Episode CDXXI: Hot Takes - The Beach Boys and Star Wars

Welcome to a round of hot takes here on the X Millennial Man.

In round 1 Ty will try to convince RD and the audience that The Beach Boys are the most overrated music act ever.

In round 2 RD will explain to Ty and everyone that all Star Wars is good, except for the sequel trilogy.

Come get a ringside seat for some hot take action.

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Episode CDXII: What We Are Looking Forward To in 2025

2025 is upon us, and with a new year we have new things to look forward to.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the movies, television shows, music, video games, and sports they are most excited to see in the new year.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CDIX: 2024 Year in Review: Sports, Music, and Video Games

The X Millennial Man year in sports was very heavy on the Michigan Wolverines. The Wolverines also figured in our year of video games. What about music?

Join Ty and RD as the look back at what was great in sports, music, and video games in the year 2024.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CDII: The Definitive Pop Culture of Generation X and the Millennials

What is the definitive book, song, movie, and historical event of generation x? What about the millennials? What history and pop culture defines us?

Join Ty and RD as they put forth the parts of history and pop culture that defines their respective generations.

Download the episode for free.

X Millennial Man Classic - Episode CCCLXVII: The End of the World Sounds Better as a Prog Rock Concept Album

This episode original premiered on April 22, 2023

Would it not be better as the martians vaporize us that we have a nice synth line blaring in the background? Jeff Wayne thinks that sounds great. How about the four horsemen of the Apocalypse approaching with some heavy blues guitar? Aphrodite's Child is hearing your calls.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the musical mastery of the end of the world with the prog rock masterpieces of "Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds" and Aphrodite's Child's "666"

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCLXXXII: The Story of Live-Aid

After the successful songs "Do They Know it's Christmas" and "We are the World", the music world wanted to capitalize on the public's interest in famine relief. In July of 1985 a concert was going to be held starting in London England and ending in Philadelphia USA. The event was called Live-Aid.

Join RD as he tells Ty the story of Live-Aid and gets his opinion on what is considered the greatest live show ever, and what is considered the worst rock reunion ever.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CCCLXXXI: How 1980s Music Supergroups Solved World Hunger

In the mid 1980s the nation of Ethiopia was going through a terrible famine. The lack of food led to war, and the war led to countless deaths. Something had to be done.

Join RD as he tells Ty the stories of Band Aid and USA for Africa and what they did with the songs "Do They Know its Christmas" and "We are the World" and what it did for famine relief in Ethiopia.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCLXXIV: What We are Looking Forward to in 2024

2024 is upon us and Ty and RD want to talk about a bright future.

Join The X Millennial Man as they discuss the movies, television, music, video games , and more that they want to see in 2024.

Download the episode for free.

X Millennial Man Classic: Episode CCXXXII: A Look at the First Four Broadcast Hours of MTV

Ed Note: This podcast originally premiered on September 12th, 2020.

August 1st, 1981.

A rocket launch followed by the words "Ladies and Gentlemen, rock and roll". MTV is born.

Join Ty and RD as they go through the first four hours of one of the most influential cable channels of all time. Some of the videos were great, many more were terrible.

Join us for this trip into a very important time capsule for Gen Xers and Millennials by downloading the podcast for free.

Episode CCCLIV: The Hit Songs Sung By Actors

Does your girl like to party all the time? Is she like the wind? What does the public not know? Are you looking for a heartbeat? These are the questions that can only be answered by actors who decide to sing hit songs.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the biggest hit songs that were sung by the big actors of the time.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCL: The Satanic Panic of the 1980s

Play Dungeons and Dragons, you love Satan. Listen to heavy metal music, that is Satan's siren song. Cast magic in a video game, you might as well change your address to a residence in Hell.

RD lived the satanic panic of the 1980s, and today he is going to tell Ty all about it. Sounds sinister.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCXLIX: A Mothers Day Playlist

There are many types of moms, and on this Mothers Day we are here to celebrate them all. Be it a MILF, a rich mom, a poor mom, and an absent mom, we at the X Millennial Man salute all the moms.

Join us as we curate a music playlist to celebrate Mothers Day.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCLXVII: The End of the World Sounds Better as a Prog Rock Concept Album

Would it not be better as the martians vaporize us that we have a nice synth line blaring in the background? Jeff Wayne thinks that sounds great. How about the four horsemen of the Apocalypse approaching with some heavy blues guitar? Aphrodite's Child is hearing your calls.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the musical mastery of the end of the world with the prog rock masterpieces of "Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds" and Aphrodite's Child's "666"

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCXXXII: What We Got Right, and Wrong, in 2022

At the beginning of 2022 The X Millennial Man made some predictions on what pop culture was going to worth your time. Today RD is looking back and telling us what we got right, and what we got wrong in the year.

Join the X Millennial Man in a journey of congratulations, and regret.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCXXXI: The Year in Television, Movies, and Music - 2022

How was 2022 when it comes to television, movies, and music? Pretty damn good if you ask The X Millennial Man.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the best of television, movies and music in 2022.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCXX - The Best Movie Soundtracks of Our Time

Many times the music in the movie is just background, but sometimes the movie itself is background to the great music. Today we talk about the latter.

Join the X Millennial Man as they discuss the best movie soundtracks of the last forty years.

Download the podcast for free.

X Millennial Man Classic: Episode CCXXXII: A Look at the First Four Broadcast Hours of MTV

Ed Note: This podcast originally premiered on September 12th, 2020.

August 1st, 1981.

A rocket launch followed by the words "Ladies and Gentlemen, rock and roll". MTV is born.

Join Ty and RD as they go through the first four hours of one of the most influential cable channels of all time. Some of the videos were great, many more were terrible.

Join us for this trip into a very important time capsule for Gen Xers and Millennials by downloading the podcast for free.

X Millennial Man Classic: Episode CCXXXI: The Pop Culture We Discovered During the Pandemic

Editor’s Note: This episode originally premiered on September 5th, 2020

What good has come out of the pandemic? For the X Millennial Man, they have used the time to visit some pop culture they may have missed. Never listened to the Talking Heads? The pandemic made us check the band out. Never watched a popular show? Thanks again pandemic.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the pop culture they discovered during the great coronovirus pandemic.

Download the podcast for free.