Bad Pizza Maker Papa John also Happens to be a Bad Person
/This pizza does not look good, and we would still eat it before anything from Papa John's
Papa John is an idiot.
I have never liked his pizza for one. It is gross and just kind of sad. Any other big time chain, the Dominoes, Pizza Huts, Little Caesar's, all the chain places, they are much, much better than Papa John's pizza. Awhile back I also found out some personal things about Papa John, and that made me dislike him even more. He is an ultra conservative. He donated money to this current "administration". He is cruel to his employees. He only cares about his pockets and his shareholders pockets. Basically, he is a garbage human being. Also, his commercials are stupid. The people in them try way, way too hard. I am one of the few people who do not care for Peyton Manning, the actor. I didn't care for him as a football player either, and he is also a garbage person supposedly. But, I do not find him funny or charming or anything that he does behind or on camera. He is boring. He's not as boring as Eli, but he is boring. I also do not think JJ Watt is much of an actor. He needs to stick to football and raising money for hurricane relief. These are the 2 guys I saw most in Papa John's commercials.
Papa John is also totally in bed with the NFL owners. There are many pictures of him sidling up to douchebags like Jerry Jones and Robert Kraft. And these monsters even look a bit uncomfortable taking pictures with him. Papa John is a guy that got lucky and made mass produced pizza that some people like.
But, people haven't been buying his pizza much lately. I know that we stopped buying Papa John's over a year ago. I won't eat it due to his politics, and my wife doesn't really like the taste. Even my kids, who have no discernible taste buds at all, think the pizza there is not very good. When we get massed produced pizza, we go for Dominoes. Also, we have places here in Saint Louis like Imo's and Cecil Whittakers. They make the best Saint Louis style pizza.
In an attempt to make himself an even worse human being, Papa John said that his pizza sales are down due to the NFL protests. What an asshole. How dare he claim that guys protesting a social injustice is the cause of his shitty pizza not selling. He claims that people aren't watching the NFL because of the protests, and that has affected sales of pizza on Sunday's.
Time for some real talk. The NFL ratings have been steadily dropping for about 3 years now. With the invention of the "Red Zone Network", people do not have to watch only one game. There is also multiple NFL packages that people can buy where they can watch the only team/teams they want to watch. And some people would rather just be out doing things on a Sunday afternoon now.
Also, who orders pizza for lunch on a Sunday from Papa John's? Not anyone that I want to associate with, I'll tell you that much. That is way too heavy a lunch. And as I keep saying, the pizza is horrible. Also, if I am watching the Sunday night game, I do not want pizza. My wife likes to make a big meal for the whole family, so that is what we eat on Sunday nights. I'm sure there are a lot of other families that do the exact same thing. So no, the protests have nothing to do with your sales tanking Papa John. You make a bad product. People have found cheaper, better, and sometimes, healthier options than your trash pizza. Like I said before, if we go massive chain, noting is better than Dominoes in my house. Sales of frozen pizzas have probably spiked too. I know I buy a few each week so we have them in our house.
This claim by Papa John was just a way to keep his garbage name in the news. He just wants the attention. He is a puppet for the GOP. He thinks his words hold more weight than they actually do. Nobody cares what you say Papa John. I loved all the backlash your punk ass got after making this asinine comment. Even Digornio Pizza owned you on Twitter. Little Caesar's crushed you. Pizza Hut came out and said their sales are just fine. Dominoes didn't even bother with a response.
Face the facts Papa John, no one likes you or your pizza. You are a heartless, soulless puppet. You are a shill. You are no better than a used car salesman. You are loathsome. I hope your sales continue to drop and that you continue to lose more and more money because you did not come by it honestly. Shut your mouth and try and make a better product. Don't blame pro athletes that have a conscience.
Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He knows the Papa John has a last name. We think it rymes with shit-head, we refused to even look it up.
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