Episode CLXIX: Best First Songs on an Album

Episode CLXIX: Best First Songs on Albums
RD Kulik

The first song on an album means so much. It can make or break everything that follows.

Join Ty and RD as the discuss the best first song on albums from artists that they love. To hear what the hype is all about, go listen to their Spotify playlist on the topic.

Take a listen to the conversation by downloading the podcast for free.

Episode XXXVI: Wish We Could Have Been There

Episode XXXVI: Wish We Could Have Been There
RD Kulik

The great pop culture of today was influenced by people who have long stopped creating. Ty and RD discuss the music, comedy, and sports icons of the past that they would love to go back and experience. Bob Marley and Pink Floyd at their creative best. Lenny Bruce and Andy Kaufman defining modern comedy. Our favorite sports teams winning it all. Join us in the time machine and wish we all could have been there to witness greatness.

Episode XI: The Greatest American Band Debate with a Millennial Xer

Episode XI: The Greatest American Band Debate with a Millennial Xer
RD Kulik

Ty's older brother Seth was born in 1979. That makes Seth either an older millennial or younger gen xer. The two discuss who is the Greatest American Band. Seth uses his history of concert going to educate Ty on the influence and importance of The Grateful Dead. Is Ty convinced?