Mike comes back in, speaking so many truths, as he does this whole record. I also love how he tells us, the listeners, that they have given us all so much for free. It is true and I love him for that. This song starts fast, slows down for about 15 seconds, then finishes with a deafening boom. There is so much heat packed into a less than three minute song. RTJ have become masters of doing that.

The next track, "Pulling the Pin" features Josh Homme, from Queens of the Stone Age, on drums, and Mavis Staples on backing vocals. Those 2 are a get, especially Staples. To get Mavis Staples on a track, that shows importance, fame, influence and attention they've garnered over 4 records now. That is an achievement. The song happens to rule as well. Homme's drumming adds a very cool layer to the music. I also really like the ominous beat that is attached. It is slowed down for a purpose, and El-P comes on first, almost speaking directly to us rather than rapping. It is awesome. The stuff he says is very profound too. This is his Killer Mike, his Jordan moment. He shines on this first verse. I find myself going back to this song a lot more lately just to listen to the lyrics. To study them a bit. And after his verse is when Staples comes in, and just hearing her voice is a treat. Then Killer Mike comes in and does that super fast lyricism, but it is understandable and the words hold weight. He then slows it down and really shines through. He is so good on this record, and I feel like he is cementing himself as one of the best emcees of all time. In fact, both him and El-P are climbing up the rankings as best rappers in the game right now, and forever. Staples then finishes the song off, and it is great. She is one of the all time greats, one of the classic singers of all time.

The final song, "A Few Words for the Firing Squad(Radiation)", reminds me a lot of "A Message to the Shareholders/Kill Your Masters", off of "RTJ 3". It starts off with a repetitive guitar that gets louder throughout. Then El-P starts off the song, and much like the track before, he is so smooth with this slower beat. When the saxophone comes in, that just adds a whole other layer to their music. It shows growth, and a want to try new things from RTJ. I love it. Then Killer Mike comes in with a very personal story about his mom's passing. It is painful and sad and, for anyone that has experienced loss, it is relatable. He then talks about how people want him to become a voice for change, but how his wife wants a husband and not another martyr. I love when artists get personal as I said yesterday. Then El-P does his thing again, and Killer Mike does as well with the second verse. They both come at you hard in what is their final verse of the album. Both personal, both telling it like it is and both crushing. The song then drops for a minute, and we get strings, with that guitar, except really slow. Then sound explodes, and the saxophone is put on full display. It is very cool, and they let the listener sit in this for about a minute. The album then totally drops, you may think it is over, but then a narrator of sorts comes on and gives a very cool speech about the two of them over a dope beat. The song has a little chorus of "yankee and the brave", and the album is over. It is perfect.

I love, love, love this record and all the songs. I will get fully into detail tomorrow, but it still needs to be said today. "RTJ 4" is a god damn work of art, and we really, really need it right now.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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"RTJ4" Breakdown: Day 2


Okay, so the next 3 songs I'm going to talk about off "RTJ 4" run the gamut of greatness, importance, revolutionary and may be the best three song sequence I have ever heard on a record in my lifetime. These songs are going to go down in history. Especially the first one I'm going to speak on, "Walking in the Snow".

“Walking in the Snow” is the anthem for the current mode of society. This song speaks so many truths it is insane. The fact that this was written well before what is currently going on in the country involving the police is foreboding. It has some "Simpsons" type vibe to it as in predicting the future. The song starts off with a very cool, very distorted guitar. Then it shifts right into verse one, and El-P crushes. He is so good at talking about how bad the world is. How people are treated unfairly because of their place in the world. He says so many things that I agree and can relate with. Throw in the fact that Gangsta Boo is doing the chorus, it makes this song great. What makes this song legendary, historic and profound is Killer Mike's verse. The way he breaks down school scores in world wide testing is perfect. When he then shifts to this is how they predict what prisons will be like in the future, I swear to goodness he is an oracle. He then hits us with the verse where he talks about a police officer choking him out until he says, "I can' breathe", it took my breath away in the best, and most prolific way I have ever been through when listening to music. To then follow it up saying the best it will get out of people is a Twitter rant and people talking for a week, then just forgetting about it, I don't know if a truer statement has been made in music. Both come back with minor verses to close out the song, and I love what Gangsta Boo does at the end. But, "Walking in the Snow" is going to become the anthem for the time. It will be our new "Fuck tha Police", our new "Fight the Power", our new protest anthem for decades to come. This song was a vision of the future when they wrote it around two years ago, and to hear it now, it brings a shiver down my spine by how accurate it is. It is, without a doubt, the most important song on the record, and might be, scratch that, is the most important song of the year, and possibly decade.

They follow that up with "JU$T", which features Zack de la Rocha and Pharrell Williams. This song is a perfect encapsulation of people trying to make money off their image, but being controlled by the government and the powers that be. Killer Mike mentions all this in the first verse. He also does it later in the song when he talks about telling us to "Kill Your Masters", which is also a great, important song. Pharrel Williams is fantastic on the chorus. The things he says are so true, and the way it is put out there is perfect. El-P then comes in and reiterates what Killer Mike says, but puts his wonderful spin on current affairs. He is a great, great writer. Add that to his production, the guy is a genius. His comedy line at the end of his verse is dope as hell too. Then de la Rocha comes in and spits straight fire like he has always done. His verse is brutal, he rips everyone and the verse apart. I love the distortion he uses on the mic too, that is kind of his signature. When he teams up with RTJ, it is going to work no matter what. When the three of them are together on a track, that is what gives me my most visceral moments when I listen. I yell out in my car, or on my runs whenever I hear the three of them trade verses. It is true beauty.

"Never Look Back" is RTJ at their bleakest on this record, but they do that better than anyone. This song is all about not dealing with the BS, at least for me. They both had rough childhoods it sounds, but they are pushing ahead and trying to right their wrongs. This song is kind of like them growing up on the mic. It is really cool to hear them talk about personal experiences, and how they have grown from them. I like when artists bare themselves on tracks like this. They also slow this one down a bit in the middle, but come back with a vengeance, and of course it works. When El-P comes back in after the little slow down, and he and Killer Mike trade words and verses, it is such a great way to close out this near perfect track.

These three songs are some of the best songs, in any genre of music, that I have heard in quite some time. This is the point in some records where it might drag. But "RTJ 4" is different. They take this time to really push their message out there. They let it all out on these three songs, and like I said at the top, these songs are going to go down in history as three of the most important songs in music history. I do want to single out "Walking in the Snow" one more time. That song will be talked about forever. I feel like my son will be talking about it when he is my age. It has that kind of staying power. This run of songs only solidifies how perfect "RTJ 4" truly is.

This is one of the best runs of songs on an album of all time. This is like what The Beatles did on "Abbey Road". I'm not joking, and that is the highest of high compliments from someone like me. These songs are perfect. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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"RTJ4" Breakdown: Day 1


Welcome to day two of my week long review of the modern masterpiece that is "RTJ 4". Today is when I start to talk about the songs individually. Like I told you yesterday I will pick three songs a day for the next few days and break them down, tell you why they are perfect songs, and what makes them perfect. Since I have already touched on the first two singles, "yankee and the brave" and "ooh la la", plus a piece on the video, I will not cover those. You can read my thoughts on those in three previous blogs.

I'm going to start with the third song on the record, ""Out of Sight". This was the lone song I had slight reservations about prior to the release because I saw the guest was 2 Chainz. Well, I have learned a lesson. I should never, ever doubt what RTJ is doing, and who they invite to guest on their songs. It is going to be a bomb ass song no matter what. This song has a beat that feels like it could be played on pop radio, and then they start to rap. The song is less about affluence and why that is important. It is more about why that stuff is not so important. They go on and on about certain rap cliches, and then skewer them. They are so good at doing that. And both Killer Mike and El-P trade bars liked two very well seasoned emcees. The way they go back and forth is dizzying and mesmerizing at the same time. The hook is cool too. It is just them saying "out of sight", with some lady singers singing other words. Killer Mike then comes in after the first chorus and just CRUSHES his verse. It is one of the best displays of rapping I have ever heard. I feel like this song was almost a contest between the two of them to see who could say words faster. And then 2 Chainz comes in, and I have to admit, he explodes with his verse. He is a good rapper and he proves that on this song. "out of sight" is dope and has that "radio single" feel off this record. It has that "ooh la la" feel to it.

The next song is called "Holy Calamafuck", and man oh man does this song hit. The beat is dope as hell. The record scratching is so cool. The beginning works so perfectly. Then Killer Mike comes in and, like he does this whole record, just absolutely owns the song. Don't get me wrong. El-P has his moments, he is awesome. I have just been a Killer Mike guy from before RTJ, and he goes to a whole other level on this song, and this record. When the song totally shifts, that is some Flying Lotus type stuff they do. In the middle of the song, actually after the first verse, it sounds like a brand new song. It isn't though. It is like the coolest, most unique bridge I have heard. El-P also destroys when they go to the change in tempo. They kind of slow it up, and do the whole "chop and screw" rap, but make it sound cool. It is such a unique, and new way to present a rap song. Of course only RTJ can do something like this, and make it work so well.

The final song for the day is "Goonies vs E.T.". I don't think the song has anything to do with either movie, but it sure as hell lets both guys do their thing. They are just so god damn good. With each song they get better and better. With each listen, I find something new that I like and missed. They also slow this song down during the chorus, and then go into super kill mode, trading verses back and forth. It's only three minutes long, but it is a jarring three minutes in the best possible way . And Killer Mike coming in at the end is absolutely wonderful.

This first part of the record, I feel like both guys are showing how good they are at rapping. Not only do they write great lyrics, important lyrics, but they put them out there in the best possible way. I adore this first part of the record. And, if you think I'm fan boying a bit too much today, just wait until tomorrow and Thursday. The back half of this record is perfection. I'm just saying. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Listens to "RTJ4"


Last Wednesday I got an email, as well as millions of others I expect, that Run the Jewels had decided to release their fourth album two days early.

I was obviously ecstatic.

I have been anxiously awaiting this album. I have been talking about it on the pod, in my writing and to anyone that will listen about my excitement. I also teased on a podcast a few weeks back that when they released the album I would dedicate an entire week to it. I'd like to welcome you all to that week. That will be my singular focus for the next five days. I'm going to give a review today, something short and sweet. That is because the next four days I will be talking about three songs per day, and then telling you all why I think it is the single most important piece of music out there right now.

Which leads me to my review.

This album is amazing. It was more than worth the wait. You can hear how much they poured themselves into this album. You feel it with every song. I love all of their albums, and I do not think I am being a prisoner of the moment when I say I feel like this is their best work to date. That is also why they are the best group in the world. With each record they continue to grow, try new things out and get better and better. El-P said on Talib Kwali's podcast that they have worked their hardest yet on "RTJ4", and it clearly shows. From the beats to the lyrics, it is a phenomenal, seminal piece of musical art. This goes beyond genres. This isn't simply the greatest hip hop record of the year, it is, without a doubt, the record of the year. It goes past genres. It is too important to be pigeonholed that way. They do so much more than just rap on this album. I knew they were political before. They have stood up to injustices the world over. Killer Mike is one of the most profound and prolific speakers we have in our country. They take all of that to a whole other level on this album.

I cannot wait to tell you all about some of the songs on this that will become anthems, that will stand the test of time and be talked about for the rest of my life. I am letting my children listen to this record because I want them to know what is going on, and how Run the Jewels, myself and millions upon millions of others feel about the state of the United States right now. It is more than just music for me. This is the start of a revolution that I will fall in line with 100 percent. I will follow Killer Mike and El-P to the ends of the world. I have listened to this record around a dozen times, easily I might add, already. And I will listen to it millions more before the month of June is over. Run the Jewels is becoming the mouthpiece of the new generation. They are my era's Public Enemy, and sorry to RD for writing this, only they are better, and more important. That's the honest truth, and I adore Public Enemy. But when El-P and Killer Mike got together to make this record, it must have been that Jordan feeling for them. They must have known that this was going to be extremely important, extremely loved and talked about as one of the greatest records of all time. I already know that it will top my best of 2020 music list. Hell, the video for "ooh la la" may even be on my best of movies list. I cannot stress enough how important, influential and game changing this record is.

I know that RTJ is supposed to go on tour with Rage Against the Machine next year as their opener, but I feel like RTJ may be more suited to being the headlining act. They are that good. I have always loved these guys, even before they formed RTJ. But the idea they had to pair up was lightning in a bottle, and they have only gotten stronger and stronger with each record and each tour.

Run the Jewels continues to amaze me, and I am glad that I live in a world where they release new music, for free I might add, and it is this god damn good. Please, do yourself a favor and go listen to this album right now. As I said, there will be much more in depth pieces this week. But for today I just want to point out that this is the best record of the year, it is the most important record of the year and it will go down as one of the greatest records of all time. So yeah, I love "RTJ 4".


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Basketball is Back Baby


Yesterday the NBA approved the 22 team proposal to finish out the 2019-20 season. They are heading to mini training camps in June, they will go to Orlando early July for more practice and on July 31st they will start to play real games. This was a nearly unanimous vote. The only team that voted against the proposal was Portland, which I am still a bit confused about since they are one of the non playoff teams being invited.

Needless to say, I am over the moon at this news. I was almost certain up until about two weeks ago that they were going to cancel the season. I just assumed they wouldn't be able to pull it off. And while there is still going to be massive hoops to jump through, while they will need to be extra careful, while I am certain that some players with get sick and contract the virus, I feel like the NBA is being very smart, and more importantly, safe with their plan to finish this out. They seem to have tripled checked everything they are doing, and that is why I think their plan going forward is going to work.

I like a lot about this plan. I love the idea of playing play in tournaments for the final seeds in the East and West. I'm all about the eight extra games to determine seeding. I am stoked that they are going Summer League style and playing games all day long. I get to watch hours and hours of NBA games all day long when they return. That rules. I am curious, and also happy, that they are doing it in one spot and that they are secluding the players in a "bubble". The Wide World of Sports seems like the best possible spot to finish this out. I love that the players are going to get time to get back in shape. To meet up with teammates and coaches again. To see people they like and work with. I am stoked that my team, the Memphis Grizzlies, have a real shot at the playoffs. I love that I will get to see Ja, Zion, LeBron, Kawhi, Chris Paul, Jokic, and so many other stars that I have missed since the season was suspended on March 11th. I even like that the NBA is looking into a way to let guys bring some of their family with them to stay with them while they finish it all out. I am on board with pretty much everything they have set forth as their plan.

The only thing I don't really like is some of the teams they invited. I believe when they were getting closer to a solution last week I said I liked the idea of 20 teams being invited, and having the four extra teams fight for the final playoff spot. I don't get why the Kings, Suns and Wizards are all being invited. The Suns and Kings have a very limited shot at making the playoffs. They have to play flawless basketball for the most part, and they don't have the luxury of facing the Hornets, Warriors or Knicks. All the teams invited are good teams. Washington has an even more uphill battle to fight. They have been not very good all year, and they must play flawless basketball for a shot at the play in tournament. They cannot afford one slip up. It's cool that we will get to see Brad Beal, DeAron Fox and Devin Booker. But, it is going to be eigt games and then they will be sent home. Hell, I could even throw San Antonio in this conversation, but they have the best coach to ever coach the game roaming their sideline, so I still won't count them out.

If the only real problem I see is the addition of two extra teams from what I wanted a week ago. I'd say that is small potatoes. I can live with that. I'm just so very happy that NBA basketball is going to be back. I am also very curious to see how the bench interactions goes, how they deal with social distancing, what they do with crowd noise or if they use mannequins or cardboard cutouts to fill the stands. It is going to be weird at first, but the moment that ball is tossed up and tipped, and these players start playing, I feel like all that will go away for me and I will be grinning from ear to ear because the NBA is back.

This is great news. Real great news. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing, the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast, and the greatest basketball writer on the internet.

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Drew Brees is a Stupidhead


I know "RTJ 4" came out early, and I am still going to dedicate all of next week to the record. Believe me, I have listened to the whole thing multiple times already, and the early release will only give me more time to be more eloquent when I write about it all next week. I'm still doing that. For the remainder of this week though, I have a few things I want to write about.

Today I will focus my energy on Drew Brees and his insensitive, stupid, misinformed and racist statement he made on some show I have never even heard of yesterday. He has already apologized, but it was one of the most cliched apologies I have ever read. It felt like it was pre written years ago by someone that works for him in case he said something as dumb as he did yesterday. I don't buy his apology, and I think, when he made his statement about "standing for the flag" yesterday, that is what is truly in his heart. That is what he believes. The apology is to try and save face. He doesn't mean it, he just doesn't want anyone mad at him anymore. To that I say, too late. I have seen a few people come to his defense, and bring up freedom of speech. To those people I say, read a book and actually look at what guys like Colin Kaepernick and others when doing when they knelt during the anthem. Find out why they were actually doing that. Read what they were peacefully protesting by kneeling. They are more American than Drew Brees could ever dream of being, or any other racist that sits on their couch and yells at them for "disrespecting the flag".

Brees' statement, for those of you that still don't know, or are simply avoiding it, was basically spitting in the face of players who peacefully protested police brutality. The protests have nothing to do with the flag, with America, with disrespect, with wars, none of that. Kaepernick started kneeling because of police brutality aimed at minorities. He knelt because he saw what we all see everyday. A lot of police officers profile minorities, without even doing a check first, and that was what the players were protesting. They weren't protesting the anthem. They weren't saying the hate America, although I don't really like it right now. They were, and still are, protesting police brutality. So for Brees to make a blanket statement like he did yesterday, he clearly hasn't done his research, and he said what I feel like he truly believes. He didn't do his homework, he just popped off at the mouth.

And boy oh boy did the heat come pretty much immediately after it was shown on multiple websites. We have just witnessed the police murder a man in cold blood. In fact, police have been doing this forever. Kaepernick's protest started in 2016. So, after the Brees interview was released, star athletes everywhere chimed in, as I hoped they would. LeBron James instantly called him out, stating, "is it still a surprise, not anymore". That is one of the truest statements that was made yesterday. Teammates of his, Michael Thomas and Malcolm Jenkins and Emmaunel Sanders came out and called him out on his racist statement. Richard Sherman chimed in with some very thought provoking statements. Stephen Jackson and Ed Reed put out two great, two not safe for work, videos that I have watched multiple times. Hell, even Aaron Rodgers came out and said something. After Rodgers statement, CJ McCollum came out and tweeted, "we need more Aaron Rodgers and less Drew Brees". He is right. Since then many, many other athletes have come out and spoken their minds. Players are talking about all the respect they have lost for him, how phony his whole "brotherhood" stuff is, how he doesn't really, truly care about anyone but himself. I completely agree with them. His statement was so selfish and so self fulfilling. He doesn't care about Michael Thomas or Alvin Kamara or any skill player that is a minority on his team. They have made him millions of dollars, but his statement yesterday alone proves he doesn't care about them personally at all. He looks at them like owners of football teams do. They are property to him, and if they kneel to protest police brutality, he doesn't even want to give them the time of day. He doesn't care. And the apology does nothing to change my mind at all.

Drew Brees is a scumbag and he showed me, and all of the world yesterday his true colors. I didn't cheer for or against the Saints before yesterday, but now I will be cheering very hard against Drew Brees. He is as misinformed as any other person out there that has never done a lick of research into why players were/are peacefully protesting. He is a racist and I will only see that in him now. He can apologize all he wants, my mind is made up. As Ed Reed said, he is a "sucka". That's facts. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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Thoughts on the Protests


I know what I said Monday, about sticking to pop culture stuff, but as I watched the news, looked at social media and just thought about the state of the world last night, I feel like I need to address what is going on.

I want to try and formulate how bad this is, why is it this bad, did we have to get to this state and how much it bothers me to see systemic racism in 2020. Black people in America are being killed for no other reason than the color of their skin. That was painful to write. We now are seeing it almost everyday. And it has only gotten worse to date. We have Ahmaud Arbery who was shot while simply jogging. There was a black gentleman in Kentucky I believe who was murdered over the weekend and left on the street for upwards of eight hours. There was George Floyd who was audibly telling the horrific and murderous police officer that he "couldn't breath". And there are countless others, almost too many to count, which is so shameful, that have lost their life for being black.

I don't know how, or if, it will ever change. Saying all this, I get the protests. I want to be out there so bad protesting, fighting for injustice, but I have a wife and two little kids. I am going to fight this the best way I know how, but unfortunately for me, that is from a computer or on a podcast. I was raised, am raising my kids and trying to help anyone else out there to not see people for the color of their skin. I was told to get to know someone first before I judge them. It was ingrained in me to meet someone, talk to them, ask questions and really, truly get to know them. I do the same with my kids. So does my wife. I have never crossed to the other side of the street because I saw a person of color coming towards me. I have never been afraid to go to places that are considered "dangerous" by others because I know I'll be okay. I have never simply decided to not befriend a person because they didn't grow up like I did. It's just not in my DNA. And, as you all know, I am a 37 year old white male that grew up middle class. I have never wanted for, longed for or wished I had stuff. I grew up privileged to a degree. I have been harassed by local police. I have been pulled over while driving with some of my African American friends in the car. I had long hair and Bob Marley stickers on my car as a teenager, so I was followed many times by police. Still, I have no idea what was really going through my friends heads when we were pulled over. I don't know how scared they were. I don't know if they felt they had to be ready to defend themselves. I look back at that time in my life and think, were my actions making them more fearful than they could have been. I was brutally honest with the police when I was pulled over. I would ask why they were doing this, what they were looking for, why they were harassing me. I never once thought, maybe I shouldn't do this, you know, for the sake and safety of my friends. I guess that is what it is like to be a white kid in the Midwest. I had no fear. But, maybe my friends did. That is a feeling I don't think I ever knew, and I hope my kids don't.

With all that being said, I want my kids to know that, even though they are growing up the same way I did, they need to feel empathy and sympathy for friends of theirs that are not white. I want them to respect and understand why they may be afraid of other white people or cops or people who are supposed to be "in charge". The biggest shame of it all right now is how the "government" is handling this whole situation. That coward that currently resides in the White House is sitting in a bunker and having his people fire rubber bullets and tear gas at protesters. What a punk he is. This is really showing his true colors. And for those of you that see this, think it is okay and still support him, kindly go screw yourself and please don't talk to me ever about politics. I don't agree with you, I never will and I don't respect you. That bogus photo op he did at that church was one of the slimiest and most devious things I have ever seen. Joe Biden is out there visiting people, talking to people, letting it be known that he wants to listen, and that obese scumbag that resides in the White House is hiding out. He is a racist, a fascist and a coward. I simply cannot believe it has come to this with that monster. I am appalled.

As for the protests, as I said before, I stand with the protesters. I want them to let their voice be heard. I want them to be out there yelling from the hilltops to be respected, to be heard, to be allowed to speak. They deserve that right. As for the looting, I am not a looter. I don't get the appeal of breaking and taking stuff. But I understand the anger. I get that some are so upset and down trodden that they figure this is the best way to get someones attention. I think the punk ass surfers, and white people with masks doing it are wrong. They just want free stuff. But the people that are actually affected by this systemic racism, I get it. As for the police, I have never trusted them. I have never really respected them. Like I said, I was a target because of the way I looked as a teen, and that has sat with me ever since then. I also brought a good amount of my inner city friends out to the county all the time, and that made the police act even more suspicious of me and my buddies. I know not all police are bad, but it seems to be that a good majority of them are not that good. That they have had some weird vendetta since they were a kid, and now that they have weapons and some "authority", they are letting it get to their head. Everyone is talking about the looters and protesters being "one bad apple", the same can be said about the police, expect it is more like 50 percent are bad apples.

I wished as a kid that racism was going to be a thing of the past when I became an adult. Unfortunately it only seems to be getting worse and I truly don't know if it will ever go away, if we will ever live in a world where everyone is treated equal. We live in a very, very dark timeline right now, and it is very unfortunate for all of us that the "powers that be" are only stoking the flames. I hope we all do the right thing, the grown up thing, and vote for change come November. That is the only hope I have right now for the future of this country. If we get another four years of this, we could be in a very awful downward spiral, even worse than what is going on currently. Let's all go out and prove that we don't like this, that we don't accept this, that we want change. Let's all do that come November. In the end, Black Lives Matter. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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The NBA Has a Plan. Now Let's Get This Thing Going.


Being that the world is still a shit storm of a waking nightmare, and I talked politics with RD on the most recent pod, I am going to go back to my sports and other pop culture stuff that I normally write and talk about. What is happening in the world is awful, brutal, racist and wrong. It makes me upset and angry. But, I want to keep those conversations between me and my loved ones. I will fight in my way, and support in my way. For now though, on to some NBA news.

Last Friday there was a big time conference call involving all the big wigs in NBA circles. They are looking to devise a plan that will have teams starting games on July 31st, with a training camp type atmosphere starting in mid June. They have also talked about three plans, that I know of, where, one has all 30 teams come back and play a few games to close out the regular season. The second plan, they just have the 16 teams, 8 from each conference, to go right into playoffs. The third option, have 20-22 teams come, keep the top 16 teams and have a play in tournament for the other 6 teams.

The third plan is the one I like the most. I like the idea of having teams like Memphis, Portland, San Antonio and New Orleans all vying for the final couple playoff spots. I would love to see Ja Morant and Zion Williamson face off to go to the playoffs. I feel like Greg Poppovich could devise some crazy game plan for a one or two game play in spot. I would love to see Damien Lillard under that pressure because the dude always comes up big in big time moments. I think it would be like the end of the all star game this year. Guys would be going all out to get into the playoffs.

I also wanted to point out that the four teams I mentioned that would be invited, they are all West teams. The Western Conference continues to be the best. I mean, teams like Orlando and Brooklyn are going to get in because they are firmly in the playoffs in the East right now, but come on, I would much rather watch competitive first round series than see Milwaukee cruise by Orlando in the first round and Indiana in the second round. I would also like to see them seed the top 16 teams, after the play in tournament, by record. I want the 1 seed to play the 16 seed. I want it to be like the Sweet Sixteen in the NCAA tournament. I know it wouldn't be as tense, what with the series going at least five games. But still, it would be fun as hell to watch.

That is the other thing with this proposal, or proposals, on the table. I am going to watch no matter what they choose, if they choose to come back. I am a basketball junkie. I have missed it so very, very, very much. I know it has only been three months, but it feels like so much longer. I want any kind of basketball right now. Hell, I watched that HORSE thing they did, which was not great, just because it had pros from everywhere doing wild trick shots. And I understand that someone can get sick doing this. I am sure that someone will get sick. It is bound to happen. But, if they take all the precautions that they have been so far, and I feel like the NBA has been extra safe, almost too paranoid to come back, they should be okay. It looks like they will have the tests. If they choose Orlando, which is a no brainer, they have the space, the rooms and the facilities to be safe. There have been stories already posted that they will only allow teams to bring 35 total people per team. That includes roster, coaches, staff and trainers.

The NBA, at least it seems to me, has looked into restarting closer than any other professional sports league so far. It also helps that they have seen the KBL, UFC, Bundesliga, NASCAR and other pro leagues come back and see very little, to none, positive tests come back. It has all been going well so far. I really, really hope when they vote on Thursday they come back with a firm plan for restarting. All signs seems to point in that direction too. I hope it comes to a conclusion, and if/when it does, I will be watching so much basketball this summer I won't know what to do with myself. Man I hope this happens. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing, the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast, and the greatest basketball writer on the internet.

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Quibi is Worth it for "Reno 911" Alone


So I have been revisiting movies and shows during quarantine, and the other day Comedy Central was showing a block of “Reno 911”. I sat down to watch because I remember loving the show. Hell, I even went to the theater to see the movie they made, I liked it too by the way. I was nervous about how I would look at “Reno 911” all these years later, but it held up. It was still funny, witty, well improvised and I sat there laughing like I used to when it was originally on.

I recently remembered a rumor I had heard awhile back that they were remaking it. Well, maybe not remaking, but doing a new, updated version of the show. I searched and searched, and came across an app called Quibi on my phone that had the show. In fact, they had a bunch of shows that seemed up my alley. There’s some cool sports stuff, music stuff, other comedy shows, even some interesting cooking shows. But, most importantly, they had the newest season of “Reno 911” on there. I did some research about the app before proceeding. There is a two week free trial, and I was given the option to proceed or decline after that. Well, I didn’t even watch a “Reno 911” during the trial. I found that I was watching some of the other shows. Chrissy Teigen has a very funny cooking show. Chris Paul has a basketball show that he produces that I liked. Anna Kendrick stars in an interesting looking show. Even Will Forte and Kaitlyn Olson have a funny show on there. And of course, after checking out the other stuff, I went to “Reno 911”, and it’s still great.

You may be reading this and thinking, damn Ty you are watching too much TV during quarantine, and while I won’t disagree with that, the episodes of the shows on Quibi are 10 minutes of less, including “Reno 911”. Look, this isn’t an ad for Quibi, but what they are doing right now is working really well. It’s also only like four dollars a month, and you can unsubscribe any time. But my reasoning for even trying the app was “Reno 911”, and this updated version is so reminiscent of the old show. It’s shorter, but “Reno 911” is the type of show that thrives on quick clips and quick setups. That is why Quibi is the best platform for the show.

As for “Reno 911”, it helps that everyone is back from the original, with Joe Lo Truglio added on as another officer. I’ve only seen the first two episodes of the new season so far, and actors I like, like Dave Holmes and Michael Ian Black have shown up. It just further proves to me that they aren’t changing the show, they just wanted to bring it back for the fans.

If you have the means, rediscovered the show like me, I recommend getting Quibi and watching the new “Reno 911”. It’s well worth your time had money.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.  

MLB is Blowing It


Earlier today it was announced that the English Premiere League, one of the bigger professional soccer leagues in the world, is going to resume their season on June 17th. They will be doing it behind closed doors, they will air the games and the majority of the players seemed excited. The other soccer league that started seems to be doing okay. The NHL has announced their plan to resume with a 24 team playoff, they just need a venue. The NBA seems to be making progress everyday towards a restart of some kind, my favorite being the 20 team play in type tournament being held in Orlando. And the Korean Baseball League, I would be lying if I said I haven't tuned in here and there to see what pro sports is going to look like in the immediate future.

Every major league seems to be making plans and progress, except the MLB. This was their chance. They could have owned the summer with sports. They could have been the big draw. They could have had all the eyeballs on them. Hell, I am not a baseball guy, but I even admitted to watching the KBL. I would most definitely have watched many more MLB games than I have in nearly a decade, had it come back at some point. But they seem to keep stalling and squabbling over some minor things, and that has kept them from gaining any momentum that other pro leagues seem to gain each day.

Predictably, they are fighting over money. By they I mean the owners and players. I heard someone say recently that the A's are simply going to stop paying minor league players at the moment. How on Earth is that fair? But the professional players, the stars, are making it even harder for any one to make a decision. The Tampa pitcher, Snell or something, I am not sure, came out and bemoaned the fact that he would be asked to take a pay cut to play. I get that he is worried about getting Covid-19, we all are. But for him to bring money into this conversation, especially when he has made millions of dollars, that is some petty junky stuff right there. Now the owners are saying they are going to slash pay for all the games missed, and will continue until they find a resolution. That is absurd, from both parties. The star players that are refusing to take a pay cut, that is necessary. Everyday working people, people who live paycheck to paycheck have lost money, a portion of their salary or their jobs all together. We have millionaires here complaining about losing 100,000 dollars from a check that is over a million dollars. How dare they. Hell, even the NBA guys are willing to take a cut because they just want to get back and play. They asked Chris Paul about that specifically, and he said he doesn't care, he has made enough money, he just misses the game. But ask this Snell guy, or Max Scherzer, and they scoff at the notion they should be paid less. But then for the owners to make any headway, any concession, these players are not property, they are people. Sure, they are people that make an exuberant amount of money, but to these owners, they earned that money. I don't chastise them for trying to make cuts, it is necessary. But, to withhold money from current players, especially minor league players, that is straight up sadistic. I cannot believe what the A's are doing. I hope it is a false report, but at this point, I wouldn't be shocked if it were real.

Baseball had a shot. Hell, I have gotten multiple emails from my son's little league association about the start of his season and the protocols, and it seems like more info than the MLB is willing to put out there. They also seem unwilling, both sides, to bend whatsoever. That's a shame. As I said, they could have owned the summer. They could have been the only show. But now we have the KBL, UFC, NASCAR, pro soccer leagues, Cornhole Leagues and the NHL coming back. Then there is all the progress with the NBA, NFL, college football and basketball. All these sports are so far ahead of the MLB at the moment. They blew it, and it all seems to be for selfish reasons from all parties involved. That is the real bummer of it all, the selfishness. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Better Late than Never on the Underrated Movie "Stardust"


After my rant yesterday, back to the good news, and reviews, the stuff I normally write about.

Today I want to talk about the movie my wife showed me on our quarantine date night. She showed me the movie "Stardust". I vaguely remembered this movie. It kind of came and went in the theaters, got okay reviews and the fans, they are fans for life. That includes my wife. She truly loves this movie. This is a movie that, if it is on, she will watch it. I don't know why it has taken me so long to sit and watch the whole thing because of her love of it, but it just has. I guess when she would watch it I would be out doing whatever I do. But, it was her turn for the movie pick, and she has wanted me to see it for sometime now.

Well I am here to say that she was right. This movie was so much fun, it was whimsical, it was funny, it had action, big stars and has come closest to reminding me of the wonderful "Princess Bride". Now, it isn't as good as "Princess Bride", but it has its own charm that is akin to that movie. It is a fairy tale. It has a princess and a guy that fights for her. It has laugh out loud moments. And the performances were really top notch. Robert De Niro was an absolute delight as an air pirate. He and his crew capture lightening to sell, and he has a secret he has to keep from them all. The secret is that he is a gay man. He thinks he has to hide this from them all to keep his reputation, but it is revealed that they all know, and it was a great scene of acceptance and still let De Niro come off as a tough guy. Claire Danes was solid as the star that the main guy needs to capture. She was sweet, I bought her love interest for the main guy and she did a very good job. She has become an actor that is very reliable. The main guy, Charlie Cox, was a fool, a boob, a buffoon, but it was all played very fun and funny. Even when he becomes the hero, he was still goofy, and I enjoyed that. There is a whole other subplot involving Peter O'Toole and his sons that was great. O'Toole is the king of the magical land in the movie, and he is waiting to crown his heir. But, the sons all kill one another trying to get the crown. This may sound brutal, but it is played for tons of laughs. When they die, they all come back as ghosts, and kind of narrate what they see. They watch each other brother take out the next one, and then commiserate together as ghosts. It was my favorite side story of the movie. Even famous people like Henry Cavill and Sienna Miller are good in their very small roles.

What I enjoyed most about this movie was how whimsical and fairy tale esque it was. It was a good time. It was a sweet story. It was told, acted and directed very well. I went to check the director, and it was Matthew Vaughan. He has since become a big time director. He, since "Stardust", has done both "Kingsmen" movies, both "Kick Ass" movie, "X-Men: First Class", and he did "Layer Cake" before this one. The dude is a legit director, and it shows. What I enjoyed about his direction was how funny he made stuff that could've ended up too grim and gruesome. In "Stardust" he showed that he could make light of dark situations that is so prevalent in his movies now. This was where he really showcased that. There is a teeny bit of it in "Layer Cake", but not like what he did in "Stardust", and what he has done since.

I cannot recommend this movie enough. I wished I had seen it sooner, but hey, I haven't seen it now, and I really, truly enjoyed it. This was a movie I avoided for so many dumb reasons, and it may have taken a quarantine date night for me to watch it all, but hey, better late than never. "Stardust" is a wonderful movie. Check it out. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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The Covidiots of Missouri


I was going to write about my movie quarantine date night with my wife today, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Why you ask?

I, much like the rest of the country, saw that a bunch of people, far, far too many in fact, decided it was okay to take this Memorial Day weekend and decide to go to their local beach or pool. This happened in the state I live in. I got messages and emails from friends who live elsewhere now asking me what the hell was going on. I had to explain to them, which I feel like it isn't my duty, that I was not there, and that the Lake of the Ozarks is actually about a three hour drive from where I live. I had to defend myself. I had to let them know that I am still taking all the precautions, even as stay at home orders are being slowly lifted in Saint Louis. The only thing we have added to our okay list is seeing grandparents at their house or ours. We all temperature check and make sure it is all clear before we go. And when I go to the store, the one time a week I do, I happily wear my mask, and wash my hands the moment I get home. I am still living the quarantine life, with one new addition. So, to see people all over the country, and mainly in my home state, being so reckless and careless and selfish and rude and stupid and ridiculous, it boils my blood.

Look, I love going out, it is one of my favorite things to do. I enjoy live music, live comedy shows, the movies, restaurants, all of that stuff. Hell, I even like going to the mall just to check out new shoes, or see if the sporting goods store has new stuff. But I haven't done any of that because there is no need to. I also don't want to put myself, or others, at risk. The fact that these selfish people couldn't spend one holiday weekend at home blows my mind. Public pools aren't that fun when there isn't a pandemic. They are filled with germs. Add on the fact that we currently are living with a pandemic makes this that much scarier. I mean, the people who went to beaches and public pools this weekend, I would be shocked if upwards of 90 percent of them don't get Covid-19. They are practically begging for it by their actions this past weekend. Our health people in Missouri even came out and told them that there is no vaccine, and if you don't practice social distancing, and wear a mask, you are most likely going to get sick. Our people in charge came out yesterday and told anyone that was in a public pool, or didn't practice proper current protocol to self quarantine for fourteen days. I would hope they will do that, but seeing how they acted this weekend, I'm sure they won't, and that will just cause this to last that much longer.

One such person in the Ozarks was interviewed, and when asked why they attending the pool party, they said, "it probably wasn't a good idea, but there is no law when you are drinking that Claw". Screw that person, and anyone else that thinks that way. Just because we want this to be over doesn't mean it is over. Just because you can now go to restaurants and malls doesn't mean this is over. Just because certain states are reopening gyms and public pools doesn't mean you can't get sick. The coronavirus is here, probably for a long, long time, if not forever, and idiots like the people that flocked beaches and public pools are only going to make getting back to some kind of normalcy that much harder.

I want my kids to go to school in the fall, I want to watch football with or without fans, I want my son to play some version of his little league baseball season, I want my daughter to return to her tumbling and dance class. But, when people act the way they did this past weekend, it makes it that much harder for me to feel safe doing all the things I did before we were told to self quarantine. The actions of certain people this past weekend sicken me, and the people complaining about having to wear a mask in public, and I have definitely heard other people say this as well, they are going to really hate a coffin. Take proper precaution please. Wear a mask in public please. Wash and sanitize your hands please. Do what we are being told by scientists and doctors to do right now. Because if we don't, this will just go on and on and on and on, and we will really struggle even more than we are now to get back to some kind of normal life.

I hope the weekend of partying was worth for these people because they are about to get very, very sick in the coming days. Shame on you for doing this, and I hope they know how disgusting most of the world thinks they are now. It's such a pity that so many people are so god damn selfish. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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